276 research outputs found


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    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo exponer algunas consideraciones teórico-metodológicas en torno al tratamiento de la educación medioambiental en la clase de Educación Física. El análisis de las mencionadas concepciones derivó en el aporte del trabajo, que lo constituyó un conjunto de tareas para desarrollar esta dimensión en el proceso de formación de los futuros profesionales de la salud en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín. Los autores utilizaron métodos de investigación tales como: el análisis-síntesis, la inducción- deducción y el método histórico–lógico, los cuales permitieron elaborar la propuesta que se presenta, así como arribar a generalizaciones teóricas y prácticas. El conjunto de tareas medioambientales se convirtió en una herramienta para elevar la preparación metodológica de los docentes y permitió darle cumplimiento a una de las estrategias curriculares de la formación del profesional referida a la Salud Pública y Formación Ambiental


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    El artículo presenta los resultados de una tesis de maestría en la que se interviene en un grupo clase de obesas a través de un pre experimento para mejorar la participación de estas. Se analiza la evaluación del proceso docente del programa de Actividad Física para Obesos, la evaluación integral de las dimensiones afectiva, cognitiva, comportamental, con sus indicadores y escala evaluativa, así como el índice de satisfacción grupal, que evalúa la satisfacción por las actividades desarrolladas. Se hace una caracterización de la problemática y la valoración de los resultados. ABSTRACT The article presents the results of a master's thesis in which a group of obese people intervenes in a pre-experiment to improve their participation. The evaluation of the teaching process of the Physical Activity for Obese program is analyzed, the integral evaluation of the affective, cognitive, behavioral dimensions, with its indicators and evaluative scale, as well as the group satisfaction index, which evaluates the satisfaction for the activities developed . A characterization of the problem and the evaluation of the results is made. KEY WORDS: integral evaluation, group satisfaction indicator, physical activity, obesity, teaching-learning process

    Una hipótesis sobre el incremento del precio del limón en México, 2022

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    In the first quarter of 2022, the price of lemons reached retail prices never before recorded in the Mexican economy. Despite the fact that Mexico is the second largest producer of lemons internationally, a kilogram was sold for up to 120Mexicanpesos(approximately6.00USdollars)inpopularmarketsandsupermarkets.ThissituationcausedangerinMexicanhouseholdsbecauselemons,inadditiontobeingpartofthebasicfoodbasket,arethebasisofmanydailydishesandarecommonlyusedtotreatandcurevariousailmentsanddiseases.Therefore,theobjectiveofthispaperistoproposeahypothesisabouttheincreaseinthepriceoflemonsinMexicobasedonamismatchbetweensupplyanddemand.Forthispurpose,nationalstatisticsonproduction,consumption,andexportswerereviewedtodelimitthismarketmismatch.Itisconcludedthatthepreferenceoflargeproducerstoplacetheirproductinforeignmarketsthatpayindollars,aswellasanunexpectedboomintheconsumptionoflemonsandtheirpharmaceuticalderivativestopreventandcureCOVID19intheUnitedStates,areresponsibleforthemarketmismatch.Enelprimertrimestrede2022elpreciodellimoˊnalcanzoˊpreciosalmenudeojamaˊsantesregistradosenlaeconomıˊamexicana.PeseaqueMeˊxicoeselsegundoproductordelimoˊnanivelinternacional,elkilogramosellegoˊavenderhastaen120 Mexican pesos (approximately 6.00 US dollars) in popular markets and supermarkets. This situation caused anger in Mexican households because lemons, in addition to being part of the basic food basket, are the basis of many daily dishes and are commonly used to treat and cure various ailments and diseases. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to propose a hypothesis about the increase in the price of lemons in Mexico based on a mismatch between supply and demand. For this purpose, national statistics on production, consumption, and exports were reviewed to delimit this market mismatch. It is concluded that the preference of large producers to place their product in foreign markets that pay in dollars, as well as an unexpected boom in the consumption of lemons and their pharmaceutical derivatives to prevent and cure COVID-19 in the United States, are responsible for the market mismatch.En el primer trimestre de 2022 el precio del limón alcanzó precios al menudeo jamás antes registrados en la economía mexicana. Pese a que México es el segundo productor de limón a nivel internacional, el kilogramo se llegó a vender hasta en 120 pesos mexicanos (aprox. 6 dólares americanos) en mercados populares y supermercados. Esta situación provocó encono en los hogares mexicanos pues el limón, más allá de formar parte de la canasta básica, es base de múltiples platillos cotidianos y es común su uso para tratamiento y cura de distintos males y enfermedades. Por lo anterior es que este trabajo tiene como objetivo proponer una hipótesis sobre el incremento del precio del limón en México basada en un desajuste de la oferta y la demanda. Para ello se revisaron estadísticas nacionales de producción, consumo y exportaciones para delimitar dicho desajuste de mercado. Se concluye que la preferencia de los grandes productores por colocar su producto en mercados extranjeros que pagan en dólares, así como un inesperado auge de consumo de limón y derivados farmacéuticos de este para prevenir y curar el COVID-19 en Estados Unidos, son los responsables del desajuste de mercado. En el primer trimestre de 2022 el precio del limón alcanzó precios al menudeo jamás antes registrados en la economía mexicana. Pese a que México es el segundo productor de limón a nivel internacional, el kilogramo se llegó a vender hasta en $120 pesos mexicanos (aprox. 6 dólares americanos) en mercados populares y supermercados. Esta situación provocó encono en los hogares mexicanos pues el limón, más allá de formar parte de la canasta básica, es base de múltiples platillos cotidianos y es común su uso para tratamiento y cura de distintos males y enfermedades. Por lo anterior es que este trabajo tiene como objetivo proponer una hipótesis sobre el incremento del precio del limón en México basada en un desajuste de la oferta y la demanda. Para ello se revisaron estadísticas nacionales de producción, consumo y exportaciones para delimitar dicho desajuste de mercado. Se concluye que la preferencia de los grandes productores por colocar su producto en mercados extranjeros que pagan en dólares, así como un inesperado auge de consumo de limón y derivados farmacéuticos de este para prevenir y curar el COVID-19 en Estados Unidos, son los responsables del desajuste de mercado

    Problems of public transport in the city of Saltillo, Coahuila

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    El “problema” del transporte público en las ciudades no es un factor de reciente aparición, pues es una problemática que se remonta a muchos años atrás. Sin embargo, al ser el transporte urbano algo tan cotidiano y de uso diario, siempre se tiene la sensación de “conocer bien el problema” y por ende su solución. terminando así en las “soluciones rápidas que fallan” (Senge, 2009), permitiendo que el problema solo crezca más. La ciudad de Saltillo, Coahuila al igual que muchas otras ciudades en el mundo ha sido víctima de un sistema de transporte publico deficiente durante muchos años y los resultados a las iniciativas emprendidas no han propiciado un buen sistema de transporte, ya sea, por la falta de unidades adecuadas, la falta de capacitación de los operadores, el precio inadecuado al estado de las unidades y prestación de servicio, la imposibilidad del usuario a planificar sus trayectos debido a la inconsistencia en los horarios, etc.  Ahora bien, dado que no existe una única causa que haga que el sistema de transporte público sea deficiente, es necesario conocer un modelo teórico de un sistema de transporte “ideal” que nos brinde una serie características y requerimientos para su buen funcionamiento. Para luego, utilizarlo como punto de partida en el estudio de las distintas problemáticas de transporte en la ciudad en los últimos años, y finalmente, lograr proponer soluciones integrales que permitan mejorar la prestación del servicio.The "problem" of public transport in cities is not a factor of recent appearance, as it is a problem that goes back many years. However, as urban transport is something so everyday and of daily use, you always have the feeling of "knowing the problem well" and therefore its solution. thus ending in “quick fixes that fail” (Senge, 2009), allowing the problem to only grow further. The city of Saltillo, Coahuila, like many other cities in the world, has been the victim of a poor public transportation system for many years and the results of the initiatives undertaken have not led to a good transportation system, either due to the lack of of adequate units, the lack of operator training, the inadequate price for the condition of the units and the provision of service, the impossibility of the user to plan their routes due to inconsistency in schedules, etc. Now, since there is no single cause that makes the public transport system deficient, it is necessary to know a theoretical model of an "ideal" transport system that provides us with a series of characteristics and requirements for its proper functioning. To then use it as a starting point in the study of the different transport problems in the city in recent years, and finally, to propose comprehensive solutions that allow improving service provision

    La motivación de los estudiantes a participar en el Concurso Estatal de Aparatos y Experimentos de Física en Coahuila

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    We carried out in this work a brief survey to the high school students of the Coahuila’s state. The main goal of such survey was figuring out the motivation of the students to participate in science competition fairs related with theoretical and experimental physics. The survey was achieved during the 7th science competition fair of the state of Coahuila. This competition was carried out using the on-line and the face to face modes. According to the results in the survey, the students are motivated to participate in such event because they can increase their knowledge in physics and they also promote their creativity. Most of the students believe that the covid pandemic has affected their performance in the school to learn about physics. Despite this situation, they are considering a career in the field of physics or physics engineering. Finally, the students recommend that the award for the science fair should be cash, scientific travels or acceptance letters from prestigious universities to study physics.En este trabajo se realiza una breve encuesta dirigida a estudiantes de bachillerato del estado de Coahuila de Zaragoza para saber su motivación de participar en competiciones y/o Concurso de Física Experimental y Teórica. Esto en el marco de la realización del 7 Concurso Estatal de Aparatos de Experimentos de Física del estado de Coahuila el cual se llevó a cabo el pasado 23 de abril de 2021 en modalidad hibrida: presencial y en línea. Los resultados de la breve encuesta, indican que los estudiantes se motivan en este tipo de concursos debido al desarrollo de habilidades en la física, fomento de creatividad, y competitividad. Así mismo, manifiestan que la pandemia de Covid-19 si les ha afectado en el estudio de la Física, aunque una gran cantidad de estudiantes tiene pensado estudiar carreras relacionadas con la Ingeniería que involucran la Física como una de sus materias básicas. Finalmente, los estudiantes sugieren que los premios a este tipo de Concursos de Física debieran ser recomendaciones para ingresar en Universidades prestigiosas, dinero en efectivo o viajes científicos

    Trends of maxillofacial trauma : an update from the prospective register of a multicenter study in emergency services of Chile

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    Determine the behavior of the maxillofacial trauma of adults treated in 3 tertiary care centers in the central zone of Chile. Descriptive, cross-sectional, multicenter study, based on the prospective records of maxillofacial trauma cases attended between May 2016 and April 2017 by dental and maxillofacial clinical teams of Adult Emergency Units of hospitals Dr. Sótero del Río (metropolitan region), Carlos Van Buren and Dr. Gustavo Fricke (region V). Age, sex, date of occurrence, type of trauma according to ICD-10, etiology, legal medical prognosis and associated injuries were recorded, stratifying by sex and age. Chi square and unpaired Wilcoxon tests were used to compare by groups. 2.485 cases and 3.285 injuries were investigated. The male: female ratio was 1.7: 1 with age under 30 predominant, followed by older adults. Variability was observed in the yearly, weekly and daily presentation. The highest frequencies were in January and September, weekends and at night. The main etiologies were violence (42.3%), falls (13.1%) and road traffic crashes (12.9%) with differences by age and sex (p<0.05). 31,9% of the injuries occurred in hard tissue, being fractures in nasal bones predominant (S02.2). The profile of the maxillofacial trauma in Chile seems to be mixed by age, affecting young people and the elderly. The male sex predominates; the main cause, which varies by age group, is violence. Their surveillance is possible from hospital emergency records

    What Is the Support for Conspiracy Beliefs About COVID-19 Vaccines in Latin America? A Prospective Exploratory Study in 13 Countries

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    Conspiracy theories about COVID-19 began to emerge immediately after the first news about the disease and threaten to prolong the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic by limiting people’s willingness of receiving a life-saving vaccine. In this context, this study aimed to explore the variation of conspiracy beliefs regarding COVID-19 and the vaccine against it in 5779 people living in 13 Latin American countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela) according to sociodemographic variables such as gender, age, educational level and source of information about COVID-19. The study was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic between September 15 and October 25, 2021. The Spanish-language COVID-19 Vaccine Conspiracy Beliefs Scale (ECCV-COVID) and a sociodemographic survey were used. The results indicate that, in most countries, women, people with a lower educational level and those who receive information about the vaccine and COVID-19 from family/friends are more supportive of conspiracy ideas regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. In the case of age, the results vary by country. The analysis of the responses to each of the questions of the ECCV-COVID reveals that, in general, the countries evaluated are mostly in some degree of disagreement or indecision regarding conspiratorial beliefs about COVID-19 vaccines. The findings could help open further study which could support prevention and treatment efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic

    COVID-19 anxiety, psychological well-being and preventive behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean: relationships and explanatory model

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    This study assesses the relationship between COVID-19 anxiety and subjective well-being in terms of the mediating role of COVID-19 preventive behaviors. Additionally, the contribution of sociodemographic factors (sex and age) and risk perception on COVID-19 anxiety and its potential measurement invariance was tested in 5655 participants from 12 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. A mixture of both latent and observable variables were analyzed using a system of structural equations. The Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS), Preventive COVID-19 Infection Behaviors Scale (PCIBS) and single-item measures were used to assess the perceived probability of death, perceived severity and concern about transmitting COVID-19. The results indicated that there is a significant and relevant direct effect of COVID-19 anxiety on participants' well-being. Furthermore, COVID-19 anxiety significantly predicted both preventive behavior (β =.29, p <.01) and well-being (β = –.32, p <.01). The effects of COVID anxiety and preventive behavior explained 9.8% of the variance in well-being (R-square =.098); whereas, 8.4% of the variance in preventive behavior was associated with COVID anxiety (R-square =.084). Likewise, perceived likelihood of death from COVID, perceived severity of COVID, and concerns about COVID transmission were positively related to anxiety. Age was negatively related to anxiety, with men being less anxious than women. The results are invariant by country, i.e., the broad relationships found in the combined sample are also present in each individual country. The findings indicate that, although the exact relationships between variables may vary between countries, there are enough similarities to provide useful information about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in each of the countries included in the study

    Design and Cross-Cultural Invariance of the COVID-19 Vaccine Conspiracy Beliefs Scale (COVID-VCBS) in 13 Latin American Countries

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    "Aims: Over the past 2 years, the vaccine conspiracy beliefs construct has been used in a number of different studies. These publications have assessed the determinants and outcomes of vaccine conspiracy beliefs using, in some cases, pooled data from different countries, and compared the results across these contexts. However, studies often do not consider measurement invariance as a necessary requirement for comparative analyses. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop and evaluate the crosscultural MI of the COVID-19 Vaccine Conspiracy Beliefs Scale (COVID-VCBS) in 12 Latin American countries. Methods: Confirmatory factor analysis, item response theory analysis and alignment method were applied to test measurement invariance in a large number of groups. Results: The COVID-VCBS showed robust psychometric properties and measurement invariance for both factor loadings and crosstabs. Also, a higher level of acceptance of conspiracy beliefs about vaccines is necessary to respond to higher response categories. Similarly, greater acceptance of conspiracy beliefs about COVID-19 vaccines was related to a lower intention to be vaccinated. Conclusion: The results allow for improved understanding of conspiracy beliefs about COVID-19 vaccines in the countries assessed; furthermore, they provide researchers and practitioners with an invariant measure that they can use in cross-cultural studies in Latin America. However, further studies are needed to test invariance in other countries, with the goal of developing a truly international measure of conspiracy beliefs about COVID-19 vaccines.

    Antipsicóticos inyectables de liberación prolongada para el tratamiento de la esquizofrenia en España.

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    Los antipsicóticos son un componente esencial del tratamiento de la esquizofrenia. Las formulaciones inyectables de liberación prolongada (ILP) surgen para mejorar la adherencia con el potencial asociado de reducir el riesgo de recaídas. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el uso de antipsicóticos ILP en España –que es similar al de otros países europeos pero con un predominio de la utilización de ILP de segunda generación–, discutir las posibles causas de las diferencias de prescripción respecto a otros países de nuestro entorno (entre otras, aspectos organizativos, actitudes de psiquiatras, pacientes y familiares, guías de práctica clínica), y discutir su utilización en unidades de agudos, primeros episodios, y en niños y adolescentes. A nuestro juicio, aunque es necesario aumentar las pruebas existentes respecto a las ventajas de los antipsicóticos ILP y la diferenciación entre aquellos disponibles actualmente, su utilización seguirá probablemente creciendo impulsada por la experiencia clínica.post-print1,08 M