87 research outputs found


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    Pendidikan karakter seharusnya dimulai sejak pendidikan anak usia dini sampai kepada pendidikan tinggi. Pendidikan karakter memiliki potensi untuk mendorong kaum millennials dalam bergaul dalam lingkungan sekolah maupun dalam lingkungan kehidupan sehari-hari. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan ini adalah kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan tentang trik konsolidasi Pendidikan Karakter  melalui model pembelajaran Project Based Learning pada pembelajaran MIPA. Adapun subjek dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 24 orang mahasiswa STKIP Muhammadiyah Sungai Penuh. Proses penelitian ini melibatkan beberapa tahap yang meliputi diskusi kelompok kecil, survei langsung ke lapangan, analisis data dan serta pengolahan data selanjutnya penyajian hasil. Penelitian ini berlangsung selama tiga minggu. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik presentase dengan menggambarkan setiap aspek sebagai acuan untuk berikutnya. Pendidikan karakter yang ditekankan pada mahasiswa dengan menggunakan berbagai trik konsolidasi dalam pembelajaran MIPA seperti penenaman nilai moral, prilaku etos kerja, pengembangan berbagai emosional dan rasa kasih sayang, ponis, kebiasaan, dan lain sebagainya. Hal ini harus dibiasakan kepada setiap mahasiswa untuk memastika mahasiswa memiliki karakteristik dan integritas yang tinggi yang meliputi aspek pengetahuan atau pemahaman, sikap dan ketrampilan. Melalui integrasi nilai-nilai karakter dalam pembelajaran MIPA, perguruan tinggi dapat menciptakan lulusan yang tidak hanya memiliki keunggulan akademis tetapi juga membawa sikap, nilai-nilai, dan etika yang kuat dalam menjalani karir dan berkontribusi pada masyarakat

    The Concept of Maqasid al-Shariah As an Instruments of Ijtihad According to Imam al-Shatibi in al-Muwafaqat fi Ushuli Al-Shariah

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    As written in al-Muwafaqat fi Ushuli al-Syari'ah, Imam al-Shatibi explained that every divine law (the command of Allah) must be prescribed on purposes. The intended purposes or objective of the law is to fulfill for the benefit of humankind. Imam al-Shatibi divided the higher objectives of law into two categories: (1) the objectives of the Lawgiver (Allah), and (2) the human objectives (the benefits that refer to humankind as the doer of law). The human objectives are defined in three scales: from the ‘essential’ (dharûriyat), to the ‘necessary’ (hajiyât), and to the ‘complementary’ (tahsiniyât). Furthermore, Imam Al-Shatibi explained that there are four steps in understanding the human objectives. The first is understanding maqasid (objectives) through the purity of the command and prohibitions. The second is understanding maqasid through the existence of ‘illah (basis) contained in commands and prohibitions. And the third, understanding the maqasid through the law that related to 'adah (customs) and 'ibadah (worship) which have the main and additional objectives. Fourth, understanding the maqasid through silence on the part of Allah due to the absence of any occasions or circumstances for further declaration related to certain matter. In other word, there is no evidence from the Holy book on certain issue which provides the reasons of the law implementation despite the existence of the meaning (ma’na) behind the revelation

    Manajemen Mutu Terpadu dalam Pendidikan Islam

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    Total Quality Management (TQM) or Integrated Quality Management in the field of Islamic education has the ultimate goal of improving quality and competitiveness for output (graduates) with indicators of competency both intellectual and skill as well as high social competence of students/graduates. In achieving these results, the implementation of TQM in Islamic education organizations needs to be done truthfully, not half-heartedly. By utilizing all the quality entities that exist within the organization, our education will not run where it is today. Implementation of TQM in educational organizations, especially in Islamic educational institutions, is not easy. There are obstacles in the work culture, the performance of teachers and employees is very influential. There is no denying that the work culture, performance and discipline of civil servants in our country is very low. This greatly affects the effectiveness of TQM implementation. This study uses the approach of the concept of Integrated Quality Management and the concept of Quality Management in Islamic Education. While this research uses library research methods, and qualitative methods. This research is expected to be able to provide input and good knowledge of new knowledge for the world of education, especially in Islamic education

    Does it Exist? HRM Department in Jordanian Companies

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    This exploratory study explores the existence of effective HRM in Jordanian organizations and HRM potential challenges. The study targeted all Jordanian organizations listed in Amman Stocks Exchange at the end of (2015), in total 54 companies were surveyed. The study main data collection was the questionnaire which was distributed to 270 HR staff in the targeted companies. Statistical tests within the SPSS were used to analyze the collected data. The results show the concept of strategic HRM is not yet found or existed. There was little evidence in the majority of the surveyed organizations had in term of effectiveness of HRM policies and practices; they were seen as ineffective. Moreover, the results emphasized lack of top management recognition, support and commitment toward HRM policies and activities as one of the obvious HRM challenges. There was a general tendency among participants in all of the surveyed organizations that their HRM staff view their jobs as routine administration, and they lack the influence and credibility to develop and implement an HRM programs. The study includes important implications for the surveyed organizations to get more powerful HR department in place. HRM must meet the basic criteria of both the strategic and the developmental perspectives. Keywords: HRM; effectiveness; paradigm; barriers; organization; Jorda

    Predictors of impending acute chest syndrome in patients with sickle cell anaemia.

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    Acute chest syndrome (ACS) is a major complication of sickle cell anaemia (SCA) and a leading cause for hospital admissions and death. We aimed to study the spectrum of clinical and laboratory features of ACS and to assess the predisposing factors and predictors of severity. A retrospective case-control cohort was studied by retrieving patient information from electronic medical records after ethical approval. One hundred adolescents and adults with SCA and hospital admissions for ACS were identified through the discharge summaries, along with 20 additional patients presenting with VOC, but without ACS (controls). Among the patients with ACS, fever (\u3e38.5 °C), reduced oxygen saturation (\u3c95) and asplenia significantly differed when compared to those of controls (p \u3c 0.05, chi-squared test). The degree of severity was reflected in the use of non-invasive ventilation (NIV), simple and exchange transfusions, and the presence of bilateral pleural effusions and multi-lobar atelectasis/consolidation, which were significantly higher in the cases with ACS than in the controls. Lower haemoglobin (Hb) and high WBC counts were also significantly different between the two groups (p \u3c 0.05, Student’s t test). Using logistic regression, our study further demonstrated that asplenia, fever, and reduced O2 saturation, along with low Hb and leukocytosis, were important predictors for the development of ACS

    Pelaksanaan Program Proyek Kerja Masyarakat (Pokmas) di Desa Lubuk Jering Kecamatan Sungai Mandau Kabupaten Siak Tahun 2012

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    Along with be applied financial special Donation Program to POKMAS Village / sub-district at Regency Siak to insfrastruktur's development village / sub-district. insfrastruktur's development effort Village / this sub-district after make easy executed society by society bases Number Regent regulation 48 Year 2011 one be performed on each village / sub-district those are on Regency Siak. Base PERBUB that at Lubuk Jering's Village is performed Programs Society job Project (POKMAS) about development insfrastruktur year Village 2012. To the effect of observational it is subject to be know why Performing Program Society job Project (POKMAS) at Lubuk Jering's Village Year 2012 less maximal. Implementation concept that is utilized is concept that interposed by Edward III. which is implementation concept where exists four highlights which is communication, resource, executor attitude and bureaucracy structure. Tech that is utilized in data collecting utilizes interview and documentation tech.After do research therefore writer can conclude that four big influential implementation highlights deep POKMAS'S performings Lubuk Jering's Villages years 2012. Of research result is concluded that was optimal Performing Process Programs since adverse coordination among village government with society so executed development was utterly entirely. Communication that is done was clear and consistent. Of proprietary resource facet was enough even there are some lack as reducing its field executor staff as tip of POKMAS'S performing spear this. Facility that gave by regency party no since POKMAS'S performing performed by modestly and self-supporting is society, Regency party just provide donation fund. Of cendrung's attitude facet not blocks since executors have the honour and have willingness.Factor that constrain in performing Programs POKMAS slowing lents fund to get down from regency so program performing rather its finish long time, because of other fund that is used no so the execution enforced wait that regency2fund is downwards goes to village and other constraint which is in POKMAS'Sperforming which is if one of village at silvan troublesome district another onealso following most constraint and development fund of slightly long timeregency until it to executor that POKMAS'S performing rather its finish long time

    Students’ perception of the Service Quality Gaps of Omantel Company using SERVQUAL Model

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    Purpose of the study: The objective of the study is to determine the impact of service quality gaps in the telecommunications industry in Oman, through critically analyzing the differences between the expectations and perceptions in relates to tangibility, empathy, reliability, responsiveness, and assurance. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study used the SERVQUAL model to calculate the existing quality of service of the telecommunication company operating in the Sultanate of Oman and to know the differences between expectations and perceptions of the quality of services provided to the customers by Omantel Company. The sampling used in this study was convenient sampling adopted through a questionnaire where the size of the sample was 150 which was randomly selected from the students of different faculties at Sohar University. The data were analyzed using the SPSS program. Findings: The findings of the research study revealed that there exists a negative relationship between the customer perceptions and expectations and the difference in the scores between the two sets of variables is in favor of the expectations of the respondents in relates to Omantel services. The reliability factor had the largest difference between the two sets of variables and the tangibles factor had the smallest difference. Research Implications: The results of this study help Omantel Company to strategically develop service quality in the areas of assurance, empathy, and responsiveness and to understand how consumers view the quality of the service, and to help the organization track and sustain quality service. Originality/value:  The research was performed in the rapidly increasing telecom service industry, which is experiencing dramatic changes over time and is making concentrated efforts to keep up with unparalleled, ground-breaking advances in technology. This research can be extended to other sectors of the market


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    Jurnal ini membahas tentang pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran React terhadap hasil belajar dan kemampuan berpikir kritis mahasiswa di lingkungan universitas. Model React adalah pendekatan pembelajaran yang mengedepankan interaksi aktif antara mahasiswa dan materi pembelajaran melalui refleksi dan diskusi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur dampak dari penerapan model React terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar mahasiswa serta kemampuan berpikir kritis mereka. Penelitian dilakukan melalui pendekatan eksperimen dengan melibatkan sampel mahasiswa dari berbagai disiplin ilmu di sebuah universitas. Sampel ini dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu kelompok yang mendapatkan pembelajaran dengan penerapan model React dan kelompok kontrol yang menerima pembelajaran konvensional. Data hasil belajar diperoleh dari tes akademik yang mencakup materi yang diajarkan, sementara kemampuan berpikir kritis diukur melalui instrumen penilaian khusus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model React secara signifikan berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa. Kelompok yang menerima pembelajaran dengan model React menghasilkan skor yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol. Selain itu, terdapat peningkatan yang bermakna dalam kemampuan berpikir kritis pada mahasiswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran dengan model React. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa pendekatan interaktif dan reflektif dari model React mampu merangsang perkembangan berpikir kritis mahasiswa. Kesimpulannya, penerapan model React dalam pembelajaran di lingkungan universitas memiliki dampak positif terhadap hasil belajar dan kemampuan berpikir kritis mahasiswa. Temuan ini memberikan implikasi penting bagi pengembangan strategi pembelajaran yang lebih berfokus pada keterlibatan aktif mahasiswa dalam proses pembelajaran

    Students’ Perception of Synchronous English Language Learning during COVID – 19 Pandemic at 4 th Semester English Education Department UIN SUSKA RIAU.

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    ABSTRACT Al Ikhlas (2021): Students’ Perception of Synchronous English Language Learning during COVID – 19 Pandemic at 4 th Semester English Education Department UIN SUSKA RIAU. The aim of this research is to determine the student perceptions of online English learning during the COVID-19 pandemic at UIN SUSKA RIAU. This research is a descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The method used is a survey method. The subject of this research is the opinion of students about synchronous learning and the object of this research is the fourth semester English students of UIN SUSKA RIAU. Data was collected through a questionnaire. There were 106 students in the 4 th semester of English Education at UIN SUSKA RIAU who participated in this research. In this study, researchers found that English Language Learning during the COVID-19 pandemic received a positive perception because it was flexible and effective. Online learning at UIN SUSKA RIAU is carried out using several application options, namely WhatsApp, Telegram, Zoom and using Google Meet. Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that students' perceptions of online English learning during the COVID-19 pandemic have a positive perception. This can be seen from the percentage of data based on several aspects. Perceptions related to aspects of learning experience with a percentage of 54.06%, perceptions related to aspects of lecturers' abilities with a percentage of 64.7%%, and perceptions related to facilities and infrastructure with a percentage of 45.05%. From the findings that have been discussed that students can adapt and adjust to all aspects contained in the online learning process. Keyword: Students’ Perception of Synchronous English Language Learnin
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