178 research outputs found

    Identification of a candidate sex determination gene in Culaea inconstans suggests convergent recruitment of an Amh duplicate in two lineages of stickleback.

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    Sex chromosomes vary greatly in their age and levels of differentiation across the tree of life. This variation is largely due to the rates of sex chromosome turnover in different lineages; however, we still lack an explanation for why sex chromosomes are so conserved in some lineages (e.g. mammals, birds) but so labile in others (e.g. teleosts, amphibians). To identify general mechanisms driving transitions in sex determination systems or forces which favour their conservation, we first require empirical data on sex chromosome systems from multiple lineages. Stickleback fishes are a valuable model lineage for the study of sex chromosome evolution due to variation in sex chromosome systems between closely-related species. Here, we identify the sex chromosome and a strong candidate for the master sex determination gene in the brook stickleback, Culaea inconstans. Using whole-genome sequencing of wild-caught samples and a lab cross, we identify AmhY, a male specific duplication of the gene Amh, as the candidate master sex determination gene. AmhY resides on Chromosome 20 in C. inconstans and is likely a recent duplication, as both AmhY and the sex-linked region of Chromosome 20 show little sequence divergence. Importantly, this duplicate AmhY represents the second independent duplication and recruitment of Amh as the sex determination gene in stickleback and the eighth example known across teleosts. We discuss this convergence in the context of sex chromosome turnovers and the role that the Amh/AmhrII pathway, which is crucial for sex determination, may play in the evolution of sex chromosomes in teleosts

    Variation in Mating Dynamics across Five Species of Leiobunine Harvestmen (Arachnida: Opliones)

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    The study of mating choices often focuses on correlates of traits to the overall outcome of a mating interaction. However, mating interactions can proceed through a series of stages, with opportunities for assessment at each stage. We compared whether male or female size predicted mating interaction outcome across several stages of mating in five species of North American leiobunine harvestmen (commonly known as daddy longlegs). Leiobunine harvestmen have been previously shown to exhibit incredible morphological diversity consistent with a spectrum of male–female antagonism. Across all of the species, we found a general progression of female size predicting the outcome (success and timing) of early stages of interactions, and male size or male size relative to female size predicting the outcome and timing of later stages of interactions. We also found that size was not a strong predictor of outcome in the two species on the lower end of the antagonism spectrum. The variation in how female and male size predicted outcomes across species and stages of mating suggests that multiple mechanisms may operate to shape mating dynamics within and across species. Given the close relatedness of the species studied, the patterns we uncovered suggest a rapid evolution of the traits and processes predicting the outcome of mating interactions

    Bacterioplankton dynamics within a large anthropogenically impacted urban estuary

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    © 2016 Jeffries, Schmitz Fontes, Harrison, Van-Dongen-Vogels, Eyre, Ralph and Seymour. The abundant and diverse microorganisms that inhabit aquatic systems are both determinants and indicators of aquatic health, providing essential ecosystem services such as nutrient cycling but also causing harmful blooms and disease in impacted habitats. Estuaries are among the most urbanized coastal ecosystems and as a consequence experience substantial environmental pressures, providing ideal systems to study the influence of anthropogenic inputs on microbial ecology. Here we use the highly urbanized Sydney Harbor, Australia, as a model system to investigate shifts in microbial community composition and function along natural and anthopogenic physicochemical gradients, driven by stormwater inflows, tidal flushing and the input of contaminants and both naturally and anthropogenically derived nutrients. Using a combination of amplicon sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene and shotgun metagenomics, we observed strong patterns in microbial biogeography across the estuary during two periods: one of high and another of low rainfall. These patterns were driven by shifts in nutrient concentration and dissolved oxygen leading to a partitioning of microbial community composition in different areas of the harbor with different nutrient regimes. Patterns in bacterial composition were related to shifts in the abundance of Rhodobacteraceae, Flavobacteriaceae, Microbacteriaceae, Halomonadaceae, Acidomicrobiales, and Synechococcus, coupled to an enrichment of total microbial metabolic pathways including phosphorus and nitrogen metabolism, sulfate reduction, virulence, and the degradation of hydrocarbons. Additionally, community beta-diversity was partitioned between the two sampling periods. This potentially reflected the influence of shifting allochtonous nutrient inputs on microbial communities and highlighted the temporally dynamic nature of the system. Combined, our results provide insights into the simultaneous influence of natural and anthropogenic drivers on the structure and function of microbial communities within a highly urbanized aquatic ecosystem

    Comparing RADseq and microsatellites to infer complex phylogeographic patterns, an empirical perspective in the Crucian carp, Carassius carassius, L.

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    The conservation of threatened species must be underpinned by phylogeographic knowledge. This need is epitomized by the freshwater fish Carassius carassius, which is in decline across much of its European range. Restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) is increasingly used for such applications; however, RADseq is expensive, and limitations on sample number must be weighed against the benefit of large numbers of markers. This trade-off has previously been examined using simulation studies; however, empirical comparisons between these markers, especially in a phylogeographic context, are lacking. Here, we compare the results from microsatellites and RADseq for the phylogeography of C. carassius to test whether it is more advantageous to genotype fewer markers (microsatellites) in many samples, or many markers (SNPs) in fewer samples. These data sets, along with data from the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, agree on broad phylogeographic patterns, showing the existence of two previously unidentified C. carassius lineages in Europe: one found throughout northern and central-eastern European drainages and a second almost exclusively confined to the Danubian catchment. These lineages have been isolated for approximately 2.15 M years and should be considered separate conservation units. RADseq recovered finer population structure and stronger patterns of IBD than microsatellites, despite including only 17.6% of samples (38% of populations and 52% of samples per population). RADseq was also used along with approximate Bayesian computation to show that the postglacial colonization routes of C. carassius differ from the general patterns of freshwater fish in Europe, likely as a result of their distinctive ecology

    Characteristics and drivers of high-altitude ladybird flight: insights from vertical-looking entomological radar

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    Understanding the characteristics and drivers of dispersal is crucial for predicting population dynamics, particularly in range-shifting species. Studying long-distance dispersal in insects is challenging, but recent advances in entomological radar offer unique insights. We analysed 10 years of radar data collected at Rothamsted Research, U.K., to investigate characteristics (altitude, speed, seasonal and annual trends) and drivers (aphid abundance, air temperature, wind speed and rainfall) of high-altitude flight of the two most abundant U.K. ladybird species (native Coccinella septempunctata and invasive Harmonia axyridis). These species cannot be distinguished in the radar data since their reflectivity signals overlap, and they were therefore analysed together. However, their signals do not overlap with other, abundant insects so we are confident they constitute the overwhelming majority of the analysed data. The target species were detected up to ~1100 m above ground level, where displacement speeds of up to ~60 km/h were recorded, however most ladybirds were found between ~150 and 500 m, and had a mean displacement of 30 km/h. Average flight time was estimated, using tethered flight experiments, to be 36.5 minutes, but flights of up to two hours were observed. Ladybirds are therefore potentially able to travel 18 km in a "typical" high-altitude flight, but up to 120 km if flying at higher altitudes, indicating a high capacity for long-distance dispersal. There were strong seasonal trends in ladybird abundance, with peaks corresponding to the highest temperatures of mid-summer, and warm air temperature was the key driver of ladybird flight. Climatic warming may therefore increase the potential for long-distance dispersal in these species. Low aphid abundance was a second significant factor, highlighting the important role of aphid population dynamics in ladybird dispersal. This research illustrates the utility of radar for studying high-altitude insect flight and has important implications for predicting long-distance dispersal. © 2013 Jeffries et al

    Legacy and current pesticide residues in Syr Darya, Kazakhstan: Contamination status, seasonal variation and preliminary ecological risk assessment

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    The Syr Darya is one of two major rivers in Central Asia supplying critical fresh water to the Aral Sea. In spite of the river’s importance and agriculturally-intensive history, few studies have provided a modern evaluation of and the occurrence of pesticide residues potential effects to aquatic life. The primary goal of this investigation was to determine seasonal variations in ambient concentrations of modern and legacy pesticides in bottom sediment and water of the Syr Darya in Kazakhstan (KZ) downstream from an agriculturally-intensive watershed in Uzbekistan. Grab samples and passive samplers were used at five remote sampling stations during June 2015 to provide a baseline for ecotoxicological evaluation. Results were compared with samples collected during and after the agricultural growing season. Polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS) were used in June and calibrated for time-weighted average concentrations of current use pesticides. Among legacy chlorinated pesticides measured in grab samples from the river, lindane (γ-HCH) was detected most frequently with the highest concentrations occurring during June. For all the sampling events, residues of lindane (γ-HCH) ranged from 0.014 to 0.24 μg/L detected in water samples, are among the highest concentrations reported for rivers globally. Concentrations of γ-HCH, p,p’-DDE and dieldrin were highest in October when dieldrin concentrations approached 0.4 μg/L. Sources of legacy pesticides may be either illicit upstream use or evidence of previous atmospheric contamination of glacial meltwater. Chronic exposure to these residues may lead to ecological risk to lower order organisms in both the sediment and water column. Includes Supplementary Material

    Synthesis, characterization and photovoltaic properties of poly(thiophenevinylene-alt-benzobisoxazole)swz

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    Herein we report the synthesis of two solution processible, conjugated polymers containing the benzobisoxazole moiety. The polymers were characterized using 1 H NMR, UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy. Thermal gravimetric analysis shows that the polymers do not exhibit significant weight loss until approximately 300 1C under nitrogen. Cyclic voltammetry shows that the polymers have reversible reduction waves with estimated LUMO levels at À3.02 and À3.10 eV relative to vacuum and optical bandgaps of 2.04-2.17 eV. Devices based on blends of the copolymers and [6,6]-phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) exhibited modest power conversion efficiencies. Theoretical models reveal that there is poor electron delocalization along the polymer backbone, leading to poor performance. However, the energy levels of these polymers indicate that the incorporation of benzobisoxazoles into the polymer backbone is a promising strategy for the synthesis of new materials