11 research outputs found


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    Abstract This paper presents new evidence on the evolution of regional inequality in Iberia from 1900 to 2000 from a geographical perspective. To do so we introduce a new historical dataset of regional GDPs for Spanish NUTS III and Portuguese Historical Districts (HD), synthetic indices of regional inequality and different measures of spatial correlation across regional pc GDPs. The results show that the Portuguese and Spanish national economic integration processes initially led to the economic specialization across Iberian regions promoting the divergence in terms of their regional pc GDPs. Notwithstanding, ulterior advances in the integration of national markets and the subsequent first stages in the process of adhesion of these two national economies into the UE coexisted with a progressive reduction in Iberian regional inequality

    Catálogo digital de cartografía urbana contemporánea en España (1800-1950)

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    El campo de la cartografía contemporánea ha hecho muchos avances en los últimos años, no solo por el esfuerzo de los investigadores, sino también por la continua labor de digitalización, puesta en valor y difusión de los documentos disponibles en los diferentes archivos institucionales y privados, que en muchos casos ya están disponibles en repositorios digitales. Este proyecto se enmarca en lla voluntad de facilitar la labor del investigador, a partir de la creación de un catálogo de cartografía urbana contemporánea entre los años 1800 y 1950, que pretende ser un punto de partida y de encuentro para la creación de un directorio centralizado en el que se pueda tener disponible toda aquella cartografía que permita el estudio histórico de la ciudad en España. Este catálogo aúna más de 1.000 mapas de 131 ciudades, esperando poder ir ampliándose en un futuro cercano

    Characterizing European high speed train stations using intermodal time and entropy metrics

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    This paper presents a quantitative method for characterizing high speed train stations in terms of passenger intermodality. The aim of the procedure is two-fold: firstly, the method is to be used as an objective measure for comparing stations in order to detect suboptimal points and improve the performance of stations as nodal points; secondly, the method provides a means to embed intermodality into regional accessibility models, allowing comprehensive modelling at lower scales. The empirical base of the work comprises data from 27 European high speed rail stations, which is deemed an appropriate statistical sample for the whole European rail network. Using the entropy metric, we found that several different patterns emerged: there was a clear hierarchy of stations which was linked to their respective roles within the system, while strong constraints impeded stations from performing optimally as true intermodal nodes.Intermodality High speed train station Entropy