21 research outputs found

    Enterprise Systems And Resource Planning To Assit Msmes

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    This service is about system utilization (enterprise resource planning) in micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. Applying enterprise resource planning to MSMES can help increase flexibility and integrate entire business processes, such as inventory management, finance, production, and sales. However, the implementation of enterprise resource planning requires mature preparation, including proper selection of suppliers, optimization of internal teams, and preparation of human resources. The research methodology used is a participatory action learning system with the active participation of MSMES stakeholders and enterprise resource planning providers. The implementation process of the ENERPRISE Resource Planning system in MSMES includes the phases of meetings, planning, system design, training, and support, as well as the use of the system in business operations. The implementation steps of the Enterprise Resource Planning system in MSMES include business information documents, functional requirements documents, user acceptance testing, training, and go-live

    Pengembangan Agribisnis Pedesaan melalui Pemanfaatan Kulit Kakao sebagai Sumber Pektin

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    . The development of food industry in Indonesia has increased the demand and domestic consumption of pectin. Cocoa skin is potentially used to produce pectin as the raw material of industry. This study aimed to determine the effect of treatments on raw material, the medium and pH extraction to the characteristics of the pectin produced from cocoa skin, and to analyse the economic feasibility of pectin production from cocoa skin. Production was started with pectin extraction using citric acid solvent to some variables : 1) type of raw material (fresh and dried), 2) extraction time (60 and 90 minutes), and 3) pH of the extraction (2.5 and 3.5), then was continued by clotting with 95% ethanol, washing and drying of pectin. Economic analysis was done through analysis of break-even point (BEP) and the return cost ratio (RCR) to determine the level of benefits and feasibility of cocoa skin utilization. The results showed that the research treatments produced 5.6% - 6.7% pectin from initial weight of cocoa skin used, and the moisture content was 8.7% - 9.58%. Total revenue of the business is IDR 1.340.000/ month with a total production cost of IDR 1.000.300/ month. RCR value of 1.34 and BEP quantity of 2 kg showed that cocoa skin processing industry profitable to be implemented

    Penerapan Manajemen Waktu Menggunakan Network Planning (Cpm) pada Proyek Konstruksi Jalan (Studi Kasus Peningkatan Jalan SP. Berembang – SP. Jambi Kecil)

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    One of the methods in the application of Network Planning on construction projects is the Critical Path Method (CPM).Use of critical path method is to be able to know the the critical path of a project in which an activity can not be delayed, so that the execution time can be controlled to determine the earliest and the latest of starting time. As such factors can delay the project in minimizingRoad Improvement Works Sp. Berembang - Sp. Small Jambi has a contract value of Rp. 9,969,162,000.00 and the turnaround time is 217 calendar days. Application of CPM on the job resulted in an accelerated completion of work to 210 calendar days and 6 work items that are on the critical path. Acceleration time of completion of the work provides implementation costs Rp. 9,956,247,162.00 or additional profit of Rp. 12,914,838.00

    Ketersediaan Lahan Pertanian Padi Sawah Pasca Tsunami di Kabupaten Aceh Besar

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    ABSTRACT. Tsunami Aceh was the most terrific disaster in 40 years. The estimation of total losses were US$ 210 million, concentrated in two main sectors: infrastructure and housing and the productive sector. Agriculture showed the largest share of damage in productive sector, needs more attention to be rehabilitated in order to stimulate economic activity. This research aim to evaluate the progress of agricultural land rehabilitation in providing land to be cultivated by the farmer. Research conducted in Aceh Besar District by using survey methods. Research results showed that 77% of total farmland damaged due to tsunami, but the availability of lowland paddy field after tsunami only reached 16,7% from total farmland before tsunami. There were no significant difference between the rehabilitation processes conducted in low and high level of damaged based on Mann Whitney test. There was a lack of access to the farmland due to a limitation in farmland rehabilitation. This condition will lead to the difficulties of the community to back to their previous activity as a farmer since the majority occupation of affected communities were in agriculture field

    Analisis Kesempatan Kerja dan Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja pada Sektor Pertanian di Provinsi Aceh

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    . Agriculture is a leading sector in Aceh economy, showed by the large number of people who work in agricultural areas. This sector contribute the high number of gross domestic product (GDP) to Aceh Province. The problems appear when the growth of community do not followed by the growth of employment. This will cause the increasing of unemployment rate in Aceh Province.This study analyzed the development of agricultural employment and labor productivity in Aceh Province. The analysis was also conducted to calculate the influence of employment to GDP in agricultural sector. Time series data were used from 2003 to 2012 with a simple linear regression method.The results showed the significantly decreasing of agricultural employment by 16.635 people per year and the increasing of agricultural labor productivity by IDR 11.699.353/ year. The employment has a significant influence to GDP in agricultural sector but it has a negative relationship. The additional increasing of employment will decrease the GDP by IDR 1.255.000 per year. It means that the increasing of labour should be balanced and followed by another production factors to increase the total output of agricultural sector in Aceh Province

    Pengembangan Agribisnis Pedesaan Melalui Pemanfaatan Kulit Kakao Sebagai Sumber Pektin

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    ABSTRACT. The development of food industry in Indonesia has increased the demand and domestic consumption of pectin. Cocoa skin is potentially used to produce pectin as the raw material of industry. This study aimed to determine the effect of treatments on raw material, the medium and pH extraction to the characteristics of the pectin produced from cocoa skin, and to analyse the economic feasibility of pectin production from cocoa skin. Production was started with pectin extraction using citric acid solvent  to some variables : 1) type of raw material (fresh and dried), 2) extraction time (60 and 90 minutes), and 3) pH of the extraction (2.5 and 3.5), then was continued by clotting with 95% ethanol, washing and drying of pectin. Economic analysis was done through analysis of break-even point (BEP) and the return cost ratio (RCR) to determine the level of benefits and feasibility of cocoa skin utilization. The results showed that the research treatments produced 5.6% - 6.7% pectin from initial weight of cocoa skin used, and the moisture content was 8.7% - 9.58%. Total revenue of the business is IDR 1.340.000/ month with a total production cost of IDR 1.000.300/ month. RCR value of 1.34 and BEP quantity of 2 kg showed that cocoa skin processing industry  profitable to be implemented.


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    One of the methods in the application of Network Planning on construction projects is the Critical Path Method (CPM).Use of critical path method is to be able to know the the critical path of a project in which an activity can not be delayed, so that the execution time can be controlled to determine the earliest and the latest of starting time. As such factors can delay the project in minimizingRoad Improvement Works Sp. Berembang - Sp. Small Jambi has a contract value of Rp. 9,969,162,000.00 and the turnaround time is 217 calendar days. Application of CPM on the job resulted in an accelerated completion of work to 210 calendar days and 6 work items that are on the critical path. Acceleration time of completion of the work provides implementation costs Rp. 9,956,247,162.00 or additional profit of Rp. 12,914,838.00.Keyword:  Time management, Critical path method, road constructio

    Colonization Ability of Biological Control Agent Tricoderma spp on Cocoa Pod and Seedling

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    Some  of Trichoderma species  as  antagonistic  fungi  are  usually  considered  soil  microorganism, They  colonize  plant  roots,  some- times  forming  a  symbiotic  relationship.  Three  species  of Trichoderma (T. virens, T. harzianum and T. asperellum) have been inoculated on cacao seedling and  cocoa  pod. Trichoderma species  can  be  re-isolated  from  surface  sterilized  cacao  seedling, including the stem and leaf, root, and pod then observed their colonization ability. Fungal hyphae were observed under the microscope emerging from the leaf, steam, root of seedling and pod as soon as 1 day after their isolation from surface sterilized cacao seedling and pod. All Trichoderma species  were  able  to  enter  and  make  colonization.    The  highest  percentage  of  colonization occurred  in  the T.  harzianum by  73.3%  (leaves),  46.7%  (trunk)  and  86.7%  (roots).  While colonization  on the  skin  cocoa  pod  (epidermis)  also  has  a  different  percentage,  the  highest percentage indicated in the treatment of T. harzianum by 63.3%. We conclude that T. harzianum better  biological  control  agent  base  on  their  ability  to  colonize  all  part  of  seedling and  pod. Trichoderma species into the cacao stem, leaf, root and pod allowing systemic colonization of this tissue

    Analisis Kesempatan Kerja Dan Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja Pada Sektor Pertanian Di Provinsi Aceh

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    ABSTRACT. Agriculture is a leading sector in Aceh economy, showed by the large number of people who work in agricultural areas. This sector contribute the high number of gross domestic product (GDP) to Aceh Province. The problems appear when the growth of community do not followed by the growth of employment. This will cause the increasing of unemployment rate in Aceh Province.This study analyzed the development of agricultural employment and labor productivity in Aceh Province. The analysis was also conducted to calculate the influence of employment to GDP in agricultural sector. Time series data were used from 2003 to 2012 with a simple linear regression method.The results showed the significantly decreasing of agricultural employment  by 16.635 people per year and the increasing of agricultural labor productivity by IDR 11.699.353/ year. The employment has a significant influence to GDP in agricultural sector but it has a negative relationship. The additional increasing of employment will decrease the GDP by IDR 1.255.000 per year. It means that the increasing of labour should be balanced and followed by another production factors to increase the total output of agricultural sector in Aceh Province