136 research outputs found

    Biblioteca Digital Jurídica do Superior Tribunal de Justiça – BDJur: análises e perspectivas

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    Analisa a evolução da Biblioteca Digital Jurídica do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (BDJur), a partir da apresentação de informações sobre o acervo e uso do repositório, e expõe estratégias a serem adotadas para o crescimento e aprimoramento desse serviço de informação

    Curso de elaboração e alteração de atos normativos

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    Instrutor: José Ronaldo Vieira.Módulo 1 - aspectos gerais: dias 2, 4 e 9 de agosto de 2023.Módulo 2 - aspectos práticos aplicados ao STJ: 16, 17 e 18 de agosto de 2023.Modalidade: on-line síncrona, via Plataforma ZoomCarga horária: 6 horas - Módulo 1 / 6 horas - Módulo 2.Ação de educação promovida pela Centro de Formação e Gestão Judiciária (Cefor), do Superior Tribunal de Justiça, no mês de agosto de 2023

    Abordagens subzigomática e infraorbitária para o bloqueio do nervo maxilar em cadáver de gatos

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    This study compared the accuracy of dye placement on the maxillary nerve by using the percutaneous subzigomatic (SBZ) and infraorbitary (IO) approaches in cats’ cadavers. A second aim was to compare the accuracy of dye placement on the maxillary nerve between different untrained anesthetists. This was a prospective, randomized, blinded study, performed in 40 heads obtained from feline cadavers. Three veterinarians (A, B and C) with no previous experience with the IO approach performed the experiments. The SBZ approach was randomly performed on one side of the head and the IO approach was performed in the contralateral side of the same head. For each approach, 0.2ml of 1% methylene blue dye was injected. Scores for length of nerve staining were as follows: 0 (failure), no staining; 1 (moderate), <6mm of nerve stained; and 2 (ideal), ≥6mm of nerve stained. Median scores (interquartile range) for the SBZ and IO approaches were 2.0 (0.3-2.0) and 1.0 (0.0-2.0), respectively. Scores for length of nerve staining were higher with the SBZ approach than the IO approach (P=0.016). Considering the scores for both the SBZ and IO approaches, there was a significant difference among the three veterinarians (P=0.002). Results of this study do not support the IO approach to perform a maxillary nerve block in cats. A greater accuracy of methylene blue dye placement was observed with the SBZ approach. A variable accuracy may exist between different veterinarians when performing a maxillary nerve block employing the SBZ and IO techniques in cats.O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o acesso do nervo maxilar pela abordagem subzigomática (SBZ) com a abordagem pelo forame infraorbitário (IO) em peças anatômicas de gatos utilizando o corante azul de metileno. Um segundo objetivo foi comparar a acurácia na coloração do nervo maxilar com o azul de metileno entre diferentes anestesistas que não receberam treinamento prévio. Este estudo foi prospectivo, randomizado, cego, realizado em 40 peças anatômicas de cabeças de gatos. Três veterinários (A, B e C), sem experiência prévia da abordagem IO, realizaram o experimento. A abordagem SBZ foi aleatoriamente realizada em um dos lados da cabeça e a abordagem IO foi realizada no lado contralateral da mesma peça anatômica. Para cada abordagem, utilizou-se 0,2mL do corante azul de metileno 1%. Classificou-se o escore de coloração baseado no comprimento do nervo maxilar corado pelo azul de metileno conforme a escala: 0 (falha da técnica), sem coloração; 1 (moderado), <6mm de coloração do nervo maxilar; 2 (ideal), ≥6mm de coloração do nervo maxilar. As medianas (intervalo interquartil) para as abordagens SBZ e IO (dados de todos os veterinários juntos) foram respectivamente 2,0 (0,3-2,0) e 1,0 (0,0-2,0). A abordagem SBZ foi associada a um escore de coloração, significativamente, maior do que a abordagem IO (P=0,016). Considerando os escores de ambas abordagens (SBZ e IO), houve diferença significativa nos escores de coloração do nervo maxilar entre os três veterinários anestesistas (P=0,002). Os resultados deste estudo não sustentam a utilização da abordagem IO para a realização do bloqueio maxilar em gatos. Uma melhor acurácia na coloração do nervo maxilar com o azul de metileno foi observada com a abordagem SBZ. A acurácia da técnica pode variar quando as abordagens SBZ e IO são realizadas por veterinários diferentes, com o objetivo de se obter o bloqueio do nervo maxila

    Professional and Academic Perspectives of Pharmacy Students: A Cross Sectional-Study from Brazil

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    The study aims to assess the professional and academic expectations of pharmacy students of faculties that lives in the northern region of Brazil. Data were collected via a printed questionnaire. The number of students that answered the questionnaire was 600. Regards to academic life, 74.6% believe that faculties offer ideal opportunities. The most desired areas of activity were clinical and hospital pharmacies (45%) and commercial pharmacies (32.3%). Their salary expectations are higher than six national minimum wages. The profession is experiencing a period of enormous positive transformations. The study provides a general view of the several fields of work for pharmacy students to plan and conduct their professional activities to improve the health of the population

    Search of prostatic tissue in 46,XX congenital adrenal hyperplasia

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    OBJETIVOS: Verificar a ocorrência de tecido prostático em pacientes portadoras da forma clássica de hiperplasia congênita das suprarrenais, com cariótipo 46,XX e analisar a sensibilidade e a especificidade do antígeno prostático específico (PSA) das pacientes com hiperplasia congênita das suprarrenais em relação à detecção de tecido prostático na ressonância magnética (RNM) de região pélvica. MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas 52 crianças e adolescentes, sendo 32 meninas portadoras da forma clássica de hiperplasia congênita das suprarrenais, 10 meninas e 10 meninos sem hiperplasia congênita das suprarrenais. A RNM da região pélvica e a coleta de PSA, diidrotestosterona e testosterona foram realizadas em todos os pacientes. Para analisar a capacidade de discriminação do antígeno prostático-específico, foi utilizada a curva ROC (receiver operating characteristic curve). RESULTADOS: Cinco das 32 pacientes portadoras de hiperplasia congênita das suprarrenais apresentaram tecido prostático na RNM de região pélvica. Para concentração de antígeno prostático-específico de 0,1 ng/mL, obteve-se sensibilidade de 100% e especificidade de 88,9% para a detecção de tecido prostático. CONCLUSÕES: A ocorrência de tecido prostático nas pacientes portadoras de hiperplasia congênita das suprarrenais estudadas foi de 15,6%. O antígeno prostático-específico mostrou ser valioso marcador de tecido prostático nestas pacientes.OBJECTIVES: To describe the presence of prostatic tissue in 46,XX patients with the classical form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH); to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of prostatic specific antigen (PSA) measured in congenital adrenal hyperplasia patients with regard to the detection of prostatic tissue in pelvic MRI. METHODS: We studied 52 children and adolescents, 32 with the classical form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia, 10 boys and 10 girls without CAH. Pelvic MRI was performed in all patients to detect prostatic tissue. Prostate specific antigen, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone were measured in all patients. We used Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve for PSA discrimination capacity. RESULTS: Five girls with congenital adrenal hyperplasia showed image of prostatic tissue on pelvic MRI. Prostate specific antigen showed sensitivity and specificity of 100% and 88.9%, respectively, taking 0.1 ng/mL as the cutoff level. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of prostatic tissue in 46,XX patients with the classical form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia was 15.6%. PSA demonstrated to be a good marker of prostatic tissue in these patients and should be used to screen patients to be submitted to image studies

    Fraturas, carste e cavernas nos calcários Jandaíra em Felipe Guerra, Rio Grande do Norte

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    Structural and geological conditions were studied to evaluate their influence on the control and evolution of karst features&nbsp;in Cretaceous carbonates of the Jandaíra Formation. The investigated area was the Arapuá limestone outcrop located in the&nbsp;municipality of Felipe Guerra, western part of the Potiguar Basin. The structural arrangement of the fractures shows the&nbsp;existence of four families with preferential strike directions: NW-SE, NE-SW, NS and E-W which coincide with the major&nbsp;fault systems in the Potiguar Basin, as with the direction of caves development in the study area. The Arapuá cave, main&nbsp;cavity of the area, was mapped in detail scale and we carried out the structural survey of existing discontinuities within it.&nbsp;The main galleries that define the cave’s outline, the cracks and stalactites alignments on the ceiling follow the same structural&nbsp;control observed on the outcrop’s surface. A Boolean stochastic simulation applied to the discontinuities in the studied&nbsp;area allowed the generation of three-dimensional graphics to provide a tridimensional (3D) view of the intensity and spatial&nbsp;orientation of structures in three different depths, enhancing the tendency of fracture directions recognized at the surface,&nbsp;with great reduction in the occurrence and quantity of the E-W and N-S oriented fractures with depth. Local structural arrangement coincides with the regional one observed in the Potiguar Basin, set up by a system of extensional faults that limit structural&nbsp;horst and grabens oriented along NE-SW and NW-SE, inherited from the fragmentation of the supercontinent Gondwana and South&nbsp;Atlantic opening. Small NE-SW faults with dextral directional movement suggest association with reactivated structures in a strike-slip&nbsp;regime. Among the different facies recognized in crossCondicionantes estruturais e geológicos foram estudados no lajedo do Arapuá em Felipe Guerra, oeste da Bacia Potiguar,&nbsp;com objetivo de avaliar sua influência no controle e na evolução de feições cársticas em carbonatos cretáceos da Formação&nbsp;Jandaíra. O arranjo estrutural das descontinuidades mostra a existência de quatro famílias de fraturas com direções preferenciais:&nbsp;NW-SE, NE-SW, N-S e E-W, as quais coincidem tanto com os principais sistemas de falhas da Bacia Potiguar&nbsp;como com a direção de desenvolvimento de cavernas na área de estudo. A caverna de Arapuá, principal cavidade da área,&nbsp;foi mapeada em escala de detalhe e realizado o levantamento estrutural das descontinuidades presentes no seu interior.&nbsp;As galerias principais que delimitam o contorno da caverna, as fendas e os alinhamentos de estalactites no teto, obedecem&nbsp;ao controle estrutural similar observado na superfície do lajedo. A simulação estocástica booleana aplicada às descontinuidades&nbsp;da área estudada permitiu a geração de gráficos tridimensionais que forneceram uma visão tridimensional (3D)&nbsp;da intensidade e da orientação espacial das estruturas em três profundidades distintas, reforçando a tendência das direções&nbsp;de fraturamento reconhecidas em superfície, com grande redução da ocorrência e penetratividade das direções E-W e N-S&nbsp;com a profundidade. O arranjo estrutural local coincide com o regional observado na Bacia Potiguar, configurado por um&nbsp;sistema de falhas extensionais que limitam altos e baixos estruturais orientados segundo NE-SW e NW-SE, herdados da&nbsp;fragmentação do supercontinente Gondwana e da abertura do Atlântico Sul. Pequenas falhas NE-SW com movimentação&nbsp;direcional dextral sugerem associação com estruturas reativadas em regime transcorrente. Entre as diferentes fácies reconhecidas&nbsp;nas seções da caverna de Arapuá, os mudstones e os carbonatos cristalinos corresponde

    Potencial de melhoramento e divergência genética de cultivares de milho-pipoca

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    The objective of this paper was to evaluate the potential of breeding and genetic divergence in nine tropical popcorn cultivars. The genetic divergence was estimated using multivariate analysis techniques and the cultivars were grouped based in Mahalanobis' generalized distance (MGD), using Tocher's optimization and graphic dispersion. The best cultivars concerning the yield grain above 3 ton/ha were CMS 43, IAC 112, Viçosa, CMS 42 and Branco, and to popping expansion above 24 (v/v) were IAC 112, RS 20 and Zélia. The estimates of MGD indicated the pairs genetically more distant (RS 20, Beija-flor) and (Rosa-claro, RS 20) as well as pairs genetically more similar (IAC 112, Viçosa) and (Branco, CMS 42). Tree or four genetic divergences groups were formed depending on the method. To popcorn breeding, cultivars with best potential are RS 20, Zélia, IAC 112, and Beija-flor. The cultivars show genetic divergence.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de melhoramento e a divergência genética de nove cultivares tropicais de milho-pipoca. A divergência genética foi estimada por meio da técnica de análise multivariada e as cultivares foram agrupadas com base na distância generalizada de Mahalanobis (DGM), utilizando o método de otimização de Tocher e a dispersão gráfica. Com produtividade de grãos acima de 3 t/ha, destacaram-se as cultivares CMS 43, IAC 112, Viçosa, CMS 42 e Branco, e com índices de capacidade de expansão acima de 24 (v/v), as cultivares IAC 112, RS 20 e Zélia. As estimativas da DGM indicaram (RS 20 e Beija-flor) e (Rosa-claro e RS 20) os pares de cultivares mais distantes geneticamente, e (IAC 112 e Viçosa) e (Branco e CMS 42), os pares mais similares. Foram identificados três ou quatro grupos divergentes dependendo do método de agrupamento. Para o melhoramento de milho-pipoca, as cultivares com maiores potenciais são RS 20, Zélia, IAC 112 e Beija-flor. As cultivares apresentam divergência genética

    Molecular caracterization of a corn core collection–landraces subgroup

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    The efficient use of genetic resources- stored in germplasm collections can be maximized if morphoagronomic and molecular information on the accessions is made available. To achieve this, a collection that is well-structured, well-curated and easily accessible (the core collection) is required. Consequently, the objective of the current study was to characterize 80 landrace accessions from the maize core collection of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), and assay thenngenetic diversity of the various landraces, considering grain type and ecogeographic origin. For this, AFLP analysis was performed using 12 primer combinations. Genetic diversity of the collection was quantified with the UPGMA method, using the Jaccard Index to quantify dissimilarity. The core collection was divided into four sub-populations by grain type, and into six sub-populations based on ecogeographic origin. Genetic diversity analysis was performed both within and between sub-populations. A high level of genetic variability was found among the landrace accessions of UFV Core Collection, principally among those accessions with dentate type grains.Classification by grain type andecogeographic origin allowed genetically divergent groups to be distinguished.The efficient use of genetic resources- stored in germplasm collections can be maximized if morphoagronomic and molecular information on the accessions is made available. To achieve this, a collection that is well-structured, well-curated and easily accessible (the core collection) is required. Consequently, the objective of the current study was to characterize 80 landrace accessions from the maize core collection of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), and assay thenngenetic diversity of the various landraces, considering grain type and ecogeographic origin. For this, AFLP analysis was performed using 12 primer combinations. Genetic diversity of the collection was quantified with the UPGMA method, using the Jaccard Index to quantify dissimilarity. The core collection was divided into four sub-populations by grain type, and into six sub-populations based on ecogeographic origin. Genetic diversity analysis was performed both within and between sub-populations. A high level of genetic variability was found among the landrace accessions of UFV Core Collection, principally among those accessions with dentate type grains.Classification by grain type and ecogeographic origin allowed genetically divergent groups to be distinguished

    Long-term Bias of Internal Markers in Sheep and Goat Digestion Trials

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    Two digestion trials, one with sheep and another with goats, were conducted to evaluate the long-term bias (LTB) of the indigestible dry matter (iDM), indigestible neutral detergent fiber (iNDF) and indigestible acid detergent fiber (iADF) internal markers. The study used eight Santa Inês castrated male sheep (average body weight of 16.6 kg) distributed in two 4×4 Latin squares and eight Saanen castrated male goats (average body weight of 22.6 kg) distributed in two 4×4 Latin squares. The experiments were conducted simultaneously, and the animals were housed in 1.2 m2 individual pens with wood-battened floors equipped with individual feeders and drinkers. The animals received isonitrogenous diets that were offered ad libitum and contained 14% crude protein and 70% sugar cane (with 0, 0.75, 1.5 or 2.25% CaO, in natural matter percentage), corrected with 1% urea and 30% concentrate. The experiment consisted of four experimental periods of 14 d each, with the feed, leftovers and feces sampled on the last four days of each period. The marker concentrations in the feed, leftovers and fecal samples were estimated by an in situ ruminal incubation procedure with a duration 240 h. The relationship between the intake and excretion of the markers was obtained by adjusting a simple linear regression model, independently from the treatment (diets) fixed effects and Latin squares. For both the sheep and goats, a complete recovery of the iDM and iNDF markers was observed (p>0.05), indicating the absence of LTB for these markers. However, the iADF was not completely recovered, exhibiting an LTB of −9.12% (p<0.05) in the sheep evaluation and −3.02% (p<0.05) in the goat evaluation
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