247 research outputs found

    Adaptive Disturbance Tracking Theory with State Estimation and State Feedback for Region II Control of Large Wind Turbines

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    A theory called Adaptive Disturbance Tracking Control (ADTC) is introduced and used to track the Tip Speed Ratio (TSR) of 5 MW Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT). Since ADTC theory requires wind speed information, a wind disturbance generator model is combined with lower order plant model to estimate the wind speed as well as partial states of the wind turbine. In this paper, we present a proof of stability and convergence of ADTC theory with lower order estimator and show that the state feedback can be adaptive

    Artificial neural network for non-intrusive electrical energy monitoring system

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    This paper discusses non-intrusive electrical energy monitoring (NIEM) system in an effort to minimize electrical energy wastages. To realize the system, an energy meter is used to measure the electrical consumption by electrical appliances. The obtained data were analyzed using a method called multilayer perceptron (MLP) technique of artificial neural network (ANN). The event detection was implemented to identify the type of loads and the power consumption of the load which were identified as fan and lamp. The switching ON and OFF output events of the loads were inputted to MLP in order to test the capability of MLP in classifying the type of loads. The data were divided to 70% for training, 15% for testing, and 15% for validation. The output of the MLP is either ‘1’ for fan or ‘0’ for lamp. In conclusion, MLP with five hidden neurons results obtained the lowest average training time with 2.699 seconds, a small number of epochs with 62 iterations, a min square error of 7.3872×10-5, and a high regression coefficient of 0.99050

    Improved analytical methods for microarray-based genome-composition analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Whereas genome sequencing has given us high-resolution pictures of many different species of bacteria, microarrays provide a means of obtaining information on genome composition for many strains of a given species. Genome-composition analysis using microarrays, or 'genomotyping', can be used to categorize genes into 'present' and 'divergent' categories based on the level of hybridization signal. This typically involves selecting a signal value that is used as a cutoff to discriminate present (high signal) and divergent (low signal) genes. Current methodology uses empirical determination of cutoffs for classification into these categories, but this methodology is subject to several problems that can result in the misclassification of many genes. RESULTS: We describe a method that depends on the shape of the signal-ratio distribution and does not require empirical determination of a cutoff. Moreover, the cutoff is determined on an array-to-array basis, accounting for variation in strain composition and hybridization quality. The algorithm also provides an estimate of the probability that any given gene is present, which provides a measure of confidence in the categorical assignments. CONCLUSIONS: Many genes previously classified as present using static methods are in fact divergent on the basis of microarray signal; this is corrected by our algorithm. We have reassigned hundreds of genes from previous genomotyping studies of Helicobacter pylori and Campylobacter jejuni strains, and expect that the algorithm should be widely applicable to genomotyping data

    Validating the Food Behavior Questions from the Elementary School SPAN Questionnaire

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    Background The School Physical Activity and Nutrition (SPAN) questionnaire were developed as a surveillance instrument to measure physical activity, nutrition attitudes, and dietary and physical activity behaviors in children and adolescents. The SPAN questionnaire has 2 versions. Objective This study was conducted to evaluate the validity of food consumption items from the elementary school version of the SPAN questionnaire. Design Validity was assessed by comparing food items selected on the questionnaire with food items reported from a single 24-hour recall covering the same reference period. Setting 5 elementary schools in Indiana. Participants Fourth-grade student volunteers (N = 121) from 5 elementary schools. Main Outcome Measure Agreement between responses to SPAN questionnaire items and reference values obtained through 24-hour dietary recall. Analysis The agreement between the questionnaire and the 24-hour recall was measured using Spearman correlation, percentage agreement, and kappa statistic. Results Correlation between SPAN item responses and recall data ranged from .25 (bread and related products) to .67 (gravy). The percentage agreement ranged from 26% (bread and related products) to 90% (gravy). The kappa statistic varied from .06 (chocolate candy) to .60 (beans). Conclusions and implications Results from this study indicate that the SPAN questionnaire can be administered in the classroom quickly and easily to measure many previous day dietary behaviors of fourth graders. However, questions addressing the consumption of “vegetables,” “candy,” and “snacks” need further investigation

    Palm oil mill effluent treatment using coconut shell - Based activated carbon: Adsorption equilibrium and isotherm

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    The current ponding system applied for palm oil mill effluent (POME) treatment often struggle to comply with the POME discharge limit, thus it has become a major environmental concern. Batch adsorption study was conducted for reducing the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Color of pre-treated POME using coconut shell-based activated carbon (CS-AC). The CS-AC showed BET surface area of 744.118 m2/g, with pore volume of 04359cm3/g. The adsorption uptake was studied at various contact time and POME initial concentration. The CS-AC exhibited good ability with average percentage removal of 70% for COD, TSS and Color. The adsorption uptake increased over time and attained equilibrium in 30 hours. The equilibrium data were analyzed using the Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin and Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherm models. Based on the coefficient regression and sum of squared errors, the Langmuir isotherm described the adsorption of COD satisfactorily, while best described the TSS and Color adsorption; giving the highest adsorption capacity of 10.215 mg/g, 1.435 mg/g, and 63.291 PtCo/g respectively. The CS-AC was shown to be a promising adsorbent for treating POME and was able to comply with the Environmental Quality Act (EQA) discharge limit. The outcome of treated effluent using CS-AC was shown to be cleaner than the industrial biologically treated effluent, achieved within shorter treatment tim

    Farm Level Comparison of H.R. 2646 and S. 1731

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    The provisions in the House (H.R. 2646) and Senate (S. 1731) farm bills are analyzed with respect to their impacts on 94 representative crop, livestock, and dairy farms. The analysis incorporates both historical price and production risk for the farms so the “safety net” aspects of the bills can be compared. Representative crop livestock and dairy farms for major production regions across the county are analyzed. Information to describe and simulate these farms comes from a panel of farmers in each local area. The farm panels are reconvened frequently to update their farm’s data. The representative farm data base has been used for policy analysis for more than 15 years. The simulation model used for the analysis was developed by AFPC scientists.Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Rapid Colorimetric Detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Clinical Isolates Using a Magnetic Nanoparticle Biosensor

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    A rapid, sensitive, and specific colorimetric biosensor based on the use of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) was designed for the detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in clinical samples. The biosensing platform was based on the measurement of P. aeruginosa proteolytic activity using a specific protease substrate. At the N-terminus, this substrate was covalently bound to MNPs and was linked to a gold sensor surface via cystine at the C-terminus of the substrates. The golden sensor appears black to naked eyes because of the coverage of the MNPs. However, upon proteolysis, the cleaved peptide-MNP moieties will be attracted by an external magnet, revealing the golden color of the sensor surface, which can be observed by the naked eye. In vitro, the biosensor was able to detect specifically and quantitatively the presence of P. aeruginosa with a detection limit of 102 cfu/mL in less than 1 min. The colorimetric biosensor was used to test its ability to detect in situ P. aeruginosa in clinical isolates from patients. This biochip is anticipated to be useful as a rapid point-of-care device for the diagnosis of P. aeruginosa-related infections

    Natural and synthetic Sortase A substrates are processed by Staphylococcus aureus via different pathways

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    AbstractEndogenous Staphylococcus aureus sortase A (SrtA) covalently incorporates cell wall anchored proteins equipped with a SrtA recognition motif (LPXTG) via a lipid II-dependent pathway into the staphylococcal peptidoglycan layer. Previously, we found that the endogenous S. aureus SrtA is able to recognize and process a variety of exogenously added synthetic SrtA substrates, including K(FITC)LPMTG-amide and K(FITC)-K-vancomycin-LPMTG-amide. These synthetic substrates are covalently incorporated into the bacterial peptidoglycan (PG) of S. aureus with varying efficiencies. In this study, we examined if native and synthetic substrates are processed by SrtA via the same pathway. Therefore, the effect of the lipid II inhibiting antibiotic bacitracin on the incorporation of native and synthetic SrtA substrates was assessed. Treatment of S. aureus with bacitracin resulted in a decreased incorporation of protein A in the bacterial cell wall, whereas incorporation of exogenous synthetic substrates was increased. These results suggest that natural and exogenous synthetic substrates are processed by S. aureus via different pathways.Microbial Biotechnolog
