1,779 research outputs found

    Effect of Age and Food Novelty on Food Memory

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    The influence of age of the consumer and food novelty on incidentally learned food memory was investigated by providing a meal containing novel and familiar target items under the pretense of a study on hunger feelings to 34 young and 36 older participants in France and to 24 young and 20 older participants in Denmark and testing them a day later on recognition of the targets among a set of distractors that were variations of the target made by adding or subtracting taste (sour or sweet) or aroma (orange or red berry flavor). Memory was also tested by asking participants to indicate whether the target and the distractors were equal to or less or more intense than the remembered target in sourness sweetness and aroma. The results showed that when novelty is defined as whether people know or not a given product, it has a strong influence on memory performance, but that age did not, the elderly performing just as well as the young. The change in the distractors was more readily detected with familiar than with novel targets where the participants were still confused by the target itself. Special attention is given to the influence of the incidental learning paradigm on the outcome and to the ways in which it differs from traditional recognition experiments

    Genomics for the advancement of livestock production: A South African perspective

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    Most of the growth of human populations worldwide will be in developing countries, including South Africa. Natural resources are under immense pressure and animal scientists are faced with the challenges for increased efficiency and long-term sustainability of livestock production. Since the completion of the Human Genome Project, animal genomes have been mapped with genomics, enabling new opportunities for application in farm animal species. The use of microsatellite markers has made significant contributions to the insight in genetic characterisation of indigenous and local developed breeds in most farm species in South Africa and Africa. The single nucleotide polymorphic (SNP) marker discovery and development of commercial SNP arrays made genomic selection possible and genomic enhanced breeding values (GEBVs) are used widely in the First World. In South Africa, genomic programmes for beef and dairy cattle were established in 2015 and 2016, with the focus on building training populations for genomic selection. The SA Bonsmara breed was the first to receive GEBV. The availability of hard-to-measure phenotypes is limited, and these are the traits that hold the most potential for genomic selection and answering to the challenges of methane (CH4) emissions and higher efficiency. Genome editing, which involves zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs), transcription-activators such as endonucleases (TALEN) and RNA-programmable genome editor (CRISPR/CAS9), includes the most recent technology for application in precision genetics. Welfare and ethical concerns will be an important consideration in the acceptability of genome editing to consumers. Applications that benefit the animals are more acceptable to the public. The use of genome editing to produce polled cattle is one of the first applications with a direct welfare impact as it nullifies the need for painful dehorning. In this paper, genomic technology is reviewed with the focus on the most recent research trends and commercial application of genomics towards the genetic improvement of livestock with specific reference to South Africa.Keywords: Genetic diversity, genomic selection, gene editing, microsatellite markers, SN

    Helices at Interfaces

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    Helically coiled filaments are a frequent motif in nature. In situations commonly encountered in experiments coiled helices are squeezed flat onto two dimensional surfaces. Under such 2-D confinement helices form "squeelices" - peculiar squeezed conformations often resembling looped waves, spirals or circles. Using theory and Monte-Carlo simulations we illuminate here the mechanics and the unusual statistical mechanics of confined helices and show that their fluctuations can be understood in terms of moving and interacting discrete particle-like entities - the "twist-kinks". We show that confined filaments can thermally switch between discrete topological twist quantized states, with some of the states exhibiting dramatically enhanced circularization probability while others displaying surprising hyperflexibility

    Health-related motor testing of children in primary school: A systematic review of criterion-referenced standards

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    Being physically fit in younger years prevents several diseases in the presence as well as in the life course. Therefore, monitoring physical fitness and motor competence through motor testing is essential for determining developmental status and identifying health-related risks. The main objectives of this systematic review were (1) to identify currently available health-related criterion-referenced standards and cut-off points for physical fitness and motor competence test items, (2) to frame the methodological background on setting health-related criterion-referenced standards and (3) to give implications for a health-related evaluation system for physical fitness and motor competence tests. The electronic data base search (PubMed, Web of Science and SURF) yielded 2062 records in total and identified six empirical studies reporting cut-off points of motor test items for children (7–10 years), as well as 30 methodological papers discussing determination approaches to health-related criterion-referenced standards. Data collection, selection and analyses followed the PRISMA guidelines. Health-related motor test standards need to be gender- and age-specific but should refer to an absolute cut-off point rather than to relative performance in the reference group. Due to the lack of data on health-related criterion referenced standards, receiver-operating-characteristic (ROC) curves provide a tool for the determination of cut-off points and criterion referenced standards for physical fitness and motor competence tests. A standardized approach forms the fundamental base for a globally applicable evaluation of health-related fitness tests

    Genetic polymorphism of CSN1S2 in South African dairy goat populations

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    Alpha-s2 casein has a significant influence on protein content in goat milk, and the technological properties important for cheese processing. Specific alleles (A, B, C, E and F) of the alpha (α)s2-casein gene (CSN1S2) result in higher protein, casein and fat content, and improved coagulation properties, which are useful for improved cheese making. The aim of this study was to investigate the polymorphism and genetic variation of CSN1S2 in South African dairy goats, using DNA sequencing technology. Sixty dairy goats (20 Saanes, 20 British Alpine, and 20 Toggenburg) and 20 meat-type goats were sequenced with four primers to distinguish among the seven known alleles for αs2-casein. A total of four alleles (A, B, C and F) for CSN1S2 were observed among the dairy- and meat-type populations with ten genotypes across the populations. The A allele and the AA genotype were the most frequent across the populations, with the favourable AC genotype being the most frequent (0.300) in the Saanen population. Two unique genotypes were detected in the Toggenburg (BB and BF) and one in the meat-type goats (CF). The results indicate moderate genetic variation for αs2-casein in the South African goat populations (42.3–63.6%). Low positive FST values suggest limited inbreeding. This study confirmed the presence of favourable alleles in the South African goat populations, indicating room for genetic improvement using directional selection for favourable genotypes.Keywords: alpha-s2-casein, genetic variation, goat milk, protein content, Saane

    A three-dimensional model for stage I-crack propagation

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    The propagation of short fatigue cracks is simulated by means of a three-dimensional model. Under loading conditions in the high cycle fatigue regime the growth of these cracks can determine up to 90% of the lifetime of a component. Stage I-cracks often grow on slip bands and exhibit strong interactions with microstructural features such as grain boundaries. Experimental investigations have shown that the crack propagation rate decreases significantly when the crack tip approaches a grain boundary and even a complete stop of crack propagation is possible. In order to consider the real three-dimensional orientation of a slip plane an existing two-dimensional mechanism-based model (Künkler el al., 2008) is extended to simulate the propagation of a three-dimensional surface crack. The crack geometry is modelled using dislocation loops (Hills et al., 1996), which represent the relative displacement between the crack flanks. To describe the propagation of stage Icracks elastic-plastic material behaviour is considered by allowing a plastic deformation due to slip on the active slip plane. The extension of the plastic zone is blocked by the grain boundary. The crack propagation law is based on the range of the crack tip slide displacement, which is obtained from the plastic solution. Behind the grain boundary the shear stress field is evaluated. Results show that a high twist angle between the slip planes causes a significant decrease in the stresses, which can yield a crack stop

    Neutron induced reactions on radioactive beryllium and argon isotopes

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    The preparation of radioactive 10^{10}Be, 37 ⁣^{37}\!Ar and 39 ⁣^{39}\!Ar samples is discussed. Investigation of the 10^{10}Be(nth,γ_{th} , \gamma)11 ⁣^{11}\!Be , 37^{37}Ar(nth,α_{th} , \alpha)34^{34}S , 37^{37}Ar(nth_{th} , p)37 ⁣^{37}\!Cl and 39 ⁣^{39}\!Ar(nth,α_{th} , \alpha)36^{36}S reactions is reported, and resonances in the 37^{37}Ar(n , α\alpha)34^{34}S reaction have been observed and analysed

    Attachment, Growth, and Detachment of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a Chemically Defined Medium

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    Citation: Denise Salzig, Jasmin Leber, Katharina Merkewitz, Michaela C. Lange, Natascha Köster, and Peter Czermak, “Attachment, Growth, and Detachment of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a Chemically Defined Medium,” Stem Cells International, vol. 2016, Article ID 5246584, 10 pages, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/5246584The manufacture of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) for clinical applications requires an appropriate growth surface and an optimized, preferably chemically defined medium (CDM) for expansion. We investigated a new protein/peptide-free CDM that supports the adhesion, growth, and detachment of an immortalized hMSC line (hMSC-TERT) as well as primary cells derived from bone marrow (bm-hMSCs) and adipose tissue (ad-hMSCs). We observed the rapid attachment and spreading of hMSC-TERT cells and ad-hMSCs in CDM concomitant with the expression of integrin and actin fibers. Cell spreading was promoted by coating the growth surface with collagen type IV and fibronectin. The growth of hMSC-TERT cells was similar in CDM and serum-containing medium whereas the lag phase of bm-hMSCs was prolonged in CDM. FGF-2 or surface coating with collagen type IV promoted the growth of bm-hMSCs, but laminin had no effect. All three cell types retained their trilineage differentiation capability in CDM and were detached by several enzymes (but not collagenase in the case of hMSC-TERT cells). The medium and coating did not affect detachment efficiency but influenced cell survival after detachment. CDM combined with cell-specific surface coatings and/or FGF-2 supplements is therefore as effective as serum-containing medium for the manufacture of different hMSC types

    Cultural background shapes spatial reference frame proclivity

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    Spatial navigation is an essential human skill that is influenced by several factors. The present study investigates how gender, age, and cultural background account for differences in reference frame proclivity and performance in a virtual navigation task. Using an online navigation study, we recorded reaction times, error rates (confusion of turning axis), and reference frame proclivity (egocentric vs. allocentric reference frame) of 1823 participants. Reaction times significantly varied with gender and age, but were only marginally influenced by the cultural background of participants. Error rates were in line with these results and exhibited a significant influence of gender and culture, but not age. Participants cultural background significantly influenced reference frame selection; the majority of North-Americans preferred an allocentric strategy, while Latin-Americans preferred an egocentric navigation strategy. European and Asian groups were in between these two extremes. Neither the factor of age nor the factor of gender had a direct impact on participants navigation strategies. The strong effects of cultural background on navigation strategies without the influence of gender or age underlines the importance of socialized spatial cognitive processes and argues for socio-economic analysis in studies investigating human navigation