1,225 research outputs found

    Tiyatroculuk bence ıstırap işidir

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 103-Müjdat GezenUnutma İstanbul projesi İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı'nın 2016 yılı "Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı İstanbul Mali Destek Programı" kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TR10/16/YNY/010

    The application of aliminum foam for the heat and noise reduction in automobiles

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Izmir, 2005Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 77-81)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxiv, 91 leavesAn experimental study has been conducted to investigate the effective thermal conductivity and sound absorption coefficient of Al and SiCparticle/Al closed-cell foams.The foams were prepared using the foaming of powder compact processes developed by Fraunhofer CMAM. The foaming of powder compact process has been extended for the foaming of composite compacts containing 10 weight percent of SiC particles. Effective thermal conductivity measurements were performed using the temperature distribution for steady state conduction through a uniform plane wall method. The sound absorption coefficient measurements were conducted using the standing wave ratio method. The effect of hole drilling on the sound absorption coefficient of foams was also investigated. The measured effective thermal conductivities of the foams were also fitted to the previously developed effective thermal conductivity models of metal foams.The effective thermal conductivities of studied Al foams were then expressed as function of percent porosity with the best-fitted model equation. The effective thermal conductivity values of Al foams were also compared with those of Alporas closed and ERG open cell foams produced by the foaming of Al melt and investment casting methods, respectively. The sound absorption coefficients of Al and SiC/Al foams were found relatively low and similar at lower relative densities and frequencies. Hole drilling was found to be effective in increasing sound absorption values of foam above400 Hz. The sound absorption in Al and SiC/Al foams was further explained based on the viscous losses and thermal damping effects

    Vyresnio amžiaus imigrantų požiūris į sveikatos priežiūrą priimančiosiose šalyse: apžvalga

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    Older immigrants may have different needs regarding health and care services compared to other age groups. There are suggestions for adapting health services to the elderly and even immigrant elderly in order to provide equal service to everyone. There are studies indicating that with advancing age chronic diseases increase and functional capacity decreases, resulting in poorer physical and psychosocial health in immigrant elderly than in the general elderly population. It is stated that immigrants’ use of health services is lower than that of general population. Cultural and social factors influence health behaviors, opportunities, wishes and barriers for patients to access and use health and care services. Studies stated that elderly immigrants not knowing how to apply for health services, having language problems and being ineffective in communication with healthcare professionals, and experiencing lack of/insufficient social, community and family support, are lead to isolation and inadequate use of health services. In the narrative review, it is aimed to explore the existing research which was conducted on the experiences and perspectives of older immigrants, formal and informal caregivers and healthcare workers regarding health and care services and as well as interventions for better adaptation of health and care services among older immigrants.Vyresnio amžiaus imigrantai gali turėti kitokių sveikatos ir globos poreikių nei kitų amžiaus grupių atstovai. Atitinkami yra siūlomi politiniai sprendimia kaip pritaikyti sveikatos priežiūros paslaugas pagyvenusiems žmonėms ir net pagyvenusiems imigrantams taip, kad paslaugos būtų prieinamos. Tyrimai rodo, kad senstant auga lėtinių ligų skaičius ir mažėja funkcinis pajėgumas, tačiau dėl prieinamumo prie paslaugų skirtumo pagyvenusių imigrantų fizinė ir psichosocialinė sveikata yra prastesnė. Kultūriniai, socialiniai veiksniai daro įtaką pacientų sveikatos elgsenai, galimybėms gauti ir naudotis sveikatos priežiūros ir globos paslaugomis. Tyrimai rodo, kad vyresnio amžiaus imigrantai, nežinodami, kur kreiptis dėl sveikatos paslaugų, nemokėdami gerai kalbos, gaudami nepakankamą socialinę, bendruomenės ir šeimos paramą, susiduria su iššūkiais prieinant prie sveikatos ir globos paslaugų. Šioje apžvalgoje siekiama apžvelgti esamus tyrimus, kurie buvo atlikti siekiant išsiaiškinti vyresnio amžiaus imigrantų, formalių ir neformalių slaugytojų bei sveikatos priežiūros darbuotojų patirtį ir požiūrį į sveikatos ir globos paslaugas bei intervencines priemones, skirtas geresniam vyresnio amžiaus imigrantų sveikatos ir priežiūros paslaugų pritaikymui

    Inspection of Defects on Rebar in ReinforcedConcretebyMagneticMeasurementSystem

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    Rebar is the critical component of the reinforced concrete structures. It is directly related with the strength of the structure. Rebar protects this strength long-time under appropriate conditions and it should be inspect properly during its lifetime. In this study, a magnetic system has been constructed to inspect rebar and also to analyze structure. Several tests and experiments were done on structure with magnetic system. It was shown that the constructedmagnetic system was succeeded in detecting iron imperfections and imperfections.Demir donatı, betonarme yapıların kritik bileşenidir. Doğrudan yapının gücü ile ilgilidir. Demir donatı, bu kuvveti uygun koşullar altında uzun süre korur ve kullanım ömrü boyunca doğru bir şekilde kontrol edilmelidir. Bu çalışmada, demir donatıyı incelemek ve yapıyı analiz etmek için manyetik bir sistem oluşturulmuştur. Oluşturulan manyetik sistem ile yapı üzerinde çeşitli testler ve deneyler yapılmıştır. Oluşturulan manyetik sistemin demir donatıyı ve üzerindeki kusurları tespit etmede başarılı olduğu görülmüştür

    Foreign Military, Economic, Diplomatic Interventions, and the Termination of Civil Wars: An Integrative Approach

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    What are the effects of foreign interventions in ending civil conflicts, especially when multiple different intervention types are deployed in a given dispute? Research to date has studied the role of third parties exclusively focusing on a single intervention type at the expense of others. The current project breaks with that tradition by proposing an integrative framework that incorporates various intervention types—military, economic, and diplomatic studies—employed in one conflict. More specifically, it begins with an interdependence model in which earlier external involvements in a conflict inform subsequent ones, demonstrating that interventions used within a civil war are interrelated with one another. Next, using mathematical models, it generates interventionary patterns in which foreign involvements are sequenced according to their chronological orders, integrating multiple intervention types. Finally, it develops an extended form of bargaining model that accounts for how each interventionary pattern influences civil wars by shifting the power distribution as it also reveals private information in regard to the real capacities of warring parties. Most importantly, the new bargaining framework incorporates the asymmetrical aspects of civil wars, enabling to assess how interventions impact conflict outcomes based on the party they are targeted. Ultimately, the project concludes that external interventions in any form, regardless of its target, end up with increasing opposition’s capacity while undermining incumbent, including, most conspicuously, any state-sided military assistance. The findings overall highlight the asymmetrical implications of foreign interventions in civil wars and the importance of concerted efforts in terminating these conflicts—a result that is undergirded by the incorporation of multiple interventions into the analysis

    collected from South and South-eastern regions of Turkey

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    A total of 45 lizards (Acanthodactylus harranensis [n = 15], Acanthodacthylus schreiberi [n = 9] and Mesalina brevirostris [n = 21]) were collected from South and Southeastern Regions of Turkey and examined for helminth fauna. Acanthodactylus harranensis harbored 1 species of Nematoda (Skrjabinodon sp.), 1 species of Cestoda (Oochoristica tuberculata) and 1 species of Acanthocephala (Centrorhynchus sp. [cystacanth]). Acanthodactylus schreiberi harbored unidentified cysticercoids. Mesalina brevirostris harbored 1 species of Nematoda (Spauligodon saxicolae). All lizards represents new host records for the helminths reported in this study

    Prologue: Marketing in the Modern Age

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