41 research outputs found

    Seeking Proxies for Internal States as a Possible Alternative for Rationality and Experientiality

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    The Cognitive-Experiential Self-Theory (CEST) proposes rationality and experientiality as independent personality constructs explaining how people process information. Recent empirical studies show that some people have low scores on both of these dimensions (the so-called disengaged profile). Another model, Seeking Proxies for Internal States (SPIS), primarily proposed to explain obsessive-compulsive tendencies, provides a framework under which both rationality and experientiality can be understood as internal resources of a person. Low rationality and experientiality could thus be overcome by seeking external clues. In two subsequent studies on independent nonclinical samples (psychology students N = 268 and technical sciences students N = 549), we examined the relationship between constructs from CEST and SPIS models, and in addition, explored their patterns of interoceptive awareness (IA) in Study 2. A latent profile analysis showed that the disengaged profile was related to high SPIS and OC tendencies in both samples. In addition, rationality and experientiality had similar and more positive correlations with some IA dimensions, compared to SPIS (and OCI)-IA correlations. Thus, impaired connection to internal states together with OC tendencies might contribute to the understanding of the specific thinking style of those who do not primarily rely on either rationality or experientiality

    Does cultural participation make us happier? Favorite leisure activities and happiness in a representative sample of the Serbian population

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    Istraživanja o doprinosu aktivnosti u slobodno vreme, a posebno o doprinosu kulturne participacije ličnom blagostanju i doživljaju sreće predstavljaju relativno novu liniju istraživanja. Iako ima dosta nalaza o pozitivnoj vezi između ličnog blagostanja i kulturne participacije, rezultati nisu u potpunosti konzistentni, Å”to se bar delimično može objasniti različitim teorijskim shvatanjima ovih složenih pojmova (kulturna participacija, lično blagostanje i sreća), kao i njihovim različitim operacionalizacijama, primenjenim istraživačkim tehnikama i uzorcima. Ovo istraživanje sprovedeno je na reprezentativnom uzorku građana Srbije starijih od 15 godina (N=1521, 46% muÅ”karaca, prosečan uzrast 41.5). Terensko prikupljanje podataka realizovano je u oktobru i novembru 2019. godine. Kao potencijalni prediktori subjektivnog doživljaja sreće uključeni su: 1. socio-demografske varijable (pol, starost, stepen obrazovanja, radni status, finansijski status), 2. subjektivna procena zdravstvenog stanja, i 3. lista aktivnosti sačinjena na osnovu prethodnih istraživanja u domenu slobodnog vremena i kulturne participacije (koja je određena tako da obuhvata kulturnu produkciju, privatnu i javnu kulturnu potroÅ”nju, a ispitanici su ocenjivali u kojoj meri im je omiljena svaka od navedenih aktivnosti). Analizom glavnih komponenti izdvojeno je Å”est latentnih dimenzija aktivnosti u slobodno vreme: 1) kulturna participacija u užem smislu, 2) filmovi i zabava, 3) narodnjaci i porodica, 4) aktivnosti na otvorenom, 5) sport i 6) e-knjige i e-novine. Na nivou celog uzorka subjektivni doživljaj sreće je bio visok, prosečna ocena 5.03, na 7-stepenoj Likertovoj skali. Rezultati linearne regresije izdvojili su najbolje prediktore subjektivnog doživljaja sreće. Srećniji su ljudi koji pozitivnije ocenjuju svoje zdravstveno stanje, imaju viÅ”i finansijski status, ali i oni koji su viÅ”e obrazovani. Pozitivnijem doživljaju sreće takođe pozitivno doprinose tri obrasca omiljenih aktivnosti u slobodno vreme: narodnjaci i porodica, aktivnosti na otvorenom i kulturna participacija. Rezultati su diskutovani u svetlu kompleksnosti ispitivanih fenomena, a posebno su istaknute mogućnosti za naredna istraživanja, kao i praktične implikacije za donosioce odluka o u oblasti kulturne politike.Research on the contribution of leisure activities in general and specifically cultural participation to personal wellbeing represents a relatively new and promising line of research. Results, however, are mixed - partly due to various definitions and measures of key variables, as well as their complexity and many confounding variables. This research was conducted on a sample representative for the general population of Serbia (N=1521). As potential predictors of wellbeing, we investigated a number of socio-demographic variables (gender, age, education level, employment status, financial status), subjective health status, and a list of leisure activities selected based on past research from leisure and cultural participation paradigms. A principal component analysis revealed six latent dimensions of leisure activities that were labeled as: 1) cultural participation (in a strict sense), 2) movies & entertainment, 3) folk & family, 4) outdoor activities, 5) sport, 6) e-books & e-news. A stepwise linear regression showed that subjective happiness was best predicted by a higher subjective health status, higher financial status, and higher education level, while from the domain of leisure activities, significant positive predictors were 'folk & family', 'outdoor activities', and 'cultural participation' components. Results are discussed in light of the complexity of examined phenomena, as well as practical implications for policy decision making

    Why festival museum attendance cannot predict regular museum attendance: Examining the attitude-behavior relationship

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    Velika posećenost muzeja tokom 'Noći muzeja' nasuprot malom interesovanju za programe ovih ustanova ostalim danima, poslužila je kao povod za ispitivanje mogućnosti i prepreka da festivalska publika postane redovna muzejska publika i pored specifičnosti festivala u poređenju sa redovnim funkcionisanjem muzeja. Zastupljenost onih koji muzeje posećuju samo tokom te jedne noći u godini kao i onih koji ih posećuju i ostalim danima pružila je priliku za komparativno ispitivanje njihovih stavova o posećivanju muzeja, subjektivnih normi, opaženih prepreka i namera da čeŔće posećuju muzeje u budućnosti (N=1480). Rezultati pokazuju da se muzeji pretežno opažaju kao druÅ”tveno korisni edukativni centri, čije se glavne slabosti ogledaju u imidžu statičnih i dosadnih ustanova. Ipak, u festivalskoj noći, značajan procenat posetilaca muzeja iskazuje nameru da muzeje posećuje čeŔće u budućnosti. ZaÅ”to se te namere ne realizuju i kakve su mogućnosti da se to promeni diskutovano je u okviru teorije planiranog ponaÅ”anja i s obzirom na ranija istraživanja o kulturnoj potroÅ”nji.This study addresses the fact that during the one night festival 'Museum Night', tens of thousands of visitors find themselves in museums, which stands in sharp contrast to the lack of museum visitors during the rest of the year. Taking into account conceptual differences between festivals and regular museum programs, we examined the obstacles that prevent festival visitors from become regular museum visitors. Using the two stage stratified sample (N=1480) of visitors of the 'Museum Night' in Serbia 2012, we identified 39% of those who have never visited a museum during previous twelve months. This allowed for comparison between this group of visitors and the regular museum visitors based on their socio-demographic characteristics and their cultural habits. In addition, we assessed their attitudes towards museums, subjective norms about visiting museums, and perceived barriers for more frequent visits (perceived controlability). The choice of constructs was guided by Ajzen and Fishbein's Theory of planned behavior (1985; 2011). We analyzed if they could predict (a) intentions to visit museums in the future and (b) visits to the museums in the previous year. The attitude towards museums was proven to be a good predictor of both intentions and past behavior, whilst subjective norms and perceived control were better indicators of past behavior. Results demonstrated that museums were perceived as predominantly educational institutions, with their main image-related drawbacks being lack of dynamics and excitement. In spite of that fact, a significant number of festival visitors did express their intentions to visit museums more often in the future. We discussed how these intentions could be addressed in public communication in order to translate them into behavior. We also suggested how both descriptive and prescriptive norms could be employed to widen potential museum audience and which strategies could improve the image of museums as more proactive and appealing

    Prvi podaci o parazitskim grinjama roda Riccardoella Berlese (Acari: Ereynetidae) na puževima plućaÅ”ima u Srbiji

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    The paper presents the first data on slug mites Riccardoella (Riccardoella) limacum (Schrank) and R. (Proriccardoella) oudemansiThor (Acari: Ereynetidae) in Serbia. The two parasitic species were detected on seven species of snails and slugs (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) in Serbia. Riccardoella limacum, which is a specialized snail parasite, was found in Helixpomatia L. and H. lucorum L species of the family Helicidae. Riccardoella oudemansi was found exclusively on slug species: Arion lusitanicus Mabille (Arionidae), Tandonia budapestensis (Hazay) (Milacidae), Limacus flavus (L.), Limax maximus L. and L. cinereoniger Wolf (Limacidae).U radu su izloženi prvi podaci o nalazima plućnih grinja Riccardoella (Riccardoella) limacum (Schrank) i R. (Proriccardoella) oudemansiThor (Acari: Ereynetidae), koje su zabeležene u Srbiji na sedam vrsta puževa i golaća (Gastropoda, Pulmonata). Riccardoella (R.) limacum, koja je parazit puževa sa ljuÅ”turom, nađena je na vrstama familije Helicidae, Helixpomatia L. i H. lucorum L. Nasuprot tome, vrsta R. (P.) oudemansi nalažena je isključivo na golaćima, na vrstama: Arion lusitanicus Mabille (Arionidae), Tandonia budapestensis (Hazay) (Milacidae), Limacus flavus (L.), Limax maximus L. i L. cinereoniger Wolf (Limacidae)

    Muzeji Srbije kao deo kulturno turističke ponude za porodice sa decom

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    Monografska studija ā€žMuzeji Srbije kao deo kulturno turističke ponude za porodice sa decomā€œ je rezultat istraživačkog projekta koji je bio fokusiran na jačanje saradnje turističkih operatera i muzeja u Srbiji, odnosno ohrabrivanja njihovog zajedničkog rada na razvijanju kulturno-turističkog proizvoda namenjenog porodicama (odraslima i deci uzrasta do 15 godina). Predmet istraživanja jesu mogućnosti za primenu koncepta ā€žporodični dan u muzejuā€œ u funkciji razvoja kulturnog turizma sa akcentom na porodičnim odmorima. Naime, ā€žPorodični dan u muzejuā€œ je koncept koji praktikuju brojni muzeji Å”irom sveta, a reč je o specijalnim vođenjima kroz stalnu i/ili povremene izložbe za decu i njihove roditelje uz prateće programe kao Å”to su kratke predstave, video projekcije ili radionice na kojima pre svega deca uz pomoć kustosa i roditelja na sebi svojstvene načine (npr. crtežom, rečju, pokretom) izražavaju Å”ta su naučili tokom posete. Koncept je, pre svega, osmiÅ”ljen i namenjen lokalnom stanovniÅ”tvu, ali može biti veoma atraktivan za turiste/porodice na odmoru jer omogućava potpuno drugačiji doživljaj u odnosu na rutinske posete lokalnim muzejima u okviru turističkih aranžmana. Takva opcija prepoznata je u gradovima kao Å”to je San Sebastian u Å paniji, Otava u Kanadi, oblasti Meinfeld u Å vajcarskoj, itd. Rezultati istraživanja poslužiće za kreiranje modela programa u kome su porodični dani u muzejima u Srbiji centralna aktivnost. Pored učeŔća u porodičnom danu u muzejima, turisti bi se upoznali i sa drugim znamenitostima grada/opÅ”tine (prirodne lepote, objekti arhitektonskog nasleđa uključujući i tradicionalno neimarstvo, gastronomija, tradicionalni zanati, itd.). Inicijalno, reč je o izletima/dvodnevnim aranžmanima u okolini centara koji privlače veći broj turista i gde se može očekivati veće interesovanje građana za porodične aktivnosti van mesta boravka (npr. Beograd, NiÅ”, Novi Sad, Subotica, Jagodina, Kragujevac). Koncept je osmiÅ”ljen u kontekstu kulturnog turizma, koji poslednjih decenija Å”irom sveta predstavlja granu u usponu i beleži sve značajnije ekonomske efekte (Jelinčić, 2010). Prema prognozama Svetske turističke organizacije (UNWTO) već 2020. godine kulturni turizam će postati vodeća grana turističke privrede u svetu. Kulturno nasleđe je jedan od najznačajnijih resursa za razvoj kulturnog turizma i osnova njegovog održivog razvoja. Interpretacija nasleđa je bazični sadržaj kulturno turističkog proizvoda (Đukić i Todorović, 2008). U tom smislu posebnu ulogu imaju muzeji, kao ustanove kulture koje istražuju, čuvaju i prezentuju nasleđe, a nasleđe je okosnica druÅ”tvenog pamćenja, te tako i važan faktor u izgradnji kulturnog identiteta. Iskustva u muzejima, kao deo kulturne participacije, doprinose jačanju spona pojedinaca i zajednice, ali i razumevanju različitosti drugih grupa i zajednica. Takođe, posete muzejima jesu nezaobilazan deo turističkih putovanja. Ipak, kada je reč o domaćim turistima, lokalnom stanovniÅ”tvu, posete domaćim muzejima predstavljaju najmanje popularne aktivnosti u slobodno vreme (Cvetičanin 2007; Mrđa 2011a, 2011b; Opačić i SubaÅ”ić 2016). Istovremeno muzejske manifestacije (ā€žNoć muzejaā€œ, ā€žMuzeji Srbije deset dana od 10 do 10ā€œ) i posebne izložbe (npr. ā€žMankala ā€“ misaona igraā€œ u Muzeju afričke umetnosti i ā€žPupin ā€“ od fizičke do duhovne realnostiā€œ u Istorijskom muzeju Srbije) privlače veoma veliki broj posetilaca (Martinović i Jokić 2012; Jokić i Žeželj 2013; Jokić 2016; Jokić, Mrđa i Martinović 2016). Iako je relativno mali broj inovativnih muzejskih programa namenjenih porodicama i deci uzrasta do 15 godina, upravo muzejske manifestacije pokazuju da za takvim vrstama programa postoji interesovanje. Ipak, on je u Srbiji retkost ā€“ praktikuje ga tek nekoliko muzeja, pri čemu je najčeŔće reč o povremenim programima bez ustaljene dinamike. U ovoj studiji će najpre biti opisani ključni koncepti: kulturni turizam u svetu i kod nas, sa posebnim osvrtom na ulogu muzeja u tom kontekstu. Zatim sledi prikaz istraživačkog dela, koji obuhvata tri celine: 1. analizu odabranih gradova u Srbiji, na osnovu sekundarnih izvora i terenskog istraživanja; 2. anketu kustosa u muzejima; 3. anketu roditelja maloletne dece, kao potencijalnih korisnika test tura, dok su na kraju studije predstavljena zaključna razmatranja i preporuke proizaÅ”le iz istraživanja

    Emissions in environment and wastewater treatment in some sugar factories in Serbia

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    In a beet-sugar plant numerous sources of wastewaters exist. The cleanest water is from the evaporators (150% calculated on the sugar-beet), which contains ammonium and ammonium carbonate. The waste water used for cooling afterwords is used for beet washing (830% calculated on the sugar-beet). The third kind of waste water is used for washing beets soked with dirt. This water contains some residues, suspended solids, organic compounds. The fourth group is fecal waste water, which is treated in a system designed for recycling the waste. This system is composed of two decanters. Calcium-carbonate, aluminium sulphate could be used as precipitating agents. Sugar factories that manipulate with 500 tonnes of sugar-beet need lagoons with an area of about 30-40ha. Since 2006 the sugar factory near Novi Sad has not been letting the effluent into the chanal Bezdan-Vrbas. The waste water which is let into the lagoons has about 3000mg/l BOD5, and 4-5 months later the level of BOD5 decresed for about 70%

    A novel carbon paste electrode based on nitrogen-doped hydrothermal carbon for electrochemical determination of carbendazim

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    In this work, a new carbon paste electrode, prepared from nitrogen-doped hydrothermal carbon (CHTCN) was applied for the electrochemical detection and determination of carbendazim fungicide. CHTCN samples with the nominal nitrogen content 0.05-0.5 wt. % in glucose precursor were prepared by simple, low-cost synthesis with the accompanying carbonization to 1273 K. The presence of nitrogen in CHTCN samples was confirmed by elemental analysis. Characterization of CHTCN as material for carbon paste electrode was achieved by cyclic voltammetry measurement of the Fe(CN)(6)(3-/4-) redox couple. The results showed that best electrochemical response was obtained from the sample with a nominal nitrogen concentration of 0.1 wt. % and with tricresyl phosphate as a binder. During the development of a differential pulse stripping voltammetric method for carbendazim determination applying new electrode, the following experimental parameters were studied: the sort and amount of binding liquid, the effect of pH, accumulation potential and accumulation time. Under optimal conditions, the electrode offered linearity in the wide concentration range from 25 to 490 ng cm(-3) and an estimated detection limit of 1.21 ng cm(-3). Moreover, the electrode showed good stability, high selectivity and satisfactory anti-interference ability. Finally, the developed method was successfully applied for the determination of carbendazim traces in spiked tap and river water samples

    With food to health : proceedings of the 10th International scientific and professional conference

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    Proceedings contains 13 original scientific papers, 10 professional papers and 2 review papers which were presented at "10th International Scientific and Professional Conference WITH FOOD TO HEALTH", organised in following sections: Nutrition, Dietetics and diet therapy, Functional food and food supplemnents, Food safety, Food analysis, Production of safe food and food with added nutritional value

    The effect of temporal and social distance on decision-making

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    Istraživanja pokazuju da se saveti često razlikuju od odluka za sebe, kao i da se odluke za sebe razlikuju u zavisnosti od toga koliko je vremenski udaljen njihov ishod. Prvi fenomen izučava se kao efekat socijalne distance, a drugi kao efekat vremenske distance na odlučivanje. Neki modeli prepoznaju sličnosti u efektima vremenske i socijalne distance na odlučivanje, ali za to nude parcijalna objaÅ”njenja: preko uključenosti afekata, čiji se značaj zanemaruje sa povećanjem distance ili uključenosti druÅ”tvenih vrednosti čiji se značaj povećava sa povećanjem distance. Prema teoriji nivoa konstrukcije (engl. Construal level theory, CLT) u osnovi efekta distance na odlučivanje je kognitivni mehanizam nezavisan od uključenosti afekata, socijalnih vrednosti i bilo kojh drugih sadržaja u situaciji odlučivanja: na maloj distanci mentalne reprezentacije (konstrukcije) su konkretne, bogate perifernim detaljima i odnose se na izvodljivost cilja (konstrukcije nižeg nivoa); na velikoj distanci reprezentacije su apstraktne, sa manjim brojem centralnih karakteristika i odnose se na poželjnost cilja (konstrukcije viÅ”eg nivoa). PoÅ”avÅ”i od ovih pretpostavki osmislili smo studiju od četiri konceptualno povezana ogleda u kojima smo ispitivali: a. da li vremenska i socijalna distanca imaju efekta na odlučivanje (izbor i dopadljivost opcija); b. da li ima sličnosti između efekata vremenske i socijalne distance na odlučivanje; c. da li se dosledno potvrđuju pretpostavke CLT o nivou konstrukcija u osnovi efekata vremenske i socijalne distance na odlučivanje bez obzira na sadržaj/tip konstrukcija viÅ”eg nivoa (u kojoj meri su povezane sa druÅ”tvenim vrednostima) i sadržaj/tip konstrukcija nižeg nivoa (u kojoj meri okolnosti za izvođenje cilja uključuju afekte). Takođe, uporedili smo uloženi kognitivni napor (procenu teÅ”koće odlučivanja i vreme potrebno za donoÅ”enje odluke) na različitim nivoima distance, poÅ”to se prema CLT razlike ne očekuju, dok drugi modeli predviđaju razlike u različitom smeru (ulaganje viÅ”e/manje napora sa povećanjem distance). U pripremnoj fazi testiranja stimulus materijala učestvovalo je 186, a u glavnoj studiji 436 studenata Univerziteta u Beogradu, slučajno raspoređenih u grupe prema nivoima vremenske (Ogledi od 1 do 4) ili socijalne distance (Ogledi 1 i 4). Ispitanicima su prezentovane situacije izbora aktivnosti na fakultetu, a variran je tip konstrukcija nižeg nivoa (afektivne/afektivno neutralne prepreke) i tip konstrukcija viÅ”eg nivoa (individualni/druÅ”tveni ciljevi). Ponuđene opcije su bile opisane tako da imaju suprotstavljene prednosti/slabosti na teÅ”koći izvodljivosti i poželjnosti cilja. Da bi se ispitalo da li je efekat distance na odlučivanje osetljiv na operacionalizaciju zavisne varijable, ispitanici su birali između dve ponuđene opcije (Ogledi 1, 2 i 3) i/ili su ocenjivali koliko im se dopada svaka od njih (Ogledi 1 i 4), odnosno u kojoj meri su spremni da zamene odabranu opciju (Ogled 2). Rezultati su pokazali da se efekti vremenske i socijalne distance na odlučivanje u velikoj meri razlikuju. Efekat vremenske distance na izbor opcija nije se ispoljio i pored različitih operacionalizacija izbora, manipulacija distancom i primene različitog stimulus materijala; spremnost na promenu odabrane opcije ukazuje na to da sa povećanjem vremenske distance opada značaj i poželjnosti i teÅ”koće izvodljivosti ciljeva; efekat na dopadljivost opcija nezavisno od izbora ispoljio se tako Å”to se dopadljivost manje poželjnog lakÅ”e izvodljivog cilja smanjivala sa povećanjem distance, dok se dopadljivost druge opcije nije menjala. Za razliku od efekata vremenske distance, socijalna distanca imala je efekat na izbor opcija: poželjniji, teže izvodljiv cilj čeŔće je savetovan drugima nego biran za sebe, bez značajne interakcije sa tipom situacije, ali statistički značajno u dva od četiri tipa situacije; odabrane opcije uvek su bile dopadljivije kao savet nego kao izbor za sebe; efekat socijalne distance na dopadljivost opcija nezavisno od izbora ispoljio se tako Å”to je na većoj distanci bila veća dopadljivost poželjnijeg teže izvodljivog cilja, ali samo kada su konstrukcije nižeg nivoa bile afektivne. Jedine jasne sličnosti efekata vremenske i socijalne distance na odlučivanje ispoljile su se na meri relativne dopadljivosti (razlika dopadljivosti poželjnijeg teže izvodljivog i manje poželjnog lakÅ”e izvodljivog cilja) ā€“ bila je pozitivnija na velikoj distanci. Konačno, nije bilo razlika u uloženom kognitivnom naporu, operacionalizovanom preko procene teÅ”koće odlučivanja i vremena potrebnog za donoÅ”enje odluke, u zavisnosti od vremenske i socijalne distance. Rezultati su diskutovani s obzirom na pretpostavke CLT i modela koji efekte distance na odlučivanje objaÅ”njavaju ulogom afekata ili ulogom socijalnih vrednosti. Razmotren je i problem operacionalizacije ključnih varijabli i moguće implikacije na zaključivanje o psiholoÅ”kim mehanizmima u osnovi efekta distance na odlučivanje.Giving advice to others often differs from deciding for oneself. Somewhat surprisingly, current decisions for oneself differ from future decisions for oneself in the similar manner. There is extensive evidence for both phenomena, known as the effect of social and temporal distance on decision-making. Some theoretical models offer partial explanations for these effects. For example, when affect is involved in the decisionmaking process, its role will decrease as the distance is larger (e.g. when advising others or deciding for future self; Loewenstein, 1996); when the desirable choice option conforms with social values, their role will increase as the distance is larger (Stone, Choi, Bruine deBrui& Mandel, 2013). In contrast, the Construal Level Theory (CLT; Trope & Liberman, 2003; 2010) proposes an underlying universal cognitive mechanism that accounts for the effects of distance on decision-making regardless of involvement of affect, social values or any other psychological aspects of the decision-making situation. If the psychological distance is small, mental representations (construals) are concrete and rich with peripheral details mostly about the feasibility of a goal (low-level construal, LC); if the psychological distance is large, mental representations are abstract, containing few central aspects of the decision-making situation and are mostly about the desirability of a goal (high-level construal, HC). We designed a study of four conceptually linked experiments to examine: a. whether temporal distance and social distance have the expected effects on decisionmaking (choice / liking of chosen option / liking of options independent of choice) so that the desirability of a goal would increase while its feasibility would decrease as the distance increased; b. whether there are systematic similarities between temporal distance and social distance effects on decision-making; c. whether the CLT propositions about the role of construal level in explaining the effect of distance on decision-making is replicated consistently regardless of the content/type of HC (if it involves personal value, e.g. interest in course topic, or social values, e.g. social importance of an humanitarian project) and regardless of the content/type of LC (if it is affect-laden, e.g. taste of the food that has to be consumed as a part of the course study, or it is more affect-neutral, e.g. convenience of the location of the project). Additionally, we aimed to compare cognitive effort (measured by estimation of the difficulty of decision-making and time needed for decision-making) on different distance levels. The CLT would not expect differences, whereas there are models predicting that larger distance would lead to investment of more cognitive effort and conversely, other models predicting the opposite i.e. less cognitive effort. A total of 186 Belgrade University students took part in the preliminary stimulus testing, and 436 in the main phase. They were randomized to groups with low/high temporal-distance levels (Experiments 1ā€“4) or low/high social-distance levels (Experiments 1 and 4). They were presented with choice situations designed to be plausible for students. The type of LC (affect-laden or affect-neutral) and the type of HC (personal or social goals) were within-subject factors. To explore whether the effect of distance on decision-making is sensitive to the operationalization of dependent variables, we asked participants to choose between two options (Experiments 1, 2, and 3) and/or estimate how much they liked each of them (Experiments 1 and 4) and/or how much they were ready to replace the chosen option (Experiment 2). Results showed that temporal-distance effects and social-distance effects on decision-making are more different than similar. The increase of temporal distance did not have an effect on choice despite the variety of: a. operationalization of choice (categorical/continual variable), b. distance manipulation (imaginative/simulation of real choice), and c. difference in likeability of the options (more or less emphasized differences between the types of HC, and more or less emphasized differences between the types of LC). Readiness to replace the chosen option indicated that both LC and HC were perceived less important as temporal distance increased. When evaluated independent of choice, liking options with better LC decreased as the distance was larger while there was no effect of temporal distance on liking the options with better HC. In contrast, social distance had the expected effect on choice: the more desirable / less achievable goal was more often advised to others than chosen for oneself ā€“ the size of this effect was the largest in situations with affect-laden LC/HC social goal and affect-neutral LC/HC personal goal; chosen options were always more liked as an advice rather than as a choice for oneself; effect of social distance on liking options independent of choice was registered only when LC were affect-laden. The only clear similarity between temporal and social distance effects on decision making was registered on a relative liking measure (i.e. difference in liking option with better HC compared to liking option with better LC): relative liking of options with better HC increased as the distance was larger. The cognitive effort did not differ with an increase in temporal nor increase in social distance. The results are discussed related to predictions of the CLT and other competing models predicting the effects of specific attributes (affect or social values). We also addressed the differences that emerged as consequences of different types of operationalization of dependent variables, which are usually overlooked in experimental designs. In concluding, we discussed potential practical implications of the results in public communication, health, advertising, etc. We explored limitations of this study and suggested directions for future research