982 research outputs found

    Discovery of the magnetic field of the B1/B2V star \sigma Lupi

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    In our search for new magnetic massive stars we use the strongest indirect indicator of a magnetic field in B stars, which is periodic variability of UV stellar wind lines occurring in a velocity range symmetric around zero. Our aim is to obtain follow-up spectropolarimetry to search for a magnetic field in magnetic candidate stars. We quantify UV wind line variability, and analyse its time behaviour. The B1/B2V star sigma Lup emerged as a new magnetic candidate star. AAT spectropolarimetric measurements with SEMPOL were obtained. The stellar wind line variations of sigma Lup are similar to what is known in magnetic B stars, but no periodicity could be determined. We detected a longitudinal magnetic field with varying strength and amplitude of about 100 G with error bars of typically 20 G, which supports an oblique magnetic-rotator configuration. The equivalent width variations of the UV lines, the magnetic and the optical line variations are consistent with the well-known photometric period of 3.02 days, which we identify with the rotation period of the star. Additional observations with ESPaDOnS at CFHT strongly confirmed this discovery, and allowed to determine a precise magnetic period. Further analysis revealed that σ\sigma Lupi is a helium-strong star, with an enhanced nitrogen abundance and an underabundance of carbon, and has a spotted surface. We conclude that sigma Lup is a magnetic oblique rotator, and is a He-strong star. It is the 4th B star for which a magnetic field is discovered from studying only its wind variability. Like in the other magnetic B stars the wind emission originates in the magnetic equator, with maximum emission occurring when a magnetic pole points towards the Earth. The 3.02 d magnetic rotation period is consistent with the photometric period, with maximum light corresponding to maximum magnetic field. A full paper will be submitted to A&A.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to appear in proceedings with AIP. Stellar polarimetry: From birth to death, Eds. Jennifer Hoffman, Barb Whitney, and Jon Bjorkma

    Development of Kinect based teleoperation of Nao robot

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    In this paper, an online tracking system has been developed to control the arm and head of a Nao robot using Kinect sensor. The main goal of this work is to achieve that the robot is able to follow the motion of a human user in real time to track. This objective has been achieved using a RGB-D camera (Kinect v2) and a Nao robot, which is a humanoid robot with 5 degree of freedom (DOF) for each arm. The joint motions of the operatoŗs head and arm in the real world captured by a Kinect camera can be transferred into the workspace mathematically via forward and inverse kinematics, realitically through data based UDP connection between the robot and Kinect sensor. The satisfactory performance of the proposed approaches have been achieved, which is shown in experimental results

    Rotational precision MEMS-based clamping mechanism for stable fixation of elastic mechanisms

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    Conventional TEM sample manipulators often lack the crucial stability of 0.1 nm/min. A MEMS manipulator attached directly to the TEM pole would greatly increase both thermal and dynamic stability. However a stable E-beam requires no interference of electric or magnetic fields. Therefore the manipulator should be stably fixed without power. To this end a mechanical clamp is presented which clamps one of the actuators of the TEM sample manipulator (Figure 2). The clamp incorporates a relatively large clamp force of 0.5 mN with respect to the device area and is able to maintain the clamp force without external power. In previous work [1] a theoretical basis has been presented of an earlier clamp version. In this paper a rotational clamp which has been made and tested is presented. This clamp design is part of a research project for a 6 Degree of Freedom MEMS TEM sample manipulator. \u

    <i>Spitzer</i> microlens measurement of a massive remnant in a well-separated binary

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    We report the detection and mass measurement of a binary lens OGLE-2015-BLG-1285La,b, with the more massive component having M1 > 1.35 M⊙ (80% probability). A main-sequence star in this mass range is ruled out by limits on blue light, meaning that a primary in this mass range must be a neutron star (NS) or black hole (BH). The system has a projected separation r⊥ = 6.1 ± 0.4 AU and lies in the Galactic bulge. These measurements are based on the "microlens parallax" effect, i.e., comparing the microlensing light curve as seen from Spitzer, which lay at 1.25 AU projected from Earth, to the light curves from four ground-based surveys, three in the optical and one in the near-infrared. Future adaptive optics imaging of the companion by 30 m class telescopes will yield a much more accurate measurement of the primary mass. This discovery both opens the path and defines the challenges to detecting and characterizing BHs and NSs in wide binaries, with either dark or luminous companions. In particular, we discuss lessons that can be applied to future Spitzer and Kepler K2 microlensing parallax observations