155 research outputs found

    Infrastructure Improvement and Its Impact on Indonesian Economic Performance

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    Indonesian government shows big commitment on the improvement of infrastructure which is reflected in some regulations and policies. It is supported by many empirical evidences that show the importance of infrastructure improvement on economic performance. In this paper, we develop a CGE model to analyze the impact of infrastructure on Indonesian economy by introducing several types of infrastructure and also discuss the impact of infrastructure on the poverty level. The results suggest that improvement on any types of infrastructure is expected will increase economic growth, raise government revenue, raise factor’s income and reduce the poverty level. Improvement on public work of agriculture, land transportation and telecommunication are still preferable option relative to others. Interestingly, even though public work of agriculture usually is located in rural areas, but the model suggest that public work of agriculture improvement will result higher impact on urban household relative to rural household.CGE


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    Pengalaman-pengalaman positif yang dialami konsumen terhadap suatu merek itulah yang nantinya akan menimbulkan efek emosional dan kepuasan di benak konsumen. Dampak-dampak tersebutlah yang pada akhirnya akan membentuk suatu kepercayaan konsumen terhadap suatu merek, sehingga akan berujung pada peningkatan loyalitas merek. Dengan demikian tampak bahwa hubungan antara merek dengan konsumennya akan sangat penting untuk menciptakan kepercayaan terhadap merek. Kepercayaan terhadap merek tersebut pada akhirnya akan membangun sebuah loyalitas merek. Dimana seorang konsumen mengalami suatu pengalaman di dalam mengkonsumsi suatu merek sehingga pada akhirnya akan menyebabkan loyalitas merek. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah Trust in Brand Terhadap Brand Loyality. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah keseluruhan pelanggan Vitazone di Alfamart Krembung, Sidoarjo. Metode pengambilan sampel dengan metode non probability sampling dengan teknik Purposive Sampling yaitu sampel dipilih berdasarkan kriteria yang sudah ditetapkan oleh peneliti dengan jumlah sampelnya adalah 112 orang Model yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa : dari hasil uji kausalitas Kepercayaan pada merk berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas merek pada Pelanggan minuman isotonik Vitazon

    Pengaruh Koneksi Politik, Dimensi CSR dan Board Diversity Terhadap Agresivitas Pajak

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    One of Indonesia's tax problems is tax aggressiveness done by its taxpayers. This study aims to analyze the effect of political connections, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) dimension and board diversity affect corporate tax aggressiveness. The data used is secondary data from manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2015 to 2019. Sampling was conducted using purposive sampling in order to obtain 290 observations. The study found that political connections by the company have a negative effect on corporate tax aggressiveness while board diversity has no effect on aggressive tax actions. The results of the research on CSR dimension variable found that tax aggressiveness depends on the nature of its CSR dimensions. The economic dimension has no influence on tax aggressiveness, the environmental dimension has a significant negative effect and the social dimension has a significant positive effect on aggressive tax action


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    Seiring dengan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi dewasa ini, khususnya di bidang industri. Maka penggunaan kompresor hampir meliputi di setiap bidang kehidupan, mulai dari industri rumah tangga sampai industri-industri berat. Pada suatu lokasi penambangan minyak dan gas, banyak digunakan alat modern. Salah satunya adalah kompresor. Dalam hal ini adalah Reciprocating Compressors yang jenisnya adalah Superior W74. Kompresor ini digunakan untuk membantu mengangkat migas dan menstabilkan tekanan di dalam formasi/reservoir (perut bumi yang mengandung minyak dan gas). Pada eksperimen ini dibahas mengenai perubahan performansi kompresor Superior W74. Perubahan ini disebabkan perubahan tekanan gas alam ke suction kompresor. Dalam hal ini dibahas mengenai penurunan tekanan gas ke suction kompresor, dengan memasukkan data-data yang ada ke perhitungan sehingga dari hasilnya terlihat perubahan performansinya dan dibandingkan dengan performansi aktual. Diharapkan adanya kajian yang lebih dalam terhadap alat ini untuk pengembangan bahasan lainnya

    Perception Analysis on Tax Audit Quality Jawa Barat I Regional Tax Office Analisis Persepsi Kualitas Pemeriksaan Pajak: Studi Kasus pada Kanwil DJP Jawa Barat I)

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    This paper tries to investigate the quality of tax audit in Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) especially in Jawa Barat I Regional Tax Office (Kanwil DJP Jawa Barat I). In this research, we used a descriptive and qualitative approach. Also, we conduct a deep interview with several key persons in each tax office and officials at DGT Head Office. It is found that the quality of tax audit can be categorizedd as “good”. However, it needs continuous improvement


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    This study aims to determine the process of land and/or building appraisal carried out in the context of monitoring taxpayers at Probolinggo Tax Office (KPP Pratama Probolinggo). Supervision is meant in the form of examination of proof of fulfillment of the obligation to pay income tax on income from the transfer of rights to land and/or buildings or is known as SSP validation. This research was conducted on four land and/or building appraisal reports conducted at KPP Pratama Probolinggo. In addition, this study also aims to determine the constraints faced by the appraiser when assessing land and/or buildings at KPP Pratama Probolinggo


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    Dalam dunia maya yaitu internet, informasi menjadi sesuatu yang sangat penting dan benar-benar hidup. Mobilitas begitu cepat dan bisa didownload, diproduksi, untuk kemudian diupload lagi. Jaringan internet merupakan salah satu sumber informasi paling populer saat ini. Banyak pengguna internet mengakses situs-situs yang berbau pornografi karena situs-situs yang berbau pornografi inilah yang menunjang perkembangan dari internet. Tindak pidana ini dinamakan dengan Cyberporn. Mengingat sangat besar dampak yang diakibatkan oleh perbuatan pornografi terutama pada situs internet, maka pemerintah mengesahkan RUU Anti Pornografi dan Pornoaksi menjadi Undang-Undang Pornografi. Dalam hal ini yang menjadi problem Undang-Undang Pornografi ini adalah sejauh mana efektifitas undang-undang ini. Undang-Undang Pornografi ini berperan aktif dalam penindakan tindak pidana pada situs internet walaupun masih banyak kendala-kendala dalam penerapannya di dalam masyarakat. Peran dari Undang-Undang Pornografi ini adalah untuk memfilter suatu tindak pidana pornografi terutama pornografi internet Cyberporn agar terjadi batasan-batasan bagi pengguna situs internet agar tidak melakukan hal-hal yang berbau porno di suatu situs dunia maya yaitu internet. Dari hasil penelitian telah ditemukan data-data pengguna internet yang melakukan akses situs porno. Ironisnya semua pengguna internet pernah melakukan akses situs porno dari yang sekedar iseng sampai kebutuhan lainnya. Undang-undang ini tidak mampu menjangkau semua aspek pornografi di internet karena sifat dari internet yang selalu terupdate. Undang-undang ini dirasa lemah dalam penanganan masalah pornografi internet. Internet selalu terupdate sehingga modus-modus kejahatan yang timbul tergolong baru sedangkan undang-undang ini tidak ada perubahan tentang isi dari pasal-pasal yang ada.In the virtual world of the internet, information becomes something very important and really life. Data mobility is so fast and can be downloaded, produced, and then uploaded again. The internet network is one of the most popular information sources today. Many internet users access pornographic websites because these pornographic websites support the development of the internet. This criminal act is called Cyberporn. Given the enormous impact caused by pornographic acts, especially on internet sites, the government legalized the Anti-Pornography and Porno-action Bill into Pornography Act. In this case the problem of pornography law is how far the effectiveness of this law. This pornography law plays an active role in criminal prosecution on internet sites although there are still many obstacles in its application in society. The role of this pornography law is to filter out a crime of pornography, especially Internet pornography Cyberporn in order to make restrictions for users of internet sites to not do things that smell porn on a web site that is the internet. From the results of research there are internet data found by users who access porn sites. Ironically all internet users have access to porn sites from a mere fun to other needs. This law is not able to reach all aspects of pornography on the internet because of the nature of the internet is always updated. This law is perceived as weak in handling internet pornography problems. The internet is always updated so that the crime modes that arise are new while the law does not change the contents of the existing articles


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    Pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan merupakan syarat dalam rangka pembangunan hukum nasional yang hanya dapat terwujud apabila didukung oleh metode yang baik, yang mengikat semua lembaga yang berwenang membuat peraturan perundang-undangan. Indonesia merupakan negara hukum yang mempunyai kewajiban melaksanakan pembangunan hukum nasional yang baik, yang dilakukan secara terencana, terpadu dan berkelanjutan dalam sistem hukum nasional. Konsep pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia meliputi beberapa konsep yaitu konsep pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan harus sesuai dengan konsep negara hukum Pancasila. Selain itu, konsep pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan yang baik harus mengedepankan perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia. Konsep pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan yang baik harus mengedepankan asas equality before the law. Konsep pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan yang baik harus sesuai dengan asas-asas pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya oleh undang-undang. Untuk selanjutnya, konsep pembentukan perundang-undangan dibentuk oleh pemegang kekuasaan yang sah, yang dipilih oleh rakyat secara demokrasi.Formation of the legislation is a requirement in the development of national law which can only be achieved if supported by a good method, which is binding on all institutions authorized to make Regulations. Indonesia is a country that has a legal obligation to carry out the development of a good national law, which is done in a planned, sustainable, and integrated into the national legal system. The concept of the establishment of laws and regulations in Indonesia includes several concepts, namely the concept of the establishment of legislation must be in accordance with State law concept of Pancasila. In addition, the concept of the establishment of legislation that either must prioritize the protection of Human Rights. The concept of the establishment of legislation that both must put forward the principle of equality before the law. The concept of the establishment of legislation that either should be in accordance with the principles of the formation of legislation predetermined by law. Henceforth, the concept of the establishment of law established by legal authority, elected by the people in a democracy

    Accounts Receivable Seamless Prediction for Companies by Using Multiclass Data Mining Model

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    Most companies find themselves in highly competitive markets nowadays. As a result, many companies struggle to manage their financial obligation to pay their supplier on time. Delayed payments to suppliers can create all kinds of issue with the supplier's cash flow. Finding a way to reduce or avoid any potential losses because of this delay is needed. Currently, data mining techniques have been widely applied to the assessment or prediction of credit scores for customers in the banking industry (credit scoring), and the most commonly used method is classification. Based on previous studies, research has been conducted to develop a data mining model to produce the best classification model to predict a customer’s payment capabilities. With the application of data mining approaches using oversampling, feature selection (FS) algorithm, including Relief, Information Gain Ratio, PCA, and multiclass algorithm, including Random Forest, SVM, One-versus-all, All-versus-all and Error Correcting Output Coding (ECOC), is expected to produce good accuracy to predict the ability of these payments. As a result of this research, the model proposed can provide the best classification model with 84.24% accuracy and AUC value of 95.3% using sample dataset of manufacturing industry within three years perio
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