244 research outputs found

    Peristaltic Transport of a Rheological Fluid: Model for Movement of Food Bolus Through Esophagus

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    Fluid mechanical peristaltic transport through esophagus has been of concern in the paper. A mathematical model has been developed with an aim to study the peristaltic transport of a rheological fluid for arbitrary wave shapes and tube lengths. The Ostwald-de Waele power law of viscous fluid is considered here to depict the non-Newtonian behaviour of the fluid. The model is formulated and analyzed with the specific aim of exploring some important information concerning the movement of food bolus through the esophagus. The analysis has been carried out by using lubrication theory. The study is particularly suitable for cases where the Reynolds number is small. The esophagus is treated as a circular tube through which the transport of food bolus takes places by periodic contraction of the esophageal wall. Variation of different variables concerned with the transport phenomena such as pressure, flow velocity, particle trajectory and reflux are investigated for a single wave as well as for a train of periodic peristaltic waves. Locally variable pressure is seen to be highly sensitive to the flow index `n'. The study clearly shows that continuous fluid transport for Newtonian/rheological fluids by wave train propagation is much more effective than widely spaced single wave propagation in the case of peristaltic movement of food bolus in the esophagus.Comment: Accepted for publication in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (AMM), Springe

    The Structure of Radiative Shock Waves. IV. Effects of Electron Thermal Conduction

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    We considered the structure of steady-state radiative shock waves propagating in the partially ionized hydrogen gas with density rho1 = 1e-10 gm/cm^3 and temperature 3000K <= T1 <= 8000K. The radiative shock wave models with electron thermal conduction in the vicinity of the viscous jump are compared with pure radiative models. The threshold shock wave velocity above of which effects of electron thermal conduction become perceptible is of U1=70 km/s and corresponds to the upstream Mach numbers from M1= 6 at T1=8000K to M1=11 at T1=3000K. In shocks with efficient electron heat conduction more than a half of hydrogen atoms are ionized in the radiative precursor, whereas behind the viscous jump the hydrogen gas undergoes the full ionization. The existence of the electron conductive precursor leads to the enhancement of the Lyman continuum flux trapped in the surroundings of the discontinuous jump. For upstream velocities ranged within 70 km/s <= U1 <= 85 km/s the partially ionized hydrogen gas of the radiative precursor undergoes the additional ionization (<= 5%), whereas the total radiave flux emerging from the shock wave increases by 10% <= delta(FRad) <= 25% .Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX, accepted for publication in A

    Geometric Mixing, Peristalsis, and the Geometric Phase of the Stomach

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    Mixing fluid in a container at low Reynolds number - in an inertialess environment - is not a trivial task. Reciprocating motions merely lead to cycles of mixing and unmixing, so continuous rotation, as used in many technological applications, would appear to be necessary. However, there is another solution: movement of the walls in a cyclical fashion to introduce a geometric phase. We show using journal-bearing flow as a model that such geometric mixing is a general tool for using deformable boundaries that return to the same position to mix fluid at low Reynolds number. We then simulate a biological example: we show that mixing in the stomach functions because of the "belly phase": peristaltic movement of the walls in a cyclical fashion introduces a geometric phase that avoids unmixing.Comment: Revised, published versio

    Shock-Induced Polarized Hydrogen Emission Lines in the Mira Star omicron Ceti

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    In the spectra of pulsating stars, especially Mira stars, the detection of intense hydrogen emission lines has been explained by a radiative shock wave, periodically propagating throughout the atmosphere. Previous observation of the Mira star omicron Ceti around a bright maximum of light led to the detection of a strong linear polarization associated to Balmer emissions, although the origin of this phenomenon is not fully explained yet. With the help of spectropolarimetry, we propose to investigate the nature of shock waves propagating throughout the stellar atmosphere and present, for omicron Ceti (the prototype of Mira stars), a full observational study of hydrogen emission lines formed in the radiative region of such a shock. Using the instrument NARVAL, we performed a spectropolarimetric monitoring of omicron Ceti during three consecutive pulsation cycles. All Stokes parameters were systematically collected, with a particular emphasis on the maxima of luminosity, i.e. when a radiative shock wave is supposed to emerge from the photosphere and propagate outward. On Balmer lines, over a large part of the luminosity cycle, we report detections in Stokes spectra which are evolving with time. These signatures appear to be strongly correlated to the presence of an intense shock wave responsible for the hydrogen emission lines. We establish that those lines are polarized by a process inherent to the mechanism responsible for the emission line formation: the shock wave itself. Two mechanisms are considered: a global one that implies a polarization induced by convective cells located around the photosphere and a local one that implies a charge separation due to the passage of the shock wave, inducing an electrical current. Combined with the existing turbulence, this may generate a magnetic field, hence polarization.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures; Astronomy and Astrophysics 2011, preprint onlin

    Statistical Methods Used to Test for Agreement of Medical Instruments Measuring Continuous Variables in Method Comparison Studies: A Systematic Review

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    BACKGROUND: Accurate values are a must in medicine. An important parameter in determining the quality of a medical instrument is agreement with a gold standard. Various statistical methods have been used to test for agreement. Some of these methods have been shown to be inappropriate. This can result in misleading conclusions about the validity of an instrument. The Bland-Altman method is the most popular method judging by the many citations of the article proposing this method. However, the number of citations does not necessarily mean that this method has been applied in agreement research. No previous study has been conducted to look into this. This is the first systematic review to identify statistical methods used to test for agreement of medical instruments. The proportion of various statistical methods found in this review will also reflect the proportion of medical instruments that have been validated using those particular methods in current clinical practice. METHODOLOGY/FINDINGS: Five electronic databases were searched between 2007 and 2009 to look for agreement studies. A total of 3,260 titles were initially identified. Only 412 titles were potentially related, and finally 210 fitted the inclusion criteria. The Bland-Altman method is the most popular method with 178 (85%) studies having used this method, followed by the correlation coefficient (27%) and means comparison (18%). Some of the inappropriate methods highlighted by Altman and Bland since the 1980s are still in use. CONCLUSIONS: This study finds that the Bland-Altman method is the most popular method used in agreement research. There are still inappropriate applications of statistical methods in some studies. It is important for a clinician or medical researcher to be aware of this issue because misleading conclusions from inappropriate analyses will jeopardize the quality of the evidence, which in turn will influence quality of care given to patients in the future

    Electroosmosis modulated peristaltic biorheological flow through an asymmetric microchannel : mathematical model

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    A theoretical study is presented of peristaltic hydrodynamics of an aqueous electrolytic nonNewtonian Jeffrey bio-rheological fluid through an asymmetric microchannel under an applied axial electric field. An analytical approach is adopted to obtain the closed form solution for velocity, volumetric flow, pressure difference and stream function. The analysis is also restricted under the low Reynolds number assumption and lubrication theory approximations. Debye-Hückel linearization (i.e. wall zeta potential ≤ 25mV) is also considered. Streamline plots are also presented for the different electro-osmotic parameter, varying magnitudes of the electric field (both aiding and opposing cases) and for different values of the ratio of relaxation to retardation time parameter. Comparisons are also included between the Newtonian and general non-Newtonian Jeffrey fluid cases. The results presented here may be of fundamental interest towards designing lab-on-a-chip devices for flow mixing, cell manipulation, micro-scale pumps etc. Trapping is shown to be more sensitive to an electric field (aiding, opposing and neutral) rather than the electro-osmotic parameter and viscoelastic relaxation to retardation ratio parameter. The results may also help towards the design of organ-on-a-chip like devices for better drug design