16 research outputs found

    Regression and correlation analysis of energy productivity indicators compared within selected countries of the EU

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    Artykuł koncentruje się na ocenie wydajności energetycznej w porównaniu do wybra-nych krajów Unii Europejskiej w latach 1996-2016. Do porównania wykorzystano wskaźnik, który wynika z podzielenia produktu krajowego brutto (PKB) przez ogólne zużycie energii w kraju w danym roku ka-lendarzowym. Mierzy on produktywność zużycia energii i obrazuje stopień oddzielenia zużycia energii od wzrostu PKB. Celem badania jest identyfikacja zależności i trendów wskaźników wydajności energetycznej i porównanie ich w wybranych krajach. Autorzy wykorzystują metody analizy korelacji i regresji oraz trendy rozwojowe, analizę szeregów czasowych.The paper is focused on the evaluation of energy productivity compared within selected countries of the European Union in the time period 1996-2016. To compare, we used the indicator, which results from the division of the gross domestic product (GDP) by the gross inland consumption of energy for a given ca-lendar year. It measures the productivity of energy consumption and provides a picture of the degree of deco-upling of energy use from growth in GDP. The aim of the research is to identify relations and trends of the indicators of energy productivity and compare them in the selected countries. The authors use the methods of the correlation and regression analysis and development trends, time series analysis

    The new demand of the economic policy in the field of economic security

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    W artykule poruszono problemy bezpieczeństwa gospodarczego, przedstawiając jasną definicję oraz zewnętrzne czynniki omawianego podmiotu, które bazują na danym środowisku gospodarczym i mają bezpośredni wpływ na bezpieczeństwo narodowe. Głównym celem artykułu jest określenie wymogów dla nowoczesnej oraz bezpiecznej taktyki, wcześniej rozpoznawszy iż bieżące sprawy na świecie, nowe zapotrzebowania wymagają rozpatrzenia ich w celu utrzymania bezpieczeństwa w gospodarce opartego na polityce gospodarczej.The paper deals with problems of economic security. It provides a clear definition of internal and external factors of economic security which are based on the given economic environment and have a direct impact on national security. Based on a clear identification of these factors, the aim of this paper is to determine the requirements for a modern safety-oriented economic policy, since it is obvious that due to current events in the world, new demands which are necessary to be considered in order to maintain economic security are placed on the economic policy

    Regression and correlation analysis of labour and resource productivity indicators compared within the V4 countries

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    The paper is focused on the evaluation of labour and resource productivity compared within the Visegrad countries in the time period 2010 – 2015. The aim of the paper is to identify certain relations and connections between the indicators of labour and material resource productivity and compare the V4 countries from the perspective of these indices. The authors use the methods of the correlation and regression analysis and development trend

    Measurement of the performance of an economy

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    Powodzenie gospodarki krajowej oraz rozwój gospodarczy kraju oceniane są głównie na podstawie wskaźników ekonomicznych. Produkt Krajowy Brutto (PKB) jest najczęściej stosowanym wskaźnikiem na poziomie krajowym i regionalnym. Informacyjna moc PKB jest ograniczona, dlatego stosuje się alternatywne sposoby mierzenia rozwoju gospodarczego i dobrobytu. Do najbardziej znanych i dostępnych alternatywnych mierników rozwoju gospodarczego zalicza się Indeks Rozwoju Ludzkiego (HDI). Celem niniejszych badań jest wyjaśnienie czynników, które należy uwzględnić przy ocenie rozwoju gospodarczego i dobrobytu, w szczególności czynników społecznych i środowiskowych. Jednym z celów jest porównanie PKB i HDI w krajach V4. Bez względu na cykle gospodarcze i zmiany w PKB, między 2007 a 2017 rokiem w krajach V4 nastąpił stopniowy, niewielki wzrost HDI.The success of a national economy and the economic development of a country are mainly assessed based on economic indicators. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the most commonly used indicator at national and regional levels. The informational power of GDP is limited, so alternative ways of measuring economic development and well-being have begun to be used, of which the Human Development Index (HDI) is the best known and the most accessible. The aim of this research is to highlight the areas that are to be considered when assessing economic development and well-being, especially social and environmental factors. One of the objectives is to compare the GDP and the HDI in the V4 countries. There was a gradual, slight increase in HDI without regard to economic cycles and changes in the GDP in the V4 countries between 2007 and 2017

    Attitude of football fans of AC Sparta Praha towards aggression

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    Title: Attitude of football fans of AC Sparta Prague towards aggression Objectives: The aim is monitoring of the current milieu in the stands of the Generali Arena, to find out the attitudes to aggressive displays which some of the football fans and the management of the team took on and then another aim is to try to propose some possible proving measures according the information the author got in the research. Methods: Author mentions information got due to the study of the available sources which are connected to these issues. The autor also specified the terms like aggression and its causes and forms, then the behaviour of the individuals and of the crowd, the definition of the attitude and its research and also the theoretical definition of the football matches attenders. The research includes the collectioning and the analyze of the information from the secondary sources, then the observation during the Sparta Prague matches and the interview with some of the fans. Results: The author found out that the nonverbal type of aggression like catcalls to the opponents and like a reaction to the referee decision shows in the stands the most often. The interviews show that the fans this type of the aggression don't consider as an aggression, pyrotechnics belongs to the football and the fights are..

    The issue of nutrition of patients hospitalized in PACU/ICU

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    Téma bakalářské práce je Problematika výživy u pacientů hospitalizovaných na ARO/JIP. V teoretické části jsou popsány jednotlivé složky potravy, hodnocení nutričního stavu a určování energetické potřeby organismu. Dále jsou zde popsány druhy umělé výživy a jejich aplikace, potřeby kriticky nemocného pacienta a důležitá role NLZP při zajišťování umělé stravy. V praktické části ověřuji poznatky z té teoretické pomocí kvalitativní metody prostřednictvím popisu kazuistiky a kvantitativní metody prostřednictvím dotazníkového šetření kde zjišťuji existenci, tvorbu a dodržování standardů v oblasti výživy. Všechna data jsou vyhodnocena a prezentována pomocí tabulek a grafů ve výzkumné částiObhájenoTopic of this bachelor thesis is the issue of nutrition patients hospitalized at PACU/ICU. The theoretical part describes the various components of food, reviews of nutritional status and determining the energy needs of the organism. There are also described the types of artificial nutrition and their application, needs of the critically ill patient and the important nurses in providing artificial diet. In the practical part are verified the knowledges from theoretical part of using qualitative methods by description Case Reports and using quantitative methods through a questionnaire survey where I find out the existence, creation and standards compliance in the field of nutrition. All data are evaluated and presented in tables and graphs in the research section

    Adaptive Similarity of XML Data

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    In the present work we explore application of XML schema mapping in conceptual modeling of XML schemas. We expand upon the previous efforts to map XML schemas to PIM schema via a decision tree. In this thesis more versatile method is implemented - the decision tree is trained from a large set of user- annotated mapping decision samples. Several variations of training that could improve the mapping results are proposed. The approach is evaluated in a wide range of experiments that show the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed variations of training. The work also contains a survey of different approaches to schema mapping and description of schema used in this work. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org

    Adsorption of quinones from water solutions

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    Tato práce se zabývá adsorpcí chinioidních látek z vody. Metodou adsorpce na různých adsorbentech byl zjišťován časový úbytek chinoidních látek z vodného roztoku v závislosti na teplotě a na složení roztoku. Na základě měření byly určeny časové závislosti koncentrací látek v roztoku a z těchto závislostí vypočtena množství neadsorbovaných látek.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    The design of potential indicators linking the regional authorities efficiency and the quality of life in the regions

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    The need to evaluate the public administration, its effectiveness and its performance is still present. Efforts to increase the quality of public administration, to improve its efficiency and looking for new ways to do this is emphasized in the conditions of economic crisis and the lack of public funds. The quality of public administration and its improvement should find an echo in the quality of life of the population, which is evaluated by both economic and non-economic indicators. This paper tries to identify potential suitable indicators monitoring the interconnection of public administration performance indicators and the relevant areas, which are based on the description of existing opinions about the effectiveness and its detection using various methods and indicators, methods of synthesis, abstraction and deduction. The issue is specified in the terms of the Regional Authority and the higher territorial self-government unit in the Czech Republic (region). The paper shows the great difficulty of the design of indicators linking the regional authority efficiency and the quality of life in the regions. This difficulty is due to the high number of factors affecting this relationship (flow versus state variables, external influences out of the region, priorities variance, self-government versus state administration, respectively independent versus delegated powers, different input conditions, etc.)