2,787 research outputs found

    Russell's hypersurface from a geometric point of view

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    We give a new proof of Makar-Limanov's theorem, which states that Russell's hypersurface is not isomorphic to affine three space.Comment: 6 page


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    TQM refers to a management process and set of disciplines that are coordinated to ensure thatthe organization consistently meets and exceeds customer requirements. TQM engages all divisions,departments and levels of the organization. TQM companies are focused on the systematic management of data in all processes and practices to eliminate waste and pursue continuous improvement. The goal is to deliver the highest value for the customer at the lowest cost while achieving sustained profit and economic stability for the company. While every organization should implement its own specialized form of quality management, there are some basic core principles that guide every quality effort. The single most important element of quality management is the focus on the customer. During this quality process, we will strive frequently to hear from our customers. From this basic concept, that the customer is the ultimate determiner of quality, come the other principles of Quality management. All types of automotive industries , have reduced costs increased process efficiency and improved the quality of their products and services by working to meet the needs of the people they serve through the application of total quality management (TQM) principles. Learning the principles and practices of TQM will help achieve outstanding results and enlist the support of top management in advancing this concept within the organization enabling area managers or supervisors to create a work environment that gets the best from its workers. The proof will be reflected in the results deliver to the customer. With growing global competition, quality management is becoming increasingly important to the leadership and management of automotive industry. Quality management principles provide understanding of and guidance on the application of quality management. By applying following quality management principles, organizations will produce benefits for customers, owners, employees, suppliers and society as a whole.management, total quality management, automotive industry

    Analiza diagnostic a subsitemelor sistemului de management Diagnosis Analysis of the Sub-Sistems of Management System

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    The management system represents all the elements having an organizational, decisional, informational, and methodological character through the agency of whom the process of management is achieved with a view of attaining a maximum level of performance. The managerial machinery of a modern company has a systemic structure within which the interdependencies among the component elements determine the functioning mechanism of the management at all levels. Irrespective of company’s characteristics (profile, size, market position, etc.) the following components of the management system should be noticed: the decisional sub-system, the organizational sub-system, the methodological and managerial sub-system, and the informational sub-system. The paper deals with a profound diagnosis analysis of these sub-systems considering the case of a company which activates within the Romanian energetic industry. The decisional sub-system gathers all the decisions adopted and implemented within the company according to the established goals and to the managerial hierarchical configuration. Integrated within the methodology of managerial analysis of the company, the diagnosis analysis of the decisional sub-system has as a goal the knowledge of its components, namely of the decisions established by managers during a certain period, of the manner the authority within the company is structured, of the decisional tools employed as well as of the part played by the organisms of participative management. Organizational sub-system represents all organizational elements that provide the frame, the division, the combination, and the functionality of labor processes with a view of achieving envisaged goals. The data displayed by the organizational scheme, the organizational and functioning regulations, jobs responsibilities at the level of a machines building company have emphasized several aspects that represent the starting point of analyzing the two components of this management sub-system, namely formal organization and informal organization. Informational sub-system comprises a series of data, items of information, informational fluxes and circuits, procedures and means of approaching information meant to contribute to the settlement and achievement of the company’s goals. The analysis of the informational sub-system has in view the fact that its part is to provide the company’s inner needs of information and its quality depends on the level of development of the technologies of transmitting information. The methodological sub-system designates the group of systems (complex methods), methods, and techniques employed in conceiving and exerting managerial functions and relations within a company. The important mutations that take place within the internal and external environment of the companies determine the managerial team to employ systems, methods, and techniques characteristic to managerial activity that are continually up-dated.diagnosis analysis; management system; decisional sub-system, organizational sub-system; informational sub-system; methodological sub-system

    The group of Cremona transformations generated by linear maps and the standard involution

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    This article studies the group generated by automorphisms of the projective space of dimension nn and by the standard birational involution of degree nn. Every element of this group only contracts rational hypersurfaces, but in odd dimension, there are simple elements having this property which do not belong to the group. Geometric properties of the elements of the group are given, as well as a description of its intersection with monomial transformations

    The decomposition group of a line in the plane

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    We show that the decomposition group of a line LL in the plane, i.e. the subgroup of plane birational transformations that send LL to itself birationally, is generated by its elements of degree 1 and one element of degree 2, and that it does not decompose as a non-trivial amalgamated product.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Optimizing the Managerial Decision in Energetic Industry

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    Making a decision is a complex process which must be based upon a method that is able to establish the optimum criteria in choosing an alternative, in evaluating the main effects of implementing the decision which was taken and in estimating the risks involved. The optimizing methods and techniques fall into several groups. Thus, judging by the number of criteria that was taken into consideration when making decisions, the optimization methods and techniques can be identified as uni-criterial decisions and multi-criterial decisions; considering the objective condition state which affects the problem that needs decisional solution, there can be decisional methods and techniques used in optimizing decisions in conditions of certainty, decisional methods and techniques used in optimizing decisions in conditions of uncertainty and decisional methods and techniques used in optimizing decisions in risky conditions. The continuous improvement of the decisional subsystem - an important component of the firm’s management - represents a necessity under the circumstances that the latest decades reveal a development of the decisional elements, both in the theoretic-methodological field and in the application field. The decisional methods and techniques must be found in the managers’ decisional processes at different hierarchical levels (individual managers or group managers), so that a high scientific materialization level of the methods should be ensured.decision; variant; optimizing methods and techniques; decisional tree; certainty; uncertainty; risk

    VPE: Variational Policy Embedding for Transfer Reinforcement Learning

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    Reinforcement Learning methods are capable of solving complex problems, but resulting policies might perform poorly in environments that are even slightly different. In robotics especially, training and deployment conditions often vary and data collection is expensive, making retraining undesirable. Simulation training allows for feasible training times, but on the other hand suffers from a reality-gap when applied in real-world settings. This raises the need of efficient adaptation of policies acting in new environments. We consider this as a problem of transferring knowledge within a family of similar Markov decision processes. For this purpose we assume that Q-functions are generated by some low-dimensional latent variable. Given such a Q-function, we can find a master policy that can adapt given different values of this latent variable. Our method learns both the generative mapping and an approximate posterior of the latent variables, enabling identification of policies for new tasks by searching only in the latent space, rather than the space of all policies. The low-dimensional space, and master policy found by our method enables policies to quickly adapt to new environments. We demonstrate the method on both a pendulum swing-up task in simulation, and for simulation-to-real transfer on a pushing task

    Amorphous topological superconductivity in a Shiba glass

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    Topological states of matter support quantized nondissipative responses and exotic quantum particles that cannot be accessed in common materials. The exceptional properties and application potential of topological materials have triggered a large-scale search for new realizations. Breaking away from the popular trend focusing almost exclusively on crystalline symmetries, we introduce the Shiba glass as a platform for amorphous topological quantum matter. This system consists of an ensemble of randomly distributed magnetic atoms on a superconducting surface. The collection of magnetic moments gives rise to subgap Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states that form a topological superconducting phase at critical density despite a complete absence of spatial order. Experimental signatures of the amorphous topological state can be obtained by STM measurements probing the topological edge mode. Our discovery demonstrates the physical feasibility of amorphous topological quantum matter and presents a concrete route to fabricating new topological systems from nontopological materials with random dopants.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Effective civic and citizenship education:A cross-cultural perspective

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