
Analiza diagnostic a subsitemelor sistemului de management Diagnosis Analysis of the Sub-Sistems of Management System


The management system represents all the elements having an organizational, decisional, informational, and methodological character through the agency of whom the process of management is achieved with a view of attaining a maximum level of performance. The managerial machinery of a modern company has a systemic structure within which the interdependencies among the component elements determine the functioning mechanism of the management at all levels. Irrespective of company’s characteristics (profile, size, market position, etc.) the following components of the management system should be noticed: the decisional sub-system, the organizational sub-system, the methodological and managerial sub-system, and the informational sub-system. The paper deals with a profound diagnosis analysis of these sub-systems considering the case of a company which activates within the Romanian energetic industry. The decisional sub-system gathers all the decisions adopted and implemented within the company according to the established goals and to the managerial hierarchical configuration. Integrated within the methodology of managerial analysis of the company, the diagnosis analysis of the decisional sub-system has as a goal the knowledge of its components, namely of the decisions established by managers during a certain period, of the manner the authority within the company is structured, of the decisional tools employed as well as of the part played by the organisms of participative management. Organizational sub-system represents all organizational elements that provide the frame, the division, the combination, and the functionality of labor processes with a view of achieving envisaged goals. The data displayed by the organizational scheme, the organizational and functioning regulations, jobs responsibilities at the level of a machines building company have emphasized several aspects that represent the starting point of analyzing the two components of this management sub-system, namely formal organization and informal organization. Informational sub-system comprises a series of data, items of information, informational fluxes and circuits, procedures and means of approaching information meant to contribute to the settlement and achievement of the company’s goals. The analysis of the informational sub-system has in view the fact that its part is to provide the company’s inner needs of information and its quality depends on the level of development of the technologies of transmitting information. The methodological sub-system designates the group of systems (complex methods), methods, and techniques employed in conceiving and exerting managerial functions and relations within a company. The important mutations that take place within the internal and external environment of the companies determine the managerial team to employ systems, methods, and techniques characteristic to managerial activity that are continually up-dated.diagnosis analysis; management system; decisional sub-system, organizational sub-system; informational sub-system; methodological sub-system

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