155 research outputs found

    One pot domino synthesis of polyvicinalamine monomers

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    On a genere de l'imidazole par une reaction de type domino in situ entre le glyoxal, le formaldehyde et deux unites d'ammoniac aqueux. L'addition de bicarbonate aqueux et d'un anhydride carboxylique ou d'un dicarbonate de dialkyle conduit a la formation de la N,N'-diacyl- ou N,N'-dicarbalkoxy-2-hydroxyimidazoline correspondante. Il s'ensuit une reaction de clivage de cycle de Bamberger qui permet d'isoler facilement le cis-1,2-di(acetamido)ethene, le cis-1,2-di(propylamido)ethene, le cis-1,2-di(ethoxyamido)ethene, le cis-1,2-di(tert-butoxyamido)ethene ou le cis-1,2-di(benzamido)ethene sous la forme de solides. La facilite et la generalite offerte par cette approche monotope implique une voie efficace du point de vue des couts en vue de la synthese de routine de precurseurs d'amines oligo- et polyvicinales

    One-pot domino synthesis of polyvicinalamine monomers

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    On a genere de l'imidazole par une reaction de type domino in situ entre le glyoxal, le formaldehyde et deux unites d'ammoniac aqueux. L'addition de bicarbonate aqueux et d'un anhydride carboxylique ou d'un dicarbonate de dialkyle conduit a la formation de la N,N'-diacyl- ou N,N'-dicarbalkoxy-2-hydroxyimidazoline correspondante. Il s'ensuit une reaction de clivage de cycle de Bamberger qui permet d'isoler facilement le cis-1,2-di(acetamido)ethene, le cis-1,2-di(propylamido)ethene, le cis-1,2-di(ethoxyamido)ethene, le cis-1,2-di(tert-butoxyamido)ethene ou le cis-1,2-di(benzamido)ethene sous la forme de solides. La facilite et la generalite offerte par cette approche monotope implique une voie efficace du point de vue des couts en vue de la synthese de routine de precurseurs d'amines oligo- et polyvicinales

    Experimentally investigating the usability of waste interlocking concrete paver in the plant-mix base layer

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    Due to the growth in the construction industry in recent years, the need for natural aggregates has increased. Due to this increase in need, the search for alternative materials to natural aggregate has begun. Construction and demolition wastes generated as a result of construction and demolition activities are among these materials. Construction and demolition wastes generally consist of materials such as concrete, brick, steel and asphalt. The recycling and reuse of these wastes is of great importance in terms of reducing the consumption of natural aggregates. Within the scope of this study, the usability of waste interlocking concrete paver (ICP) obtained from the storage facility in the plant-mix base layer instead of natural aggregate (NA) was examined. In this study, the gradation was determined according to the plant-mix base layer type 1 specified in the Turkey Highway Technical Specification 2013 (THTS 2013), and the base design was made to remain within these gradation limits. For the designed plant-mix base layer; in order to determine the physical and mechanical properties of the DA and APT samples to be used alone and the mixture samples obtained by mixing these materials in certain proportions, the tests specified in the THTS 2013 were carried out. The obtained results have been compared with the limit values in the THTS 2013 and the test results obtained from natural aggregate samples. When the experimental results were examined, it was determined that the water absorption and abrasion values of the ICP material were higher than the NA material and it did not meet the specification limit. However, in the other test results, the ICP material met the specification limits

    The impact of the civil war on exports: A study on Türkiye and Syria

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    Ekonomik kalkınmanın belirleyicileri; ekonomik, siyasal, yönetsel, hukuki, kurumsal ve sosyo-kültürel faktörlerdir. Bu araştırmada ekonomik kalkınmanın bir belirleyicisi olan ekonomi boyutunun ihracat ve ithalat yönü ele alınmaktadır. Ülkeler düşük maliyetli mal üretimi ve ihracı veya başka ülkelerde üretilmiş yüksek maliyetli malları yürürlükteki mevzuat çerçevesinde satın alma yoluna giderek refah düzeyinin artmasını sağlar. Bu sebeple uluslararası ticaret ülkeler için oldukça önemlidir. Şüphesiz savaş şartlarından en fazla etkilenen boyut bir ülkenin ekonomisidir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye‟nin sınır komşusu olan ve hâlihazırda iç savaş devam eden Suriye ile Türkiye arasındaki dış ticaret ilişkilerinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmaktadır. Yöntem olarak genel tarama yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın bulguları neticesinde, Türkiye-Suriye arasında kusursuz kabul edilemeyecek dış ticaret faaliyetlerinin iç savaş sonrasında ihracatın daha da dalgalı bir hal almış olduğu ve Suriye‟deki iç savaşın Türkiye‟yi sadece ekonomik olarak etkilemediği sonucuna varılmıştır. Çalışmanın Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler alanlarındaki literatüre katkı sağlayacağı ve bu alanda çalışacak olanlara veri oluşturacağı beklenilmektedir.Determinants of economic development are economic, political, administrative, legal, institutional, and socio-cultural factors. In this study, the export and import aspects of the economic dimension, which is a determinant of economic development, are discussed. Countries increase welfare by producing and exporting low-cost goods or purchasing high-cost goods produced in other countries within the framework of current legislation. For this reason, international trade is essential for countries. Undoubtedly, the dimension most affected by war conditions is the economy of a country. This study aims to reveal the foreign trade relations between Türkiye and Syria, which is Türkiye's border neighbor and currently has a civil war. The general screening method was used as a method. As a result of the research findings, it was concluded that the foreign trade activities between Türkiye and Syria, which cannot be considered per-fect, have become even more volatile after the civil war and that the civil war in Syria did not only affect Türkiye economically. It is expected that the study will contribute to the literature in the fields of Political Science and International Relations and will provide data for those who will work in this field

    Inadvertent Injection of Sodium Hypochlorite to Oral Mucosa

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    It is important to carefully use sodium hypochloride(NaOCI) in its clinical applications. Non-careful use of cytotoxic agents(NaOCI,etg) may cause serious complications. In this case report, a treatment approach to paresthesia and tissue necrosis after inadvertent injection of 1% NaOCl solution into oral mucosa is presented.. Pain, edema, loss of sensation, redness on the cheek, and difficulty in swallowing was seemed during the patient’s clinical examination. The patient was experiencing severe pain and a burning sensation during injection. The patient was administered intraoral drugs,such as antibiotics (amoxicillin 1000 mg two times per a day for two week),alpha lipoic acid (300 mg one times per a day for one mounth), and debridement of oral mucousa .Consequently, re-epithelialization of necrotic tissue was observed in the 3rd month. All symptoms disappeared completely in the 6th month

    Resource Description and Access (RDA) Format in University Library: Istanbul Bilgi University Library Cataloging and Metadata Section

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    Bu çalışmada kataloglamada Anglo Amerikan Kataloglama Kuralları 2’nin (AAKK2) yerini alan ve yeni kataloglama standardı olan Kaynak Tanımlama ve Erişim (Resource Description and Access - RDA) formatının İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Kütüphanesinde nasıl uygulandığı, genel tarihçesi ile anlatılmaktadır. Ayrıca İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınevi kitaplarının orijinal katalog formatında nasıl değişiklikler yapıldığı ve şu an kullanılan format örneklendirilmektedir. RDA formatı ile kataloglama yapılarak, kütüphane standartlarının devamlılığı sağlanmakta ve AAKK2’ye göre daha nitelikli ve ayrıntılı katalog yapılmaktadır. Farklı kaynak türlerinde katalogların yapılması ile katalog kütüphanecilerinin RDA konusundaki bilgileri ve tecrübeleri perçinleştirilerek, kaynaklara çok daha hızlı, doğru ve ayrıntılı şekilde erişim mümkün olacaktır. Böylece hem mesleki gelişim hem de bilgi ve belgeye ulaşım sağlanmaya devam edilecektir.In this paper, it will be chronologically described how Resource Description and Access (RDA) format which takes the place of the Anglo American Cataloging Rules 2 (AACR2) has been applied in Bilgi University Libraries. In addition, the changes in the original cataloging format of the books & resources of Istanbul Bilgi University Publishing and the current applications will be illustrated with examples. Cataloging with RDA format ensures the continuity of library standards and more qualified and detailed cataloging which have been made based on the AACR2. By cataloging of different types of sources, it will be possible for catalog librarians to access more accurate and detailed resources much faster by consolidating their knowledge and experience on RDA. Thus; both professional development and access to information and documents will continue

    Ülke Milli Marşları ve İstiklal Marşı’nın Özgünlüğünün Veri Analizi

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    Milli marşlar ülkelerin bağımsızlık göstergelerinden biridir ve ülkelerin bağımsızlık duygusundan bahseder. Bu çalışmada Türkiye Cumhuriyeti milli marşı İstiklal Marşı’nın veri analizi yapılmıştır. İstiklal Marşı analiz edilirken ortak dil bağının bulunduğu Türk Keneşi üye ülke marşları, ortak dini değerleri bulunduğu düşünülen İslam İş Birliği Teşkilatı üye ülke marşları ve Türkiye’nin bir Avrupa ülkesi olmasından ötürü Avrupa Birliği Üye ülkelerinin marşları analize dahil edilmiştir. Analiz veri madenciliği açısından kümeleme analizi ve birliktelik analizini tekniklerini içermektedir. Metin madenciliği açısından ise kelime boyutunda, başlık boyutunda ve duygu analizi boyutunda İstiklal Marşı ve diğer milli marşların benzerlikleri incelenmiştir. Analiz sonucunda kümeleme analizi ile veriler iki küme olarak hesaplanmış bir kümede karşılaştırılan tüm ülke marşları yer alırken İstiklal Marşı diğer kümede tek başına yer almıştır. Bu İstiklal Marşının özgünlüğünü ortaya koymada önemli bir göstergedir. Yine metin madenciliği başlığı altındaki 3 boyuttaki analizler İstiklal Marşı ile karşılaştırılan milli marşlar arasında bir benzerlik ortaya koyamamıştır. Birliktelik analizi sonuçları ise milli marşlardaki ortak kelimelerin ve kelimelerin birlikte kullanımını göstermesi açısından önemlidir

    The influence of cooking methods and some marinades on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon formation in beef meat

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of various marinades and their concentrations, as well as various cooking procedures, on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) formation in cooked beef. The PAH levels in meat were determined, based on the saponification of lipids by methanolic/potassium hydroxide solution, followed by liquid–liquid extraction and QuEChERS method. Pan frying caused lower levels of BaP (1.39 versus 1.62 µg/kg) and PAH4 (5.58 versus 5.73 µg/kg) in beef meat than barbecuing. For sage and thyme extracts prepared at 0.5 to 2.0 °Brix, a significant decrease in the PAH levels of barbecued meat samples was achieved compared to the controls. The levels of PAHs in the samples containing the commercial marinating material were found to be higher than those in the non-marinated control. The BaP and PAH4 levels found in the meat samples marinated with sage and thyme extracts, were below the EU maximum levels. However, BaP was the highest for Control 2 (2.26 µg/kg), and exceeded the EU maximum limit of 2 mg/kg for BaP in heat-treated meat and meat products. The results show a reducing effect of sage and thyme extracts that are normally used during marinating of meat, on the formation of PAH compounds. Consequently, the extracts of sage and thyme, could be used in the commercial marinating material to reduce the level of PAH compounds formed in meat during cooking

    The Investigation of University Students’ Knowledge on Nutrition and Eating Habits

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    DergiPark: 481901tmsjAims: The aim of this study is to analyze Trakya University School of Medicine students’ knowledge on nutrition and their eating habits. In addition, it is aimed to determine whether there is a relation between knowledge and nutrition habits and whether medical education is enough to learn the correct information. Methods: The study conducted in May 2018 was carried out by questionnaires given to 681 students, which were composed of 240 first graders, 98 second graders, 78 third graders, 143 fourth graders, and 110 fifth graders. Chi-square method was used to determine the relation between the class and the gender. Results: Out of all students 30.4% of them thought that it is harmful to eat fish and yogurt together. 80.3% of them had the idea that consuming calcium in their diet does not increase iron absorption. 66.9% of the participants declared that they drink tea without sugar.Conclusion: It was determined that the students do not apply the information they know correctly to their daily lives. In some questions, it was observed that the students’ knowledge about nutrition is insufficient. In order to correct the eating habits and to create public awareness of nutrition, courses about nutrition should be included in the curriculum of medical students

    Serum copeptin level can be a helpful biomarker in evaluation of myocardial perfusion scintigraphy results

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    Background: Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy (MPS) is a well-established diagnostic tool. The sensitivity and specificity of single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) MPS to detect significant coronary lesion were 86% and 74%, respectively. The aim of this study was to examine the role of serum copeptin in evaluation of MPS. Methods: Sixty-two consecutive patients underwent both SPECT MPS using 99mTc-sestamibi and transthoracic echocardiography were enrolled prospectively. Age, gender, height, weight, presence of cardiovascular risk factors were recorded. Exercise treadmill test (ETT) with modified Bruce protocol was used to induce coronary ischemia during MPS. While performing MPS, blood samples for serum copeptin level were drawn three times at pre-exercise, at the peak of ETT, and 6 h after ETT, respectively. The patients were enrolled into three groups according to MPS results (normal, equivocal and ischemia). Results: The study included 62 patients (23 with normal, 20 with equivocal, 19 with ischemia on MPS). Pre-, peak-, and post-exercise B-type natriuretic peptide and troponin I values were similar across the groups (p > 0.05 for all comparisons). Serum copeptin values for pre- and peak-exercise were similar among all groups (p = 0.883 and p = 0.089). Post-exercise copeptin values of the normal and equivocal groups were similar (p = 0.661, z = –0.438) while that of the ischemia group was significantly higher than both the normal (p < 0.001) and equivocal group (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Serum copeptin was found to be increasing significantly in case of ischemia on MPS. It may be used in differentiation of equivocal results from false positive results.