329 research outputs found

    Ecological intensification in multi-trophic aquaculture ponds: an experimental approach

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    As aquaculture production is increasing considerably, it needs to become more environment-friendly. Based on a participatory process, an ecologically intensive pond system was designed to test three hypotheses: a combination of intensive and extensive areas provides more ecosystem services than an intensive or extensive area alone; coupling a planted lagoon with an intensive pond decreases the latter's environmental impacts and maintains or increases its fish productivity; and using formulated feed in polyculture increases growth of all fish species. To test these hypotheses, we designed a specific integrated multi-trophic aquaculture system composed of a polyculture of common carp (Cyprinus carpio), roach (Rutilus rutilus) and tench (Tinca tinca) and a lagoon planted with macrophytes to filter the water. This pond system was compared with “extensive” (unfed) and “semi-intensive” fishpond systems without a planted lagoon. We measured fish growth performances, water quality, chlorophyll concentrations and water and sediment nutrient contents. We also calculated the mass balance of nutrients. Concentrations of total nitrogen and phosphorus increased in sediments, indicating that nutrients were stored in the ponds, especially in planted lagoon; the planted lagoon decreased phytoplankton development, and limited blooms, but it slightly decreased fish growth performances compared to those in semi-intensive fishponds. The formulated feed supplied clearly increased fish growth performances and the survival rate, and seemed also to increase the use of available nutrients in ponds, which improved the production of overall fish biomass. In conclusion, the planted lagoon provides ecosystem services on nutrients cycling and habitat for natural biodiversity. Improving knowledge about nutrient cycles from formulated feed within the pond food web would be useful to increase the amounts of nutrients converted into fish biomass

    Effects of a lagoon on performances of a freshwater fishpond in a multi-trophic aquaculture system

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    Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) is a way to help preserve the environment while maintaining a good level of total production. An ecologically semi-intensive pond system was designed in which a polyculture fishpond was associated with a lagoon planted with macrophytes to bioremediate the water. The properties of this “semi-intensive coupled” system (SIC) were compared to those of semi-intensive (SI) and extensive (E) systems, each of which was contained in a single fishpond with the same fish polyculture (common carp (Cyprinus carpio), roach (Rutilus rutilus), and perch (Perca fluviatilis)) as SIC. E differed in that it had half the initial density of fish, and the fish were not fed. Fish growth performances, water quality (chemical and biological indicators), chlorophyll concentrations, and invertebrate production were measured. The systems were compared based on fish production performances and physicochemical and biological characteristics, and were then described using principal component analysis (PCA). Carp and roach in the two fed systems had higher growth performances than those in E. Compared to SI, the planted lagoon in SIC, induced a decrease of 15% in fish growth performances and of 83% in total chlorophyll concentration (a proxy for phytoplankton) but improved water quality (−34%, −60% and −80%, for the concentrations of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and blue green algae (for micro-algae in class Cyanophyceae), respectively). According to the PCA, SIC clearly differed from SI in benthic macro-invertebrate production and concentrations of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and brown algae (for micro-algae in class Dinophyceae or a branch of Bacillariophyta) in the water. SIC differed from E in oxygen parameters (dissolved and saturation), estimated annual zooplankton production, and pH. In conclusion, the properties of a lagoon reveal perspectives for environmentally friendly practices, while using biodiversity and secondary production in order to enhance fish production

    Testing Born's Rule in Quantum Mechanics with a Triple Slit Experiment

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    In Mod. Phys. Lett. A 9, 3119 (1994), one of us (R.D.S) investigated a formulation of quantum mechanics as a generalized measure theory. Quantum mechanics computes probabilities from the absolute squares of complex amplitudes, and the resulting interference violates the (Kolmogorov) sum rule expressing the additivity of probabilities of mutually exclusive events. However, there is a higher order sum rule that quantum mechanics does obey, involving the probabilities of three mutually exclusive possibilities. We could imagine a yet more general theory by assuming that it violates the next higher sum rule. In this paper, we report results from an ongoing experiment that sets out to test the validity of this second sum rule by measuring the interference patterns produced by three slits and all the possible combinations of those slits being open or closed. We use attenuated laser light combined with single photon counting to confirm the particle character of the measured light.Comment: Submitted to the proceedings of Foundations of Probability and Physics-5, Vaxjo, Sweden, August 2008. 8 pages, 8 figure

    Pulse-echo speed-of-sound imaging using convex probes.

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    Computed ultrasound tomography in echo mode (CUTE) is a new ultrasound (US)-based medical imaging modality with promise for diagnosing various types of disease based on the tissue's speed of sound (SoS). It is developed for conventional pulse-echo US using handheld probes and can thus be implemented in state-of-the-art medical US systems. One promising application is the quantification of the liver fat fraction in fatty liver disease. So far, CUTE was using linear array probes where the imaging depth is comparable to the aperture size. For liver imaging, however, convex probes are preferred since they provide a larger penetration depth and a wider view angle allowing to capture a large area of the liver. With the goal of liver imaging in mind, we adapt CUTE to convex probes, with a special focus on discussing strategies that make use of the convex geometry in order to make our implementation computationally efficient. We then demonstrate in an abdominal imaging phantom that accurate quantitative SoS using convex probes is feasible, in spite of the smaller aperture size in relation to the image area compared to linear arrays. A preliminary in vivo result of liver imaging confirms this outcome, but also indicates that deep quantitative imaging in the real liver can be more challenging, probably due to the increased complexity of the tissue compared to phantoms

    Memory Effects in Granular Material

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    We present a combined experimental and theoretical study of memory effects in vibration-induced compaction of granular materials. In particular, the response of the system to an abrupt change in shaking intensity is measured. At short times after the perturbation a granular analog of aging in glasses is observed. Using a simple two-state model, we are able to explain this short-time response. We also discuss the possibility for the system to obey an approximate pseudo-fluctuation-dissipation theorem relationship and relate our work to earlier experimental and theoretical studies of the problem.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, reference list change

    Numerical study of the thermal and hydraulic characteristics of a round tube heat exchanger with louvered fins and delta winglets

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    Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Mauritius, 11-13 July, 2011.Louvered fin and round tube heat exchangers are widely used in air conditioning devices and heat pumps. In this study the effect of punching delta winglet vortex generators into the louvered fin surface in the near wake region of each tube was investigated. Numerical simulations were performed on the compound design and the thermal and hydraulic characteristics were evaluated. It was found that the delta winglets can significantly reduce the size of the wake regions. This results in an enhanced heat transfer. Further, it was shown that the vortices do not propagate far downstream. Due to the flow deflection they are destroyed in the downstream louver bank. For the configuration studied, the pressure drop penalty of adding vortex generators was also significant, indicating that an optimization is necessary to select a compound design with improved overall performance.mp201

    CoCAS: a ChIP-on-chip analysis suite

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    Motivation: High-density tiling microarrays are increasingly used in combination with ChIP assays to study transcriptional regulation. To ease the analysis of the large amounts of data generated by this approach, we have developed ChIP-on-chip Analysis Suite (CoCAS), a standalone software suite which implements optimized ChIP-on-chip data normalization, improved peak detection, as well as quality control reports. Our software allows dye swap, replicate correlation and connects easily with genome browsers and other peak detection algorithms. CoCAS can readily be used on the latest generation of Agilent high-density arrays. Also, the implemented peak detection methods are suitable for other datasets, including ChIP-Seq output

    At-sea movements of wedge-tailed shearwaters during and outside the breeding season from four colonies in New Caledonia

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    International audienceThe wedge-tailed shearwater (WTS) population of New Caledonia is one of the largest in the world, yet its biology and foraging ecology are poorly known. We studied WTS from 4 colonies in New Caledonia. We examined foraging behaviour and habitats using GPS receivers and light sensors during and outside the breeding season, respectively, and compared our findings with those from other WTS populations worldwide. During breeding, New Caledonian WTS alternated short foraging trips close to the colony over the lagoon, or off the reef edge, with longer trips over distant, deep waters. Whereas neighboring colonies overlapped at sea, especially during short trips, there was a clear separation of foraging zones between the pairs of colonies located in the southern versus northwestern parts of New Caledonia. Although WTS actively foraged and commuted to foraging zones during the day, they mainly returned to the colony or rested at night, indicating that they feed mainly during the day. Active foraging did not take place in more productive areas, suggesting that it may instead be related to the presence of sub-surface predators. Outside the breeding season, birds from 3 colonies had similar trans-equatorial migratory behaviour. All left New Caledonia at the same time of the year with a fast, northeasterly movement and wintered over deep waters in the same sector of the northwestern tropical Pacific Ocean. At overwintering sites, they spent most of their non-foraging time presumably sitting on the water, especially at night, making a slow westward movement before returning to New Caledonia. WTS from New Caledonia forage over warm, oligotrophic deep waters throughout their life cycle, and the species appears to have a flexible foraging strategy adapted to the various environmental conditions encountered across its wide tropical range