2,018 research outputs found

    The Role of Camp in Promoting the Participants’ Spoken English Expression

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    The study investigated the topics of participants’ spoken expressionin an English camp and how the topics were discussed.A case study was applied as the research design. Data were gained from focus-group interviews, observation, and questionnaire. The results showed that the participants talked about various topics, which could be categorized into two types i.e. guided topics and situational topics. Guided topics were discussed by the participants in guided conditions. On the other hand, situational topics appeared naturally with respect to the situation. The data also indicated that the activeness and confidence of the participants to talk in English gradually increasedduring the English camp. The findings suggested that English campsbeheld regularly as they can boost the participants’ English speaking skill

    Learning Characteristics Viewed From Educational Theory Perspectives

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    Studi kasus ini menganalisis karakteristik belajar seorang pembelajar EFL ditinjau dari gaya belajar, konteks pembelajaran, teori belajar, dan strategi pembelajaran. Data diperoleh dengan menganalisis literatur dan praktik pembelajaran peserta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik belajar peserta didik memiliki peran penting agar bisa menjadi seorang pembelajar yang sukses. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran, disarankan agar pendidik dan lembaga pendidikan secara intensif menganalisis karakteristik dan konteks sosial peserta didik. Hasil analisis tersebut akan memberikan arah dalam menentukan cara terbaik dalam memicu motivasi siswa. Kedua, gaya belajar siswa harus dianalisis pada awal pembelajaran. Terakhir, membantu peserta didik untuk mengetahui strategi belajar terbaik mereka harus diprioritaskan oleh para pendidik


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    This research entitle "Analysis Satisfaction Of Customer Product of Pond'S Face Whitening in Malang". Research type the used is survey. Target of this research to know eight variable in dimension satisfaction of consumer which consist of Form (form), Features (additional marking), Quality Performance (elementary characteristic and quality), Durability (operation age size measure), Reliability (product mainstay), Style or of design (product fascination) and Assessment to competitor product which of a kind can give satisfaction to product consumer of Pond'S and to know among to eight above mentioned variable of which variable is which most dominant gratify product consumer of Pond'S. Usefulness of research which wish to be reached specially to company that is Result of this research is expected can be made as consideration base to be more pay attention satisfaction of consumer to product of Pond'S whitening of face. By using analysis of Importance Performance hence can be concluded that from eight\ud variable and also product indicators of Pond'S whitening of face have satisfaction storey;level which different each other. And from overall of satisfaction dimension variable can be concluded that assessment variable to competitor product which of a kind at indicator Comparison of elementary function (whitening product) of Pond'S more is reliable compared to other merk product have biggest satisfaction level of other variable. Some suggestion able to be raised in this research that is expected by PT Unilever tbk shall be more improve what have been [done/conducted] especially in the case of elementary function of product that is whitening so that company can maintain its excellence and also according to promise with customer with a purpose to give satisfaction to customer of consumer of product of Pond'S pemutih of face

    Respon Masyarakat Aceh Terhadap Wakaf Asuransi Jiwa Syariah

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    Persepsi/respon terhadap Asuransi Jiwa Syariah belum baik di masyarakat, apalagi wakaf  asuransi. Hal ini dapat dilihat pada perusahaan yang sudah  menjual produk syariah lebih dari  lima meliputi: PT.Asuransi Takaful Keluarga, PT. AIA, PT. Bumi Putera, PT. Prudensial Syariah hanya rata-rata 20 (dua puluh)  polis perbulan yang artinya kurang dari satu polis perhari. Tujuan dari penelitian ini apakah dengan adanya produk wakaf polis asuransi akan ada perubahan persepsi masyarakat terhadap asuransi di tanah air, khususnya Aceh. Karena konsep wakaf dan asuransi sedikitnya ada kesamaan untuk kemaslahatan keluarga dan umum. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif  yaitu dengan cara wawancara secara mendalam kepada responden terpilih yang meliputi Badan Wakaf Indonesia (BWI) Provinsi Aceh, Majelis Permusyawaratan Ulama (MPU) Provinsi Aceh, akademisi, praktisi (perusahaan asuransi), nasabah asuransi, dan ulama dayah/pesantren. Penelitian tergolong penelitian lapangan (field research) dan kepustakaan (library research. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini terbagi ke dalam dua  persepsi/respon yaitu sangat positif dan normal/sedang demi kemaslahatan umat

    Resiliensi Pendidikan Diniyah dalam Menghadapi Covid-19 selama Bulan Ramadhan 2021

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    Diniyah education has been implemented by all educational institutions in Indonesia, starting from the lowest level, namely SD/MI to SMA/MA. Initially this diniyah education was implemented in Islamic boarding schools during the month of Ramadan. The aim is to foster morals, character, and strengthen worship for students during the month of Ramadan. The purpose of this study was to identify the role of diniyah education carried out in the world of education during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research method is a literature study method with a qualitative approach. The results showed that the role of diniyah education can be measured through 4 things, namely increasing student religiosity, developing sustainable education and in accordance with the development of the times, being patient with calamities, and increasing husnuzon attitudes in students


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah penjualan konsinyasi sesuai perspektif Ekonomi Islam pada Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) Lhokseumawe-Aceh. Adapun jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian studi lapangan dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa  penjualan konsinyasi pada UMKM Lhokseumawe-Aceh merupakan bentuk penerapan dari akad wakālah bil ujrah. Akan tetapi dalam pelaksanaan penjualan tersebut belum sepenuhnya sempurna sesuai dengan syariat Islam. Di mana dalam praktik pelaksanaannya terdapat tindakan wanprestasi yang dilakukan oleh pihak komisioner kepada pihak penitip berupa penundaan pembayaran hasil penjualan dari waktu yang telah disepakati dalam akad

    Random Linear Fountain Code with Improved Decoding Success Probability

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    In this paper we study the problem of increasing the decoding success probability of random linear fountain code over GF(2) for small packet lengths used in delay-intolerant applications such as multimedia streaming. Such code over GF(2) are attractive as they have lower decoding complexity than codes over larger field size, but suffer from high transmission redundancy. In our proposed coding scheme we construct a codeword which is not a linear combination of any codewords previously transmitted to mitigate such transmission redundancy. We then note the observation that the probability of receiving a linearly dependent codeword is highest when the receiver has received k-1 linearly independent codewords. We propose using the BlockACK frame so that the codeword received after k-1 linearly independent codeword is always linearly independent, this reduces the expected redundancy by a factor of three.Comment: This paper appears in: Communications (APCC), 2016 22nd Asia-Pacific Conference o

    Board size and firm performance of listed companies in Indonesia

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of board size on the financial performance of firms listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2014 to 2018. The research method uses multiple linear regression. The firm performance is measured with return on assets (ROA). The research result shows that board size does not significantly influence the firm performance. Therefore, it is implied that board size of listed firms in Indonesia is not proven either to improve or worsen the firm performance. This research is particularly important to the firms and their shareholders in Indonesia and other developing economies since it contributes to a better understanding of board size – firm performance relationship


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    Human faces provide demographic information, such as gender and ethnicity. Different modalities of human faces, e.g., range and intensity, provide different cues for gender and ethnicity identifications. In this paper we exploit the range information of human faces for ethnicity identification using a support vector machine. An integration scheme is also proposed for ethnicity and gender identifications by combining the registered range and intensity images. The experiments are conducted on a database containing 1240 facial scans of 376 subjects. It is demonstrated that the range modality provides competitive discriminative power on ethnicity and gender identifications to the intensity modality. For both gender and ethnicity identifications, the proposed integration scheme outperforms each individual modality
