20 research outputs found

    Inteligencia Emocional durante el envejecimiento

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    Marco teórico: En la actualidad nos enfrentamos al reto de mejorar la vida de los adultos mayores que cada vez tienen una mayor esperanza de vida. La literatura científica ha mostrado que el desarrollo de constructos psicológicos positivos, tales como la inteligencia emocional (IE), suponen herramientas salutogénicas que pueden actuar como factores protectores ante distintos trastornos afectivos. Los adultos mayores se tornan especialmente vulnerables a ellos, debido especialmente a la gran cantidad de pérdidas que experimentan. Por ello, este trabajo abarca tres objetivos dirigidos a potenciar el estudio de variables positivas que doten a dicha población de recursos adaptativos que contribuyan a su salud psicológica. Objetivos: 1) validar un instrumento de evaluación de IE en adultos mayores; 2) poner a prueba un modelo de predicción de IE con respecto a los estilos de afrontamiento y el estado de ánimo; y 3) reducir el estado de ánimo negativo mediante la aplicación de una intervención en IE. Método: La muestra para los objetivos 1 y 2 estuvo compuesta por 418 adultos mayores de entre 60 y 89 años. La muestra para el objetivo 3 estuvo compuesta por 125 sujetos de entre 60 y 84 años, distribuidos en grupos tratamiento (N=57) y control (N=68). Como instrumentos de evaluación se aplicó el TMMS-24, CAE, CES-D y BHS. Los análisis estadísticos para dar respuesta a los objetivos fueron realizados mediante SPSS 21 y Mplus 7. Resultados: El AF confirmatorio del TMMS-24 mostró resultados adecuados. El modelo estructural mostró que la IE actuaba como predictor positivo del afrontamiento orientado al problema, que a su vez predecía negativamente el estado de ánimo. La intervención en IE centralizó las puntuaciones en atención y aumentó las puntuaciones en claridad y regulación en el grupo tratamiento, se redujeron las puntuaciones en estrategias orientadas a la emoción y se aumentaron en las estrategias orientadas al problema. La intervención redujo además las puntuaciones en la BHS y la CES-D. Discusión: El TMMS-24 es un instrumento válido para la evaluación de la IE en adultos mayores, confirmándose en esta población la estructura factorial propuesta por sus autores. La IE actúa como predictor del estado de ánimo negativo mediada por el afrontamiento orientado al problema. De este modo, el afrontamiento adaptativo podría ser entendido como la IE en acción, actuando como protector ante estados de ánimo negativos. Los adultos mayores pueden beneficiarse de intervenciones en IE basadas en los factores descritos por los modelos de habilidad, mejorando las estrategias de afrontamiento y reduciendo el estado de ánimo negativo. De este modo, la IE supondría un recurso potencial para contribuir a un envejecimiento libre de desórdenes del estado de ánimo negativo

    Is acceptance and commitment therapy helpful in reducing anxiety symptomatology in people aged 65 or over? A systematic review

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    Anxiety-related mental health problems constitute a health challenge, especially in the elderly population. At present, there are few psychological treatments to reduce anxiety adapted to this group. The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review of the literature to determine the therapeutic effects of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on anxiety in older adults, using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) protocol. Two blinded reviewers participated in the search, selection and methodological quality assessment processes; reaching satisfactory levels of agreement between reviewers (κ > 0.70). The search was performed in PubMed, Proquest Central, Scopus and Web of Science; making use of standardized terms for the construction of the algorithm. In the general search 348 studies were found. After applying the eligibility criteria and excluding duplicates, seven articles were extracted for qualitative analysis. The total number of subjects was 633, with an average age of 68.89 years (68.94% women). The analysis of methodological rigor showed moderate indices on average. The publications focused primarily on samples with a diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder, proposing a variety of assessment tests for related dependent variables, especially depressive symptoms and psychological flexibility. Critical analysis of the findings provides evidence for the efficacy of ACT in reducing anxious and depressive symptoms in older adults. This study proposes the use of this procedure as a non-pharmacological alternative for a group usually underrepresented in the scientific literature on this topic

    ¿Están los rasgos de personalidad asociados al bienestar psicológico?

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    There is little information on how personality traits can affect psychological well-being. Studies suggest that the traits with the strongest associations with psychological well-being are neuroticism and extraversion to. The present study investigated associations between personality traits and the six dimensions of psychological well-being in a sample of older Spanish adults. The sample comprised 224 older adults who completed the psychological well-being scales and the NEO-FFI questionnaire. The results were analyzed using multiple linear regressions. Significant associations were found between all the dimensions of psychological well-being: these associations were negative in the case of neuroticism, and positive in the case of extraversion, conscientiousness, openness to experience, and agreeableness. The negative association between neuroticism and the dimensions of psychological well-being suggest that high scores in this trait would be maladaptive for a good aging experience. Positive associations between other personality traits and psychological well-being suggest that they would facilitate optimal functioning during aging.Existe poca información de cómo los rasgos de personalidad puede afectar al bienestar psicológico. Los estudios señalan que el neuroticismo y la extraversión son los rasgos que mayor vinculación poseen con el bienestar psicológico. En este estudio se investigó cómo los rasgos de personalidad se asocian a las seis dimensiones del bienestar psicológico en una muestra de adultos mayores españoles. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 224 adultos mayores a los que se aplicaron las escalas de bienestar psicológico y el cuestionario NEO-FFI. Se analizaron los resultados mediante regresión lineal múltiple. Se obtuvieron asocia-ciones significativas en todas las dimensiones del bienestar psicológico siendo negativas las del neuroti-cismo, y positivas las de extraversión, responsabilidad, apertura a la experiencia y amabilidad. La asociación negativa del neuroticismo con las dimensiones del bienestar psicológico indicaría que una puntuación alta en este rasgo tendría un carácter desadaptativo para un buen envejecer. Las asociaciones positivas de los demás rasgos de personalidad con el bienestar psicológico sugerirían su carácter facilitador para un funcionamiento óptimo durante el envejecimiento

    Home-based transcranial direct current stimulation in mild neurocognitive disorder due to possible Alzheimer's disease. A randomised, single-blind, controlled-placebo study

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    Introduction: Mild neurocognitive disorder (mNCD), a pre-dementia stage close to Mild Cognitive Impairment, shows a progressive and constant decline in the memory domain. Of the non-pharmacological therapeutic interventions that may help to decelerate the neurodegenerative progress, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) shows beneficial effects on the learning curve, immediate recall, immediate verbal memory and executive functions. The purpose of this research was to study the effect of tDCS on general cognition, immediate and delayed memory and executive functions by comparing an active group with a placebo group of mNCD patients. Methods: Participants were 33 mNCD due to possible AD, randomly assigned to two groups: 17 active tDCS and 16 placebo tDCS. Ten sessions of tDCS were conducted over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Several neuropsychological scales were administered to assess the primary outcome measures of general cognitive function, immediate and delayed memory and learning ability, whereas the secondary outcome measures included executive function tests. All participants were evaluated at baseline and at the end of the intervention. Mixed ANOVAs were performed. Results: Significant effects were obtained on general cognitive function, immediate and delayed memory and learning ability, with increases in scores in the active tDCS group. However, there were no significant effects on executive function performance. Conclusion: The present study demonstrated the effectiveness of tDCS in an active tDCS group, compared to a placebo group, in improving general cognition and immediate and delayed memory, as previous studies found. Taken together, our data suggest that tDCS is a simple, painless, reproducible and easy technique that is useful for treating cognitive alterations found in neurodegenerative diseases

    Coping and life satisfaction in colombian older adults

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    Background. Effective coping strategies facilitate older adults’ optimal adaptation and contribute to their well-being. Problem-focused strategies are associated with active styles and enhance well-being. This study analyzes the role of coping strategies in Colombian older adults’ subjective well-being (SWB) using structural equation modelling. Additionally, Confirmatory Factor Analyses of the Life Satisfaction Scale and Coping Strategies Questionnaires are performed. Method. A cross-sectional study is conducted with 455 Colombian older adults, ranging from 65 to 92 years old. Results. The results show that problem-focused coping has a positive effect on SWB, whereas emotion-focused coping has a negative effect on SWB. Conclusions. This article highlights the relationship between effective coping and life satisfaction by showing that problem-focused coping strategies are adaptative and enhance well-being during agin

    Malestar emocional y percepción de amenaza en familiares de personas afectadas por COVID-19

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    Los familiares de personas afectadas por la COVID-19 pudieron experimentar mayor impacto emocional durante el confinamiento, más aún si se tenía una imagen muy amenazante del COVID-19. El objetivo fue analizar la relación entre la psicopatología y la percepción de amenaza en familiares de personas afectadas por COVID-19. Participaron 50 familiares de personas afectadas por COVID-19 (84% mujeres), de entre 20 y 63 años (M=36,88; DT=12,73). Se evaluó la psicopatología (SCL-90-R; Derogatis, Lipman y Covi, 1973) y la percepción de amenaza del COVID (BIP-Q5; Pérez-Fuentes, Molero, Oropesa et al., 2020). Observamos una afectación emocional y una percepción de amenaza moderadas. Quienes tenían enfermedades físicas y psicológicas mostraron menos percepción de amenaza, pero más psicopatología. Mayor percepción de amenaza se asoció con mayor psicopatología. Concluimos que la familia es una parte activa en el proceso de enfermedad, por lo que puede sufrir un gran impacto emocional que debe ser atendido.Relatives of people affected by COVID-19 were able to experience greater emotional impact during confinement, even more so if they had a very threatening image of COVID-19. The aim was to analyse the relationship between psychopathology and the perception of threat in relatives of people affected by COVID-19. Fifty relatives of people affected by COVID-19 (84% women), aged between 20 and 63 years (M=36.88; SD=12.73) participated. Psycho-pathology (SCL-90-R; Derogatis et al., 1973) and perceived threat of COVID (BIP-Q5; Pérez-Fuentes et al., 2020) were assessed. We observed moderate emotional distress and threat perception. Those with physical and psychological illnesses showed less threat perception but more psychopathology. Higher threat perception was associated with higher psychopathology. We conclude that the family is an active part of the disease process and may suffer a great emotional impact that needs to be addresse

    Análisis de predictores de síntomas ansiosos, depresivos y del estrés: Inteligencia emocional y afrontamiento

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    Marco teórico: La Inteligencia Emocional (IE), las estrategias de afrontamiento y la edad parecen jugar un papel importante en la aparición de sintomatología ansiosa, depresiva y de estrés, siendo todos ellos síntomas con una gran prevalencia y repercusión en España. Es por ello que estas variables se convierten en aspectos clave a considerar en relación a la salud mental. Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo pretende comprobar si las habilidades de IE, el afrontamiento y la edad resultan predictores significativos de la psicopatología. Método: Participaron 256 españoles, evaluados en sintomatología ansiosa, depresiva y estrés (DASS-21), IE (TMMS-24) y afrontamiento (CAE). Se llevaron a cabo correlaciones de Pearson y modelos de regresiones jerárquicas (MRJ). Resultados: Los MRJ evidenciaron que una menor edad, menos claridad y altos niveles en atención, expresión emocional y autofocalización negativa predicen la ansiedad y el estrés, mientras que la depresión estuvo predicha por una alta atención y autofocalización y una baja claridad. Conclusiones: Señalamos la relevancia de la IE y el afrontamiento orientado a las emociones en la predicción de la psicopatología.Introduction: Emotional Intelligence (EI), coping strategies and age seem to play an important role in the appearance of anxious, depressive and stress symptoms, all of which are symptoms with a high prevalence and repercussion in Spain. This is why these variables become key aspects to consider in relation to mental health. Therefore, the aim of this study is to test whether EI skills, coping and age are significant predictors of psychopathology. Methods: 256 Spaniards aged 18 to 83 years old (M = 39,37; SD = 12,37), from which 74.60% were women participated in the study and were assessed on anxious, depressive and stress symptoms (DASS-21), EI (TMMS-24) and coping (CAE). Pearson correlations and hierarchical regression models (HRM) were carried out. Results: The younger participants, who presented higher levels of attention and emotional expression, lower levels of clarity and negative autofocalization presented a higher probability of having symptoms of anxiety and stress. Meanwhile, high scores in emotional attention and in autofocalization, and low scores in clarity increased the probability of depression. Conclusions: We point to the relevance of EI and emotion-oriented coping in relation to psychopathology, which results to be a valious data when it comes to designing interventions to prevent or reduce mental health problems

    Malestar emocional y percepción de amenaza en familiares de personas afectadas por COVID-19

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    Relatives of people affected by COVID-19 were able to experience greater emotional impact during confinement, even more so if they had a very threatening image of COVID-19. The aim was to analyse the relationship between psychopathology and the perception of threat in relatives of people affected by COVID-19. Fifty relatives of people affected by COVID-19 (84% women), aged between 20 and 63 years (M=36.88; SD=12.73) participated. Psycho- pathology (SCL-90-R; Derogatis et al., 1973) and perceived threat of COVID (BIP-Q5; Pérez-Fuentes et al., 2020) were assessed. We observed moderate emotional distress and threat perception. Those with physical and psychological illnesses showed less threat perception but more psychopathology. Higher threat perception was associated with higher psychopathology. We conclude that the family is an active part of the disease process and may suffer a great emotional impact that needs to be addressed

    Psicopatología, apego y apoyo social en familiares de personas afectadas por COVID-19

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a severe emotional impact on those who have suffered from the disease, but also on their families. Secure attachment and social support can cushion or prevent these negative effects. The aim of the present study was to assess risk and protective factors in relatives of people affected by COVID-19. Method: After signing informed consent, we assessed participants (n=50) on psychopathology (SCL-90-R), attachment (CAA) and social support (MOS-SSS). Results: Family members who participated presented with emotional distress, insecure attachment bonds and moderate social support. Males and people with previous mental or physical health problems were more affected. Greater psychopathology was associated with insecure attachments and less social support. Discussion: The family is an active part of the illness and can be severely affected when one of their members get a coronavirus infection. Intervention programmes should be aimed at strengthening emotional and social support bond

    ¿Están los rasgos de personalidad asociados al bienestar psicológico?

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    There is little information on how personality traits can affect psychological well-being. Studies suggest that the traits with the strongest associations with psychological well-being are neuroticism and extraversion to. The present study investigated associations between personality traits and the six dimensions of psychological well-being in a sample of older Spanish adults. The sample comprised 224 older adults who completed the psychological well-being scales and the NEO-FFI questionnaire. The results were analyzed using multiple linear regressions. Significant associations were found between all the dimensions of psychological well-being: these associations were negative in the case of neuroticism, and positive in the case of extraversion, conscientiousness, openness to experience, and agreeableness. The negative association between neuroticism and the dimensions of psychological well-being suggest that high scores in this trait would be maladaptive for a good aging experience. Positive associations between other personality traits and psychological well-being suggest that they would facilitate optimal functioning during aging.Existe poca información de cómo los rasgos de personalidad puede afectar al bienestar psicológico. Los estudios señalan que el neuroticismo y la extraversión son los rasgos que mayor vinculación poseen con el bienestar psicológico. En este estudio se investigó cómo los rasgos de personalidad se asocian a las seis dimensiones del bienestar psicológico en una muestra de adultos mayores españoles. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 224 adultos mayores a los que se aplicaron las escalas de bienestar psicológico y el cuestionario NEO-FFI. Se analizaron los resultados mediante regresión lineal múltiple. Se obtuvieron asocia-ciones significativas en todas las dimensiones del bienestar psicológico siendo negativas las del neuroti-cismo, y positivas las de extraversión, responsabilidad, apertura a la experiencia y amabilidad. La asociación negativa del neuroticismo con las dimensiones del bienestar psicológico indicaría que una puntuación alta en este rasgo tendría un carácter desadaptativo para un buen envejecer. Las asociaciones positivas de los demás rasgos de personalidad con el bienestar psicológico sugerirían su carácter facilitador para un funcionamiento óptimo durante el envejecimiento