16 research outputs found
SEISMIC RISK – Mitigation of induced seismic risk in urban environments
In the SEISMIC RISK -Mitigation of induced seismic risk in urban environments -project, the research consortium consisting of University of Helsinki, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and Geological Survey of Finland is studying how to mitigate induced seismic risk associated with deep geothermal power stations in Finland. Small-magnitude earthquakes pose a risk to critical sensitive infrastructure such as hospitals, data centres and underground construction. Risk can be mitigated with transparent permitting, seismic monitoring and regional planning. The project will publish a set of seismic hazard maps of Finland and especially of the Helsinki Capital Region and assess the potential impact of seismic waves on different parts of the capital area via3D models: shear wave tomography, conceptual soil and bedrock model. The project will study the different roles the national, regional and municipal governance in the “wicked” permitting processes. It will assess what information on induced seismicity and associated risks and at what level of detail the authorities need it.Non peer reviewe
Predicting Missing Seismic Velocity Values Using Self-Organizing Maps to Aid the Interpretation of Seismic Reflection Data from the Kevitsa Ni-Cu-PGE Deposit in Northern Finland
We use self-organizing map (SOM) analysis to predict missing seismic velocity values from other available borehole data. The site of this study is the Kevitsa Ni-Cu-PGE deposit within the mafic-ultramafic Kevitsa intrusion in northern Finland. The site has been the target of extensive seismic reflection surveys, which have revealed a series of reflections beneath the Kevitsa resource area. The interpretation of these reflections has been complicated by disparate borehole data, particularly because of the scarce amount of available sonic borehole logs and the varying practices in logging of borehole lithologies. SOM is an unsupervised data mining method based on vector quantization. In this study, SOM is used to predict missing seismic velocities from other geophysical, geochemical, geological, and geotechnical data. For test boreholes, for which measured seismic velocity logs are also available, the correlation between actual measured and predicted velocities is strong to moderate, depending on the parameters included in the SOM analysis. Predicted reflectivity logs, based on measured densities and predicted velocities, show that some contacts between olivine pyroxenite/olivine websterite-dominant host rocks of the Kevitsa disseminated sulfide mineralization—and metaperidotite—earlier extensively used “lithology” label that essentially describes various degrees of alteration of different olivine pyroxenite variants—are reflective, and thus, alteration can potentially cause reflectivity within the Kevitsa intrusion
How to deliver information on induced seismicity to the authorities and general public?
Non peer reviewe
Data mining of petrophysical and lithogeochemical borehole data to elucidate the origin of seismic reflectivity within the Kevitsa Ni-Cu-PGE -bearing intrusion, northern Finland
The Kevitsa mafic-ultramafic intrusion, located within the Central Lapland Greenstone Belt in northern Finland, hosts a large, disseminated Ni-Cu-PGE sulphide deposit. A three-dimensional seismic reflection survey was conducted over the Kevitsa intrusion in 2010 primarily for open-pit mine planning and for deep mineral exploration purposes. In the Kevitsa three-dimensional seismic data, laterally continuous reflections are observed within a constrained region within the intrusion. In earlier studies, it has been suggested that this internal reflectivity mainly originates from contacts between the tops and more sulphide-rich bottoms of smaller scale, internally differentiated magma layers that represent a spectrum of olivine pyroxenites. However, this interpretation is not unequivocally supported by the borehole data. In this study, data mining, namely the Self-Organizing Map analysis, of extensive Kevitsa borehole data is used to investigate the possible causes for the observed internal reflectivity within the Kevitsa intrusion. Modelling of the effect of mineralization and alteration on the reflectivity properties of Kevitsa rock types, based on average modal compositions of the rock types, is presented to support the results of the Self-Organizing Map analysis. Based on the results, we suggest that the seismic reflectivity observed within the Kevitsa intrusion can possibly be attributed to alteration, and may also be linked to the presence of sulphide minerals.Peer reviewe
Osastonhoitajien kokemukset johtamisesta koronan aikana
Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa, millaisia kokemuksia erään organisaation osastonhoitajilla (n = 5) on koronapandemian aikaisesta johtamisesta.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on lisätä tietoisuutta johtamisen mahdollisista haasteista löytäen keinoja kriisijohtamiseen. Lisäksi tavoitteena on nähdä ja havainnollistaa esimiesten kehittyminen poikkeustilanteiden johtamisessa. Aiheen toivotaan kehittävän omaa ammattialaa nostamalla hoitotyön esimiesten ääntä kuuluviin.
Tutkimus on toteutettu haastattelemalla viittä osastonhoitajaa teemahaastatteluiden avulla, ja varsinaiset tutkimustulokset analysoitiin induktiivisen sisällönanalyysin mukaisesti. Tämän opinnäytetyön teoreettinen viitekehys koostuu johtamisen teoriaosuudesta, johon sisältyy myös kriisijohtaminen sekä kriisiviestintä. Lisäksi tarkastellaan lyhyesti koronaviruksen ilmenemistä.
Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan osastonhoitajat kokivat omassa johtamisessaan riittämättömyyden tunnetta, jota heijastettiin eri osa-alueisiin. Riittämättömyyttä
koettiin muun muassa informaation paljouden sisäistämisessä sekä alaisten tarpeisiin vastaamisessa, kuten hoitajien kuuntelemisen vaikeutumisessa. Onnistumisen kohteiksi mainittiin resurssien pääsääntöinen riittävyys, koronaan nopea
reagointi ja riittävä viestintä. Sen sijaan johtamisen haastekohdiksi mainittiin relevantin tiedon saaminen ja ohjeistuksien jatkuva muuttuminen. Saadun tiedon
eteenpäin välittäminen alaisille koettiin sekä haasteeksi että onnistumisen kohteeksi.
Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella voidaan sanoa, että tutkimukseen osallistuneiden osastonhoitajien korona-ajan johtaminen on ollut kuormittavaa, mutta resilienssin kehittymisen myötä osastonhoitajat ovat onnistuneet omassa johtamisessaan.The purpose of this study was to describe what kind of experiences the head nurses (n= 5) of an organization have of management during corona pandemic. The aim of this research is to increase awareness of the potential challenges of management by finding ways to meet the development needs of crisis management. In addition, the aim is to see and demonstrate the development of supervisors in managing emergency situations. It is hoped that the topic will develop this professional field by raising the voice of nursing supervisors.
The study was conducted by interviewing five head nurses. The data was collected through a theme interview and analysed with inductive content analysis. The theoretical study contains information regarding management, which also includes crisis management and crisis communication. The theoretical frame also contains information regarding the appearance of coronavirus.
According to this study, head nurses felt a sense of inadequacy in their own management, which was reflected in various areas. Inadequacies were felt in, among other things, internalizing the amount of information and responding to the needs of subordinates and for example making it more difficult to listen to the nurses. The main sources of success were the adequacy of resources, the rapid response and adequate communication whereas receiving relevant information and constant change in guidelines were mentioned as management challenges. Passing on the received information to the subordinates was felt to be both a challenge and an area of success
Sex- and site-specific, age-related changes in bone density-a Terry collection study
As modern populations are living longer, age-related health issues have become more common. One growing concern is the age-related bone density loss that increases the individual's risk for fractures, which unfortunately seems to disproportionately afflict women. These fractures are not only detrimental to the individuals' lives but also come with a great economic burden to the societies. Although age-related bone loss is a normal phenomenon, studies on archaeological individuals have demonstrated that the pattern how this occurs has experienced changes due to our changing lifestyles. Hence, to add to our understanding of secular trends in age-related bone loss, we studied age-and sex-related differences in vertebral and femoral bone densities of a recent past population of late 19th and early 20th century Americans. We used a sample of 114 individuals (55 males, 59 females) from the Robert J. Terry Anatomical Skeletal Collection. Peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) was used to scan the dry bones. We took one scan from the 4th lumbar vertebra and three scans from the femur. The associations between the age, sex and bone density were analyzed. We were able to detect age-related bone loss in both vertebra and femur. It was observed that men tended to lose more bone density on the vertebra, whereas bone loss in women was more pronounced in the femur. We speculate that differences to modern and earlier archaeological populations are related to the major lifestyle differences between the periods.Peer reviewe
Deep learning in sex estimation from a peripheral quantitative computed tomography scan of the fourth lumbar vertebra-a proof-of-concept study
Sex estimation is a key element in the analysis of unknown skeletal remains. The vertebrae display clear sex discrepancy and have proven accurate in conventional morphometric sex estimation. This proof-of-concept study aimed to investigate the possibility to develop a deep learning algorithm for sex estimation even from a single peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) slice of the fourth lumbar vertebra (L4). The study utilized a total of 117 vertebrae from the Terry Anatomical Collection. There were 58 male and 59 female cadavers, all of the white ethnicity, with the average age at death 49 years and a range of 24 to 77 years. A coronal pQCT scan was taken from the midway of the L4 corpus. Sex estimation was performed in a total of 19 neural network architectures implemented in the AIDeveloper software. Of the explored architectures, a LeNet5-based algorithm reached the highest accuracy of 86.4% in the test set. Sex-specific classification rates were 90.9% among males and 81.8% among females. This preliminary finding advances the field by encouraging and directing future research on artificial intelligence-based methods in sex estimation from individual skeletal traits such as the vertebrae. Combining quickly obtained imaging data with automated deep learning algorithms may establish a valuable pipeline for forensic anthropology and provide aid when combined with traditional methods.Peer reviewe