392 research outputs found

    CAFES 2012 new student survey report

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    [27] p.During Academic Day, incoming freshmen and transfer students in the College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences (CAFES) were asked to complete a one-page questionnaire designed to find out: how they learned about UW-River Falls as an option for their tertiary education; what factors most influenced their decision to come here; what sorts of contact they had with the University prior to matriculating and how committed they feel to UW-River Falls and their current majo

    Der Hitzeflusssensor als vielversprechende Alternative zur Messung der Körperkerntemperatur während des zielgerichteten Temperaturmanagements

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    Background: The use of targeted temperature management (TTM) after return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) has improved the neurological outcome for patients with survived cardiac arrest. During this therapy precise measuring of the core body temperature (CBT) is integral as deviations from the recommended temperature might result in side effects such as arrhythmias, electrolyte imbalances, or infections. However, current measuring techniques are either invasive, imprecise, or difficult to use. A disposable, non-invasive temperature sensor using the heat flux approach (Double Sensor) has already been tested in different preclinical and intraoperative settings and results suggest a promising alternative. Methods: The Double Sensor was placed on the forehead of patients undergoing TTM and recorded the CBT for 48 hours. The data were then compared to the temperatures measured by an esophageal thermometer. A paired t-test was used to examine possible differences between the two methods. To avoid the weaknesses of the oftenused Pearson's r, a Bland-Altman diagram, as well as the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) were used for this study to assess agreement and reliability of the Double Sensor. Additionally, the patients’ medication were recorded to rule out possible influence on measurements by anesthetic drugs or catecholamines. Results: From November 2015 to January 2017 data from 25 patients (M/F, median age 61 years) were recorded. The t-test showed no significant difference between the two measuring methods (t = 1.47, p = 0.14, n = 1,319). Bland-Altman results showed a mean bias of 0.02 °C (95% confidence interval 0.00 – 0.04) and 95% limits of agreement of −1.023 °C and 1.066 °C. The ICC was 0.94 (95% CI 0,93 – 0,95). The sensor caused no side effects such as rash or allergic reactions. In six patients the recorded temperatures differed from the rest of the participants. Possible explanations were a high Body-Mass-Index, prone positioning, or dislocation of the sensor during positioning of the patients. No sex-based differences could be identified. Influences on the measurements of the Double Sensor by catecholamines or sedatives administered could be ruled out. Conclusions: Measuring the CBT with a non-invasive, disposable sensor is a reliable alternative during TTM after ROSC. Integrating the sensor into other appliances such as pulse oximeters would even further increase its benefits. It is recommended to verify the results of the study with a larger patient cohort to possibly improve the limits of agreement.Hintergrund: Die Standardmethode zur exakten Bestimmung der Körperkerntemperatur in der Klinik ist die ösophageale oder pharyngeale Messung. Diese findet z.B. beim gezielten Temperaturmanagement (TTM) nach Herz-Kreislauf-Stillstand ihre Anwendung, ist jedoch invasiv und wird schlecht von wachen Patient:innen toleriert. Die exakte Messung der Körperkerntemperatur während des TTM nach Wiederkehr des Spontankreislaufs nach überlebtem Herzstillstand (ROSC) ist jedoch zwingend erforderlich, da Abweichungen von der empfohlenen Zieltemperatur zu Nebenwirkungen wie Herzrhythmusstörungen, Elektrolytstörungen oder Infektionen führen können. Ein nicht-invasiver Einweg-Temperatursensor, der nach dem Wärmestromprinzip funktioniert, könnte hier eine gute Alternative bieten. In der vorliegenden Studie wird dieser Sensor mit dem klassischen ösophagealen Sensor beim TTM nach ROSC verglichen. Methoden: Ein nicht-invasiver Einweg-Temperatursensor, welcher nach dem Wärmeflussprinzip funktioniert, wurde während ROSC unter TTM auf der Stirn erwachsener Patient:innen befestigt. Die aufgezeichneten Temperaturen wurden mit der etablierten Messmethode eines Ösophagusthermometers verglichen. Ein gepaarter t-Test wurde durchgeführt, um Unterschiede zwischen den Methoden zu untersuchen. Um die Schwächen des häufig verwendeten Pearson's r zu vermeiden, wurden ein Bland- Altman-Diagramm und der Intraklassenkorrelationskoeffizient (ICC) verwendet, um die Übereinstimmung zwischen den Methoden sowie die Zuverlässigkeit des Doppelsensors zu bewerten. Um einen möglichen Einfluss auf die Messungen auszuschließen, wurde auch die Medikation der Patient:innen erfasst. Ergebnisse: Von November 2015 bis Januar 2017 wurden Temperaturdaten von 25 Patient:innen mit ROSC über einen Zeitraum von 48 Stunden während TTM aufgezeichnet und nach zeitlicher Paarung miteinander verglichen. Der t-Test zeigte keinen signifikanten Unterschied zwischen den beiden Messmethoden (t = 1,47, p = 0,14, n = 1319). Das Bland-Altman-Diagramm zeigte eine mittlere Abweichung von 0,02 °C (95% Konfidenzintervall (CI) 0,00 - 0,04) und 95% Übereinstimmungsgrenzen von -1,023 °C und 1,066 °C. Der Intraklassenkorrelationskoeffizient lag bei 0,94 (95% CI 0,93 – 0,95). Hautreizungen oder allergische Reaktionen auf den Sensor konnten nicht beobachtet werden. Bei sechs Patient:innen unterschied sich die Abweichung der Sensoren merklich vom Rest der Proband:innen. Mögliche Erklärungen waren ein hoher Body- Mass-Index, Bauchlagerung oder eine Dislokation des Sensors bei der Lagerung der Patient:innen. Es konnten keine geschlechtsspezifischen Unterschiede festgestellt werden. Eine Beeinflussung der Messungen des Doppelsensors durch verabreichte Medikamente konnte ebenfalls ausgeschlossen werden. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Messung der Körpertemperatur mit einem nicht-invasiven Einweg-Doppelsensor zeigt eine hohe Zuverlässigkeit während TTM nach ROSC. Eine Temperaturüberwachung mit dem Sensor ist bei diesen Fällen möglich. Der Einsatz des Sensors in anderen Anwendungsbereichen wie z. B. Pulsoximetern würde den Nutzen noch weiter erhöhen. Es wird empfohlen, die Ergebnisse der Studie mit einer größeren Patientenkohorte zu verifizieren, um möglicherweise die Übereinstimmungsgrenzen zu verbessern

    Measure dependence of 2D simplicial quantum gravity

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    We study pure 2D Euclidean quantum gravity with R2R^2 interaction on spherical lattices, employing Regge's formulation. We attempt to measure the string susceptibility exponent γstr\gamma_{\rm str} by using a finite-size scaling Ansatz in the expectation value of R2R^2. To check on effects of the path integral measure we investigate two scale invariant measures, the "computer" measure dl/ldl/l and the Misner measure dl/Adl/\sqrt A.Comment: 3 pages, self unpacking uuencoded PostScript file, contribution to LATTICE9

    Ising and Potts Models on Quenched Random Gravity Graphs

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    We report on single-cluster Monte Carlo simulations of the Ising, 4-state Potts and 10-state Potts models on quenched ensembles of planar, tri-valent random graphs. We confirm that the first-order phase transition of the 10-state Potts model on regular 2D lattices is softened by the quenched connectivity disorder represented by the random graphs and that the exponents of the Ising and 4-state Potts models are altered from their regular lattice counterparts. The behaviour of spin models on such graphs is thus more analogous to models with quenched bond disorder than to Poisonnian random lattices, where regular lattice critical behaviour persists. Using a wide variety of estimators we measure the critical exponents for all three models, and compare the exponents with predictions derived from taking a quenched limit in the KPZ formula for the Ising and 4-state Potts models. Earlier simulations suggested that the measured values for the 10-state Potts model were very close to the predicted quenched exponents of the {\it four}-state Potts models. The analysis here, which employs a much greater range of estimators and also benefits from greatly improved statistics, still supports these numerical values.Comment: 14 pages (latex) + 6 latex tables + 5 figure

    Possible effects of tilt order on phase transitions of a fixed connectivity surface model

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    We study the phase structure of a phantom tethered surface model shedding light on the internal degrees of freedom (IDOF), which correspond to the three-dimensional rod like structure of the lipid molecules. The so-called tilt order is assumed as IDOF on the surface model. The model is defined by combining the conventional spherical surface model and the XY model, which describes not only the interaction between lipids but also the interaction between the lipids and the surface. The interaction strength between IDOF and the surface varies depending on the interaction strength between the variables of IDOF. We know that the model without IDOF undergoes a first-order transition of surface fluctuations and a first-order collapsing transition. We observe in this paper that the order of the surface fluctuation transition changes from first-order to second-order and to higher-order with increasing strength of the interaction between IDOF variables. On the contrary, the order of collapsing transition remains first-order and is not influenced by the presence of IDOF.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figure

    Robustness of planar random graphs to targeted attacks

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    In this paper, robustness of planar trivalent random graphs to targeted attacks of highest connected nodes is investigated using numerical simulations. It is shown that these graphs are relatively robust. The nonrandom node removal process of targeted attacks is also investigated as a special case of non-uniform site percolation. Critical exponents are calculated by measuring various properties of the distribution of percolation clusters. They are found to be roughly compatible with critical exponents of uniform percolation on these graphs.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures. Added references.Corrected typos. Paragraph added in section II and in the conclusion. Published versio

    Dgsos on DTRS

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    We perform simulations of a discrete gaussian solid on solid (DGSOS) model on dynamical ϕ3\phi^3 graphs, which is equivalent to coupling the model to 2d quantum gravity, using the cluster algorithms recently developed by Evertz et.al.for use on fixed lattices. We find evidence from the growth of the width-squared in the rough phase of KT-like behaviour, which is consistent with theoretical expectations. We also investigate the cluster statistics, dynamical critical exponent and lattice properties, and compare these with the dual XY model.Comment: 9 pages, COLO-HEP-32

    How the Selection of Training Data and Modeling Approach Affects the Estimation of Ammonia Emissions from a Naturally Ventilated Dairy Barn-Classical Statistics versus Machine Learning

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    Environmental protection efforts can only be effective in the long term with a reliable quantification of pollutant gas emissions as a first step to mitigation. Measurement and analysis strategies must permit the accurate extrapolation of emission values. We systematically analyzed the added value of applying modern machine learning methods in the process of monitoring emissions from naturally ventilated livestock buildings to the atmosphere. We considered almost 40 weeks of hourly emission values from a naturally ventilated dairy cattle barn in Northern Germany. We compared model predictions using 27 different scenarios of temporal sampling, multiple measures of model accuracy, and eight different regression approaches. The error of the predicted emission values with the tested measurement protocols was, on average, well below 20%. The sensitivity of the prediction to the selected training dataset was worse for the ordinary multilinear regression. Gradient boosting and random forests provided the most accurate and robust emission value predictions, accompanied by the second-smallest model errors. Most of the highly ranked scenarios involved six measurement periods, while the scenario with the best overall performance was: One measurement period in summer and three in the transition periods, each lasting for 14 days

    The F model on dynamical quadrangulations

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    The dynamically triangulated random surface (DTRS) approach to Euclidean quantum gravity in two dimensions is considered for the case of the elemental building blocks being quadrangles instead of the usually used triangles. The well-known algorithmic tools for treating dynamical triangulations in a Monte Carlo simulation are adapted to the problem of these dynamical quadrangulations. The thus defined ensemble of 4-valent graphs is appropriate for coupling to it the 6- and 8-vertex models of statistical mechanics. Using a series of extensive Monte Carlo simulations and accompanying finite-size scaling analyses, we investigate the critical behaviour of the 6-vertex F model coupled to the ensemble of dynamical quadrangulations and determine the matter related as well as the graph related critical exponents of the model.Comment: LaTeX, 43 pages, 10 figures, 7 tables; substantially shortened and revised version as published, for more details refer to V1, to be found at http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-lat/0409028v