201 research outputs found

    Eliminating the Flaws in New England's Reserve Markets

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    New England’s wholesale electricity market has been in operation, since May 1, 1999. When the market began it was understood that the rules were not perfect (Cramton and Wilson 1998). However, it was decided that it was better to start the market with imperfect rules, rather than postpone the market for an indefinite period. After several months of operation, we now have a sense of the extent market imperfections have resulted in observed problems. Here we study the three reserve markets—ten-minute spinning reserve (TMSR), ten-minute non-spinning reserve (TMNSR), and thirty-minute operating reserve (TMOR); we also discuss the closely related operable capability (OpCap) market. The paper covers the first four months of operation from May 1 to August 31, 1999. It is based on the market rules and their implementation by the ISO, and the market data during this period, including bidding, operating, and settlement information. Since that data are confidential, we have presented only aggregate information in the tables and figures that follow. Although this paper will cover only the reserves markets, we have studied the data from the energy, AGC, and capacity markets as well. Since all of the NEPOOL markets are interrelated, one cannot hope to understand one market without having an understanding of the others.Auctions, Electricity Auctions, Multiple Item Auctions

    Internet-delivered cognitive control training as a preventive intervention for remitted depressed patients : protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Preventing recurrence of depression forms an important challenge for current treatments. Cognitive control impairments often remain present during remission of depression, putting remitted depressed patients at heightened risk for new depressive episodes by disrupting emotion regulation processes. Importantly, research indicates that cognitive control training targeting working memory functioning shows potential in reducing maladaptive emotion regulation and depressive symptomatology in clinically depressed patients and at-risk student samples. The current study aims to test the effectiveness of cognitive control training as a preventive intervention in a remitted depressed sample, exploring effects of cognitive control training on rumination and depressive symptomatology, along with indicators of adaptive emotion regulation and functioning. Methods/design: We present a double blind randomized controlled design. Remitted depressed adults will complete 10 online sessions of a cognitive control training targeting working memory functioning or a low cognitive load training (active control condition) over a period of 14 days. Effects of training on primary outcome measures of rumination and depressive symptomatology will be assessed pre-post training and at three months follow-up, along with secondary outcome measure adaptive emotion regulation. Long-term effects of cognitive control training on broader indicators of functioning will be assessed at three months follow-up (secondary outcome measures). Discussion: This study will provide information about the effectiveness of cognitive control training for remitted depressed adults in reducing vulnerability for depression. Furthermore, this study will address key questions concerning the mechanisms underlying the effects of cognitive control training, will take into account the subjective experience of the patients (including a self-report measure for cognitive functioning), and explore whether these effects extend to broad measures of functioning such as Quality of Life and disability

    The Angel Market and COVID-19: Building Bridges or Piers

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    Norms and screening utility of the Dutch version of the children's depression inventory in clinical and nonclinical youths

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    This study aimed to (a) assess relationships between the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI) and DSM-oriented depression and anxiety scales of the Youth Self Report, (b) develop reliable norms for the CDI, and (c) determine CDI cutoff scores for selecting youngsters at risk for depression and anxiety. A total of 3,073 nonclinical and 511 clinically referred children and adolescents from The Netherlands and Belgium were included. Results showed that CDI scores were significantly related to DSM-oriented symptoms of both depression and anxiety. CDI scores correlated highly with depression symptoms and moderately with anxiety symptoms. Norms for the CDI were determined by means of multiple regression analysis and depended on sex, age, and country. CDI cutoff scores for selecting individuals at risk for depression and anxiety as measured by the DSM-oriented depression and anxiety scales of the Youth Self Report were determined by means of multiple regression analysis and receiver operating characteristic analysis. A CDI score of 16 was found to have the most optimal balance between sensitivity and specificity for depression, whereas a score of 21 provided the best sensitivity and specificity for anxiety in a subsample of children. We conclude that the CDI is an effective instrument for screening depression and to a lesser extent anxiety in primary and secondary care centers, before applying further assessment of high-risk individuals

    A Real-Time Energy Monitor System for the Ipns Linac

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    Injected beam energy and energy spread are critical parameters affecting the performance of our rapid cycling synchrotron (RCS). A real-time energy monitoring system is being installed to examine the H- beam out of the Intense Pulsed Neutron Source (IPNS) 50 MeV linac. The 200 MHz Alvarez linac serves as the injector for the 450 MeV IPNS RCS. The linac provides an 80 ms macropulse of approximately 3x1012 H- ions 30 times per second for coasting-beam injection into the RCS. The RCS delivers protons to a heavy-metal spallation neutron target for material science studies. Using a number of strip-line beam position monitors (BPMs) distributed along the 50 MeV transport line from the linac to the RCS, fast signals from the strip lines are digitized and transferred to a computer which performs an FFT. Corrections for cable attenuation and oscilloscope bandwidth are made in the frequency domain. Rectangular pulse train phasing (RPTP) is imposed on the spectra prior to obtaining the inverse transform (IFFT). After the IFFT, the reconstructed time-domain signal is analyzed for pulse width as it progresses along the transport line. Time-of-flight measurements of the BPM signals provide beam energy. Finally, using the 3-size measurement technique, the longitudinal emittance and energy spread of the beam are determined

    Probing the extragalactic fast transient sky at minute timescales with DECam

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    Searches for optical transients are usually performed with a cadence of days to weeks, optimised for supernova discovery. The optical fast transient sky is still largely unexplored, with only a few surveys to date having placed meaningful constraints on the detection of extragalactic transients evolving at sub-hour timescales. Here, we present the results of deep searches for dim, minute-timescale extragalactic fast transients using the Dark Energy Camera, a core facility of our all-wavelength and all-messenger Deeper, Wider, Faster programme. We used continuous 20s exposures to systematically probe timescales down to 1.17 minutes at magnitude limits g>23g > 23 (AB), detecting hundreds of transient and variable sources. Nine candidates passed our strict criteria on duration and non-stellarity, all of which could be classified as flare stars based on deep multi-band imaging. Searches for fast radio burst and gamma-ray counterparts during simultaneous multi-facility observations yielded no counterparts to the optical transients. Also, no long-term variability was detected with pre-imaging and follow-up observations using the SkyMapper optical telescope. We place upper limits for minute-timescale fast optical transient rates for a range of depths and timescales. Finally, we demonstrate that optical gg-band light curve behaviour alone cannot discriminate between confirmed extragalactic fast transients such as prompt GRB flashes and Galactic stellar flares.Comment: Published in MNRA

    Anthropogenic sound exposure-induced stress in captive dolphins and implications for cetacean health

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Yang, W.-C., Chen, C.-F., Chuah, Y.-C., Zhuang, C.-R., Chen, I.-H., Mooney, T. A., Stott, J., Blanchard, M., Jen, I.-F., & Chou, L.-S. Anthropogenic sound exposure-induced stress in captive dolphins and implications for cetacean health. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8,(2021): 606736, https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.606736.Many cetaceans are exposed to increasing pressure caused by anthropogenic activities in their marine environment. Anthropogenic sound has been recognized as a possible stressor for cetaceans that may have impacts on health. However, the relationship between stress, hormones, and cytokines secretion in cetaceans is complex and not fully understood. Moreover, the effects of stress are often inconsistent because the character, intensity, and duration of the stressors are variable. For a better understanding of how anthropogenic sounds affect the psychophysiology of cetaceans, the present study compared the changes of cortisol concentration and cytokine gene transcriptions in blood samples and behaviors of captive bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) after sound exposures. The sound stimuli were 800 Hz pure-tone multiple impulsive sound for 30 min at three different sound levels (estimated mean received SPL: 0, 120, and 140 dB re 1 μPa) that likely cause no permanent and temporary hearing threshold shift in dolphins. Six cytokine genes (IL-2Rα, IL-4, IL-10, IL-12, TNF-α, and IFN-γ) were selected for analysis. Cortisol levels and IL-10 gene transcription increased and IFNγ/IL-10 ratio was lower after a 30-min high-level sound exposure, indicating the sound stimuli used in this study could be a stressor for cetaceans, although only minor behavior changes were observed. This study may shed light on the potential impact of pile driving-like sounds on the endocrine and immune systems in cetaceans and provide imperative information regarding sound exposure for free-ranging cetaceans.This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan (MOST 108-2313-B-002-021 and MOST 109-2628-B-002-028)

    Stability of Transonic Shock Solutions for One-Dimensional Euler-Poisson Equations

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    In this paper, both structural and dynamical stabilities of steady transonic shock solutions for one-dimensional Euler-Poission system are investigated. First, a steady transonic shock solution with supersonic backgroumd charge is shown to be structurally stable with respect to small perturbations of the background charge, provided that the electric field is positive at the shock location. Second, any steady transonic shock solution with the supersonic background charge is proved to be dynamically and exponentially stable with respect to small perturbation of the initial data, provided the electric field is not too negative at the shock location. The proof of the first stability result relies on a monotonicity argument for the shock position and the downstream density, and a stability analysis for subsonic and supersonic solutions. The dynamical stability of the steady transonic shock for the Euler-Poisson equations can be transformed to the global well-posedness of a free boundary problem for a quasilinear second order equation with nonlinear boundary conditions. The analysis for the associated linearized problem plays an essential role

    AMiBA Wideband Analog Correlator

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    A wideband analog correlator has been constructed for the Yuan-Tseh Lee Array for Microwave Background Anisotropy. Lag correlators using analog multipliers provide large bandwidth and moderate frequency resolution. Broadband IF distribution, backend signal processing and control are described. Operating conditions for optimum sensitivity and linearity are discussed. From observations, a large effective bandwidth of around 10 GHz has been shown to provide sufficient sensitivity for detecting cosmic microwave background variations.Comment: 28 pages, 23 figures, ApJ in press

    The Yuan-Tseh Lee Array for Microwave Background Anisotropy

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    The Yuan-Tseh Lee Array for Microwave Background Anisotropy (AMiBA) is the first interferometer dedicated to studying the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation at 3mm wavelength. The choice of 3mm was made to minimize the contributions from foreground synchrotron radiation and Galactic dust emission. The initial configuration of seven 0.6m telescopes mounted on a 6-m hexapod platform was dedicated in October 2006 on Mauna Loa, Hawaii. Scientific operations began with the detection of a number of clusters of galaxies via the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect. We compare our data with Subaru weak lensing data in order to study the structure of dark matter. We also compare our data with X-ray data in order to derive the Hubble constant.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ (13 pages, 7 figures); a version with high resolution figures available at http://www.asiaa.sinica.edu.tw/~keiichi/upfiles/AMiBA7/pho_highreso.pd
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