9 research outputs found

    Diversity and ecology of wood-inhabiting aphyllophoroid basidiomycetes on fallen woody debris in various forest types in Switzerland

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    This study on the ecology of aphyllophoroid wood-inhabiting basidiomycetes in Switzerland showed a remarkably high species diversity of both saprophytes and mycorrhiza-forming species. Phlebiella vaga, a saprophytic species, and Amphinema byssoides, a mycorrhizal symbiont, were the two most abundant species. A total of 3339 samples of fungal fruitbodies in 86 plots distributed all over Switzerland belonged to 238 species. The five main biogeographical regions of Switzerland showed different pattern of fungal species richness: while the Plateau at lower altitudes was found to be rather rich, the Northern Alps and Central Alps, with the highest amount of forests cover, yielded less species. Although the Southern Alps exhibited the lowest species richness, this region harbours a specific species set. These findings encourage for further studies in Central Europe, where many species of aphyllophoroid wood-inhabiting basidiomycetes seem to be highly under-investigate

    Influence of Forest Management on the Species Richness and Composition of Wood-inhabiting Basidiomycetes in Swiss Forests

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    In order to investigate the diversity of wood-inhabiting aphyllophoroid basidiomycetes in Swiss forests, 86 plots of 50m 2 were established. They harboured a total of 3339 samples of woody debris, classified according to three categories (coarse, fine, and very fine woody debris), yielding 238 species of wood-inhabiting fungi. The selected sites cover the main forest types of Switzerland and various degrees of management intensity. A multiple linear regression analysis showed that substrate variation, i.e. differences in the quality of dead wood, including volume, age, degree of decomposition and host tree species, are the most important factors influencing diversity of wood-inhabiting fungi. In addition, a Principle Coordinate Analysis highlighted differences in the fungal communities in the different forest types. The greatest fungal species richness is found on thermophilic deciduous tree and woody shrub species. Fine and very fine woody debris, even present in intensively managed forests, often serve as important refuges for many species. Forests with a recent management intervention were found to be either species poor or species rich. Possible reasons for these differences may lay in forest size and landscape fragmentation, the distance to the nearest species pool or microclimatic factors. In Switzerland intensively managed forests harbour significantly less wood-inhabiting, aphyllophoroid fungi than non-managed or extensively managed forests. This is the case in both deciduous forests and in conifer forests. However, occasionally intensively managed forest will also harbour rare and endangered specie

    Ecological determinants of fungal diversity on dead wood in European forests

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    International audienceThe fine-scale ecological determinants for wood-inhabiting aphyllophoroid basidiomycetes were investigated with statistical analyses of the occurrence of fruit bodies on woody debris collected in Switzerland and Ukraine. Three substrate descriptors were considered: diameter, degree of decomposition and host tree species. By means of Multiple Regression Trees, thresholds in the response of fungal communities to these local environmental descriptors were detected. Three classes for diameter, as well as for degree of decomposition were thus delimited. They revealed the importance of very small sizes, which were not reported in the literature so far: the relevant diameter class limits were about 0.72 cm and 1.35 cm. Within the host tree species, a clear distinction between coniferous and broadleaf species was found. The next splits followed rather climatic determinants of tree distribution than taxonomical entities such as families or genera. The fidelity of the 59 fungal species to diameter classes, decomposition classes and host tree species was measured by the DufrĂŞne-Legendre index and only significant responses after permutation tests were retained. This brought new insights on the ecology of many wood-inhabiting aphyllophoroid basidiomycetes. Redundancy Analysis was applied to investigate the response of fungal species to diameter and degree of decomposition of woody debris from the most common host tree species, Fagus sylvatica. This direct gradient analysis made it possible to reconstruct the succession of fungal species along the wood decomposition process

    What drives European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) mortality after forest fires of varying severity?

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    Predicting the timing and amount of tree mortality after a forest fire is of paramount importance for post-fire management decisions, such as salvage logging or reforestation. Such knowledge is particularly needed in mountainous regions where forest stands often serve as protection against natural hazards (e.g., snow avalanches, rockfalls, landslides). In this paper, we focus on the drivers and timing of mortality in fire-injured beech trees (Fagus sylvatica L.) in mountain regions. We studied beech forests in the southwestern European Alps, which burned between 1970 and 2012. The results show that beech trees, which lack fire-resistance traits, experience increased mortality within the first two decades post-fire with a timing and amount strongly related to the burn severity. Beech mortality is fast and ubiquitous in high severity sites, whereas small- (DBH <12 cm) and intermediate-diameter (DBH 12–36 cm) trees face a higher risk to die in moderate-severity sites. Large-diameter trees mostly survive, representing a crucial ecological legacy for beech regeneration. Mortality remains low and at a level similar to unburnt beech forests for low burn severity sites. Beech trees diameter, the presence of fungal infestation and elevation are the most significant drivers of mortality. The risk of beech to die increases toward higher elevation and is higher for small-diameter than for large-diameter trees. In case of secondary fungi infestation beech faces generally a higher risk to die. Interestingly, fungi that initiate post-fire tree mortality differ from fungi occurring after mechanical injury. From a management point of view, the insights about the controls of post-fire mortality provided by this study should help in planning post-fire silvicultural measures in montane beech forests

    Impact of atrial fibrillation phenotype and left atrial volume on outcome after pulmonary vein isolation.

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    AIMS Pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) is increasingly performed in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). Both AF phenotype and left atrial (LA) volume have been shown to influence ablation outcome. The inter-relationship of the two is incompletely understood. We aimed to investigate the impact of AF phenotype vs. LA volume on outcome after PVI. METHODS AND RESULTS In a retrospective analysis of a prospective registry of patients undergoing a first PVI, the association of AF phenotype and LA volume index (LAVI) was assessed as well as their impact on AF recurrence during follow-up. Overall, 476 patients were enrolled (median age 63 years, 29% females, 65.8% paroxysmal AF). Obesity, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and heart failure were all significantly more frequent in persistent AF. After 1 year, single-procedure, freedom from arrhythmia recurrence was 61.5%. Patients with paroxysmal AF had better outcomes compared with patients with persistent AF (65.6 vs. 52.7%, P = 0.003), as had patients with no/mild vs. moderate/severe LA dilation (LAVI <42 mL/m2 67.1% vs. LAVI ≥42 mL/m2 53%, P < 0.001). The combination of both parameters refined prediction of 1-year recurrence (P < 0.001). After adjustment for additional clinical risk factors in multivariable Cox proportional hazard analysis, both AF phenotype and LAVI ≥42 mL/m2 contributed significantly towards the prediction of 1-year recurrence. CONCLUSION Atrial fibrillation phenotype and LA volume are independent predictors of outcome after PVI. Persistent AF with no/mild LA dilation has a similar risk of recurrence as paroxysmal AF with a moderate/severe LA dilation and should be given similar priority for ablation