6,457 research outputs found

    A model of maxilla resection to test new hybrid implants:macroporous titanium and tissue engineering elements

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    Maxillary bone loss in commonly found in humans, due to bone ageing, tooth loos, periodontal disease and, more severely, to trauma, radiotherapy and tumor resection. Masillofacial reconstructive surgery is a still unmet clinical demand, available therapies include grafting of autologous or heterologous bone tissue and/or the implantation of metallic plates, buy these treatments are still unable to resume form and function. The emrgence of 3D-printing technology applied to metal alloys now allows the manufacturing of customized, patient-tailored prosthetic implants. However, poor bone quiality at the implant site due to ageing or disease still hamper proper osseointegration. By combining Electron Beam Melting metal sintering and tissue engineering, we are developing hybrid maxillofacial implants, wher a metal framework of Ti6Al4V alloy confers both and appropiaate shape and mechanical stabilty, while stem cells and osteogenic molecules stimulate bone growth into the metal framework, thus pormoting osseointegration. We hereby present the in vitro work driving to the development of our hybrid maxillofacial prostheses, as well as the setting up of an in vivo model of complete maxilla full resection, created in order to test the prostheses in a preclinical studyUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Partículas superparamagnéticas ultrapequeñas de óxido de hierro para aplicaciones biomédicas

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    Las partículas superparamagnéticas ultrapequeñas de óxido de hierro (USPIO) tienen una enorme utilidad enBiomedicina como agentes de contraste en resonancia magnética de imagen o como sistemas transportadores defármacos, entre otras aplicaciones. La naturaleza del recubrimiento de los núcleos inorgánicos de las partículasUSPIO determina su estabilidad in vitro y su comportamiento in vivo, siendo especialmente importantes sus propiedadesfi sicoquímicas, en concreto el tamaño, la carga superfi cial y la densidad del recubrimiento. Las pequeñasdimensiones de las partículas USPIO hace difícil una caracterización fi sicoquímica completa, la cuál es de sumaimportancia para poder mejorar su estabilidad y comportamiento in vivo. Esta revisión se centra en las técnicasinstrumentales utilizadas en el análisis de los núcleos magnéticos y de sus recubrimientos orgánicos

    Determination of the stability of Kollicoat MAE 30D by means of differential scanning calorimetry

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    Se estudia la estabilidad de Kollicoat MAE 30D mediante determinaciones calorimétricas y microscópicas. Se estudianlos efectos que producen pH, temperatura y agitación sobre las propiedades fi sicoquímicas de las partículas deeste latex comercial. Se comprueba que el factor que mas infl uencia ejerce es el pH, siendo máxima la estabilidad apH ácidos, y modifi cándose con un decrecimiento de la misma, a partir de pH 6. Se determina la forma y tamañode partícula mediante medidas microfotográfi cas de SEM, realizando el recuento de 200 partículas de una muestradel latex previamente desecado. Se comprueba que la dispersión acuosa de Kollicoat MAE 30 D a su pH natural(2.5), da lugar a una población de partículas con un diámetro medio de 1.56 nm.The stability of Kollicoat MAE 30 D was studied with differential scanning calorimetric, and scanning electronmicroscopy. We investigated the effects of pH, temperature and shaking on physicochemical properties of the latexparticles. Stability of the polymer as most strongly affected by pH; hence, we conclude that the stability of this latexreaches a maximum at acid pH values, where as stability is lost to pH 6.The particle shape and the mean diameter were determined by means of SEM microphotographs on 200 particles in asample of dry latex. The aqueous Kollicoat MAE 30 D dispersion, at its natural pH (2.5), presented one population ofparticles with a mean diameter of 1.56 nm

    Effects of 4-Week training intervention with unknown loads on power output performance and throwing velocity in junior team handball players

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    PURPOSE:To compare the effect of 4-week unknown vs known loads strength training intervention on power output performance and throwing velocity in junior team handball players. METHODS:Twenty-eight junior team-handball players (17.2 ± 0.6 years, 1.79 ± 0.07 m, 75.6 ± 9.4 kg)were divided into two groups (unknown loads: UL; known loads: KL). Both groups performed two sessions weekly consisting of four sets of six repetitions of the bench press throw exercise, using the 30%, 50% and 70% of subjects' individual 1 repetition maximum (1RM). In each set, two repetitions with each load were performed, but the order of the loads was randomised. In the KL group, researchers told the subjects the load to mobilise prior each repetition, while in the UL group, researchers did not provide any information. Maximal dynamic strength (1RM bench press), power output (with 30, 50 and 70% of 1RM) and throwing velocity (7 m standing throw and 9 m jumping throw) were assessed pre- and post-training intervention. RESULTS:Both UL and KL group improved similarly their 1RM bench press as well as mean and peak power with all loads. There were significant improvements in power developed in all the early time intervals measured (150 ms) with the three loads (30, 50, 70% 1RM) in the UL group, while KL only improved with 30% 1RM (all the time intervals) and with 70% 1RM (at certain time intervals). Only the UL group improved throwing velocity in both standing (4.7%) and jumping (5.3%) throw (p > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS:The use of unknown loads has led to greater gains in power output in the early time intervals as well as to increases in throwing velocity compared with known loads. Therefore unknown loads are of significant practical use to increase both strength and in-field performance in a short period of training

    The pharmacist future and the family medicine cabinet: learning to make health education

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    La utilización de medicamentos es un hecho más que habitual en toda unidad familiar que conlleva la preparación de un botiquín en el hogar. Es frecuente que este botiquín crezca como consecuencia de la tendencia a la acumulación de medicamentos por parte de sus usuarios. Esto hace que pueda ser utilizado incorrectamente, desembocando en consecuencias negativas para la salud del paciente. Se ha realizado una actividad de formación y concienciación entre los estudiantes de la asignatura Farmacia Clínica de último curso de la Licenciatura en Farmacia por la Universidad de Granada sobre los botiquines de uso familiar y los métodos de eliminación de medicamentos caducados o residuos de estos. Así, el futuro profesional farmacéutico ha podido con esta actividad de educación sanitaria, reflexionar sobre la importancia que tiene conocer el estado de los botiquines caseros y la necesidad de realizar una frecuente revisión de estos. Esta actividad ha logrado además concienciarles sobre la importancia que tiene la supervisión de los botiquines de farmacias comunitarias. Al finalizar este estudio, el 94 % de los alumnos consideraban que el farmacéutico debe desempeñar un papel fundamental en el asesoramiento e información al paciente sobre su botiquín y en la adecuada eliminación de los residuos generados por la utilización de medicamentos. De esta manera, se ha logrado que el futuro farmacéutico se conciencie sobre la importancia sanitaria de las actividades de educación para la salud.The use of drugs is a more common occurrence in any family unit involves the preparation of a medicine cabinet at home. Often this kit to grow as a result of the tendency to accumulation of drugs by their users. This means it can be misused, resulting in negative health consequences patient. It has done a training and awareness among students of the subject Clinical Pharmacy final year of the Bachelor of Pharmacy from the University of Granada on kits for family use and disposal methods of expired drugs or residues of these. Thus, the pharmaceutical professional future has been with this activity health education, reflect on the importance of the status of home medicine cabinets and the need for frequent revision of these. This activity has also made them aware of the importance of monitoring kits community pharmacies. Upon completion of this study, 94% of students felt that the pharmacist should play a key role in advising and patient information on your medicine cabinet and proper disposal of waste generated by the use of drugs. In this way, it has made the future pharmacist raise awareness of the importance of health education activities for health

    Thermal Neutron Relative Biological Effectiveness Factors for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy from In Vitro Irradiations

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    The experimental determination of the relative biological effectiveness of thermal neutron factors is fundamental in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy. The present values have been obtained while using mixed beams that consist of both neutrons and photons of various energies. A common weighting factor has been used for both thermal and fast neutron doses, although such an approach has been questioned. At the nuclear reactor of the Institut Laue-Langevin a pure low-energy neutron beam has been used to determine thermal neutron relative biological effectiveness factors. Different cancer cell lines, which correspond to glioblastoma, melanoma, and head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, and non-tumor cell lines (lung fibroblast and embryonic kidney), have been irradiated while using an experimental arrangement designed to minimize neutron-induced secondary gamma radiation. Additionally, the cells were irradiated with photons at a medical linear accelerator, providing reference data for comparison with that from neutron irradiation. The survival and proliferation were studied after irradiation, yielding the Relative Biological Effectiveness that corresponds to the damage of thermal neutrons for the different tissue types.Asociacion Espanola Contra el Cancer (AECC) PS16163811PORRSpanish MINECO FIS2015-69941-C2-1-PJunta de Andalucia P11-FQM-8229Campus of International Excellence BioTic P-BS-64University of Granada Chair Neutrons for Medicine: the Spanish Fundacion ACSAsociacion Capitan AntonioFundacion ACSLa Kuadrilla de IznallozSonriendo Se Puede Gana

    Quantification of virus syndrome in chili peppers

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    One of the most important problems to produce chili crops is the presence of diseases caused by pathogen agents, such as viruses, therefore, there is a substantial necessity to better predict the behavior of the diseases of these crops, determining a more precise quantification of the disease’s syndrome that allows the investigators to evaluate better practices, from handling to the experimental level and will permit producers to take opportunistic corrective action thereby, reducing production loses and increasing the quality of the crop. This review discussed methods that have been used for the quantification of disease in plants, specifically for chili peppers crops, thereby, suggesting a better alternative for the quantification of the disease’ syndromes in regards to this crop. The result of these reflections indicates that most methods used for quantification are based on visual assessments, discarding differences of data between distinctive evaluators. These methods generate subjective results.Key words: Quantification, plant diseases, severity, syndrome, viruses

    Radiobiology data of melanoma cells after low-energy neutron irradiation and boron compound administration

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    The cold neutron beam at the PF1b line at the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), without fast neutrons and a low contribution of gamma rays, is a very suitable facility to measure cell damage following low-energy neutron irradiation. The biological damage associated with the thermal and the boron doses can be obtained in order to evaluate the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy. Three different experiments were carried out on the A375 melanoma cell line: the first one in a hospital LINAC, to obtain the reference radiation data, and the other two at the ILL, in which the damage to cells with and without boron compounds added was measured