408 research outputs found

    A Pathwise Ergodic Theorem for Quantum Trajectories

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    If the time evolution of an open quantum system approaches equilibrium in the time mean, then on any single trajectory of any of its unravelings the time averaged state approaches the same equilibrium state with probability 1. In the case of multiple equilibrium states the quantum trajectory converges in the mean to a random choice from these states.Comment: 8 page

    Noise models for superoperators in the chord representation

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    We study many-qubit generalizations of quantum noise channels that can be written as an incoherent sum of translations in phase space. Physical description in terms of the spectral properties of the superoperator and the action in phase space are provided. A very natural description of decoherence leading to a preferred basis is achieved with diffusion along a phase space line. The numerical advantages of using the chord representation are illustrated in the case of coarse-graining noise.Comment: 8 pages, 5 .ps figures (RevTeX4). Submitted to Phys. Rev. A. minor changes made, according to referee suggestion

    The Free Quon Gas Suffers Gibbs' Paradox

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    We consider the Statistical Mechanics of systems of particles satisfying the qq-commutation relations recently proposed by Greenberg and others. We show that although the commutation relations approach Bose (resp.\ Fermi) relations for q1q\to1 (resp.\ q1q\to-1), the partition functions of free gases are independent of qq in the range 1<q<1-1<q<1. The partition functions exhibit Gibbs' Paradox in the same way as a classical gas without a correction factor 1/N!1/N! for the statistical weight of the NN-particle phase space, i.e.\ the Statistical Mechanics does not describe a material for which entropy, free energy, and particle number are extensive thermodynamical quantities.Comment: number-of-pages, LaTeX with REVTE

    Saliency Benchmarking Made Easy: Separating Models, Maps and Metrics

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    Dozens of new models on fixation prediction are published every year and compared on open benchmarks such as MIT300 and LSUN. However, progress in the field can be difficult to judge because models are compared using a variety of inconsistent metrics. Here we show that no single saliency map can perform well under all metrics. Instead, we propose a principled approach to solve the benchmarking problem by separating the notions of saliency models, maps and metrics. Inspired by Bayesian decision theory, we define a saliency model to be a probabilistic model of fixation density prediction and a saliency map to be a metric-specific prediction derived from the model density which maximizes the expected performance on that metric given the model density. We derive these optimal saliency maps for the most commonly used saliency metrics (AUC, sAUC, NSS, CC, SIM, KL-Div) and show that they can be computed analytically or approximated with high precision. We show that this leads to consistent rankings in all metrics and avoids the penalties of using one saliency map for all metrics. Our method allows researchers to have their model compete on many different metrics with state-of-the-art in those metrics: "good" models will perform well in all metrics.Comment: published at ECCV 201

    Coherent States of the q--Canonical Commutation Relations

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    For the qq-deformed canonical commutation relations a(f)a(g)=(1q)f,g1+qa(g)a(f)a(f)a^\dagger(g) = (1-q)\,\langle f,g\rangle{\bf1}+q\,a^\dagger(g)a(f) for f,gf,g in some Hilbert space H{\cal H} we consider representations generated from a vector Ω\Omega satisfying a(f)Ω=f,ϕΩa(f)\Omega=\langle f,\phi\rangle\Omega, where ϕH\phi\in{\cal H}. We show that such a representation exists if and only if ϕ1\Vert\phi\Vert\leq1. Moreover, for ϕ<1\Vert\phi\Vert<1 these representations are unitarily equivalent to the Fock representation (obtained for ϕ=0\phi=0). On the other hand representations obtained for different unit vectors ϕ\phi are disjoint. We show that the universal C*-algebra for the relations has a largest proper, closed, two-sided ideal. The quotient by this ideal is a natural qq-analogue of the Cuntz algebra (obtained for q=0q=0). We discuss the Conjecture that, for d<d<\infty, this analogue should, in fact, be equal to the Cuntz algebra itself. In the limiting cases q=±1q=\pm1 we determine all irreducible representations of the relations, and characterize those which can be obtained via coherent states.Comment: 19 pages, Plain Te

    GREENER pharmaceuticals for more sustainable healthcare

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from the American Chemical Society via the DOI in this record. Medicines are essential to human health but can also impact the aquatic and terrestrial environment after use by patients and release via excreta into wastewater. We highlight the need for a GREENER approach to identify and meet important environmental criteria, which will help reduce the impact of medicinal residues on the environment. These criteria include effect reduction by avoiding nontarget effects or undesirable moieties, exposure reduction via lower emissions or environmental (bio)degradability, no PBT (persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic) substances, and risk mitigation. With all of these criteria, however, patient health is of primary importance as medicines are required to be safe and efficacious for treating diseases. We discuss the feasibility of including these criteria for green by design active pharmaceutical ingredients in the process of drug discovery and development and which tools or assays are needed to accomplish this. The integrated GREENER approach can be used to accelerate discussions about future innovations in drug discovery and development.Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertakin

    Loss of Function in Escherichia coli exposed to Environmentally Relevant Concentrations of Benzalkonium Chloride

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    Assessing the risk of resistance associated with biocide exposure commonly involves exposing microorganisms to biocides at concentrations close to the MIC. With the aim of representing exposure to environmental biocide residues, MG1655 was grown for 20 passages in the presence or absence of benzalkonium chloride (BAC) at 100 ng/L and 1000 ng/L (0.0002% and 0.002% of the MIC respectively). BAC susceptibility, planktonic growth rates, motility and biofilm-formation were assessed, and differentially expressed genes determined via RNA-sequencing. Planktonic growth rate and biofilm-formation were significantly reduced (p<0.001) following BAC adaptation, whilst BAC minimum bactericidal concentration increased two-fold. Transcriptomic analysis identified 289 upregulated and 391 downregulated genes after long-term BAC adaptation when compared to the respective control organism passaged in BAC-free-media. When the BAC-adapted bacterium was grown in biocide-free medium, 1052 genes were upregulated and 753 were down regulated. Repeated passage solely in biocide-free medium resulted in 460 upregulated and 476 downregulated genes compared to unexposed bacteria. Long-term exposure to environmentally relevant BAC concentrations increased the expression of genes associated with efflux and reduced gene expression associated with outer-membrane porins, motility and chemotaxis. This was manifested phenotypically through loss-of-function (motility). Repeated passage in a BAC-free-environment resulted in the up-regulation of multiple respiration-associated genes, which was reflected by increased growth rate. In summary, repeated exposure of to BAC residues resulted in significant alterations in global gene expression that were associated with minor decreases in biocide susceptibility, reductions in growth-rate and biofilm-formation, and loss of motility. Exposure to very low concentrations of biocide in the environment is a poorly understood risk factor for antimicrobial resistance. Repeated exposure to trace levels of the biocide BAC resulted in loss of function (motility) and a general reduction in bacterial fitness, but relatively minor decreases in susceptibility. These changes were accompanied by widespread changes in the transcriptome. This demonstrates the importance of including phenotypic characterisation in studies designed to assess the risks of biocide exposure. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2018 American Society for Microbiology.

    Decomposition of operator semigroups on W*-algebras

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    We consider semigroups of operators on a W^*-algebra and prove, under appropriate assumptions, the existence of a Jacobs-DeLeeuw-Glicksberg type decomposition. This decomposition splits the algebra into a "stable" and "reversible" part with respect to the semigroup and yields, among others, a structural approach to the Perron-Frobenius spectral theory for completely positive operators on W^*-algebras.Comment: referee's comments incorporated. To appear in Semigroup Foru

    Modernizing persistence–bioaccumulation–toxicity (PBT) assessment with high throughput animal-free methods

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    The assessment of persistence (P), bioaccumulation (B), and toxicity (T) of a chemical is a crucial first step at ensuring chemical safety and is a cornerstone of the European Union’s chemicals regulation REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals). Existing methods for PBT assessment are overly complex and cumbersome, have produced incorrect conclusions, and rely heavily on animal-intensive testing. We explore how new-approach methodologies (NAMs) can overcome the limitations of current PBT assessment. We propose two innovative hazard indicators, termed cumulative toxicity equivalents (CTE) and persistent toxicity equivalents (PTE). Together they are intended to replace existing PBT indicators and can also accommodate the emerging concept of PMT (where M stands for mobility). The proposed “toxicity equivalents” can be measured with high throughput in vitro bioassays. CTE refers to the toxic effects measured directly in any given sample, including single chemicals, substitution products, or mixtures. PTE is the equivalent measure of cumulative toxicity equivalents measured after simulated environmental degradation of the sample. With an appropriate panel of animal-free or alternative in vitro bioassays, CTE and PTE comprise key environmental and human health hazard indicators. CTE and PTE do not require analytical identification of transformation products and mixture components but instead prompt two key questions: is the chemical or mixture toxic, and is this toxicity persistent or can it be attenuated by environmental degradation? Taken together, the proposed hazard indicators CTE and PTE have the potential to integrate P, B/M and T assessment into one high-throughput experimental workflow that sidesteps the need for analytical measurements and will support the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability of the European Union

    Exploring the evidence base for national and regional policy interventions to combat resistance

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    The effectiveness of existing policies to control antimicrobial resistance is not yet fully understood. A strengthened evidence base is needed to inform effective policy interventions across countries with different income levels and the human health and animal sectors. We examine three policy domains—responsible use, surveillance, and infection prevention and control—and consider which will be the most effective at national and regional levels. Many complexities exist in the implementation of such policies across sectors and in varying political and regulatory environments. Therefore, we make recommendations for policy action, calling for comprehensive policy assessments, using standardised frameworks, of cost-effectiveness and generalisability. Such assessments are especially important in low-income and middle-income countries, and in the animal and environmental sectors. We also advocate a One Health approach that will enable the development of sensitive policies, accommodating the needs of each sector involved, and addressing concerns of specific countries and regions