44 research outputs found

    Characterization of the bacterial population in water dams of the Sado watershed

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    As barragens são fundamentais para a gestão dos recursos hídricos. Estas infraestruturas permitem regular os caudais e aproveitar a água para diversas atividades como a agricultura, pecuária, captação para consumo humano e turismo (p.e. praias fluviais e despor tos aquáticos). Neste estudo, foi avaliada a flora bacteriana (planctónica e organizada em biofilmes) presente em 4 barragens da bacia hidrográfica do rio Sado. A caracterização da flora bacteriana presente para além de permitir a caracterização do ecossistema permite inferir sobre potenciais riscos para a saúde humana decorrentes dos diversos usos da água.Water dams are crucial for water management. These inf rastructures al low the control of water f lows and usage of water for acti vi ties such as agr iculture, li vestock, for human consumption and tour ism (e.g. beaches and aquatic spor ts). In this study, the bacter ial f lora present in four dams located at the hydrographic basin of Sado r i ver was evaluated (plank tonic and organized in biof ilms). The character ization of the bacter ial f lora al lows the character ization of the ecosystem and speculate about the potential r isks for human heal th caused by water usage for di f ferent applications.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estado nutricional e hiperhidratación: ¿la bioimpedancia espectroscópica es válida en pacientes en hemodiálisis?

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    Background: Protein-energy wasting (PEW), associated with inflammation and overhydration, is common in haemodialysis (HD) patients and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Objective: Assess the relationship between nutritional status, markers of inflammation and body composition through bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) in HD patients. Methods: This observational, cross-sectional, single centre study, carried out in an HD centre in Forte da Casa (Portugal), involved 75 patients on an HD programme. In all participating patients, the following laboratory tests were conducted: haemoglobin, albumin, C-reactive protein (CRP) and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 [25(OH)D3]. The body mass index of all patients was calculated and a modified version of subjective global assessment (SGA) was produced for patients on dialysis. Intracellular water (ICW) and extracellular water (ECW) were measured by BIS (Body Composition Monitor®, Fresenius Medical Care®) after the HD session. In statistical analysis, Spearman’s correlation was used for the univariate analysis and linear regression for the multivariate analysis (SPSS 14.0). A P value of <.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: PEW, inversely assessed through the ICW/body weight (BW) ratio, was positively related to age (P<.001), presence of diabetes (P=.004), BMI (P=.01) and CRP (P=.008) and negatively related to albumin (p=.006) and 25(OH)D3 (P=.007). Overhydration, assessed directly through the ECW/BW ratio, was positively related with CRP (P=.009) and SGA (P=.03), and negatively with 25(OH)D3 (P=.006) and BMI (P=.01). In multivariate analysis, PEW was associated with older age (P<.001), the presence of diabetes (P=.003), lower 25(OH)D3 (P=.008), higher CRP (P=.001) and lower albumin levels (P=.004). Over-hydration was associated with higher CRP (P=.001) and lower levels of 25(OH)D3 (P=.003). Conclusions: Taking these results into account, the ICW/BW and ECW/BW ratios, assessed with BIS, have proven to be good markers of the nutritional and inflammatory status of HD patients. BIS may be a useful tool for regularly assessing the nutritional and hydration status in these patients and may allow nutritional advice to be improved and adjusted.RESUMEN - Antecedentes: El desgaste proteico-energético (DPE asociado a inflamación e hiperhidratación, es común en pacientes en hemodiálisis (HD) y se asocia a mayor morbilidad y mortalidad. Objetivo: Evaluar la relación entre el estado nutricional, los marcadores inflamatorios y la composición corporal a través de bioimpedancia espectroscópica (BIS) en pacientes en HD. Métodos: En este estudio observacional, transversal, unicéntrico, realizado en un centro de HD en Forte da Casa (Portugal), participaron 75 pacientes en programa de HD. En todos los participantes se hicieron las siguientes determinaciones analíticas: hemoglobina, albúmina, proteína C reactiva (PCR) y 25-hidroxivitamina D3 [25(OH)D3]. Se calculó el índice de masa corporal (IMC) de todos los pacientes y se aplicó una versión modificada de la valoración global subjetiva (VGS) para pacientes en diálisis. El agua intracelular (AIC) y extracelular (AEC) se midió con BIS (Body Composition Monitor®, Fresenius Medical Care®) después de la sesión de HD. En el análisis estadístico se utilizó la correlación de Spearman para el análisis univariante y la regresión lineal para el análisis multivariante (SPSS 14.0). Una p < 0,05 se consideró estadísticamente significativa. Resultados: El DPE, evaluado inversamente a través de la relación AIC/ peso corporal (PC), se relacionó positivamente con la edad (p < 0,001), la presencia de diabetes (p = 0,004), el IMC (p = 0,01) y la PCR (p = 0,008) y negativamente con la albúmina (p = 0,006) y la 25(OH)D3 (p = 0,007). La hiperhidratación, evaluada directamente a través de la relación AEC/PC, se relacionó positivamente con la PCR (p = 0,009) y con la VGS (p = 0,03), y negativamente con la 25(OH)D3 (p = 0,006) y el IMC (p = 0,01). En el análisis multivariante, el DPE se asoció a edad más elevada (p < 0,001), presencia de diabetes (p = 0,003), 25(OH)D3 más baja (p = 0,008), PCR más elevada (p = 0,001) y niveles de albúmina más bajos (p = 0,004). La hiperhidratación se asoció a PCR más elevada (p = 0,001) y niveles de 25(OH)D3 más bajos (p = 0,003). Conclusiones: Teniendo en cuenta estos resultados, las relaciones AIC/PC y AEC/PC, evaluadas con BIS, han demostrado ser buenos marcadores del estado nutricional e inflamatorio de pacientes en programa de HD. La BIS puede ser una herramienta útil para evaluar regularmente el estado nutricional y de hidratación en estos pacientes y puede permitir mejorar y adecuar el asesoramiento nutricional

    Prevalence, awareness and control of diabetes in Portugal: results from the first National Health Examination Survey (INSEF 2015)

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    A Diabetes Mellitus é uma grande ameaça para a saúde pública em todo o mundo, continuando a aumentar em prevalência e significado. As estimativas da sua prevalência, conhecimento e controlo são essenciais para monitorizar as suas tendências de forma efetiva. Neste contexto, foi realizado o primeiro Inquérito Nacional de Saúde com Exame Físico (INSEF) à população residente em Portugal, com idade compreendida entre os 25 e os 74 anos, em 2015. O INSEF consistiu num estudo transversal de prevalência, que incluía a medição do nível de HbA1c no sangue, um exame físico e uma entrevista geral de saúde. A prevalência geral de diabetes foi estimada em 9,9% (IC95%: 8,4; 11,5), sendo mais elevada nos homens do que nas mulheres (12,1% vs 7,8%). A diabetes era mais prevalente entre os indivíduos que apresentavam baixa escolaridade e sem atividade profissional. A maioria dos indivíduos diabéticos estava ciente de sua condição (87,1%) e encontrava-se a tomar medicação antidiabética (79,7%). Destes, 63,2% apresentaram níveis de HbA1c inferiores a 7,0%. A prevalência de diabetes permanece mais elevada do que as estimativas globais e europeias, embora haja maior conscientização e melhor controlo dos objetivos clínicos relacionados com esta doença crónica.Diabetes Mellitus is a major public health threat around the world, continuing to increase both in prevalence and significance. Estimates of its prevalence, knowledge and control are essential to monitor its trends ef fectively. In this contex t, the first National Health Examination Sur vey (INSEF) was per formed on the resident population in Por tugal aged between 25 and 74 years old, in 2015. The INSEF consisted of a crosssectional prevalence study, which included the measurement of the HbA1c level in the blood, a physical examination and a general health inter view. The overall prevalence of diabetes was estimated at 9.9% (95% CI: 8.4, 11.5), being higher in men than in women (12.1% vs 7.8%). Diabetes was more prevalent among individuals with low education level and without professional activit y. The majorit y of diabetic individuals were aware of their condition (87.1%) and were taking antidiabetic medication (79.7%). Of these, 63.2% had HbA1c levels lower than 7.0%. The prevalence of diabetes in Por tugal remains higher than the global and European estimates, although there is greater awareness and bet ter control of the clinical objectives related to this chronic disease.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fratura do processo coronoide da ulna: um caso raro identificado no sítio pré-histórico do Abrigo da Buraca da Moira (Boa Vista, Leiria)

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    In 2015, several disarticulated human skeletal remains were identified in the top layers of the prehistoric site of Buraca da Moira Rock Shelter (Boa Vista, Leiria), during the archaeological excavation carried out under the scope of the EcoPLis — Human Occupations in the Pleistocene Ecotones of the River Lis project. The recovery of chert, and quartzite blanks, a schist plate, as well as adornments in bone and shell indicates a Late Neolithic-Chalcolithic chronology. The disarticulated human assemblage, composed of a total of 129 bone and tooth fragments, allowed the estimation of a minimum number of six individuals. Among the remains recovered, an upper portion of an adult right ulna lacking the coronoid process was identified. Replacing it, a semi-oval groove with smooth contours and exposing some trabecular bone was observed. The location, type of bone change, and the observed signs of bone healing are consistent with an uncommon trauma: a fracture of the coronoid process. In the differential diagnosis, both postmortem changes and developmental disturbances were considered but later excluded. The mechanisms that underlie the bone changes are discussed in light of the clinical and paleopathological literature.No ano de 2015, durante a intervenção arqueológica afeta ao projeto EcoPLis: Ocupação Humana Plistocénica nos Ecótonos do Rio Lis foram identificados vestígios osteológicos humanos desarticulados à superfície e nas camadas iniciais do complexo cársico do Abrigo da Buraca da Moira (Boa Vista, Leiria). A recuperação de artefactos em quartzo e sílex, de uma placa de xisto, e de adornos em osso e concha sugerem como cronologia o Neolítico Final/Calcolítico. A análise paleobiológica preliminar dos fragmentos ósseos e peças dentárias recuperados (n=129) permitiu inferir que pertencerão a, pelo menos, seis indivíduos. De entre os elementos analisados macroscopicamente, destacou-se um segmento proximal de uma ulna direita pertencente a um indivíduo adulto. Este fragmento caracterizava-se pela ausência do processo coronóide, e pela presença de uma depressão óssea ovalada com contornos suaves, associada a uma ligeira exposição de osso trabecular. A localização, tipo de alteração e a presença de sinais de remodelação óssea são consistentes com uma lesão traumática incomum: a fratura do processo coronóide. No diagnóstico diferencial foram consideradas, e posteriormente excluídas, alterações de cariz tafonómico e problemas de desenvolvimento. Neste trabalho serão discutidos os mecanismos conducentes à lesão à luz da literatura clínica e paleopatológica

    Prevalência, conhecimento, tratamento e controlo da diabetes em Portugal: resultados do primeiro Inquérito Nacional de Saúde com Exame Físico (INSEF 2015)

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    A Diabetes Mellitus constitui uma forte ameaça à saúde pública em todo o mundo, dadas as graves consequências que podem decorrer da progressão da doença. Neste contexto, as estimativas da prevalência, conhecimento, tratamento e controlo da diabetes são essenciais para monitorizar efetivamente as suas tendências, planear e avaliar intervenções. O último estudo de base populacional com o objetivo de estimar a prevalência da diabetes em Portugal utilizando dados de exame físico foi realizado em 2009 (PREVADIAB) (1).O Inquérito Nacional de Saúde com Exame Físico 2013-2016 (INSEF) desenvolvido como parte integrante do projeto “Improvement of epidemiological health information to support public health decision and management in Portugal. Towards reduced inequalities, improved health, and bilateral cooperation” beneficiou de um apoio financeiro de 1.500.000€ concedido pela Islândia, Liechtenstein e Noruega, através das EEA GrantsN/

    Comparative Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccines in Preventing Infections and Disease Progression from SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.5 and BA.2, Portugal

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    We estimated comparative primary and booster vaccine effectiveness (VE) of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.5 and BA.2 lineages against infection and disease progression. During April-June 2022, we implemented a case-case and cohort study and classified lineages using whole-genome sequencing or spike gene target failure. For the case-case study, we estimated the adjusted odds ratios (aORs) of vaccination using a logistic regression. For the cohort study, we estimated VE against disease progression using a penalized logistic regression. We observed no reduced VE for primary (aOR 1.07 [95% CI 0.93-1.23]) or booster (aOR 0.96 [95% CI 0.84-1.09]) vaccination against BA.5 infection. Among BA.5 case-patients, booster VE against progression to hospitalization was lower than that among BA.2 case-patients (VE 77% [95% CI 49%-90%] vs. VE 93% [95% CI 86%-97%]). Although booster vaccination is less effective against BA.5 than against BA.2, it offers substantial protection against progression from BA.5 infection to severe disease.The acquisition of sequencing equipment and reagents used in this study by the Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge was partially funded by the HERA project (grant no. 2021/PHF/23776) supported by the European Commission through the European Centre for Disease Control, and also partially funded by the GenomePT project (grant no. POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022184), supported by COMPETE 2020–Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation, Lisboa Portugal Regional Operational Programme, Algarve Portugal Regional Operational, under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund, and by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation. Algarve Biomedical Center Laboratory received public funding through the Project ALG-D2-2021-06 Variants Screen in Southern Portugal– Monitoring Variants of Concern in Southern Portugal and the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation national support through the Comprehensive Health Research Center (grant no. UIDP/04923/2020)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estimativa do volume total de madeira em espécies de eucalipto a partir de imagens de satélite Landsat

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/198050987566Models relating spectral answers with biophysical parameters aim estimate variables, like wood volume, without the necessity of frequent field measurements. The objective was to develop models to estimate wood volume by Landsat 5 TM images, supported by regional forest inventory data. The image was geo-referenced and converted to spectral reflectance. After, the images-index NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and SR (Simple Ratio) was generated. The reflectance values of the bands (TM1, TM2, TM3 e TM4 ) and of the indices (NDVI and SR) was related with the wood volume. The biggest correlation with volume was with the NDVI and SR indices. The variables selection was made by Stepwise method, which returned three regression models as significant to explain the variation in volume. Finally, the best fitted model was selected (volume = -830,95 + 46,05 (SR) + 107,47 (TM2)), which was applied on the Landsat image where the pixels had started to represent the estimated volume in m³/ha on the Eucalyptus sp. production units. This model, significant at 95% confidence level, explains 68% of the wood volume variation.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/198050987566Modelos relacionando respostas espectrais com parâmetros biofísicos visam estimar variáveis, tais como volume de madeira, sem a necessidade de avaliações constantes em campo. Objetivou-se desenvolver modelos estimadores de volume de madeira a partir de imagens TM do Landsat 5, com base em dados de inventário florestal regional. A imagem foi georreferenciada e convertida para imagem reflectância espectral. Em seguida, foram geradas as imagens índice NDVI (índice de vegetação da diferença normalizada) e SR (razão simples). Os valores das reflectâncias das bandas (TM1, TM2, TM3 e TM4) e dos índices (NDVI e SR) foram relacionados com os volumes de madeira. As maiores correlações com volume foram com os índices NDVI e SR. A seleção de variáveis foi feita pelo método Stepwise, o qual retornou três modelos de regressão como significativos para explicar a variação em volume. Por fim, selecionou-se o modelo com melhor ajuste (volume = -830,95 + 46,05 × (SR) + 107,47 × (TM2)), o qual foi aplicado sobre a imagem Landsat onde os pixels passaram a representar o volume estimado em m3/ha nas unidades de produção de Eucalyptus sp. Este modelo, significativo ao nível de 95 % de confiança, explica 68 % da variação de volume de madeira

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear un derstanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4 While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5–7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8–11 In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world’s most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepre sented in biodiversity databases.13–15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may elim inate pieces of the Amazon’s biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological com munities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple or ganism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region’s vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most ne glected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lostinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio