1,902 research outputs found

    The pornography by the critical program

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    Susan Sontag escribió un polémico artículo sobre la pornografía: “The pornographic Imagination” en el que hace una referencia a Hegel. Hegel cambia radicalmente el modo de entender el quehacer filosófico y así inaugura, a su entender, un nuevo lenguaje post-religioso que abre posibilidades hasta entonces desconocidas a la cultura occidental. El concepto de negatividad es central. La pornografía es un ejercicio radical de negatividad. El sujeto recorre un camino de aprendizaje doloroso pero necesario para llegar a su liberación. Por esta vía “crítica” van a discurrir autores como Freud, Sartre, Derrida o Genet que presentamos brevemente en este artículo de la mano de SontagSusan Sontag wrote a controversial article about pornography: “The pornographic Imagination” in which she refers to Hegel. Hegel radically changes the way of understanding the philosophical task and thus inaugurates, in her understanding, a new post-religious language that opens possibilities hitherto unknown to Western culture. The concept of negativity is central. Pornography is a radical exercise in negativity. The subject travels a painful but necessary learning path to reach their liberation. In this “critical” way, authors such as Freud, Sartre, Derrida or Genet are presents briefly in this article coming from the hand of Sonta

    Myth, Form and Intertextuality in Edwin Muir

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    Edwin Muir has often embarrassed critics as a rara avis. He was overlooked by anthologists before 1950 and, although subsequent anthologies never failed to include him, he was still hard to place for many readers. Labelled as a “traditionalist” or a “craftsman”, his later work proves however that Muir was much more. Understanding his use of myth, form and intertextuality enables us to rethink the significance of his work in the twentieth-century context

    El teatro de Manuel Altolaguirre: 'El espacio interior'

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    Manuel Altolaguirre rehizo el mismo material autobiográfico en varios textos: poemas, autobiografía, artículos y dramas. 'El espacio interior', pese a encontrarse inacabada, es tal vez la más ambiciosa de sus piezas dramáticas y en ella el autor se remite a modelos de la vanguardia de entreguerras para, desde su exilio mejicano, escenificar sus recuerdos y sus problemas de conciencia. Manuel Altolaguirre reworked the same autobiographical materials in several texts: in some of his poems, in his autobiography, in a few articles and in some of his plays. 'El espacio interior', though unfinished and never brought to the stage, is surely his most ambitious play and proves itself most revealing about the author’s mental workings; in it, he goes back to some of the entre-deux-guerres avantgarde models he had known before becoming an exile and tries to explore and analize his own conscience

    Análisis de los trabajos prácticos de química general en un primer curso de universidad

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    Learning in the laboratory has been and still is a highly controversial issue among science educators although there are not many studies carried out in Spanish Universities. This paper reports an evaluation of the current situation in a Laboratory of General Chemistry. For the purpose of this research, a model of learning has been adopted and an evaluation of students attitude towards the Practical Works has been made

    The educational potential of Inclusion: Coopeative Learning

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    Nuestra escuela intenta crear una comunidad amable que acepte gente de diferentes culturas y posición socio-económica, como un medio de promover una sociedad inclusiva. La globalización implica que nuestra sociedad y, por lo tanto, nuestra clase sea cada vez más diversa y heterogénea. Por ello, creemos que el aprendizaje cooperativo es el único camino para conseguir una educación integral para todos. Este desafío implica un desarrollo profundo de tres mecanismos pedagógicos complejos: la personalización de la enseñanza, la autonomía del estudiante y la estructuración cooperativa del proceso de aprendizaje.We intend to create a warm welcoming community that accepts people from any cultural background, as a way to promote an inclusive society. Globalization brings together more people than ever and heterogeneity is one of our classroom’s main characteristic. We believe that cooperative learning is the only path to achieve integral education for everyone, as it is stated in the Salamanca Statement (Salamanca, 1994). This challenge implies a deep development of a complex pedagogical mechanism based on three supporting pillars: the teaching-learning process personalization, students’ autonomy and cooperative structure of the learning process

    Second Language learning in Infant Education: Storytelling technique

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    Los niños de Educación Infantil no aprenden la lengua inglesa mediante el estudio de su código, los niños se encuentran en atmósferas reales donde tienen que utilizar la lengua para conseguir cierto objetivo. Así, aprendemos la lengua extranjera mediante su uso. En este artículo se explicará cómo crear esta atmósfera compartida donde contextualizar el lenguaje. Asimismo, se proponen varias actividades, desde la dramatización de un cuento hasta la generalización de las estructuras lingüísticas.English language is not learned by studying the code system anymore, children find themselves in real atmospheres where they have to use the target language for a purpose or to complete certain task. That is said, we learn languages by using them. In this paper, it is explained how to create a shared atmospheres in order to contextualize language. Therefore, different activities are provided, starting from dramatisation towards the generalization of language

    La metafóra especular: Altolaguirre en su centenario

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    La lectura de la poesía de Altolaguirre se ha visto determinada en gran medida por la leyenda de la propia persona de Altolaguirre, divulgada por sus compañeros de generación. No pocas de las aproximaciones críticas han adoptado, por tanto, un paradigma biografista y con frecuencia psicoanalítico, al que aquí se pretende ofrecer una alternativa en ideas como las de Paul Ricoeur: la de una articulación coherente del yo y la de la configuración de ese yo por medio del lenguaje. Reading Manuel s poetry has been ofteh obstrused by the popet’s own person and legend, partly derived from his own behaviour and partly from testimonies from some members of his generation . Thus, during the sixties and seventies some critics performed a biographic and / or psychoanalytic approach which showed a common increasing interest in his poetry, but did not allow to grasp some aspects of his work. Here a different approach, based on Paul Ricoeur’s ideas, is proposed through the analysis of metaphor and self in his poems

    ¿Revolucionario y burgués?: el teatro de Cernuda

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    Este artículo reconstruye las circunstancias personales, históricas y literarias en las que Cernuda escribió su pieza dramática La familia interrumpida, con la intención de entresacar de estas cuestiones algunas claves para explicar esa incursión cernudiana en un género al que en principio se mostraba tan poco proclive. This paper traces the circumstances –of a biographical, historical and literary kind– under which the poet Luis Cernuda attempted his only play, La familia interrumpida. I intend to draw from these issues a few keys that might explain this astonishing incursion in a genre he was not very fond of

    "Just a good Frenchwoman": How gender roles are reinforced and questioned in Irène Némirovsky's Suite Française (2004) in the context of WWII

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    32 p. : il. -- Bibliogr.: p. 29-32There is an ongoing debate among historians and Gender Studies’ scholars regarding the effect war has on gender roles. Some believe that war has in many occasions offered new opportunities to women, that they were liberated from some gender roles, while others assert that, although in wartime women have taken new roles or been liberated from traditional roles, these changes were not preserved after the war. In this dissertation I argue that although the Paris exodus and the National Socialist occupation during WWII reinforce gender roles on women in Irène Némirovsky’s Suite Française, that situation also provides an opportunity of liberation from these, since the historical context helps them women to free from the traditional roles they have been assigned. In order to show this, I will first provide the sociohistorical context of women before and after WWII in France (the novel’s setting) and Germany (from which Nazi soldiers that occupy France are from). Then I will explain Irène Némirovsky’s life, literary career and the situation in which she wrote the novel. Afterwards, I will analyse the text through a feminist perspective highlighting the different instances of reinforcement and liberation of gender roles in female characters. The analysis conducted in this dissertation shows that regarding the reinforcement of gender roles, perpetuation of traditional roles resides in young male characters and that in some cases there is a double burden for women (due to gender and social class) as well as double standards with regard to men and women. On the other hand, liberation from gender roles is in some cases not definitive or a double-edged weapon. Nevertheless, in the case of some characters there is deep development, which results in independence. After the war, however, it is highly possible for women to be assigned the roles they were liberated from during the war