1,986 research outputs found

    Instrumental oscillations in RHESSI count rates during solar flares

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    Aims: We seek to illustrate the analysis problems posed by RHESSI spacecraft motion by studying persistent instrumental oscillations found in the lightcurves measured by RHESSI's X-ray detectors in the 6-12 keV and 12-25 keV energy range during the decay phase of the flares of 2004 November 4 and 6. Methods: The various motions of the RHESSI spacecraft which may contribute to the manifestation of oscillations are studied. The response of each detector in turn is also investigated. Results: We find that on 2004 November 6 the observed oscillations correspond to the nutation period of the RHESSI instrument. These oscillations are also of greatest amplitude for detector 5, while in the lightcurves of many other detectors the oscillations are small or undetectable. We also find that the variation in detector pointing is much larger during this flare than the counterexample of 2004 November 4. Conclusions: Sufficiently large nutation motions of the RHESSI spacecraft lead to clearly observable oscillations in count rates, posing a significant hazard for data analysis. This issue is particularly problematic for detector 5 due to its design characteristics. Dynamic correction of the RHESSI counts, accounting for the livetime, data gaps, and the transmission of the bi-grid collimator of each detector, is required to overcome this issue. These corrections should be applied to all future oscillation studies.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Automated identification of neurons and their locations

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    Individual locations of many neuronal cell bodies (>10^4) are needed to enable statistically significant measurements of spatial organization within the brain such as nearest-neighbor and microcolumnarity measurements. In this paper, we introduce an Automated Neuron Recognition Algorithm (ANRA) which obtains the (x,y) location of individual neurons within digitized images of Nissl-stained, 30 micron thick, frozen sections of the cerebral cortex of the Rhesus monkey. Identification of neurons within such Nissl-stained sections is inherently difficult due to the variability in neuron staining, the overlap of neurons, the presence of partial or damaged neurons at tissue surfaces, and the presence of non-neuron objects, such as glial cells, blood vessels, and random artifacts. To overcome these challenges and identify neurons, ANRA applies a combination of image segmentation and machine learning. The steps involve active contour segmentation to find outlines of potential neuron cell bodies followed by artificial neural network training using the segmentation properties (size, optical density, gyration, etc.) to distinguish between neuron and non-neuron segmentations. ANRA positively identifies 86[5]% neurons with 15[8]% error (mean[st.dev.]) on a wide range of Nissl-stained images, whereas semi-automatic methods obtain 80[7]%/17[12]%. A further advantage of ANRA is that it affords an unlimited increase in speed from semi-automatic methods, and is computationally efficient, with the ability to recognize ~100 neurons per minute using a standard personal computer. ANRA is amenable to analysis of huge photo-montages of Nissl-stained tissue, thereby opening the door to fast, efficient and quantitative analysis of vast stores of archival material that exist in laboratories and research collections around the world.Comment: 38 pages. Formatted for two-sided printing. Supplemental material and software available at http://physics.bu.edu/~ainglis/ANRA

    Isotopic evidence for iron mobility during subduction

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    Subduction zones are one of the most important sites of chemical interchange between the Earth's surface and interior. One means of explaining the high Fe3+/ΣFe ratios and oxidized nature of primary arc magmas is the transfer of sulfate (SOX), carbonate (CO3 -), and/or iron (Fe3+) bearing fluids from the slab to the overlying mantle. Iron mobility and Fe stable isotope fractionation in fluids are influenced by Fe redox state and the presence of chlorine and/or sulfur anions. Here we use Fe stable isotopes (δ56Fe) as a tracer of iron mobility in serpentinites from Western Alps metaophiolites, which represent remnants of oceanic lithosphere that have undergone subduction-related metamorphism and devolatilization. A negative correlation (R2 = 0.72) is observed between serpentinite bulk δ56Fe and Fe3+/ΣFe that provides the first direct evidence for the release of Fe-bearing fluids during serpentinite devolatilization in subduction zones. The progressive loss of isotopically light Fe from the slab with increasing degree of prograde metamorphism is consistent with the release of sulfate-rich and/or hypersaline fluids, which preferentially complex isotopically light Fe in the form of Fe(II)-SOX or Fe(II)- Cl2 species. Fe isotopes can therefore be used as a tracer of the nature of slab-derived fluids. © 2016 Geological Society of America

    Observations of quasi-periodic solar X-ray emission as a result of MHD oscillations in a system of multiple flare loops

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    We investigate the solar flare of 20 October 2002. The flare was accompanied by quasi-periodic pulsations (QPP) of both thermal and nonthermal hard X-ray emissions (HXR) observed by RHESSI in the 3-50 keV energy range. Analysis of the HXR time profiles in different energy channels made with the Lomb periodogram indicates two statistically significant time periods of about 16 and 36 seconds. The 36-second QPP were observed only in the nonthermal HXR emission in the impulsive phase of the flare. The 16-second QPP were more pronounced in the thermal HXR emission and were observed both in the impulsive and in the decay phases of the flare. Imaging analysis of the flare region, the determined time periods of the QPP and the estimated physical parameters of magnetic loops in the flare region allow us to interpret the observations as follows. 1) In the impulsive phase energy was released and electrons were accelerated by successive acts with the average time period of about 36 seconds in different parts of two spatially separated, but interacting loop systems of the flare region. 2) The 36-second periodicity of energy release could be caused by the action of fast MHD oscillations in the loops connecting these flaring sites. 3) During the first explosive acts of energy release the MHD oscillations (most probably the sausage mode) with time period of 16 seconds were excited in one system of the flare loops. 4) These oscillations were maintained by the subsequent explosive acts of energy release in the impulsive phase and were completely damped in the decay phase of the flare.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Burkholderia pseudomallei traced to water treatment plant in Australia.

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    Burkholderia pseudomallei was isolated from environmental specimens 1 year after an outbreak of acute melioidosis in a remote coastal community in northwestern Australia. B. pseudomallei was isolated from a water storage tank and from spray formed in a pH-raising aerator unit. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis confirmed the aerator and storage tank isolates were identical to the outbreak strain, WKo97

    DMTPC: A dark matter detector with directional sensitivity

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    By correlating nuclear recoil directions with the Earth's direction of motion through the Galaxy, a directional dark matter detector can unambiguously detect Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs), even in the presence of backgrounds. Here, we describe the Dark Matter Time-Projection Chamber (DMTPC) detector, a TPC filled with CF4 gas at low pressure (0.1 atm). Using this detector, we have measured the vector direction (head-tail) of nuclear recoils down to energies of 100 keV with an angular resolution of <15 degrees. To study our detector backgrounds, we have operated in a basement laboratory on the MIT campus for several months. We are currently building a new, high-radiopurity detector for deployment underground at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant facility in New Mexico.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, proceedings for the CIPANP 2009 conference, May 26-31, 200

    Energy Release from Impacting Prominence Material Following the 2011 June 7 Eruption

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    Solar filaments exhibit a range of eruptive-like dynamic activity, ranging from the full or partial eruption of the filament mass and surrounding magnetic structure as a coronal mass ejection to a fully confined or failed eruption. On 2011 June 7, a dramatic partial eruption of a filament was observed by multiple instruments on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and Solar-Terrestrial Relations Observatory. One of the interesting aspects of this event is the response of the solar atmosphere as non-escaping material falls inward under the influence of gravity. The impact sites show clear evidence of brightening in the observed extreme ultraviolet wavelengths due to energy release. Two plausible physical mechanisms for explaining the brightening are considered: heating of the plasma due to the kinetic energy of impacting material compressing the plasma, or reconnection between the magnetic field of low-lying loops and the field carried by the impacting material. By analyzing the emission of the brightenings in several SDO/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly wavelengths, and comparing the kinetic energy of the impacting material (7.6 10(exp 26) - 5.8 10(exp 27) erg) to the radiative energy (approx. 1.9 10(exp 25) - 2.5 10(exp 26) erg), we find the dominant mechanism of energy release involved in the observed brightening is plasma compression

    The Variability of Seyfert 1.8 and 1.9 Galaxies at 1.6 microns

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    We present a study of Seyfert 1.5-2.0 galaxies observed at two epochs with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) at 1.6 microns. We find that unresolved nuclear emission from 9 of 14 nuclei varies at the level of 10-40% on timescales of 0.7-14 months, depending upon the galaxy. A control sample of Seyfert galaxies lacking unresolved sources and galaxies lacking Seyfert nuclei show less than 3% instrumental variation in equivalent aperture measurements. This proves that the unresolved sources are non-stellar and associated with the central pc of active galactic nuclei. Unresolved sources in Seyfert 1.8 and 1.9 galaxies are not usually detected in HST optical surveys, however high angular resolution infrared observations will provide a way to measure time delays in these galaxies.Comment: accepted by ApJLetters (emulateapj latex

    Moments of Inertia of Nuclei in the Rare Earth Region: A Relativistic versus Non-Relativistic Investigation

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    A parameter free investigation of the moments of inertia of ground state rotational bands in well deformed rare-earth nuclei is carried out using Cranked Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov (CRHB) and non-relativistic Cranked Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (CHFB) theories. In CRHB theory, the relativistic fields are determined by the non-linear Lagrangian with the NL1 force and the pairing interaction by the central part of finite range Gogny D1S force. In CHFB theory, the properties in particle-hole and particle-particle channels are defined solely by Gogny D1S forces. Using an approximate particle number projection before variation by means of the Lipkin Nogami method improves the agreement with the experimental data, especially in CRHB theory. The effect of the particle number projection on the moments of inertia and pairing energies is larger in relativistic than in non-relativistic theory.Comment: 18 pages + 2 PostScript figure