13 research outputs found


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    The paper presents the results of research on the impact of rootstocks of different origins on the yield and fruit weight of watermelons. Field research was conducted in 2021 at the Kobišnica site in the vicinity of Negotin, on chernozem soil. Two varieties of watermelon were used as a test material (namely, Mirsini F1 and Crimson sweet), as well as two rootstocks of different origins (namely, Emphasis F1 and Strong Tosa F1). Research results have showed that the average fruit weight of the yield per plant and the total yield of the Mirsini F1 variety grafted on the Emphasis F1 rootstock was higher than in the same variety grafted on the Strong Tosa F1 rootstock. The average fruit weight of yield per plant and the total yield of the Crimson sweet variety grafted on the Emphasis F1 rootstock has also showed better results in comparison to the same variety grafted on the Strong Tosa F1 rootstock.&nbsp

    Variation of spike index of cereal and index of pea pods in monocrops and intercrops system of cultivation

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    Parameters of plant productive organs (spike, pod etc.) are influenced by genotype of plant species and scientific technology farming measures as well environmental conditions. The aim of this study was to establish variability of spike harvest index for wheat, triticale, rye, oat and pea pods index, influenced by monocrops and intercrops system of cultivation. Four cereal species: wheat, triticale, rye and oat and one legume (pea) were included in investigation that carried out on field experimental conditions during one vegetation season. Each species were sown in monocrops and in intercrops wheat + pea, triticale + pea, rye + pea and oat + pea. Harvest index of spike variate between 65.2% (triticale intercrops) and 86.5% (oat solo). The values of spike weight and seed weight was different among the cereal species and higher in intercrops than in monocrop system of cultivation. However, only for rye in mixture with pea, harvest index 78.8%) was higher than in monocrops of rye (77.0%). Harvest index of pod variate in ratio 50.3% (pea solo) and 69.5% (in intercrops pea + rye). The values of pod weight and seed weight pod(-1) was different and higher in intercrops than in monocrops system of cultivation. Harvest pod index of peas was significantly higher in mixture with each small grains species genotypes than in pea's monocrops. On the base of result we can conclude that intercropping cereals + peas, have positive effect on spike and pod characteristics which values were higher in intercrops than in monocrops


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    Erwinia amylovora is a causative agent of bacterial blight of plants of the Rosaceae family. The most important hosts of this bacteria are apple fruits  and ornamental shrubs. The paper presents comparative characteristics of Erwinia amylovora strains originating from different hosts and altitudes in Serbia.The presence of Erwinia amylovora was confirmed by classical tests and molecular and serological methods. The tests are: Gram, fluorescence on King B medium, tobacco and nutmeg leaf inoculation, isolation of bacteria on King B medium, presence of bacterial exudate, ELISA test, IF test, BIOLOG test and PCR. PCR can prove the presence of pathogens with a minimal amount of inoculum. Although this method is very reliable, it is necessary to prove it by other methods. A BIOLOG test is used as a very fast, reliable and cheap method for detecting bacteria. The metabolic imprint on the microtiter plate shows the typical characteristics of the bacteria and its connection with the sources of carbon compounds. The studied strains of apple, pear, quince and medlar isolated from different altitudes and different hosts show a negative Gram reaction, do not produce fluorescent pigment on King-B medium, cause hypersensitive reaction to tobacco leaf, cause necrosis of artificially inoculated pears, with the presence of bacterial exudates, react positively with the appropriate serum in the ELISA test, are positive for the IF test, leave a metabolic imprint on the BIOLOG test characteristic of E. amylovora and achieve an agglutination reaction by reacting with an antibody from the Express Kit


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    U radu su izučavane komponente prinosa (visina biljke, broj klasova/m2, dužina klasa, broj klasaka po klasu, broj zrna u klasu, masa zrna u klasu, prinos zrna) i njihova međuzavisnost kod četiri genotipa ozimog ječma (G-3003, G-3020, G-3007-1/02 i G-3019) gajenih u uslovima ishrane primenom različitih doza azota (kontrola=0, N1=20, N2=40 and N3=60 kg ha-1). Za ocenu međuzavisnosti je vršeno izra~unavanje koeficijenta korelacije izme|u ispitivani osobina. Ustanovljena je visoka me|uzavisnost izme|u ispitivanih osobina. Sve ispitivane osobine su imale najve}i koeficijent korelacije sa prinosom zrna (visina biljke-0,97; broj klasova/m2-0,95; broj klasaka po klasu-0,95; broj zrna u klasu-0,95; masa zrna u klasu-0,82) dok je dužina klasa imala najveću korelaciju sa masom zrna po klasu (0,82). Dobijene vrednosti ukazuju visoko značajnu međusobnu uslovljenost. ispitivanih osobina sa ukupnim prinosom zrna. Najmanja korelacija je ustanovljena između visine biljke i dužine klasa čiji je koeficijent korelacije iznosio 0,62

    Uticaj združenog useva žitarica + grašak na indeks klasa jarih formi pšenice, tritikale, ovsa i indeks mahune graška

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    Advantages or disadvantages of intercropping system can estimate through expression of components of yield on the base of values of productive organs (spike, pod). The aim of this work was study of variation of spike index in cereals species and pods index in pea of spring intercropping. For investigation included spring species of small grains: wheat, triticale, oat and spring legume pea. The investigation was carried out in field condition in experiment with randomised block design of 5m2 plots, with 4 replications. Each species (cereals and pea) were sown sole and in intercrops wheat+pea, triticale+pea and oat+pea. At the maturity stage used 40 plants (10 plants/replication) for determining harvest index of spike in cereal species and index of pea pods on the base of analysis of spike mass and pod mass and seed mass spike-1 and seed mass pod-1 . Seed mass spike-1 of small grains species genotypes variate in ratio of 0.85 g (wheat+pea) and 1.59 g (oat intercrops) with average 1.19 g for all crops of cereals and variant of cultivation. The spike mass variate in range of 1.37 g (triticale intercrop) and 2.23 g (wheat intercrops) with average 1.72 g for all cereals and variant of cultivation. Harvest index of spike variate between 62.5% (triticale sole) and 89.2% (oat sole). The value of spike mass was the higher in wheat intercrops than in wheat sole, while for triticale and oat spike mass is lower in intercrops. In the same of analyzed small grain species, seed mass was the higher in sole crops than in mixture with pea. The spike index, only in intercrop triticale+pea (63.2%) was slightly higher than in single crop of triticale (62.5%). Pod mass and seed mass pod-1 of pea was the higher in pea intercrops than in pea sole. The highest pod mass was in intercrop pea+triticale (0.72 g) and the least in single crop of pea (0.45 g) with average 0.62 g for all crops. The highest seed mass pod-1 was the highest intercrop pea+triticale (0.56g) and the least in monocrop of pea (0.32 g) with average 0.46 g for all crops. Harvest index of pod variate in ratio 68.0% (pea single) and 77.% in pea/triticale intercrop. Pod index of pea in mixture with each small grains species genotypes was higher than in pea's monocrop. On the base of result we can conclude that intercropping cereals + pea, have positive effect on spike and pod characteristics which values were higher in majority of studied intercrops than in monocrops.Prednosti i nedostaci združenih useva mogu se oceniti prema ispoljavanja komponenti prinosa na osnovu vrednosti produktivnih organa (klas, mahuna). Cilj ovog rad je izučavanje varijabilnosti žetvenog indeksa klasa pšenice, tritikalea, ovsa i žetvenog indeksa mahune kod graška gajenim u pojedinačnim i združenim usevima. U istraživanja je uključen po jedan genotip jarih formi pšenice, tritikalea, ovsa i graška. Eksperiment je izveden na oglednom polju Rimski šančevi u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad. Genotipovi strnih žita i graška su sejani na parcelicama 5 m2 u 4 ponavljanja u monokulturi i u združenoj setvi pšenica + grašak, tritikale + grašak i ovas+grašak. U vreme fiziološke zrelosti vršena je žetva biljke koje su korišćene za analizu osobina klasa i metlice kod strnih žita i osobina mahune kod graška. Za analize je korišćeno 40 biljaka (10 biljaka po ponavljanju) za svaki genotip iz pojedinačnih i združenih useva. Analizirane su osobine: masa klasa, masa semena po klasu, masa mahune i masa semena po mahuni. Na osnovu vrednosti ovih osobina izračunat je žetveni indeks klasa kod pšenice, tritikalea i ovsa kao i žetveni indeks mahune kod graška. Masa klasa je varirala između 1.37 g kod tritikalea u združenom usevu sa graškom, do 2.23 g kod pšenice u združenom usevu sa graškom, a prosečna masa klasu za sve genotipove u obe varijante gajenja je iznosila 1.72 g. Masa semena po klasu je varirala od 0.85 g kod pšenice u združenom usevu (pšenica+grašak) i u do 1.52 g kod ovsa u združenom usevu sa graškom, a prosečna masa semena po klasu za sve genotipove u obe varijante gajenja je iznosila 1.19 g. Žetveni indeks klasa je bio najmanji 62.5% kod tritikalea u pojedinačnm usevu a najveći kod ovsa 86.5% takodje u monokulturi. Vrednosti mase klasa i mase semena po klasu su bile različite u zavisnosti od vrste strnih žita i načina setve i gajenja useva. Masa klasa kod pšenice u združenom usevu sa graškom je bila veća nego kod pšenice u pojedinačnom usevu. Kod tritikalea i ovsa masa klasa je bila veća u pojedinačnom usevu nego u njihovom združenom usevu sa graškom. Masa semena po klasu kod pšenice, tritikalea i ovsa bila je veća u pojedinačnom usevu nego u njihovom združenom usevu sa graškom. Žetveni indeks klasa u monokulturi: kod pšenice (71.9%) je bio veći nego u združenom usevu pšenica+grašak (70.8%), kod tritikalea (65.3%) je bio veći nego u združenom usevu (tritikale+grašak) i kod ovsa (89.2%) je bio veći nego u združenom usevu sa graškom (88.1%). Kod graška, masa semena po mahuni je varirala od 0.33 g u pojedinačnom usevu do 0.57 g u združenoj setvi sa tritikaleom, a prosečna masa semena po mahuni u oba sistema gajenja bila 0.46 g. Masa mahune je bila najmanja kod graška u pojedinačnom usevu 0.45g a najveća 0.72 g u združenom usevu sa tritikaleom, a prosečna vrednost mahune u svim varijantama gajenja je iznosila 0.59 g. Žetveni indeks mahune je varirao između 72.9% u pojedinačnom usevu graška i 79.4% u usevu združene setve graška i ovsa. Vrednosti za masu mahune, masu semena po mahuni i žetveni indeks mahune su bile veće u združenim usevima graška sa pšenicom, tritikaleom i ovsom ali nizi bile značajno različite. Dobijeni rezultata, ukazuju da združena setva graška i strnih žita ima pozitivan efekat na ispoljavanje većih vrednosti osobina klasa i osobina mahune

    Approaches in cereal breeding

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    The main goal of plant breeding is to improve quality traits, yield and resistance to abiotic and biotic stress factors. A thousand years ago, people selected the best plants, seeds or fruits to produce seed for new crops and food for human and animal nutrition. Modern plant breeding is based on genetic principles and contributes to increases in yield and quality components (contents of protein, amino acids, fat, sucrose, mineral elements etc.). Breeders in conventional breeding programs in the last six decades have made changes to plant phenotypes, significantly improved resistance to diseases, earliness, and frost and drought resistance, and improved scientific farming practices, baking and milling technologies, and beverage production technology. Through bioinformatics and improved technology, breeders have developed ways to improve and accelerate the breeding process to combine desired traits in new genotypes as well to operate at the level of individual cells and their chromosomes. Nowadays, modern biotechnology is used to improve human nutrition, and develop genotypes with significantly higher yields and quality compared with genotypes created by conventional breeding. By genetic modification it is possible to add, modify or delete a trait without interfering between two complete genomes. However, genetically modified crops can be used after their assessment in terms of human health, food safety and the environment.Author's versio

    Effect of interaction of fungicides on pathological changes of sugar beet seedlings

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    The effect of different fungicides on the pathological changes of seedlings of the sugar beet Nesvisky 2 variety was analyzed in this paper. The investigation included four size fractions of sugar beet seed (3.25 to 3.50 mm, 3.50-3.75 mm, 3.75-4.00 mm; 4.00 to 4.25 mm) treated with various fungicides. The following seed treatment variants were analyzed: I - water washing out - control, II - treated with Royal Flo fungicide, III - treated with a combination of Royal Flo and Tachigaren fungicides and IV - treated with Royal Flo fungicide, coated and then Tachigaren was applied on dry pilled seed. The average germination energy ranged from 56.7 % in the variant III to 90.6 % in the variant II. Total germination of the tested seed fractions and treatments ranged from 66.2 % in the variant III to 93.4 % in the variant II. The analysis of the incidence of abnormal and diseased seedlings, as well as non-germinated seed, indicates pathological changes caused by the interaction of the aforementioned fungicides. The negative effect of the combination of fungicides is different, and it depends on the thickness of corky seed layer and coating mass layer, which have a role in reducing the direct negative effects of fungicides on germs

    Effect of Interaction of Fungicides on Pathological Changes of Sugar Beet Seedlings

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    The effect of different fungicides on the pathological changes of seedlings of the sugar beet Nesvisky 2 variety was analyzed in this paper. The investigation included four size fractions of sugar beet seed (3.25 to 3.50 mm, 3.50-3.75 mm, 3.75-4.00 mm; 4.00 to 4.25 mm) treated with various fungicides. The following seed treatment variants were analyzed: I – water washing out – control, II - treated with Royal Flo fungicide, III - treated with a combination of Royal Flo and Tachigaren fungicides and IV - treated with Royal Flo fungicide, coated and then Tachigaren was applied on dry pilled seed. The average germination energy ranged from 56.7 % in the variant III to 90.6 % in the variant II. Total germination of the tested seed fractions and treatments ranged from 66.2 % in the variant III to 93.4 % in the variant II. The analysis of the incidence of abnormal and diseased seedlings, as well as non-germinated seed, indicates pathological changes caused by the interaction of the aforementioned fungicides. The negative effect of the combination of fungicides is different, and it depends on the thickness of corky seed layer and coating mass layer, which have a role in reducing the direct negative effects of fungicides on germs

    Perspective of wheat breeding

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    Wheat is an important cereal species which use for production of food products, alcoholic beverages, pharmaceutical products, biofuels. Wheat seed is one of the most important source of protein as well as carbohydrate, fat, vitamins and mineral elements in food for human and nutrition. The evolutionary development of wheat is characterized by changes in morphological and anatomical characteristics, changes in the genome that are associated with adaptability to different environmental conditions and changes in biological and economic yield and quality traits. During the period from 10 thousand years ago until today, man, through his breeding work, and creating new genotypes, has influenced the changes in plant architecture, yield, quality and adaptability to biotic and abiotic conditions. The grain yields significantly increased in the 1960s and 1970s because farmers rapidly adopted the new varieties and cultivation methods of the so-called “green revolution”. Breeders have created and can create in the future new wheat genotypes with improved efficiency in the use of N, which will contribute to achieving higher and stable yields, better grain quality and environmental protection. Today, breeders have choice of two direction. In addition to this approach, today breeders create varieties with low content of storage proteins (gluten), with higher efficiency of nitrogen uptake, adapted to lower doses of nitrogen nutrition and higher efficiency of nitrogen uptake in order to reduce unused nitrogen and environmental protection. Modern biotechnological methods can contribute to the preservation and increase of genetic variability, more efficient breeding of varieties that are economical in production, with the desired technological and nutritional quality for the production of healthy food

    Variability of thousand seed weight in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    Thousand-seed weight (TSW) is one of the traits which related to yield and milling quality of wheat. The aim of this work was to study the variability of the thousand-seed weight of bread wheat varieties grown under different environmental condition. For study were used fifty wheat varieties in a field experiment which design in a randomized block system in three replications on the field in Kraljevo, Serbia during two vegetation season (2015-2017). The seeds of the varieties were sown at the distance of 0.10 m in rows of 1.0 m length among which was the distance of 0.2 m. Sixty plants at the full maturity stage (20 plants replication-1) were harvested and used for analyzing the thousand-seed weight. The analysis of variance was performed by MSTAT C (5.0 version). Similarities among wheat were analyzed by using the hierarchical method of the Euclidean distance. The results showed significant differences in the thousand-seed weight among varieties in both years, estimated by the F-test. On average, in the first vegetation season the least thousand-seed weight (39.14 g) was recorded in the Lepenica variety, while the highest thousand-seed weight (54.66 g) was recorded in the Zadruga variety. In the second vegetation season, thousand-seed weight varied from the lowest (34.57 g) in NS Rana 2 to the highest (50.33 g) in Šumadinka. The similarity was illustrated on a dendogram contained four clusters in the first year and six clusters of varieties in the second year. The prominent cluster contained different numbers and compositions of varieties with the highest degree of similarity. The differences in average of thousand-seed weight were determined by genetic, environmental factor and by interaction genotype/environment