467 research outputs found

    Rare, long-distance dispersal underpins genetic connectivity in the pink sea fan, Eunicella verrucosa

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordData availability statement: Underlying RADseq reads are available at the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) under the study accession PRJEB71722. Filtered data sets and R scripts for the analyses are available from the Dryad Digital Repository: https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.xwdbrv1m9Characterizing patterns of genetic connectivity in marine species is of critical importance given the anthropogenic pressures placed on the marine environment. For sessile species, population connectivity can be shaped by many processes, such as pelagic larval duration, oceanographic boundaries and currents. This study combines restriction-site associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) and passive particle dispersal modelling to delineate patterns of population connectivity in the pink sea fan, Eunicella verrucosa, a temperate octocoral. Individuals were sampled from 20 sites covering most of the species' northeast Atlantic range, and a site in the northwest Mediterranean Sea to inform on connectivity across the Atlantic-Mediterranean transition. Using 7510 neutral SNPs, a geographic cline of genetic clusters was detected, partitioning into Ireland, Britain, France, Spain (Atlantic), and Portugal and Spain (Mediterranean). Evidence of significant inbreeding was detected at all sites, a finding not detected in a previous study of this species based on microsatellite loci. Genetic connectivity was characterized by an isolation by distance pattern (IBD) (r 2 = 0.78, p < 0.001), which persisted across the Mediterranean-Atlantic boundary. In contrast, exploration of ancestral population assignment using the program ADMIXTURE indicated genetic partitioning across the Bay of Biscay, which we suggest represents a natural break in the species' range, possibly linked to a lack of suitable habitat. As the pelagic larval duration (PLD) is unknown, passive particle dispersal simulations were run for 14 and 21 days. For both modelled PLDs, inter-annual variations in particle trajectories suggested that in a long-lived, sessile species, range-wide IBD is driven by rare, longer dispersal events that act to maintain gene flow. These results suggest that oceanographic patterns may facilitate range-wide stepping-stone genetic connectivity in E. verrucosa and highlight that both oceanography and natural breaks in a species' range should be considered in the designation of ecologically coherent MPA networks.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)Natural Englan

    Expecting to lift a box together makes the load look lighter

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    The action abilities of an individual observer modulate his or her perception of spatial properties of the environment and of objects. The present study investigated how joint action abilities shape perception. Four experiments examined how the intention to lift an object with another individual affects perceived weight. In Experiments 1, 2a, and 2b, participants judged the perceived weight of boxes while expecting to lift them either alone or with a co-actor. In Experiment 3, the co-actor was healthy or injured. Participants intending to lift a box with a co-actor perceived the box as lighter than participants intending to lift the same box alone, provided that the co-actor appeared healthy and therefore capable of helping. These findings suggest that anticipated effort modulates the perception of object properties in the context of joint action. We discuss implications for the role of action prediction and action simulation processes in social interaction

    A comparison of transgenic rodent mutation and in vivo comet assay responses for 91 chemicals.

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    A database of 91 chemicals with published data from both transgenic rodent mutation (TGR) and rodent comet assays has been compiled. The objective was to compare the sensitivity of the two assays for detecting genotoxicity. Critical aspects of study design and results were tabulated for each dataset. There were fewer datasets from rats than mice, particularly for the TGR assay, and therefore, results from both species were combined for further analysis. TGR and comet responses were compared in liver and bone marrow (the most commonly studied tissues), and in stomach and colon evaluated either separately or in combination with other GI tract segments. Overall positive, negative, or equivocal test results were assessed for each chemical across the tissues examined in the TGR and comet assays using two approaches: 1) overall calls based on weight of evidence (WoE) and expert judgement, and 2) curation of the data based on a priori acceptability criteria prior to deriving final tissue specific calls. Since the database contains a high prevalence of positive results, overall agreement between the assays was determined using statistics adjusted for prevalence (using AC1 and PABAK). These coefficients showed fair or moderate to good agreement for liver and the GI tract (predominantly stomach and colon data) using WoE, reduced agreement for stomach and colon evaluated separately using data curation, and poor or no agreement for bone marrow using both the WoE and data curation approaches. Confidence in these results is higher for liver than for the other tissues, for which there were less data. Our analysis finds that comet and TGR generally identify the same compounds (mainly potent mutagens) as genotoxic in liver, stomach and colon, but not in bone marrow. However, the current database content precluded drawing assay concordance conclusions for weak mutagens and non-DNA reactive chemicals

    Evaluating the landscape of fear between apex predatory sharks and mobile sea turtles across a large dynamic seascape

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    The ‘‘landscape of fear’’ model has been proposed as a unifying concept in ecology, describing, in part, how animals behave and move about in their environment. The basic model predicts that as an animal’s landscape changes from low to high risk of predation, prey species will alter their behavior to risk avoidance. However, studies investigating and evaluating the landscape of fear model across large spatial scales (tens to hundreds of thousands of square kilometers) in dynamic, open, aquatic systems involving apex predators and highly mobile prey are lacking. To address this knowledge gap, we investigated predator–prey relationships between tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) and loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) in the North Atlantic Ocean. This included the use of satellite tracking to examine shark and turtle distributions as well as their surfacing behaviors under varying levels of home range overlap. Our findings revealed patterns that deviated from our a priori predictions based on the landscape of fear model. Specifically, turtles did not alter their surfacing behaviors to risk avoidance when overlap in shark–turtle core home range was high. However, in areas of high overlap with turtles, sharks exhibited modified surfacing behaviors that may enhance predation opportunity. We suggest that turtles may be an important factor in determining shark distribution, whereas for turtles, other life history trade-offs may play a larger role in defining their habitat use. We propose that these findings are a result of both biotic and physically driven factors that independently or synergistically affect predator–prey interactions in this system. These results have implications for evolutionary biology, community ecology, and wildlife conservation. Further, given the difficulty in studying highly migratory marine species, our approach and conclusions may be applied to the study of other predator–prey systems.Bald Head Island ConservancyBritish Chelonia GroupNatural Environmental Research CouncilWAVE Foundation/Newport Aquarium CincinnatiPADI project AWARESEATURTLE.ORGWhitener Foundation (NC); an Endangered Species Act Section 6 Cooperative Agreement with NOAA Fisheries and the Grays Reef National Marine Sanctuary (South Carolina and Georgia)Batchelor FoundationDinsey Conservation Fun

    Regeneration of the Exocrine Pancreas Is Delayed in Telomere-Dysfunctional Mice

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    INTRODUCTION: Telomere shortening is a cell-intrinsic mechanism that limits cell proliferation by induction of DNA damage responses resulting either in apoptosis or cellular senescence. Shortening of telomeres has been shown to occur during human aging and in chronic diseases that accelerate cell turnover, such as chronic hepatitis. Telomere shortening can limit organ homeostasis and regeneration in response to injury. Whether the same holds true for pancreas regeneration in response to injury is not known. METHODS: In the present study, pancreatic regeneration after acute cerulein-induced pancreatitis was studied in late generation telomerase knockout mice with short telomeres compared to telomerase wild-type mice with long telomeres. RESULTS: Late generation telomerase knockout mice exhibited impaired exocrine pancreatic regeneration after acute pancreatitis as seen by persistence of metaplastic acinar cells and markedly reduced proliferation. The expression levels of p53 and p21 were not significantly increased in regenerating pancreas of late generation telomerase knockout mice compared to wild-type mice. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that pancreatic regeneration is limited in the context of telomere dysfunction without evidence for p53 checkpoint activation

    Numerical relations and skill level constrain co-adaptive behaviors of agents in sports teams

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    Similar to other complex systems in nature (e.g., a hunting pack, flocks of birds), sports teams have been modeled as social neurobiological systems in which interpersonal coordination tendencies of agents underpin team swarming behaviors. Swarming is seen as the result of agent co-adaptation to ecological constraints of performance environments by collectively perceiving specific possibilities for action (affordances for self and shared affordances). A major principle of invasion team sports assumed to promote effective performance is to outnumber the opposition (creation of numerical overloads) during different performance phases (attack and defense) in spatial regions adjacent to the ball. Such performance principles are assimilated by system agents through manipulation of numerical relations between teams during training in order to create artificially asymmetrical performance contexts to simulate overloaded and underloaded situations. Here we evaluated effects of different numerical relations differentiated by agent skill level, examining emergent inter-individual, intra- and inter-team coordination. Groups of association football players (national - NLP and regional-level - RLP) participated in small-sided and conditioned games in which numerical relations between system agents were manipulated (5v5, 5v4 and 5v3). Typical grouping tendencies in sports teams (major ranges, stretch indices, distances of team centers to goals and distances between the teams' opposing line-forces in specific team sectors) were recorded by plotting positional coordinates of individual agents through continuous GPS tracking. Results showed that creation of numerical asymmetries during training constrained agents' individual dominant regions, the underloaded teams' compactness and each team's relative position on-field, as well as distances between specific team sectors. We also observed how skill level impacted individual and team coordination tendencies. Data revealed emergence of co-adaptive behaviors between interacting neurobiological social system agents in the context of sport performance. Such observations have broader implications for training design involving manipulations of numerical relations between interacting members of social collectives

    Bearings in Hip Arthroplasty:Joint Registries vs Precision Medicine: Review Article

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    Background: Precision medicine has been adopted in a range of clinical settings where omics data have led to greater characterisation of disease and stratification of patients into subcategories of phenotypes and pathologies. However, in orthopaedics, precision medicine lags behind other disciplines such as cancer. Joint registries have now amassed a huge body of data pertaining to implant performance which can be broken down into performance statistics for different material types in different cohorts of patients. The National Joint Registry of England, Wales and Northern Ireland (NJR) is now one of the largest datasets available. Other registries such as those from Sweden and Australia however contain longer follow-up. Together, these registries can provide a wealth of informative for the orthopaedics community when considering which implant to give to any particular patient. Questions/Purposes: We aim to explore the benefits of combining multiple large data streams including joint registries, published data on osteoarthritis (OA) pathogenesis and pathology and data concerning performance of each implant material combination in terms of biocompatibility. We believe that this analysis will provide a comprehensive overview of implant performance hopefully aiding surgeons in making more informed choices about which implant should be used in which patient. Methods: Data from three joint registries were combined with established literature to highlight the heterogeneity of OA disease and the different clinical outcomes following arthroplasty with a range of material types. Results: This review confirms that joint registries are unable to consider differences in arthritis presentation or underlying drivers of pathology. OA is now recognised to present with varying pathology with differing morbidity in different patient populations. Equally, just as OA is a heterogeneous disease, there are disparate responses to wear debris from different material combinations used in joint replacement surgery. This has been highlighted by recent high-profile scrutiny of early failure of metal-on-metal total hip replacement (THR) implants. Conclusions: Bringing together data from joint registries, biomarker analysis, phenotyping of OA patients and knowledge of how different patients respond to implant debris will lead to a truly personalised approach to treating OA patients, ensuring that the correct implant is given to the correct patient at the correct time

    Acupuncture for the Treatment of Dry Eye: A Multicenter Randomised Controlled Trial with Active Comparison Intervention (Artificial Teardrops)

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    To evaluate the effects of acupuncture compared to a control group using artificial tears.multicenter randomised controlled trial (three local research hospitals of South Korea).150 patients with moderate to severe dry eye.Participants were randomly allocated into four weeks of acupuncture treatment (bilateral BL2, GB14, TE 23, Ex1, ST1, GB20, LI4, LI11 and single GV23) or to the artificial tears group (sodium carboxymethylcellulose).The ocular surface disease index (OSDI), tear film break-up time (TFBUT), Schirmer Ι test, visual analogue scale (VAS) for self-assessment of ocular discomfort, general assessment (by both acupuncture practitioners and participants) and quality of life (QOL) through the Measure Yourself Medical Outcome Profile-2 (MYMOP-2).There was no statistically significant difference between two groups for the improvement of dry eye symptoms as measured by OSDI (MD -16.11, 95% CI [-20.91, -11.32] with acupuncture and -15.37, 95% CI [-19.57, -11.16] with artificial tears; P = 0.419), VAS (acupuncture: -23.84 [-29.59, -18.09]; artificial tears: -22.2 [-27.24, -17.16], P = 0.530) or quality of life (acupuncture: -1.32 [-1.65, -0.99]; artificial tears: -0.96 [-1.32, -0.6], P = 0.42) immediately after treatment. However, compared with artificial tears group, the OSDI (acupuncture: -16.15 [-21.38, -10.92]; artificial tears: -10.76 [-15.25, -6.27], P = 0.030) and VAS (acupuncture: -23.88 [-30.9, -16.86]; artificial tears: -14.71 [-20.86, -8.55], P = 0.018) were significantly improved in the acupuncture group at 8 weeks after the end of acupuncture treatment. TFBUT measurements increased significantly in the acupuncture group after treatment.Acupuncture may have benefits on the mid-term outcomes related to dry eye syndrome compared with artificial tears.ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01105221

    Risk factors associated with fatal pulmonary hemorrhage in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer treated with chemoradiotherapy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The purpose of this study was to identify the risk factors associated with fatal pulmonary hemorrhage (PH) in patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), treated with chemoradiotherapy.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The medical records of 583 patients with locally advanced NSCLC, who were treated with chemoradiotherapy between July 1992 and December 2009 were reviewed. Fatal PH was defined as PH leading to death within 24 h of its onset. Tumor cavitation size was defined by the cavitation diameter/tumor diameter ratio and was classified as minimum (< 0.25), minor (≥ 0.25, but < 0.5), and major (≥ 0.5).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 583 patients, 2.1% suffered a fatal PH. The numbers of patients with minimum, minor, and major cavitations were 13, 11, and 14, respectively. Among the 38 patients with tumor cavitation, all 3 patients who developed fatal PH had major cavitations. On multivariate analysis, the presence of baseline major cavitation (odds ratio, 17.878), and a squamous cell histology (odds ratio, 5.491) proved to be independent significant risk factors for fatal PH. Interestingly, all patients with fatal PH and baseline major cavitation were found to have tumors with squamous cell histology, and the occurrence of fatal PH in patients having both risk factors was 33.3%.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Patients at high risk of fatal PH could be identified using a combination of independent risk factors.</p

    Using Satellite Tracking to Optimize Protection of Long-Lived Marine Species: Olive Ridley Sea Turtle Conservation in Central Africa

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    Tractable conservation measures for long-lived species require the intersection between protection of biologically relevant life history stages and a socioeconomically feasible setting. To protect breeding adults, we require knowledge of animal movements, how movement relates to political boundaries, and our confidence in spatial analyses of movement. We used satellite tracking and a switching state-space model to determine the internesting movements of olive ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) (n = 18) in Central Africa during two breeding seasons (2007-08, 2008-09). These movements were analyzed in relation to current park boundaries and a proposed transboundary park between Gabon and the Republic of Congo, both created to reduce unintentional bycatch of sea turtles in marine fisheries. We additionally determined confidence intervals surrounding home range calculations. Turtles remained largely within a 30 km radius from the original nesting site before departing for distant foraging grounds. Only 44.6 percent of high-density areas were found within the current park but the proposed transboundary park would incorporate 97.6 percent of high-density areas. Though tagged individuals originated in Gabon, turtles were found in Congolese waters during greater than half of the internesting period (53.7 percent), highlighting the need for international cooperation and offering scientific support for a proposed transboundary park. This is the first comprehensive study on the internesting movements of solitary nesting olive ridley sea turtles, and it suggests the opportunity for tractable conservation measures for female nesting olive ridleys at this and other solitary nesting sites around the world. We draw from our results a framework for cost-effective protection of long-lived species using satellite telemetry as a primary tool
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