1,623 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Etis Terhadap Hoax Dalam Publikasi Artikel Ilmu Sosial

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    ABSTRAK: Esai ini membahas masalah etis atas skandal artikel ilmiah sosial yang berupa hoax yang dipublikasikan oleh jurnal-jurnal terpercaya yang sudah didukung oleh peer-reviewer. Namun, walau tulisan tidak koheren, penuh istilah absurd atau data yang dikutip sembarangan, ternyata peer-reviewer tidak mampu mengenali itu sebagai hoax dan menerimanya juga sebagai artikel ilmiah. Tulisan ini akan menimbang dari sudut tiga aspek yakni: kejujuran, dampak dari perbuatan tersebut, standar evaluasi tulisan dari institusi jurnal itu sendiri serta menjawab apa yang seharusnya dilakukan menghadapi artikel jurnal hoax seperti ini di kemudian hari.KATA KUNCI: Hoax, Sokal Aff air, Etika Penulisan, Etika Sains, Postmodernisme

    Sumbangsih Pemikiran James W. Fowler dalam Pendidikan Agama di Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia

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    Pendidikan agama mendapat tempat yang khusus dalam perguruantinggi Indonesia dan diharapkan dapat membentuk manusia yang beriman danbertakwa kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa serta berakhlak mulia. Namun, kekerasandan pelanggaran HAM atas nama agama atau Tuhan justru meningkat, terutamapada generasi muda di Indonesia. Tulisan ini ingin menunjukkan bahwa formatpendidikan agama di universitas yang dikumpulkan sesuai agamanya justrudapat menghambat pertumbuhan iman dan akhlak mulia yang diharapkan sertatidak sesuai dengan realitas agama dan keyakinan yang berbeda di Indonesia.Tulisan ini mengemukakan pemikiran James W. Fowler yang dapat memberikanorientasi bagi format seharusnya dari pendidikan agama di Perguruan Tinggi diIndonesia agar tujuan pendidikan agama tersebut dapat tercapai.   Religious education has a special place in the higher education in Indonesiaand is expected to shape a noble character and faith of God’s believers as stated by law.Unfortunately, violence and violations of human rights in the name of religion or Godhave increased especially among Indonesia’s young generation. Th is writing would like toshow that the format of religious education at the university that is defi ned by religiousaffi liation can inhibit the growth of faith and its noble character, which does not suitthe diversity of religions and beliefs in Indonesia. Th is paper suggests James W. Fowler’sthought that provides an orientation for the supposed format of religious education atuniversities in Indonesia in order to reach the purpose of religious education

    Kyai's Prophetic Leadership in Effectiveness of Learning in Pesantren

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    This study aims to understand prophetic leadership in realizing effective learning from the perspective of Kurt Lewin at pondok pesantren. This study uses a phenomenological approach, where the researcher tries to understand the meaning behind the phenomenon through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The data sources of this research were obtained from the information submitted by the informants, the results of observations and documents, and the results of the study of several theories taken from reputable scientific books and journals. The data analysis was carried out circularly, from data collection, data presentation, and data reduction to concluding. The results of the study indicate that prophetic leadership in realizing effective learning from the perspective of Kurt Lewin at pondok pesantren is carried out through; first, unfreezing, which consists of changing motivation, feeling towards change, preparation for change; second, moving, namely the movement towards something new or the latest developments; third, refreezing maintains the change results. This study concludes that Kyai's prophetic leadership in making learning effective in Islamic boarding schools in the perspective of Kurt Lewin's change management must be carried out in a planned, systematic and earnest manner concerning the values of humanization, liberation, and transcendence, considering that change is intended to improve the quality of education in Islamic boarding schools. The research has implications for the importance of leaders in responding to the dynamics of existing changes, both internal to the organization and external to the organization

    Upacara tradisional (upacara kematian) Daerah Istimewa Aceh

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    Aneka ragam upacara yang dikembangkan di kalangan masyarakat termasuk masyarakat Aceh, pada dasarnya dapat dibagi ke dalam dua katagori. Katagori pertama merupakan upacara lintasan hidup (individual life cycle), dan katagori yang kedua merupakan upacara merawut (ritual of aflication). Katagori yang pertama merupakan upacara yang diselenggarakan untuk menandakan peristiwa perkembangan fisik maupun sosial seseorang mulai dari dalam kandungan sampai ia mengalami kematian. Katagori ini ditandai oleh perpindahan dari suatu fase kehidupan kepada fase lain atau dari satu status ke lain status sosial. Perpindahan status kepada kematian menjadi pokok perhatian dalam penelitian ini. Peristiwa kematian yang dialami oleh sesuatu keluarga akan mempunyai dampak sosial yang lebih luas, karena menyangkut soal penerusan keturunan, warisan kekayaan dan kedudukan sosial dalam masyarakat. Ruang lingkup materi penelitian ini, meliputi semua upacara tradisional yang berkaitan dengan kematian. Dan ruang lingkup operasional penelitian meliputi tiga suku bangsa di Aceh yaitu suku bangsa Aneuk Jamee, suku bangsa Aceh, dan suku bangsa Alas. Sedangkan suku bangsa lainnya tidak sempat diteliti pada kesempatan ini seperti suku bangsa Gayo, suku bangsa Tamiang, suku bangsa Simeulu, suku bangsa Kluet, dan suku bangsa Singkil

    Gut microbiome in gestational diabetes : a cross-sectional study of mothers and offspring 5 years postpartum

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    Introduction An altered gut microbiome composition is shown to be associated with various diseases and health outcomes. We compare the gut microbiota of women who developed gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) with that of those who did not, and the gut microbiota of their offspring, to determine any differences in the composition and diversity of their gut microbiota, which may be correlated with their GDM state. Material and methods All women were at high risk for GDM and participated in the Finnish Gestational Diabetes Prevention Study (RADIEL). Stool samples were obtained, 5years postpartum, from 60 GDM-positive women, 68 non-GDM control women, and their children (n=109), 237 individuals in total. 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing was employed to determine the composition of bacterial communities present. Statistical correlations were inferred between clinical variables and microbiota, while taking into account potential confounders. Results In mothers, no significant differences were observed in microbiota composition between the two groups. Genus Anaerotruncus was increased in children of women with GDM (pPeer reviewe

    TiO2 nanotubes supported Cu nanoparticles for improving photocatalytic degradation of simazine under UV illumination

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    Nano size Copper (Cu) incorporated TiO2 nanotubes was successfully synthesized via the anodic oxidation technique in ethylene glycol (EG) containing 0.5 wt % NH4F and 1.6 wt % KOH for the photocatalytic degradation of Simazine (2-chloro-4, 6-diethylamino-1,3,5-triazine) under Ultraviolet (UV) illumination. In the present study, the influence of different loading Cu concentrations on the formation of Cu-TiO2 nanotubes film towards the photocatalytic degradation of Simazine is reported. Based on our study, it was found that the optimum Cu loading concentration was about 0.45 wt % on TiO2 nanotubes film for approximately 64% photocatalytic degradation of Simazine after 4 h under UV illumination. This finding was mainly attributed to the uniform surface covering of the Cu loaded TiO2NTs which acted as electron traps, preventing the recombination of electron hole pairs, eventually leading to higher photocatalytic activity of our photocatalyst in degrading the targeted organic pollutant, Simazine. Moreover, an increased kinetic rate of the degradation to 0.0135 h−1 was observed in the presence of Cu in TiO2NTs

    Prosthesis-patient mismatch after transcatheter aortic valve implantation with the Medtronic-Corevalve bioprosthesis

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    Aims: Prosthesis-patient mismatch (P-PM) is an important determinant of morbidity and mortality following open aortic valve replacement. The aims of this study were to report its incidence and determinants following transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) with the Corevalve bioprosthesis, which have—thus far—not been described. Methods and results: Patients with severe calcific aortic stenosis received TAVI with the Corevalve bioprosthesis via transfemoral route. Following TAVI, moderate P-PM was defined as indexed aortic valve effective orifice area (AVAi) ≤0.85 cm2/m2 and severe P-PM as AVAi ≤0.65 cm2/m2. Clinical, echocardiographic, and procedural factors relating to P-PM were studied. Optimal device position was defined on fluoroscopy as final position of the proximal aspect of the Corevalve stent frame 5–10 mm below the native aortic annulus. Between January 2007 and January 2009, 50 consecutive patients underwent TAVI in a single centre with the Corevalve bioprosthesis. Mean age was 82.8 years (SD 5.9; 70–93) and 48% were male. P-PM occurred in 16 of 50 cases (32%). Optimal position was achieved in 50% of cases. P-PM was unrelated to age, annulus size, LVOT size, Corevalve size, aortic angulation, ejection fraction, and sex. It was inversely correlated to optimal position (Spearman rho r = −0.34, P = 0.015). Those with optimal positioning had a 16% incidence of P-PM relative to 48% of those with suboptimal positioning (Pearson χ2P = 0.015). Conclusion: The incidence of P-PM following TAVI with the Corevalve bioprosthesis is compared favourably with that seen after AVR with conventional open stented bioprostheses and its occurrence is influenced by device positioning

    Analysis of photocurrent responses of anodized TiO2 Nanotubes synthesized from different organic electrolytes

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    Self-organized titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanotubes (NTs) arrays were successfully fabricated via electrochemical anodization of titanium (Ti) foil in an organic electrolyte containing 5wt% of fluoride content. The present work compares two different organic electrolytes (glycerol and ethylene glycol) for the growth of self-organized TiO2 nanotubes by using anodic oxidation strategy. The resultant TiO2 NTs were then subjected to thermal annealing for manipulating the crystalline structure. The SEM images indicated changes in surface morphology of the TiO2 NTs in different electrolytes. It was found that the NT’s dimensional was 56.00nm based on the SEM analyses. Both samples exhibited good photocurrent response; however, TiO2 NTs synthesized in ethylene glycol electrolyte showed promising photocurrent response of 0.385 mA

    A double blind randomized controlled trial comparing primary suture closure with mesh augmented closure to reduce incisional hernia incidence

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    Background: Incisional hernia is the most frequently seen long term complication after laparotomy causing much morbidity and even mortality. The overall incidence remains 11-20%, despite studies attempting to optimize closing techniques. Two patient groups, patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm and obese patients, have a risk for incisional hernia after laparotomy of more than 30%. These patients might benefit from mesh augmented midline closure as a means to reduce incisional hernia incidence. Methods/design. The PRImary Mesh Closure of Abdominal Midline Wound (PRIMA) trial is a double-blinded international multicenter randomized controlled trial comparing running slowly absorbable suture closure with the same closure augmented with a sublay or onlay mesh. Primary endpoint will be incisional hernia incidence 2 years postoperatively. Secondary outcomes will be postoperative complications, pain, quality of life and cost effectiveness.A total of 460 patients will be included in three arms of the study and randomized between running suture closure, onlay mesh closure or sublay mesh closure. Follow-up will be at 1, 3, 12 and 24 months with ultrasound imaging performed at 6 and 24 months to objectify the presence of incisional hernia. Patients, investigators and radiologists will be blinded throughout the whole follow up. Disccusion. The use of prosthetic mesh has proven effective and safe in incisional hernia surgery however its use in a prophylactic manner has yet to be properly investigated. The PRIMA trial will provide level 1b evidence whether mesh augmented midline abdominal closure reduces incisional hernia incidence in high risk groups. Trial registration. Clinical trial.gov NCT00761475

    Functional outcome after laparoscopic and open incisional hernia repair

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    Abstract: Background: The debate about the advantages of laparoscopic versus open incisional hernia repair is still ongoing. The primary outcomes of already published studies are mainly recurrence, pain and quality of life. Data on postoperative abdominal wall function after these corrections is still lacking. In this single center study muscle strength and transverse abdominal muscle thickness were analysed with regard to open and laparoscopic techniques. Methods: Thirty-five patients that underwent open and laparoscopic midline incisional hernia correction were included. Approximation of the rectus muscles was included in some open procedures but never in laparoscopic correction. Twelve healthy subjects without any abdominal operation functioned as a control group. Trunk flexion muscle strength of all operated patients and 12 healthy subjects was studied with the Biodex® isokinetic dynamometer and conventional abdominal muscle trainers for the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles. All patients underwent ultrasound examination of the abdominal wall for analysing transverse abdominal muscle thickness. Results: The mean torque/weight (%) for trunk flexion, measured with the Biodex®, was significantly higher in the control compared with the total patient group. Comparing trunk flexion with the Biodex® after either laparoscopic or open incisional hernia repair showed a trend in favour of the open group after adjusting for gender. The muscle strength measured by the conventional abdominal muscle trainers showed no differences between the operation groups. The transverse abdominal muscle thickness difference between rest and contraction was significantly higher in the open repair group. Conclusions: The isokinetic strength of trunk flexor muscles is reduced after an operation for incisional hernia. There is some evidence that open repair with approximation of the rectus abdominis muscles results in higher muscle strength of the rectus muscles and higher thickness differences between res
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