12 research outputs found


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    AbstractForest species present around 75% of their nutrient demand in the initial growth stage. The objectives of this study were: to determine appropriate doses of N, P and K to be applied for Australian cedar cultivation in Oxisols; and to establish foliar contents suitable for the initial stage of plant development. Three concomitant experiments were carried out using randomized blocks design with four replications. In the first, it was provided 5 doses of N, and in the second 5 doses of P2O5, and in the third 5 doses of K2O. In all three experiments, Australian cedar seedlings were planted at 3x2 m spacing. Maximum economic yield (MEY) was achieved when was provided 75 g N, and 80 g P2O5 per planting hole. In this study, could not be established the dose of K2O that allows MEY, because there was no difference in height and diameter of plants as a function of potassium fertilizer rates. The initial K concentration in the soil (around 100 mg.dm-3) seems adequate to meet the nutritional needs to Australian cedar seedlings. Foliar concentrations did not vary with levels of N, P2O5 and K2O applied to soil. Mean content of N, P and K in the leaves of Australian cedar seedlings were 30, 18 and 2 mg.kg-1, respectively.ResumoSugestões de adubação nitrogenada, potássica e fosfatada para o cedro-australiano em Latossolos. Espécies florestais apresentam cerca de 75% de sua demanda de nutrientes na fase inicial de crescimento. Os objetivos deste estudo foram determinar doses adequadas de N, P e K a serem aplicadas para o cultivo de cedro-australiano em Latossolos e estabelecer os teores foliares adequados para a fase inicial de desenvolvimento da planta. Foram realizados três experimentos concomitantes, em que se aplicaram cinco doses de N no primeiro, cinco doses de P2O5 no segundo e cinco doses de K2O no terceiro. As mudas foram plantadas no espaçamento de 3 x 2 m, no delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. A máxima eficiência econômica (MEY) foi alcançada com a oferta de 75 g de N e 80 g de P2O5 por cova de plantio. Para potássio, não foi possível estabelecer a dose que permite MEY, porque não houve diferença de altura e diâmetro das plantas que receberam doses diferentes do elemento. Portanto, a concentração inicial de K no solo (cerca de 100 mg.dm-3) parece ser adequada para satisfazer as necessidades nutricionais da espécie. O teor dos nutrientes nas folhas não variou com os níveis de N, P2O5 e K2O aplicados no solo, e os níveis médios de N, P e K nas folhas de cedro-australiano foram de 30, 18 e 2 mg.kg-1, respectivamente.Palavras-chave: Nutrição mineral; silvicultura; Toona ciliata.AbstractForest species present around 75% of their nutrient demand in the initial growth stage. The objectives of this study were: to determine appropriate doses of N, P and K to be applied for Australian cedar cultivation in Oxisols; and to establish foliar contents suitable for the initial stage of plant development. Three concomitant experiments were carried out using randomized blocks design with four replications. In the first, it was provided 5 doses of N, and in the second 5 doses of P2O5, and in the third 5 doses of K2O. In all three experiments, Australian cedar seedlings were planted at 3x2 m spacing. Maximum economic yield (MEY) was achieved when was provided 75 g N, and 80 g P2O5 per planting hole. In this study, could not be established the dose of K2O that allows MEY, because there was no difference in height and diameter of plants as a function of potassium fertilizer rates. The initial K concentration in the soil (around 100 mg.dm-3) seems adequate to meet the nutritional needs to Australian cedar seedlings. Foliar concentrations did not vary with levels of N, P2O5 and K2O applied to soil. Mean content of N, P and K in the leaves of Australian cedar seedlings were 30, 18 and 2 mg.kg-1, respectively.ResumoSugestões de adubação nitrogenada, potássica e fosfatada para o cedro-australiano em Latossolos. Espécies florestais apresentam cerca de 75% de sua demanda de nutrientes na fase inicial de crescimento. Os objetivos deste estudo foram determinar doses adequadas de N, P e K a serem aplicadas para o cultivo de cedro-australiano em Latossolos e estabelecer os teores foliares adequados para a fase inicial de desenvolvimento da planta. Foram realizados três experimentos concomitantes, em que se aplicaram cinco doses de N no primeiro, cinco doses de P2O5 no segundo e cinco doses de K2O no terceiro. As mudas foram plantadas no espaçamento de 3 x 2 m, no delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. A máxima eficiência econômica (MEY) foi alcançada com a oferta de 75 g de N e 80 g de P2O5 por cova de plantio. Para potássio, não foi possível estabelecer a dose que permite MEY, porque não houve diferença de altura e diâmetro das plantas que receberam doses diferentes do elemento. Portanto, a concentração inicial de K no solo (cerca de 100 mg.dm-3) parece ser adequada para satisfazer as necessidades nutricionais da espécie. O teor dos nutrientes nas folhas não variou com os níveis de N, P2O5 e K2O aplicados no solo, e os níveis médios de N, P e K nas folhas de cedro-australiano foram de 30, 18 e 2 mg.kg-1, respectivamente.Palavras-chave: Nutrição mineral; silvicultura; Toona ciliata

    Adubação, produtividade e rentabilidade da rotação entre soja e milho em solo com fertilidade construída

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of fertilization on P and K levels in soil with improved fertility, and to identify N, P, and K doses needed to provide the greatest profitability in a rotation between soybean and corn in these soils. The experiment was carried out for three harvest seasons, in a farm with high technological investment, in a clayey Oxisol from Cerrado with high fertility. A randomized complete block design was used, in a split‑plot arrangement with three replicates. Treatments consisted of 0, 50, 100, and 150% of the recommended rates of NPK on sowing (plots), and of KCl (soybean) and N (corn) at topdressing. Even after three harvests, P (Mehlich‑1) contents remained unchanged in the soil without fertilization. Moreover, soybean yield did not decrease in the absence of fertilization. However, corn was more sensible to the reduction of fertilization, with the maximum economic return obtained with 312 kg ha-1 of the 10‑32‑10 fertilizer formulation, and of 263 kg ha-1 urea at topdressing. Soils with improved fertility demand adjustments of fertilization management for the efficient use of fertilizers in crops with high technological investment.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da adubação sobre os teores de P e K, em solo com fertilidade construída, e identificar as doses de N, P e K necessárias para obtenção de maior rentabilidade com a rotação entre soja e milho nesses solos. O experimento foi realizado durante três safras, em propriedade com alto investimento tecnológico, em Latossolo Vermelho‑Amarelo argiloso de Cerrado, com elevada fertilidade. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdividas e três repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de 0, 50, 100 e 150% das doses de fertilizantes NPK recomendadas na semeadura (parcelas) e das doses de KCl (soja) e N (milho) em cobertura (subparcelas). Mesmo após a colheita das três safras, os teores de P (Mehlich‑1) se mantiveram inalterados no solo sem adubação. Além disso, não houve decréscimo na produtividade da soja na ausência de adubação. O milho, no entanto, foi mais sensível à redução de adubação, com o máximo retorno econômico obtido com 312 kg ha-1 do adubo formulado 10‑32‑10, e 263 kg ha-1 de ureia em cobertura. Solos com fertilidade construída demandam ajustes de manejo de adubação, para o uso eficiente dos fertilizantes em lavouras com alto investimento tecnológico

    Characterization of Micronutrient Deficiency in Australian Red Cedar ( Toona ciliata

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    The Australian Red Cedar presents a great exploitation potential in Brazil, but works about the nutrient requirements and deficiency characterization in that species are still scarce. The objectives of this work were evaluating the effects of the omission of micronutrients and characterizing the nutrient deficiency symptoms in Australian Red Cedar saplings. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse for a 90-day period. Australian Red Cedar cuttings were cultivated in pots with a nutrient solution under the missing element technique. The omission of the micronutrients B, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn affect negatively the height, diameter, and dry matter yield of the Australian Red Cedar plants. The micronutrient which affected the relative growth of the plants the most was B. Australian Red Cedar plants deficient in micronutrients present several visual symptoms characteristic of the metabolism disorders. The perception of the deficiencies through the visual diagnosis can be useful in the nutrient management of the culture of the Australian Red Cedar

    Phytotechnical parameters and yield of watermelon plants under different irrigation and nitrogen levels

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    Water and nitrogen availability are fundamental for obtaining a high yield of the watermelon plant. However, the appropriate levels of irrigation and nitrogen to be applied according to specific cultivation conditions should be previously determined. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of irrigation and nitrogen levels in fertigation on the phytotechnical parameters and yield of the Top Gun hybrid watermelon plant. The experiment was conducted at São Luiz Ranch, in Bom Jesus (PI), from August 4 to October 15, 2015. The blocks in strips experimental design was used with four repetitions, and the treatments consisted of five irrigation depths (114.17, 156.86, 221.16, 268.87, and 317.09 mm) and five doses of nitrogen in fertigation (0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 kg ha-1). The growth rate of the main and primary branches, leaf area, specific leaf area, stem diameter, dry mass of the aerial part, number of fruits, and commercial production per plant were evaluated. Both hydric and nutritional stress caused decreased growth rates, leaf areas, and specific leaf areas, and the highest growth expressions were found with the combination of a 317.09 mm irrigation depth and 200 kg ha-1 nitrogen. The irrigation depths did not influence the diameter of the stem nor the accumulation of dry mass. Nitrogen doses did not influence the number of fruits and production. The 247.95 mm irrigation depth promoted the highest commercial fruit production of the watermelon plant.Water and nitrogen availability are fundamental for obtaining a high yield of the watermelon plant. However, the appropriate levels of irrigation and nitrogen to be applied according to specific cultivation conditions should be previously determined. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of irrigation and nitrogen levels in fertigation on the phytotechnical parameters and yield of the Top Gun hybrid watermelon plant. The experiment was conducted at São Luiz Ranch, in Bom Jesus (PI), from August 4 to October 15, 2015. The blocks in strips experimental design was used with four repetitions, and the treatments consisted of five irrigation depths (114.17, 156.86, 221.16, 268.87, and 317.09 mm) and five doses of nitrogen in fertigation (0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 kg ha-1). The growth rate of the main and primary branches, leaf area, specific leaf area, stem diameter, dry mass of the aerial part, number of fruits, and commercial production per plant were evaluated. Both hydric and nutritional stress caused decreased growth rates, leaf areas, and specific leaf areas, and the highest growth expressions were found with the combination of a 317.09 mm irrigation depth and 200 kg ha-1 nitrogen. The irrigation depths did not influence the diameter of the stem nor the accumulation of dry mass. Nitrogen doses did not influence the number of fruits and production. The 247.95 mm irrigation depth promoted the highest commercial fruit production of the watermelon plant

    Fontes alternativas de potássio em cafeeiros para melhoria da fertilidade do solo, da produtividade e da qualidade de bebida

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate alternative sources of potassium for improving soil fertility and coffee productivity and beverage quality. The experiment was conducted in a coffee (Coffea arabica) crop, planted in an Oxisol area, in the municipality of Patrocínio, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The treatments consisted of the K sources TK47 and Super Greensand (SG) – both based on glauconite silicate mineral –, at the following doses: 0 kg ha-1 K2O (control); 42, 84, 168, and 336 kg ha-1 K2O from TK47; 618 kg ha-1 K2O from KCl; and 168 kg ha-1 K2O from SG. A randomized complete block design was used, with four replicates in each treatment. The experimental units consisted of three rows with ten plants each, using the eight central plants as the useful plot. Potassium fertilization with TK47 increased soil fertility, correcting soil acidity and elevating K+, P, and Ca2+ contents, effective cation exchange capacity, and Zn2+ and Fe2+ levels in the soil. Fertilization with 336 kg ha-1 K2O from TK47, in a single dose, provides grain yield and polyphenol oxidase activity similar to those of fertilization with 618 kg ha-1 K2O from KCl, in a split-dose, but a better sensory analysis of the resultant beverage.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar fontes alternativas de potássio para melhoria da fertilidade do solo e da produtividade e da qualidade de bebida do cafeeiro. O experimento foi conduzido em lavoura de café (Coffea arabica) plantada em área de Latossolo, no Município de Patrocínio, no Estado de Minas Gerais. Os tratamentos consistiram da aplicação das fontes de K TK47 e Super Greensand (SG) – ambas baseadas no mineral silicatado glauconita –, nas seguintes doses: 0 kg ha-1 de K2O (controle); 42, 84, 168 e 336 kg ha-1 de K2O de TK47; 618 kg ha-1 de K2O de KCl; e 168 kg ha-1 de K2O de SG. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições por tratamento. As unidades experimentais foram constituídas por três linhas de dez plantas cada uma, tendo-se considerado as oito plantas centrais como parcela útil. A adubação potássica com TK47 aumentou a fertilidade do solo, com correção da acidez e com elevação dos teores de K+, P, Ca2+, da capacidade de troca de cátions efetiva, e dos níveis de Zn2+ e Fe2+ no solo. A adubação com 336 kg ha-1 de K2O de TK47, em dose única, proporciona produção de grãos e atividade de polifenoloxidase semelhantes às da fertilização com 618 kg ha-1 de K2O de KCl, de forma parcelada, mas melhor análise sensorial da bebida resultante

    Erosão hídrica em sistemas de preparo do solo sob chuva simulada no Cerrado Piauiense / Water erosion in soil tillage systems under simulated rainfall in the Cerrado Piauiense

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    A presença de cobertura do solo associada ao não revolvimento pode tornar o solo mais resistente aos processos erosivos, diminuindo as perdas de solo, água e nutrientes. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar as perdas de solo por erosão hídrica sob chuva simulada, em função do preparo do solo no Cerrado piauiense. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com parcelas subdivididas no tempo e quatro repetições. Nas parcelas estabeleceu-se o preparo do solo: preparo convencional do solo (PC), cultivo mínimo (CM) e sistema de plantio direto (SPD). Nas subparcelas, 10 intervalos de tempo sob chuva simulada, com intensidade de 68 mm h-1 (6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54 e 60 minutos), totalizando 120 unidades experimentais. O volume de água escoado em cada intervalo foi utilizado para estimar a infiltração, o escoamento superficial e a perda de solo. Em cada parcela também foram determinados carbono orgânico total (COT), densidade do solo (Ds), porosidades (macro e total) e resistência à penetração do solo (RP). O PC apresentou a menor infiltração de água (32,9 mm), o maior escoamento superficial (33,9 mm) e maiores perdas de solo (3,48 Mg ha-¹). A maior infiltração (43,9 mm) e o menor escoamento superficial ocorreram no CM (25,2 mm). O solo sob SD apresentou escoamento e infiltração de água intermediários, (25,4 mm e 41,5 mm, respectivamente), no entanto, foi que apresentou menor perda de solo (0,12 Mg ha-¹). Os sistemas conservacionistas com menor revolvimento reduzem as perdas de solo por erosão hídrica.

    Nitrogen and potassium in cover fertilization of cotton in latossols with different clay content

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    Nitrogen and potassium are the most extracted nutrients by cotton, making necessary the replacement by fertilization. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the cotton yield under different nitrogen and potassium doses as cover fertilization in latosols with different textures, in a ‘Cerrado’ biome area. The experiment was carried out at the Harmonia Farm, municipality of Sapezal – MT, Brazil. The experiment was carried out in a randomized blocks design, with four repetitions. Treatments were arranged in an incomplete fractional triple factorial scheme (3/4)42 x 2, totaling 72 experimental units. The N doses consisted of 46, 69, 92 and 115 kg ha-1 and the four K2O doses of 62, 93, 124 and 155 kg ha-1, with different combinations for the cover fertilization of the cotton crop, in two areas, one with 420 and other with 625 g kg-1 of clay. Cotton yield depends on the soil clay content. Appropriate doses of N and K, applied together on cover can increase the cotton yield in 1508 kg ha-1, when compared to control. Under the experimental conditions, it is suggested the application of 78 kg ha-1 of N and 155 kg ha-1 of K2O as cover fertilization for a soil with 420 g kg-1 of clay and 71 kg ha-1 of N and 124 kg ha-1 of K2O as cover fertilization on soils with the clay content of 625 g kg-1

    Effect of Magnesium on Gas Exchange and Photosynthetic Efficiency of Coffee Plants Grown under Different Light Levels

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of magnesium on the gas exchange and photosynthetic efficiency of Coffee seedlings grown in nutrient solution under different light levels. The experiment was conducted under controlled conditions in growth chambers and nutrient solution at the Department of Plant Pathology of the Federal University of Lavras. The treatments consisted of five different Mg concentrations (0, 48, 96, 192 and 384 mg·L−1) and four light levels (80, 160, 240 and 320 µmol photon m−2·s−1). Both the Mg concentration and light levels affected gas exchange in the coffee plants. Photosynthesis increased linearly with the increasing light, indicating that the light levels tested were low for this crop. The highest CO2 assimilation rate, lowest transpiration, and highest water use efficiency were observed with 250 mg·Mg·L−1, indicating that this concentration was the optimal Mg supply for the tested light levels

    Alternative sources of potassium in coffee plants for better soil fertility, productivity, and beverage quality

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate alternative sources of potassium for improving soil fertility and coffee productivity and beverage quality. The experiment was conducted in a coffee (Coffea arabica) crop, planted in an Oxisol area, in the municipality of Patrocínio, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The treatments consisted of the K sources TK47 and Super Greensand (SG) - both based on glauconite silicate mineral -, at the following doses: 0 kg ha-1 K2O (control); 42, 84, 168, and 336 kg ha-1 K2O from TK47; 618 kg ha-1 K2O from KCl; and 168 kg ha-1 K2O from SG. A randomized complete block design was used, with four replicates in each treatment. The experimental units consisted of three rows with ten plants each, using the eight central plants as the useful plot. Potassium fertilization with TK47 increased soil fertility, correcting soil acidity and elevating K+, P, and Ca2+ contents, effective cation exchange capacity, and Zn2+ and Fe2+ levels in the soil. Fertilization with 336 kg ha-1 K2O from TK47, in a single dose, provides grain yield and polyphenol oxidase activity similar to those of fertilization with 618 kg ha-1 K2O from KCl, in a split-dose, but a better sensory analysis of the resultant beverage.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar fontes alternativas de potássio para melhoria da fertilidade do solo e da produtividade e da qualidade de bebida do cafeeiro. O experimento foi conduzido em lavoura de café (Coffea arabica) plantada em área de Latossolo, no Município de Patrocínio, no Estado de Minas Gerais. Os tratamentos consistiram da aplicação das fontes de K TK47 e Super Greensand (SG) - ambas baseadas no mineral silicatado glauconita -, nas seguintes doses: 0 kg ha-1 de K2O (controle); 42, 84, 168 e 336 kg ha-1 de K2O de TK47; 618 kg ha-1 de K2O de KCl; e 168 kg ha-1 de K2O de SG. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições por tratamento. As unidades experimentais foram constituídas por três linhas de dez plantas cada uma, tendo-se considerado as oito plantas centrais como parcela útil. A adubação potássica com TK47 aumentou a fertilidade do solo, com correção da acidez e com elevação dos teores de K+, P, Ca2+, da capacidade de troca de cátions efetiva, e dos níveis de Zn2+ e Fe2+ no solo. A adubação com 336 kg ha-1 de K2O de TK47, em dose única, proporciona produção de grãos e atividade de polifenoloxidase semelhantes às da fertilização com 618 kg ha-1 de K2O de KCl, de forma parcelada, mas melhor análise sensorial da bebida resultante