879 research outputs found

    Clover rot (Sclerotinia trifolium) and Fusarium fungi in organic red clover in Finland

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    Sclerotinia trifolium is economically one of the most important pathogens of red clover in Europe and North America, while many Fusarium species can cause root rot in red clover in certain environmental conditions. During the years 2003-2004 S. trifolium was found only in the Northern and Eastern part of Finland, although in 1960's it was common everywhere in Finland


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    W artykule poddano analizie stałość oraz zmienność przysłów, rozróżniono pojęcia zmienności i transformacji. Normatywna uzualna zmienność nie jest tożsama z tekstową, okazjonalną zmiennością, lecz stanowi zmienność systemową, wypracowaną w procesie historycznego rozwoju zasobu paremijnego w świadomości mówiących i nie ma dodatkowego ładunku semantycznego, nie uświadamia się przez etnos jako wykroczenie, wykrzywienie tradycyjnego przysłowia. O produktywnej transformacji klasycznych paremii przekonuje dziedziczenie mądrości ludowej, a przekształcenie głębokich treści i cech formalnych takich przysłów świadczy o ich dostosowaniu do nowych społeczno-historycznych warunków i wartości. Resemantyzacja tradycyjnych przysłów jednoznacznie dowodzi ich istotności oraz aktualności, bo przecież jeżeli tradycyjna wypowiedź nie jest zmieniana, nie jest oceniana przez każde nowe pokolenie na swój sposób, staje się nieaktualna i nieistotna dla społeczeństwa. Antyprzysłowia częściowo burzą wypracowane przez stulecia stereotypy kosztem komicznego przepracowania ich semantyki.The article considers the problem of proverb stability and modifications, and the difference between the terms modification and transformation. The author draws a conclusion that standard modifications within the national paremiological corpus can not be perceived as textual or occasional modifications. They should be taken as systemic variations within language norms that exist in the mind of native speakers, do not add another semantic meaning and are not recognized by native speakers as proverb deformations. Differences between proverbs (sayings of edifying character, which contain the centuries-old experience of the people) and anti-proverbs (the authors consider anti-proverbs to be the semantic antithesis of proverbs) are highlighted. The authors pay special attention to the study of the semantics of proverbs and their transformants to identify relevant semantic and cognitive characteristics. The productive transformation of classical proverbs convinces of the heredity of folk wisdom, the change in the deep meaning, and the formal plan of the original proverbs testifies to their adaptation to new social and historical conditions and values.The article considers the problem of proverb stability and modifications, and the difference between the terms modification and transformation. The author draws a conclusion that standard modifications within the national paremiological corpus can not be perceived as textual or occasional modifications. They should be taken as systemic variations within language norms that exist in the mind of native speakers, do not add another semantic meaning and are not recognized by native speakers as proverb deformations. Differences between proverbs (sayings of edifying character, which contain the centuries-old experience of the people) and anti-proverbs (the authors consider anti-proverbs to be the semantic antithesis of proverbs) are highlighted. The authors pay special attention to the study of the semantics of proverbs and their transformants to identify relevant semantic and cognitive characteristics. The productive transformation of classical proverbs convinces of the heredity of folk wisdom, the change in the deep meaning, and the formal plan of the original proverbs testifies to their adaptation to new social and historical conditions and values

    Багатозначне дієслово як аспектуальний кластер (на матеріалі полісеманта колоти)

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    The article represents Laura Yanda’s aspectological conception. Her conclusions prove that each polisemantic verb may be an aspect cluster. Reflections on this scholar’s ideas about the material of imperfective genre pairs leads us to the conclusion that every polysemous verb is potentially a genre cluster. An aspectual cluster consists of two segments: genre and action. The aspect segment has three main manifestations, the specificity of which makes it possible to distinguish four types of clusters. The first is a polycategorical cluster as an integration of imperfectives-correlative and imperfectives-isolative. Second, a polyprefix cluster as an integration of imperfectives-correlative and multi-prefix perfective-correlative. The third is a bi-imperfective cluster as an integration of non-prefixed and prefixed imperfective-correlatives with a common perfective-correlative (traditional species triplets). Type four is a combined cluster as an integration of two or more of the above clusters. The action segment of an aspectual cluster is represented by a combination of at least three lexical-semantic variants: one imperfective and two or more perfectives belonging to different actional subclasses.W artykule rozwinięta zostaje aspektologiczna koncepcja Laury Jandy. Refleksja idei tej uczonej o materiale imperfektywnych par gatunkowych prowadzi do wniosku, iż każdy czasownik polisemiczny jest potencjalnie klastrem gatunkowym. Klaster aspektowy składa się z dwóch segmentów: gatunkowego i czynnościowego. Segment gatunkowy ma trzy główne przejawy, których specyfika pozwala wyróżnić cztery rodzaje klastrów: 1) klaster polikategorialny jako integracja korelatywnych i izolatywnych imperfektywów; 2) klaster poliprefiksowy jako integracja korelatywnych i różnie prefiksowanych korelatywnych imperfektywów; 3) bi-implicative klaster jako integracja bezprefiksowego i prefiksowego imperfektywu-korelatywu ze wspólnym perfektywno-korelatywnym (tradycyjne trójki gatunkowe); 4) klaster kombinowany jako integracja dwóch lub więcej z wyżej wymienionych klastrów. Segment czynnościowy klastra aspektowego jest reprezentowany przez kombinację co najmniej trzech wariantów leksykalnych i semantycznych: jednego imperfektywu i dwóch lub więcej perfektywów należących do różnych podklas czynnościowych.The article represents Laura Yanda’s aspectological conception. Her conclusions prove that each polisemantic verb may be an aspect cluster. Reflections on this scholar’s ideas about the material of imperfective genre pairs leads us to the conclusion that every polysemous verb is potentially a genre cluster. An aspectual cluster consists of two segments: genre and action. The aspect segment has three main manifestations, the specificity of which makes it possible to distinguish four types of clusters. The first is a polycategorical cluster as an integration of imperfectives-correlative and imperfectives-isolative. Second, a polyprefix cluster as an integration of imperfectives-correlative and multi-prefix perfective-correlative. The third is a bi-imperfective cluster as an integration of non-prefixed and prefixed imperfective-correlatives with a common perfective-correlative (traditional species triplets). Type four is a combined cluster as an integration of two or more of the above clusters. The action segment of an aspectual cluster is represented by a combination of at least three lexical-semantic variants: one imperfective and two or more perfectives belonging to different actional subclasses

    Studies of Conventional and New Technologies for Preparation of Iron Ore Raw Materials at Iron Making Plant of Pao Severstal to Evaluate Prospectives for Reduction of Ecological Load on Environment

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    The experts of Centre for Raw Materials Investigations (CRMI) have conducted research into the usage of recycled materials in the following technological processes: sintering and briquetting. Research shows variation in emissions containing sinter gases and qualitative characteristics of the finished product (cold and hot sinter strength). It is suggested that involvement of recycled waste products of steelmaking and chemical processes shall be increased using the method of vacuum extrusion. Keywords: sintering, recycled materials, sinter gas, briquette

    Echolocating Bats Cry Out Loud to Detect Their Prey

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    Echolocating bats have successfully exploited a broad range of habitats and prey. Much research has demonstrated how time-frequency structure of echolocation calls of different species is adapted to acoustic constraints of habitats and foraging behaviors. However, the intensity of bat calls has been largely neglected although intensity is a key factor determining echolocation range and interactions with other bats and prey. Differences in detection range, in turn, are thought to constitute a mechanism promoting resource partitioning among bats, which might be particularly important for the species-rich bat assemblages in the tropics. Here we present data on emitted intensities for 11 species from 5 families of insectivorous bats from Panamá hunting in open or background cluttered space or over water. We recorded all bats in their natural habitat in the field using a multi-microphone array coupled with photographic methods to assess the bats' position in space to estimate emitted call intensities. All species emitted intense search signals. Output intensity was reduced when closing in on background by 4–7 dB per halving of distance. Source levels of open space and edge space foragers (Emballonuridae, Mormoopidae, Molossidae, and Vespertilionidae) ranged between 122–134 dB SPL. The two Noctilionidae species hunting over water emitted the loudest signals recorded so far for any bat with average source levels of ca. 137 dB SPL and maximum levels above 140 dB SPL. In spite of this ten-fold variation in emitted intensity, estimates indicated, surprisingly, that detection distances for prey varied far less; bats emitting the highest intensities also emitted the highest frequencies, which are severely attenuated in air. Thus, our results suggest that bats within a local assemblage compensate for frequency dependent attenuation by adjusting the emitted intensity to achieve comparable detection distances for prey across species. We conclude that for bats with similar hunting habits, prey detection range represents a unifying constraint on the emitted intensity largely independent of call shape, body size, and close phylogenetic relationships

    All-offspring dispersal in a tropical mammal with resource defense polygyny

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    In polygynous mammals, males are usually responsible for gene flow while females are predominantly philopatric. However, there is evidence that in a few mammalian species female offspring may disperse to avoid breeding with their father when male tenure exceeds female age at maturity. We investigated offspring dispersal and local population structure in the Neotropical bat Lophostoma silvicolum. The mating system of this species is resource defense polygyny, with the resource being active termite nests, excavated by single males, which are then joined by females. We combined field observations of 14 harems during 3years and data about the genetic structure within and between these groups, calculated with one mitochondrial locus and nine nuclear microsatellite loci. The results show that both male and female offspring disperse before maturity. In addition, we estimated life span of excavated termite nests and the duration they were occupied by the same male. Our findings suggest that long male tenure of up to 30months is indeed a likely cause for the observed dispersal by female offspring that can reach maturity at a low age of 6months. We suggest that dispersal by offspring of both sexes may occur quite frequently in polygynous tropical bats and thus generally may be more common in mammals than previously assume

    Mating system of a Neotropical roost-making bat: the white-throated, round-eared bat, Lophostoma silvicolum (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae)

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    The vast majority of bats strongly depend on, but do not make, shelters or roosts. We investigated Lophostoma silvicolum, which roosts in active termite nests excavated by the bats themselves, to study the relationship between roost choice and mating systems. Due to the hardness of the termite nests, roost-making is probably costly in terms of time and energy for these bats. Video-observations and capture data showed that single males excavate nests. Only males in good physical condition attracted females to the resulting roosts. Almost all groups captured from excavated nests were single male-multifemale associations, suggesting a harem structure. Paternity assignments based on ten polymorphic microsatellites, revealed a high reproductive success of 46% by nest-holding males. We suggest that the mating system of L. silvicolum is based on a resource-defense polygyny. The temperatures in the excavated nests are warm and stable, and might provide a suitable shelter for reproductive females. Reproductive success achieved by harem males appears to justify the time and effort required to excavate the nests. Reproductive success may thus have selected on an external male phenotype, the excavated nests, and have contributed to the evolution of an otherwise rare behavior in bat

    Effects of moonlight on the capturability of frugivorous phyllostomid bats (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) at different time scales

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    Some bat species seem to be lunar phobic, i.e., they avoid flying in bright areas or during bright periods of the night; however, the evidence is still controversial. We think that part of this controversy comes from pooling data on bat captures and moonlight intensity according to broad categories, such as moon phases, which conceal the high variability among nights. Therefore, we used detailed, long-term field data on three phyllostomid bat species, in order to test the hypothesis of lunar phobia at two different time scales: 1) among nights, by pooling data of different nights according to moon phases and testing for differences in the distribution of captures; and 2) within a night, by analyzing the relationship between capturability and moonlight intensity (measured as illuminance) in one-hour intervals for 29 individual nights. Although most captures of the studied bat species occurred in the first half of the night, their activity pattern varied largely among nights, and was not always unimodal as commonly assumed. At the larger time scale, all studied bat species showed evidence of lunar phobia, as they were more frequently captured on dark moon phases. Nevertheless, at the smaller time scale, only Carollia perspicillata (Linnaeus, 1758) was less frequently captured on brighter periods of the night. We propose that the unimodal activity pattern assumed for frugivorous phyllostomid bats may be an artifact of data organization, and that activity and lunar phobia are much more variable than previously assumed.39740

    Substituiçao de antimicrobianos por probióticos e prebióticos na alimentaçao de frangos de corte

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    Resumo: Foram utilizados 1920 frangos de corte machos e fêmeas, da linhagem "Ross", com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da substituição dos antibióticos por probióticos, prebióticos, simbióticos e saponina sobre o ganho de peso e mucosa do intestino delgado. F oi utilizado um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições (duas de machos e duas de fêmeas) por tratamento. Os tratamentos (T) tiveram uma dieta básica, diferindo apenas o tipo de aditivo utilizado para cada tratamento: TI sem antibiótico, T2 com antibiótico, T3 levedura viva, T4 parede celular de levedura (mananoligossacarídeo), T5 frutoligossacarídeo, T6 saponina, T7 Bacillus subtilis, T8 (T3 + T7), T9 (T4 +T7), TIO (T5 + T7), TIl (T6 + T7)e TI2 Lactobacil/us fermentum LPB. Foram analisados: peso médio das aves aos 07, 21, 36 e 45 dias, altura de vilosidade, profundidade de cripta e espessura da muscular da mucosa. Não houve diferença estatística (P<0,05) para ganho de peso aos 45 dias, sendo perfeitamente possível substituir os antibióticos por saponina, probióticos, prebióticos e simbióticos, sem diminuir o desempenho das aves. O tratamento com saponina resultou em maior altura de vilosidade e menor profundidade de cripta, seguido dos tratamentos 1I e 4. A saponina favorece o desenvolvimento da vilosidade intestinal. Quanto maior a altura da vilosidade, menor a espessura da muscular da mucosa. Palavras-chave: antibiótico, mucosa intestinal, prebiótico, probiótico e saponina

    Clover rot (Sclerotinia trifoliorum) and Fusarium fungi in organic red clover in Finland

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    We investigated the composition og fungal isolates in red clover roots and the susceptibility of red clover cultivars to Sclerotinia trifoliorum, which causes the important disease clover rot. In leaf experiments, the cultivars Jokioinen and Ilte were more susceptible to one of the S. trifoliorum isolates than Betty and Bjursele, while all of them were equally susceptible to two other S. trifoliorum isolates