47 research outputs found

    Antes de Sevilla: Lorenzo Mercader (Mercadante) de Bretaña en Zaragoza (doc. 1446-1448). Transferencias e intercambios entre las Coronas de Aragón y Castilla a mediados del siglo XV

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    Hasta ahora, no disponíamos de ningún dato sobre la trayectoria profesional de Lorenzo Mercader de Bretaña antes de su llegada a Sevilla en 1454. En este artículo presentamos su firma con el escultor Fortaner de Usesques, suscrita en Zaragoza en 1446 y cancelada dos años más tarde; un periodo de tiempo en el que, además de poder participar en los compromisos asumidos por Usesques, el bretón tendrá ocasión de conocer los trabajos desarrollados por Isambart, Pedro Jalopa, Antoni Dalmau y otros maestros de procedencia valenciana en la catedral de la capital aragonesa. Su paso por la ciudad del Ebro permite inscribirle dentro de la dinámica protagonizada por aquellos profesionales que trabajaron en la Corona de Aragón antes de recalar en la catedral de Sevilla, iniciada por Isambart y continuada por Carlín, e incluso es posible que también por el propio Antoni Dalmau, probable autor del diseño para la fachada de los pies, en cuya decoración escultórica terminará trabajando Lorenzo Mercader. Up until now the career of Lorenzo Mercader of Bretagne remained unknown before his arrival in Seville in 1454. This article sheds some light on his life prior to that date by publishing an indenture that bound him to the sculptor Fortaner de Usesques. The indenture was signed in Saragossa in 1446 and cancelled two years later. During this period, the Breton would have the chance to take part in works carried out by Usesques, but also to know firsthand the works in the cathedral of Saragossa undertaken by Isambart, Pedro Jalopa, Antoni Dalmau, and other masters of Valencian origins. Lorenzo Mercader’s stay in the Aragonese capital allows us to insert him into the dynamic of artists who worked in the Crown of Aragon before heading to the cathedral of Seville. Among this group of artists we can name Isambart, the founder, and continuators such as Carlín and, maybe, Antoni Dalmau, who probably designed the west façade of the Andalusian cathedral, where Lorenzo Mercader ended up working on its sculptural decoration

    Valor de la expresión del ARN mensajero de la isocitrato deshidrogenasa (IDH1) como predictor de agresividad en gliomas

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    Los gliomas son el tipo más común de tumor cerebral primario. En humanos, cinco genes codifican para la isocitrato deshidrogenasa: IDH1/2/3A/3B/3G. Mutaciones somáticas puntuales en el gen IDH1 son frecuentes en gliomas, la mayoría transiciones de una sola base: 395G-A y están asociadas a una mayor supervivencia de esos pacientes con glioma cuando los comparamos con aquellos que no tienen la mutación. Entre las consecuencias funcionales de la mutación de la IDH1, estudios demuestran un fuerte descenso en la producción de NADPH reducido dependiente de isocitrato en las células. Investigamos la expresión del ARNm del IDH1 y la presencia o ausencia de la mutación G395A en una serie de gliomas. En particular, estudiamos 38 casos de gliomas y 7 metástasis analizando el centro y la periferia de muestras en fresco y resección en bloque. No encontramos diferencias entre las regiones central y periférica con respecto a la expresión del ARNm y la mutación de IDH1. Sin embargo, podemos observar una mayor expresión del ARNm de IDH1 y una menor incidencia de la mutación en tumores de alto grado cuando los comparamos con aquellos de bajo grado. Este estudio muestra que los gliomas con IDH1 normal tienen una mayor expresión de ARNm independientemente de la zona del tumor. Esto podría conducir a un aumento en la actividad enzimática y mayor presencia de NADPH, lo cual se necesita para el crecimiento celular. Así, el mayor poder de reducción de estas células podría explicar la mayor agresividad de estos gliomas.Gliomas, are the most common type of primary brain tumors. In humans, five genes encode for isocitrate dehydrogenase: IDH1, IDH2, IDH3A, IDH3B, and IDH3G. Somatic point mutations in IDH1 are frequent in gliomas. Most mutations for IDH1 are single base transition substitutions: 395G_A and are associated with longer survival in patients with glioma when compared with those gliomas without IDH1 mutations. Among the functional consequences of IDH1 mutation, some studies have shown a strong decrease in the isocitrate dependent production of reduced NADPH production in the cells. We investigated mRNA expression of IDH1 and the presence or absence of the G395A mutation in a subset of gliomas. Specifically, we studied 38 cases of glioma and 7 methastasis analyzing central and peripheral regions from fresh and en block resection specimens. We found no differences between central and peripheral regions, in regard to IDH1 mRNA expression and G395A IDH1 mutation. However, we identified a significantly higher expression of IDH1 mRNA and a lesser incidence of mutation in high grade gliomas when compared with low grade ones. This study shows that those gliomas with IDH1 WT are associated with higher expression of IDH1 mRNA, independently of the tumor area. This could in turn lead to an increase in enzyme activity and more presence of NADPH which is needed for cellular growth. The greater reducing power in these cells could account for the greater aggressiveness of these gliomas

    Evaluation of synthon influence on ethenzamide– polyphenol pharmaceutical cocrystals

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    The pharmaceutical cocrystal landscape of ethenzamide has been addressed during the past years with the aim of improving its physicochemical properties, mainly solubility and dissolution rate. Herein four novel ethenzamide cocrystals have been isolated by mechanochemical synthesis and thoroughly characterized by powder and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Polyphenols have been selected as coformers based on ethenzamide synthon preference as well as their safety profile and antioxidant character. Besides crystallographic analysis, theoretical calculations have been made to evaluate the strength of intermolecular interactions and their role in crystal packing. The results evidence differences in the supramolecular architecture depending on the different polyphenolic isomers used as coformers. Finally, the physicochemical properties of the novel compounds were assessed and compared to those of ethenzamide alone. Although the solubility profile is significantly enhanced, the thermodynamic stability of the novel cocrystals in aqueous medium is restricted to 24 hours. These findings have been correlated with the crystal structure.FEDER-Universidad de Granada, Spain B-FQM-478-UGR20Spanish Government PID2020-115637GB-I00European CommissionSpanish Government PRE2019-08883

    Static Postural Control during Single-Leg Stance in Endurance, Team and Combat Athletes from the Spanish National Sport Technification Program

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    In the context of pediatric physical exercise, the analysis of factors affecting postural control (PC) provides insight into the development of sport-specific motor skills. This study aims to evaluate the static PC during single-leg stance in endurance, team and combat athletes from the Spanish National Sport Technification Program. A total of 29 boys and 32 girls, aged 12 to 16 years old, were recruited. Centre of pressure (CoP) was measured on a force platform in standing position for 40 s under two sensorial and leg dominance conditions. Girls showed lower MVeloc (p 0.001) and Sway (p < 0.001) values than boys in both sensorial conditions (open and closed eyes). The highest values in all PC variables were observed with eyes closed in both genders (p < 0.001). Sway values were lower in boys combat-athletes compared to endurance athletes in two sensorial conditions and with non-dominant leg (p < 0.05). Young athletes in their teens enrolled in a Sport Technification Program have shown differences in PC when comparing different visual conditions, sport disciplines and gender. This study opens a window to a better understanding of the determinants of PC during single-leg stance as a critical element in the sport specialization of young athletes.Fisioterapi

    ¿Historia olvidada o historia no enseñada? El alumnado de Secundaria español y su conocimiento sobre la Guerra Civil

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    Este artículo se enmarca en un proyecto de investigación cuyo objetivo es diseñar y experimentar un modelo de prueba para la evaluación de competencias de pensamiento histórico, al terminar la etapa de Educación Secundaria en España. Uno de los bloques de evaluación de dicha prueba incluye preguntas que exigen al alumnado un conocimiento básico del contexto histórico de la Guerra Civil (1936-1939). A raíz de las respuestas de 199 estudiantes (15-16 años) a estas preguntas concretas, y siguiendo una investigación de corte cualitativo, se analiza el conocimiento que tienen sobre estos acontecimientos. Los resultados muestran enormes lagunas y preocupantes errores sobre este conflicto bélico relativamente reciente y que aún tiene considerable repercusión en el panorama político actual. Los resultados se relacionan con la escasa alfabetización política que el alumnado posee, la usual descontextualización de los contenidos que se imparten y la visión lineal que les suele acompañar, además de la ausencia de reflexión en torno a aspectos como la relevancia histórica o la repercusión de determinados acontecimientos

    Base de datos multicéntrica de hemorragia subaracnoidea espontánea del Grupo de Trabajo de Patología Vascular de la Sociedad Española de Neurocirugía: presentación,criterios de inclusión y desarrollo de una base de datos en internet = Spontaneous Subarachnoid Haemorrhage multicenter database from the Group for the Study of Vascular Pathology of the Spanish Society for Neurosurgery: Presentation, inclusion criteria and development of an internet-based registry

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    Introducción. La hemorragia subaracnoidea (HSA) continúa siendo una de las enfermedades de interés neuroquirúrgico de más alta morbilidad y mortalidad. Su estudio es clave a la hora de mejorar la atención de estos enfermos en nuestro medio. Con este fin el Grupo de Trabajo de Patología Vascular de la SENEC decidió la creación de una base de datos multicéntrica para su estudio. Material y métodos. Se incluyen en esta base de datos todos los casos de hemorragia subaracnoidea espontánea ingresados en los centros participantes de forma prospectiva desde Noviembre del año 2004 hasta Noviembre del 2007. Se decidieron de forma consensuada los campos a recoger incluyendo edad, antecedentes personales, características clínicas, características radiológicas y del aneurisma, tipo de tratamiento y complicaciones de la enfermedad, evolución según la escala de evolución de Glasgow (GOS) al alta y a los seis meses así como el resultado angiográfico del tratamiento. Todos los campos se recogieron en un formulario rellenable a través de una página web segura. Resultados. En los tres años en los que ha estado activa la base se han recogido un total de 1149 casos de HSA espontánea recogidos por 14 centros participantes. Se ha estimado que es necesario aproximadamente un tiempo de 3.4 minutos para rellenar cada caso. En cuanto a sus características generales la serie es similar a otras series hospitalarias no seleccionadas. La edad media de los enfermos incluidos es de unos 55 años y la relación mujer:hombre 4:3. En cuanto a la gravedad del sagrado inicial un 32% de los enfermos se encontraba en mal grado clínico (WFNS = 4 ó 5). El 5% de los pacientes fallecieron antes de realizarse una angiografía que confirmara el origen aneurismático del sangrado. Se confirmó el origen aneurismático en el 76% de los pacientes mientras que en el 19% no se encontró ninguna lesión vascular responsable del sangrado, siendo clasificados como HSA idiopática. En los pacientes en los que se detectó un aneurisma su tratamiento fue endovascular en el 47% de los casos, quirúrgico en el 39, mixto en el 3% y no recibieron tratamiento de su aneurisma el 11% de los pacientes por fallecimiento precoz. En cuanto a su evolución, la mortalidad global de la serie se sitúa en el 22%. Sólo el 40% de los enfermos con HSA aneurismática presentaron una buena evolución (GOS=5). Conclusiones. La HSA espontánea continúa siendo una enfermedad con alta morbilidad y mortalidad. Esta base de datos puede ser un instrumento para conocer mejor sus características en nuestro medio y mejorar sus resultados, ya que se trata de una serie multicéntrica hospitalaria no seleccionada. Sería pues recomendable que esta base constituyera el germen de un registro nacional de HSA espontánea. Introduction. Subarachnoid haemorrhage is one of the most severe neurosurgical diseases. Its study is crucial for improving the care of these patients in our environment. With this goal the Group for the Study of Neurovascular Pathology of the Spanish Society for Neurosurgery (SENEC) decided to create a multicenter registry for the study of this disease. Materials and methods. In this database we have prospectively included all cases with spontaneous subarachnoid haemorrhage admitted to the participant hospitals from November 2004 to November 2007. The fields to be included in the database were selected by consensus, including age, past medical history, clinical characteristics at admission, radiological characteristics including presence or absence of an aneurysm and its size and location, type and complications of the aneurysm treatment, outcome assessed by the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) at discharge and six months after the bleeding as well as the angiographic result of the aneurysm treatment. All fields were collected by means of an electronic form posted in secure web page. Results. During the three years of study a total of 1149 patients have been included by 14 Hospitals. The time needed to fill in a patient in the registry is approximately 3.4 minutes. This series of patients with spontaneous SAH is similar to other non-selected in-hospital series of SAH. The mean age of the patients is 55 years and there is a 4:3 female to male ratio. In relation to the severity of the bleeding 32% of the patients were in poor clinical grade at admission (WFNS 4 or 5). 5% of the patients died before angiography could be performed. An aneurysm was confirmed as the origin of the bleeding in 76% of the patients (aSAH), while in 19% of the patients no lesion was found in the angiographic studies and were thus classified as idiopathic subarachnoid hemorrhage (ISAH). Of those patients with aSAH, 47% were treated endovascularly, 39% surgically, 3% received a combined treatment and 11% did not receive any treatment for their aneurysm because of early death. Regarding outcome, there is a 22% mortality in the series. Only 40% of the patients with aSAH reached a good outcome at discharge (GOS = 5). Conclusions. Spontaneous SAH continues to be a disease with high morbidity and mortality. This database can be an ideal instrument for improving the knowledge about this disease in our environment and to achieve better results. It would be desirable that this database could in the future be the origin of a national registry of spontaneous SAH

    Molecular characterization of epithelial-mesenchymal transition and medical treatment related-genes in non-functioning pituitary neuroendocrine tumors

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    Different medical therapies have been developed for pituitary adenomas. However, Non-Functioning Pituitary Neuroendocrine Tumors (NF-PitNET) have shown little response to them. Furthermore, epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) has been linked to resistance to medical treatment in a significant number of tumors, including pituitary adenomas. We aimed to evaluate the expression of EMT-related markers in 72 NF-PitNET and 16 non-tumoral pituitaries. To further explore the potential usefulness of medical treatment for NF-PitNET we assessed the expression of somatostatin receptors and dopamine-associated genes. We found that SNAI1, SNAI2, Vimentin, KLK10, PEBP1, Ki-67 and SSTR2 were associated with invasive NF-PitNET. Furthermore, we found that the EMT phenomenon was more common in NF-PitNET than in GH-secreting pituitary tumors. Interestingly, PEBP1 was overexpressed in recurrent NF-PitNET, and could predict growth recurrence with 100% sensitivity but only 43% specificity. In parallel with previously reported studies, SSTR3 is highly expressed in our NF-PitNET cohort. However, SSTR3 expression is highly heterogeneous among the different histological variants of NF-PitNET with very low levels in silent corticotroph adenomas. NF-PitNET showed an enhanced EMT phenomenon. SSTR3 targeting could be a good therapeutic candidate in NF-PitNET except for silent corticotroph adenomas, which express very low levels of this receptor. In addition, PEBP1 could be an informative biomarker of tumor regrowth, useful for predictive medicine in NF-PitNET

    A review of the combination among global change factors in forests, shrublands and pastures of the Mediterranean Region : beyond drought effects

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    Research in CRAG is also supported byCERCA institution (Generalitat de Catalunya).Climate change, alteration of atmospheric composition, land abandonment in some areas and land use intensification in others, wildfires and biological invasions threaten forests, shrublands and pastures all over the world. However, the impacts of the combinations between global change factors are not well understood despite its pressing importance. Here we posit that reviewing global change factors combination in an exemplary region can highlight the necessary aspects in order to better understand the challenges we face, warning about the consequences, and showing the challenges ahead of us. The forests, shrublands and pastures of the Mediterranean Basin are an ideal scenario for the study of these combinations due to its spatial and temporal heterogeneity, increasing and diverse human population and the historical legacy of land use transformations. The combination of multiple global change factors in the Basin shows different ecological effects. Some interactions alter the effects of a single factor, as drought enhances or decreases the effects of atmospheric components on plant ecophysiology. Several interactions generate new impacts: drought and land use changes, among others, alter water resources and lead to land degradation, vegetation regeneration decline, and expansion of forest diseases. Finally, different factors can occur alone or simultaneously leading to further increases in the risk of fires and biological invasions. The transitional nature of the Basin between temperate and arid climates involves a risk of irreversible ecosystem change towards more arid states. However, combinations between factors lead to unpredictable ecosystem alteration that goes beyond the particular consequences of drought. Complex global change scenarios should be studied in the Mediterranean and other regions of the world, including interregional studies. Here we show the inherent uncertainty of this complexity, which should be included in any management strategy

    Artistas sobre outras obras

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    Às vezes as palavras podem ser escondidas antes de ser ditas, cabendo ao artista, ou ao poeta, a capacidade de as revelar. São coisas difíceis, pois tratam-se de coisas de difícil acesso, apenas franqueadas pelos poetas e artistas. E estes artistas, convocados por outros artistas, se anunciam vivos pelo olhar da afinidade, pela convergência para lá do visível, pela cumplicidade assinalada. Assim se reunem os artigos deste número da revista Estúdio 23.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Predictive Power of the "Trigger Tool" for the detection of adverse events in general surgery: a multicenter observational validation study

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    Background In spite of the global implementation of standardized surgical safety checklists and evidence-based practices, general surgery remains associated with a high residual risk of preventable perioperative complications and adverse events. This study was designed to validate the hypothesis that a new “Trigger Tool” represents a sensitive predictor of adverse events in general surgery. Methods An observational multicenter validation study was performed among 31 hospitals in Spain. The previously described “Trigger Tool” based on 40 specific triggers was applied to validate the predictive power of predicting adverse events in the perioperative care of surgical patients. A prediction model was used by means of a binary logistic regression analysis. Results The prevalence of adverse events among a total of 1,132 surgical cases included in this study was 31.53%. The “Trigger Tool” had a sensitivity and specificity of 86.27% and 79.55% respectively for predicting these adverse events. A total of 12 selected triggers of overall 40 triggers were identified for optimizing the predictive power of the “Trigger Tool”. Conclusions The “Trigger Tool” has a high predictive capacity for predicting adverse events in surgical procedures. We recommend a revision of the original 40 triggers to 12 selected triggers to optimize the predictive power of this tool, which will have to be validated in future studies