294 research outputs found


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    The article focuses on elucidating the distinctive aspects of designing the environment within educational institutions. It identifies the typical characteristics of design found in domestic higher education institutions, encompassing architectural solutions and functional concepts, as well as principles governing the division of educational spaces and zones. The article also examines the influence of classroom design on academic performance effectiveness. Notable illustrations of contemporary design within the educational environment of Ukrainian higher education institutions are presented. Additionally, the article explores design and architectural solutions employed in educational institutions abroad. Furthermore, the article puts forth original approaches toward shaping a modern design framework for educational institutions' environments. This research aims to uncover the specific characteristics associated with the design of educational institution environments. The object of investigation is the educational institution itself, viewed as a subject for design and architectural solutions. Research methods. The research employed various methods including description, analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization, and modeling. The article delves into the distinct features associated with the design of educational institution environments. It identifies the defining characteristics of design within Ukrainian higher education institutions, explores the rationale behind such design approaches, and examines the evolution of design in the modern era. The study establishes the key aspects related to the design of specific educational spaces such as study rooms, lecture halls, specialized discipline offices, and computer rooms within Ukrainian higher education institutions (hereinafter HEIs). Additionally, recreational areas are characterized as a unique type of educational space, providing students with an opportunity to rest during breaks and prepare for upcoming classes. The study presents an analysis of the merits and drawbacks of the design of educational environments in contemporary domestic higher education institutions. It discerns the distinctive attributes within each category and assesses their influence on students' academic performance. Moreover, the study emphasizes the emerging trends that should be pursued in the development of modern HEIs design. The article uncovers the distinctive characteristics of designing educational institutions both in Ukraine and abroad. It emphasizes the particulars of designing lecture halls, study rooms, specialized rooms, and laboratories. Building upon the obtained results, this research develops approaches and principles for shaping the design of educational institution environments in Ukraine.O artigo se concentra em elucidar os aspectos distintivos de projetar o ambiente dentro das instituições de ensino. Identifica as características típicas de design encontradas nas instituições de ensino superior nacionais, englobando soluções arquitetônicas e conceitos funcionais, bem como princípios que regem a divisão de espaços e zonas educacionais. O artigo também examina a influência do design da sala de aula na eficácia do desempenho acadêmico. Ilustrações notáveis de design contemporâneo dentro do ambiente educacional de instituições de ensino superior ucranianas são apresentadas. Além disso, o artigo explora soluções de design e arquitetura empregadas em instituições de ensino no exterior. Além disso, o artigo apresenta abordagens originais para moldar uma estrutura de design moderno para ambientes de instituições educacionais. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo descobrir as características específicas associadas ao design de ambientes de instituições de ensino. O objeto de investigação é a própria instituição de ensino, vista como objeto de projeto e soluções arquitetônicas. Métodos de pesquisa. A pesquisa empregou vários métodos, incluindo descrição, análise e síntese, comparação, generalização e modelagem. O artigo investiga as características distintas associadas ao design de ambientes de instituições de ensino. Ele identifica as características definidoras do design nas instituições de ensino superior ucranianas, explora a lógica por trás dessas abordagens de design e examina a evolução do design na era moderna. O estudo estabelece os principais aspectos relacionados ao projeto de espaços educacionais específicos, como salas de estudo, salas de aula, escritórios de disciplinas especializadas e salas de informática dentro de instituições de ensino superior ucranianas (doravante denominadas IES). Além disso, as áreas de lazer se caracterizam como um tipo único de espaço educacional, proporcionando aos alunos a oportunidade de descansar nos intervalos e se preparar para as próximas aulas. O estudo apresenta uma análise dos méritos e desvantagens do design de ambientes educacionais em instituições de ensino superior nacionais contemporâneas. Ele distingue os atributos distintivos dentro de cada categoria e avalia sua influência no desempenho acadêmico dos alunos. Além disso, o estudo enfatiza as tendências emergentes que devem ser perseguidas no desenvolvimento do design de IES modernas. O artigo revela as características distintivas de projetar instituições educacionais na Ucrânia e no exterior. Ele enfatiza as particularidades de projetar salas de aula, salas de estudo, salas especializadas e laboratórios. Com base nos resultados obtidos, esta pesquisa desenvolve abordagens e princípios para moldar o design de ambientes de instituições educacionais na Ucrânia

    Is combined therapy more effective than growth hormone or hyperbaric oxygen alone in the healing of left ischemic and non-ischemic colonic anastomoses?

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    OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to investigate the effects of growth hormone (GH), hyperbaric oxygen and combined therapy on normal and ischemic colonic anastomoses in rats. METHODS: Eighty male Wistar rats were divided into eight groups (n = 10). In the first four groups, non-ischemic colonic anastomosis was performed, whereas in the remaining four groups, ischemic colonic anastomosis was performed. In groups 5, 6, 7, and 8, colonic ischemia was established by ligating 2 cm of the mesocolon on either side of the anastomosis. The control groups (1 and 5) received no treatment. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy was initiated immediately after surgery and continued for 4 days in groups 3 and 4. Groups 2 and 6 received recombinant human growth hormone, whereas groups 4 and 8 received GH and hyperbaric oxygen treatment. Relaparotomy was performed on postoperative day 4, and a perianastomotic colon segment 2 cm in length was excised for the detection of biochemical and mechanical parameters of anastomotic healing and histopathological evaluation. RESULTS: Combined treatment with hyperbaric oxygen and GH increased the mean bursting pressure values in all of the groups, and a statistically significant increase was noted in the ischemic groups compared to the controls (

    Registration of a Laser Beam Scattered from an Aerosol Located in the Probe Beam Aperture

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    An experimental setup has been developed that allows recording the flux of probing radiation scattered from dispersed particles in the 0° direction. To suppress the beam passing through the swarm of dispersed particles a reference beam was used. The reference beam was formed from the probe beam and aligned in the registration plane with the beam passing through the swarm of particles. The Michelson interferometer was tested in an experimental setup to determine the sizes of dust particles of heterogeneous systems. It was shown that by placing a heterogeneous system in one of the arms of the interferometer, it was possible to register the scattered radiation at the angle 0°. This facilitates calculation of the sizes of particles with the same accuracy over the entire size range. To verify the method the iron powder particles sized 50-63 [mu]m were used

    Pendrin expression in nodular and non-nodular thyroid tissues

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    Introduction: Different mechanisms for the expression of pendrin which is an apical iodide transporter have been reported in nodular thyroid tissues compared to normal thyroid. The aim of the present study was to determine the alterations of pendrin expression in nodular and surrounding non-nodular thyroid tissues and clarify the role of pendrin in the functional behaviour of nodular lesions. Material and methods: Twenty-six nodular and paired non-nodular normal thyroid tissues were collected at the same centre. Patients were divided into two groups based on the function of the dominant thyroid nodule; hot nodules (n = 18) and cold nodules (n = 8). mRNA levels of pendrin were evaluated by quantitative RT-PCR. Pendrin protein expression was determined by immunohistochemical analysis. Results of dominant nodules were compared to non-nodular thyroid tissue of the same patient. Results: No statistically significant difference was found with respect to qualitative and quantitative measurements of pendrin expression between hot and cold nodules. However, percent immunohistochemical staining of pendrin was significantly higher in both hot and cold nodules compared to non-nodular thyroid tissue of the same patients. RT-PCR revealed comparable mRNA levels of pendrin gene between hot nodules and corresponding normal thyroid tissues. However, in cold nodules, significantly decreased mRNA levels of pendrin were observed compared to normal thyroid tissue. mRNA levels of pendrin showed significant positive correlation with TSH in corresponding non-nodular thyroid tissues. Conclusions: The present study demonstrates that expression of pendrin could not be influenced by TSH in thyroid nodules and expression level of pendrin seems not to have an effect on nodule function. (Endokrynol Pol 2013; 64 (3): 208–214)Wstęp: W guzkowej tkance tarczycowej opisano odmienny od pozaguzkowej tkanki tarczycowej mechanizm ekspresji pendryny — transportera jodu zlokalizowanego w części szczytowej komórki. Celem badania było ustalenie zmian w ekspresji pendryny w guzkowej tkance tarczycowej i otaczającej ją pozaguzkowej tkance tarczycowej, aby wyjaśnić rolę pendryny w zachowaniu czynnościowym zmian guzkowych. Materiał i metody: W tym samym ośrodku pobrano 26 wycinków guzkowej tkanki tarczycowej i sparowanych wycinków pozaguzkowej prawidłowej tkanki tarczycowej. Pacjentów podzielono na dwie grupy w zależności od statusu czynnościowego guzka dominującego: grupę z guzkami gorącymi (n = 18) i grupę z guzkami zimnymi (n = 8). Poziom mRNA i pendryny oznaczono ilościowo metodą RT-PCR. Ekspresję białka pendryny oznaczono metodą immunohistochemiczną. Wyniki dla guzków dominujących porównano z wynikami dla tkanki pozaguzkowej u tego samego pacjenta. Wyniki: Nie stwierdzono statystycznie znamiennych różnic pomiędzy guzkami gorącymi i zimnymi, jeżeli chodzi o wyniki oznaczenia ilościowego i jakościowego ekspresji pendryny. Procentowe barwienie immunohistochemiczne w kierunku pendryny było natomiast znamiennie większe zarówno w przypadku guzków gorących, jak i zimnych w porównaniu z tkanką pozaguzkową u tych samych pacjentów. RT-PCR wykazało porównywalne poziomy mRNA genu kodującego pendrynę w guzkach gorących i prawidłowej tkance tarczycowej u tych samych pacjentów. Z kolei w przypadku guzków zimnych stwierdzono znamiennie niższe poziomy pendryny w porównaniu z prawidłową tkanką tarczycową. Stwierdzono też korelację dodatnią poziomu mRNA pendryny i poziomu TSH w korespondujących tkankach pozaguzkowych. Wnioski: W przeprowadzonym badaniu wykazano, że na ekspresję pendryny nie może mieć wpływu TSH w guzkach tarczycy oraz że poziom ekspresji pendryny nie wydaje się wpływać na czynność guzków. (Endokrynol Pol 2013; 64 (3):208–214

    Proceedings of the West African Hybrid Sorghum and Pearl Millet Seed Workshop

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    Sorghum and pearl millet are the most important cereal crops in West Africa where they provide 70% of total cereal production that provide the major complements in the diets of people in the region. Research progress in the improvement of sorghum and millet is, therefore, of vital importance to the well being of people in West Africa. The Hybrid Sorghum and Pearl Millet Seed Workshop in West Africa is the culmination of the research and development effort by the Institut National de Recherches Agronomiques du Niger (INRAN) , the International Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Support Program (INTSORMIL), and the International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-arid Tropics (lCRISAT) during the last 10 years. The workshop served as a forum for documenting experience gained in the development, release, and diffusion of NAD-l as the first commercial sorghum hybrid in Niger. It marked a significant milestone in the history of agriculture for Niger and possibly for West Africa. The workshop brought together sorghum scientists from throughout Africa, the United States, India, and Europe. Mr. B.R. Barwale, the 1998 recipient of the World Food Prize who is credited for laying the foundation of the seed industry in India also attended the meeting and shared his experience with a paper entitled Hybrid Seed Experiences in Developing Countries