654 research outputs found

    Throughput, Spectral, and Energy Efficiency of 5G Massive MIMO Applications Using Different Linear Precoding Schemes

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    — A promising massive multiple input multiple output (M-MIMO) system is required to meet the growing need for highly traffic data, highly-resolution of streaming video, and intelligent communication on the fifth-generation wireless networks (5G). M-MIMO systems are essential for the optimization of the trade between energy efficiency (EE), throughput (R), and spectral _efficiency (SE) in wireless 5G networks. M-MIMO system architecture is proposed in this paper to enhance the trade-off between energy efficiency and uplink and downlink throughput at the optimum EE. Furthermore, using linear precoding techniques such as M MMSE, RZF, ZF, and MR, the EE-SE trade-off is optimized for uplink and downlink (M-MIMO) systems. The analysis of simulation results proved that throughput (R) is enhanced by increasing the number of antennas at optimum EE. After that, the proposed trading scheme is optimized and improved using M_MMSE compared to RZF, ZF. Finally, the results prove that M_MMSE gives the optimum trade-off between EE and R at the proved optimum ratio between the number of active antennas and the number of active users UE

    A Life Table of the Asiatic Maize Stem Borer, Ostrinia furnacalis Guene

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    The survivor ship and fecundity rates of Ostrinia furnacalis Guenee were measured in the laboratory using the major host plant, the maize plant. Raw data analysis of the age-specific single-sex female life table is described. The intrinsic rates of increase were calculated with respect to single sex. Using the single-sex method, the intrinsic rate of natural increase (1), the net reproductive rate (R), the generation time (T) and the doubling time (DT) were 0.157, 139.6, 31.5 days and 4.62 days, respectively. The age-specific survival and fecundity curves showed that ovi position peakedon the 8th day after female emergence and lasted for 11 days. The survival rates for the egg, larval and pupal stages were 96, 85 and 90%, respectively. The maximum life span (from egg to death of adult) was 38 days. The male moth emerged 2 days earlier than the females. Adult longevity averaged 7 days. Female fecundity reached a maximum of 115 eggs with an average fecundity of 60 eggs per femal

    Knowledge of pharmacists on proper use of oral contraceptive pills and missed dose instructions in United Arab Emirates

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    Purpose: To assess the knowledge of community pharmacists and senior pharmacy students in United Arab Emirates (UAE) about the proper use of oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) and to investigate factors associated with their knowledge.Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted using a validated self-administered questionnaire to community pharmacists and senior pharmacy students in UAE. The survey contained 22 questions divided into 3 parts: a) demographic information, b) OCPs general knowledge, c) OCPs proper use and missed dose instructions.Results: Community pharmacists had significantly higher knowledge scores than senior pharmacy students (26 vs 16.6 %; p = 0.032). Pharmacists with 10 - 20 years of experience had significantly lower knowledge scores than pharmacists with < 10 years of experience (p < 0.05). Conversely, gender, marital status and previous education on OCPs were not associated with knowledge score (p > 0.05).Conclusion: Participants had poor knowledge of proper use and missed dose instructions along with several misconceptions of OCPs. This can be enhanced by encouraging pharmacists to enroll in continuous educations activities that provide updated information about OCPs. Additionally, inclusion of an intensive elective course on OCPs in undergraduate pharmacy curricula may be helpful.Keywords: Oral contraceptives, Pharmacists, Pharmacy students, Counselling skills, misconception

    Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on growth and yield of grain sorghum variety Abu Timan

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         أُجريت هذه التجربة الحقلية لموسمين زراعيين (2004/05، 2005/06) بالمزرعة الإيضاحية، كلية الزراعة أبو نعامة لمعرفة تأثير ثلاث مستويات من النتروجين على مؤشرات النمو والإنتاجية لصنف ماريق أبو تيمان (صنف محلي من غرب السودان). تمت مقارنة أبو تيمان مع صنفي قدم الحمام وود أحمد (أصناف مجازة). أظهرت الدراسة أن هنالك إختلافاً في الشكل الظاهري بين الأصناف الثلاثة .صنف أبو تيمان يتفوق في الطول (203سم) علي صنف قدم الحمام (111.4سم ) وصنف ود أحمد (111.3سم) . كما أن القنابات لصنف أبوتيمان تحتوي علي بذرتين بينما تحتوي علي بذرة وأحدة للصنفين الآخرين . من نتائج الدراسة تبين أن أبوتيمان متأخر في الأزهار بينما ود أحمد كان المبكر في الإزهار . كان عدد الأيام لـ 50% أزهار لكل من أبوتيمان ، قدم الحمام وود أحمد 86 ، 76 ، 73  علي التوالي . تأثير إضافة سماد النتروجين علي مؤشرات مكونات الإنتاج  - عدد البذور في القندول ووزن الألف بذرة والإنتاجية غير معنوي . أثبتت الدراسة أن الصنف قدم الحمام قد حقق أعلي إنتاجية (5.42 ، 6.55 طن/هـ) وماريق أبو تيمان في المرتبة الثانية بإنتاجية (4.99 ، 6.48 طن/هـ ) وفي المرتبة الأخيرة ود أحمد بإنتاجية (4.04 ،6.04 طن/هـ) في موسمي 2004/05 و2005/06مد بإنتاجية (4.اجية (بذور في القندول ووزن الألف بذرة والإنتاجية لم يكن معزياً . ، علي التوالي . إضافة 2N (86 كجم نتروجين/هـ) أدي إلي زيادة معنوية في إنتاجية أصناف الذرة الرفيعة الثلاثة في موسم (2005/06) . نتائج الدراسة توضح أن ماريق أبو تيمان له مقدره إنتاجية عالية. والتوصية بالمزيد من الدراسات لتحديد المعاملات الفلاحية المناسبة للحصول علي أعلي إنتاجية ممكنة

    Baud rate variations effect on virtual channel based on PIC microcontroller

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    Recent year in the world the real applications, usually needed only a few key features of Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART). It is a type of serial communication protocol, which improves the problem of parallel communication and develops effectively in several services. This paper presents a transceiver system based on PIC microcontroller. It also presents software designs to transmit and receive data through the virtual channel. The system is designed to study the effects of baud rate variations between transmitter and receiver for noise and noiseless AWGN channel. The system has been simulated by Proteus simulator version 8.1, and then tested successfully at baud rates (2400, 4800, 9600, and 19200) bps. Simulation results show that the error rate has zero values at the desired baud rate value, and also, at the adjacent values. Thus, the zero level of error rate is increased by increasing baud rate values, which fixed by the transmitter and vice versa

    Prevalence and Risk Factors of Hepatitis B Virus among Pregnant Women in Jazan Region- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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    Background: Hepatitis B virus is one of the major etiological agents for parenterally acquired hepatitis. Viral hepatitis during pregnancy is associated with high risk of maternal complications. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of HBV infection in pregnant women, and to find out its associated risk factors in Jazan region south KSA. Patients & Methods: A random sample of 537 pregnant females who attended Jazan general hospital and randomly selected primary health care centers in Jazan region - before 38 weeks of gestation - constituted the target population of the present study. All women were screened for HBsAgd by using HBsAg Rapid Test Device (ACON). Results: The overall prevalence of HBV virus among the women was found to be 4.1% (95% CI: 2.7 - 6.1). The prevalence of HBV according to age showed that women less than 20 years are free of HBV, whereas for other age groups HBV prevalence is found to increase with increase in age. Regarding the associated risk factors, women  with  history of hospitalization, and  jaundices showed a significant association with anti- HBV seropositive. Dental histories, blood transfusion and history of surgery did not prove significant association with  HBV. Conclusion: Prevalence of Hepatitis B virus infection in pregnant ladies was 4.1%. Past history of hospitalization and jaundices are important risk factors for transmission of infection. The study suggests expansion of the Hepatitis B vaccination program to reduce the risk of HBV among pregnant women. Key words: Hepatitis B virus, Pregnancy, Prevalence, Risk factors

    Effect of Trichoderma reesei degraded date pits on antioxidant enzyme activities and biochemical responses of broiler chickens

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    The long-term use of antimicrobials as growth promoters in poultry feed leads to antimicrobial resistance in pathogens. Thus, alternatives to antibiotics are essential for reasons associated with both safety and cost-effectiveness. Underutilized plant sources need to be developed to replace antibiotics in broiler feed. Several feed resources have been introduced so far, but they have yet to be applied widely. Date pits are a major by-product of the date industry (6–8%) and have the potential antioxidant to replace antibiotics. In this study, fresh date pits were degraded using the mold Trichoderma reesei under solid-state degradation (SSD), resulting in degraded date pits (DDP). A total of 180 Brazilian “Cobb 500” broiler chicks were divided into six feed treatments in triplicate groups. The treatments were corn-soy basal diet (positive control; C+), corn-soy + 20% oxytetracycline at 0.05% (negative control; C–), corn-soy + 10% DDP, corn-soy + 0.2% mannan-oligosaccharides (MOS), corn-soy + 0.1% mannose, and corn-soy + 0.2% mannose. The antioxidant and biochemical effects of DDP, MOS, and mannose were determined in the blood serum, liver, and intestine of broilers at age 21 and 42 days. The results indicated that the contents of antioxidants such as flavonoids and phenolics, as well as the MOS content in DDP, were increased by the degradation process. Additionally, mannose, glucose, arabinose, rhamnose, and glucuronic acid were significantly increased in DDP after degradation. The activity of antioxidant enzymes (GPx—glutathione peroxidase, catalase, and SOD—superoxide dismutase) in the serum, liver, and intestine of broilers fed with diets containing 10% DDP and 0.2% MOS was increased significantly compared to the control group. Malondialdehyde activity was decreased, whereas the mean corpuscular hemoglobin level and the iron content were significantly upregulated in the broilers fed with 10% DDP, 0.1% mannose, and 0.2% MOS diets compared with the control. Thus, DDP can be used to improve the antioxidant status and has a prebiotic-like effect in broiler chicken performance