71 research outputs found


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    The aims the research determine the effect of the application guided discovery learning model with guided inquiry-based learning module concercing to naturalistic intelligence student grade VII at SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Surakarta in academic year 2014/2015. This study included in the quasi-experimental research. The study design was a Post-Test Only Nonequivalent Group using experimental class (guided discovery learning with the learning modules) and the control class (guided discovery learning). The population of this research was all students VII grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Surakarta in academic year 2014/2015. The sampling technique using cluster sampling method and taken two classes, one class as the experiment and the class as a control. Data collection techniques using test descriptions, observation sheets, and school documents. Hypothesis testing using t-test. The results showed that the students' intelligence naturalistic experimental group and the control group was significantly different. The experimental group value of average general naturalistic intelligence 53.087 with a value 2,63 of  classifying aspects and 1.35 of know. Control group with a value of naturalistic intelligence 45,810 with classifying aspects 2,30 and know aspect 1,29. Based on the research proficiency level can be concluded that the application of guided discovery learning model with guided inquiry learning modules affect to the naturalistic intelligence at seventh grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Surakarta in academic year 2014/2015. Keywords: guided discovery learning, learning module, naturalistic intelligenc


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    ABSTRACT – The objective of the research is to improve social activities of students in biology learning through implementing STAD learning model with video assisted. This study was a classroom action research which was carried out in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of four stages: planning, action, observation, and reflection. Subjects were students of class VII-F SMP Negeri 1 Jaten Karanganyar in the academic year 2011/2012. Data was obtained through observation, questionnaires, and interviews. Then, data was analyzed by using descriptive analysis technique and was validated by using triangulation technique. The results showed that the implementation of STAD learning model with video assisted could enhance social activities of students in biology learning. The increase average value of student’s social activities achievements based on observation after the first cycle was 6.61%, then it reached 4.91% for the second cycle. However, the final achievement gained 67.26%. Based on these results, it could be concluded that implementing STAD learning model with video assisted could enhance social activities of students in biology learning class of VII-F in SMP Negeri 1 Jaten Keywords: cooperative learning, STAD, video assisted, student’s social activitie

    KADAR KOLESTEROL DAN TRIGLISERIDA DARAH PADA DIABETES MELALUI PERLAKUAN EKSTRAK DAUN KLUWIH Artocarpus altilis Park (Blood Colesterol and Triglycerid Level on Diabetes with treatment of Breadnut (Artocarpus altilis Park) Leaf Extract)

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    Gangguan metabolism lipid atau dislipidemia berupa hipokolesterol dan hipertrigliserida biasa dijumpai pada penderita Diabetes mellitus (DM), mengikuti adanya gangguan metabolism karbohidrat sebagai manifestasi utama penyakit diabetes, yang mana dislipidemia tersebut dapat memacu timbulnya penyakit lain seperti jantung koroner dan aterosklerosis. Hasil dari beberapa penelitian dan kajian pustaka menunjukkan bahwa daun kluwih diduga dapat menjadi alternative pengendali diabetes. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kadar kolesterol dan trigliserida darah tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus L.) yang dibebani glukosa sebagai manifestasi kondisi diabetic,setelah pemberian ekstrak daun kluwih Artocarpus altilis Park. Penelitian menggunakan 12 ekor tikus putih yang dibebani glukosa 4,5 g/kg BB per oral. Tiap sampel dibagi dalam empat kelompok yaitu K1 dibebani glukosa tanpa perlakuan, K2 glibenklamid, K3 jelompok uji ekstrak etanol daun kluwih dan K4 kelompok uji ekstrak air daun kluwihPengukuran kadar kolesterol total darah dengan metode CHOD PAP dan kadar kolesterol total darah dengan metode GPO PAP. Perlakuan dilakukan selama 14 hari. Data dianalisa secara statistic dengan program MINITAB 14 untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan pada tiap kelompok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak daun kluwih dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol dan trigliserida darah tikus putih yang dibebani glukosa, dimana kedua bentuk ekstrak yaitu ekstrak etanol dan ekstrak air memiliki kemampuan relative sama dalam menurunkan kadar kolesterol dan trigliserida. Kata Kunci: Diabetes mellitus, daun kluwih Artocarpus altilis Park., kolesterol,trigliserid

    Improving Evaluation Skills Through Flipped-Problem-Based Learning With Digital Storytelling Task: A Systematic Review

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    Evaluation skills can assist students in effectively dealing with social, scientific, and practical problems. This study aims to review whether the Flipped-Problem Based Learning model with Digital Storytelling Task can improve evaluation skills. This research is a systematic review with the PRISMA method. Twenty-three articles were selected based on the inclusion criteria such as articles included in journals in the field of education and science for further analysis. The results of this study showed that the Flipped-Problem Based Learning with digital storytelling task can improve students’ evaluation skills which have the sub-skills of assess claims and assess arguments. This study concluded that the Flipped-Problem Based Learning model with Digital Storytelling Task can improve evaluation skills. This is because the syntax of Flipped-Problem Based Learning model and the step to create a Digital Storytelling are integrated to the indicators of evaluation skills


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    The aim of this research was to identify some characters of mangrove gastropod's shell, which varied atnong species and modified from its basic structure. Some characters are often lost or added make some dfficulties for the student to identify the characters. Those characters are also confusing and lead to miss- identification respectively. From that case, studying the vaiation of the shell characters among species and its modificationfrom the original structure of gastropod's shell is needed. A model antl clescriptioi iTtne shell and its characters is useful guide for identification and also as an alternative teaching matiriat for studying the gastropod. Mangrove gastropod's specimens from previous research (Xqry@19_9LSl, 2003) are the mateials studied on; represent the numerous variation and modification of gastropod's shell. The basic structures are itlenlified according to Robert et al (1952), Pechenik (tggt) and Beeslqv et al (tggS). Variation and modification whether reduction or ac{ditionfrom its original were then mentioned antl schemed. The shells of the 9 families of gastropod show some specific features, which respective to the shell structure offanily, thas the identification to thefamily can be carried out by using the shelt;haracters offamity. Some characters that legd to the genera and species are more various and sophishcate. Axial ridges, triisversal ridges, eroded apex, elongated siphonal canal, spine, thickened aperture, ih" pr"r"n"" of the-apterture teeth, thickening operculwm witk calcareous material and coloratio, ore io*" variant that obtaiied. Those characters reJlect modification and play some important notes while stuclying the shell. Key words: Mangrove gastropotls, shell variation, alternative learning resource


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    The aim of this research is improve quality of biology learning for conditioning class, student attitude in class, the performance of teacher and student motivation of learning in student class VII-D 1 st Junior High School Of Jaten through the application of strategies for inquiry learning combined audio visual media. This research was classroom action research with planning, action, observation, and reflection steps. Data was collected using questionnaire, observation, and interview. The validation of data using method and observer triangulation techniques. The data analyzed by descriptive. The result in cycles I describes that mean of observation data in conditioning class indicators are 70,20%, students’ attitudes in class are 62,77%, performance of teachers in the learning are 80% and students motivation in learning are 68,18%. For the questionnaire, observation data in conditioning class indicators are 74,53%, students’ attitudes in class are 74,13%, and students motivation in learning are 74,38%. The result in cycles II describes that mean of observation data in conditioning class indicators are 80,81%, students’ attitudes in class are 80.09%, performance of teachers in the learning are 96,67% and student motivation in learning are 83,71%. For the questionnaire, observation data in conditioning class indicators are 83,87%, students’ attitudes in class are 82,49%, and students motivation in learning are 79,43%. In addition, this research also uses interview to know effect of research in quality of biology learning. The result of interview shows that students' attitudes more positive, students motivation more increase and classroom climate more conducive on learning activities. The conclusion of research describes that the combination of audio visual media in inquiry learning strategies can improve quality of biology learning for conditioning class, students' attitudes, performance of teachers in the learning and motivation of learning in student class VII-D in 1 st junior high school of jaten


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    ABSTRACT – The purpose of this research is to ascertain the influence of pollution in Pepe Surakarta river research module implementation as biology learning resource in environmental pollution subject material toward learning achievement. The research is belonged to quasi experiment with posttest only control design. The independent variable in this research is a module as biology learning resource and dependent variable is learning achievement. The populations of this research were all of 7th degree students at SMP Al Irsyad Surakarta in academic years of 2011/2012. The samples of this research were the students of 7thA as experiment group and 7thC as control group. The sample of this research was established by cluster random sampling. The data was collected using questionnaire, essay test, observation form, and document. The hypotheses analyzed by t-test. The result of t-test had been conducted the significant value (α) < 0,05 in all domains of learning out comes, So it can be concluded that implementation of research module as biology learning resource had significant effect toward learning achievement of 7th degree students at SMP Al Irsyad Surakarta in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. Keywords: Research Module, Learning Achievement, Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor

    Development of Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning-based E-Module to Improve Critical Thinking Skill

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    This study aims to determine the feasibility of a POGIL-based e-module to empower students' critical thinking skills. The type of research used is research and development with research procedures using ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development Implementation, Evaluation) model development. This research is limited to the feasibility test of POGIL-based e-modules at the development stage. The assessment of the validity test results and the questionnaire practicality test were interpreted on a Likert scale. Based on data analysis, the following results were obtained: validity tests by POGIL-based e-module learning media obtained an average of 88.3% for media validity; 96.6% for the validity of the material; and 87.5% for Language validity. Practicality tests conducted by teachers get an average of 84% and students by 90.6%. Based on the validity and practicality test of POGIL-based e-module learning media to empower students' critical thinking skills, they are declared feasible to be used for further researchPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan e-module berbasis POGIL untuk memberdayakan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan dengan Prosedur penelitian menggunakan pengembangan model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development Implementation, Evaluation). Penelitian ini dibatasi pada uji kelayakan e-module berbasis POGIL pada tahap development. Penilaian hasil uji kevalidan dan uji kepraktisan angket diintepretasikan dengan skala likert. Berdasarkan analisis data diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut: uji validitas oleh media pembelajaran e-module berbasis POGIL mendapatkan rata-rata 88,3% untuk validitas media; 96,6% untuk validitas materi; dan 87,5% untuk validitas Bahasa. Uji kepraktisan yang dilakukan oleh guru mendapatkan rata-rata sebesar 84% dan oleh siswa sebesar 90,6%. Berdasarkan uji kevalidan dan kepraktisan media pembelajaran e-module berbasis POGIL untuk memberdayakan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa dinyatakan layak, sehingga dapat digunakan untuk penelitian lanjutan

    Biological Learning Material: Detection of Flavonoid From the Leaf of Jack Fruit ( Artorpus Altilis Park.)

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    This research aimed to detect the flavonoid content from the leaf ofjack fruit (Artocarpus altilis Park). That leaf has medicinal aspect, since it can be used to decrease the glucose from the blood circulation and act as anti diabethic activity respectively. The detection of flavonoid was carried out by using thin layer chromatography (TLC) with steady phase of silica of GF 254 and the elluent ratio of chloroform: methanol of 98:2. The result obtained the presence of flavonoid complexes at that leaf indicated by yellow spot and amoniac steam on the TLC.. That result could enrich the biochemistry learning material toward student

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dengan Pendekatan Sains Teknologi Masyarakat untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran Biologi Siswa Kelas XI.IPA 5 SMA Negeri 1 Karanganyar Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013

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    The purpose of this research was to improve quality of biology learning considered by teacher’s performance, utility of facilities in the classroom, classroom climate, student’s scientific attitude, and student motivation to learn in class XI.IPA 5 SMA Negeri 1 Karanganyar academic year 2012/2013. This research was a Classroom Action Research which performed in three cycles. Each cycle consisted of 4 phases; planning, action, observation, and reflection. The data was collected by questionnaire, observation, and interview. Data validation was used triangulation of methods and triangulation of observers. The obtained data were analyzed using descriptive technique. Result of the research showed that according triangulation the average percentage for  teacher’s performance in pre cycle (63.96%), cycle I (90.21%), cycle II (95.83%) and cycle III (100%); classroom climate pre cycle (70.22%), cycle I (86.43%), cycle II (83.30%) and cycle III (84.65%); student’s scientific attitude  pre cycle (69.31%), cycle I (76.20%), cycle II (77.61%) and cycle III (83.45%); and student motivation to learn pre cycle (67.01%), cycle I (70.33%), cycle II (73.97%) and cycle III (77.69%); utility of learning facilities in the classroom have been optimally. The  results  showed  that  the  average  percentage quality of  biology learning aspect such as  pre cycle (67.63%),  cycle I (80.79%), cycle II (82.68%) and cycle III (86.45%). The quality of biology learning was  increase 18.82% from pre cycle to cycle III. Cycles stopped in cycle III because the research target was achieved. The conclusion describes that the implementation of problem based learning with science technology society approach was able to improve the quality of biology learning considered by teacher’s performance, utility of facilities in the classroom, classroom climate, student’s scientific attitude, and student motivation to learn in class XI.IPA 5 at SMA Negeri 1 Karanganyar in academic year 2012/2013. Key Words: Problem Based Learning, Science Technology Society Approach, Quality of Biology Learnin
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