1,054 research outputs found

    Proximity effect in atomic-scaled hybrid superconductor/ferromagnet structures: crucial role of electron spectra

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    We study the influence of the configuration of the majority and minority spin subbands of electron spectra on the properties of atomic-scaled superconductor-ferromagnet S-F-S and F-S-F hybrid structures. At low temperatures, the S/F/S junction is either a 0 or junction depending on the energy shift between S and F materials and the anisotropy of the Fermi surfaces. We found that the spin switch effect in F/S/F system can be reversed if the minority spin electron spectra in F metal is of the hole-like type

    Direct Sparse Mapping

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    Photometric bundle adjustment (PBA) accurately estimates geometry from video. However, current PBA systems have a temporary map that cannot manage scene reobservations. We present, direct sparse mapping, a full monocular visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) based on PBA. Its persistent map handles reobservations, yielding the most accurate results up to date on EuRoC for a direct method

    Efficiency and endogenous fertility

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    This paper explores the properties of the notions of A-efficiency and P-efficiency, proposed by Golosov, Jones and Tertilt (Econometrica, 2007), to evaluate allocations in a general overlapping generations setting in which fertility choices are endogenously selected from a continuum and any two agents of the same generation are identical. First, we show that the properties of A-efficient allocations vary depending on the criterion used to identify potential agents. If one identifies potential agents by their position in their siblings' birth order --as Golosov, Jones and Tertilt do--, then A-efficiency requires that a positive measure of agents use most of their endowment to maximize the utility of the dynasty head, which, in environments with finite horizon altruism, implies that some agents --the youngest in every family-- obtain an arbitrary low income to finance their own consumption and fertility plans. If potential agents are identified by the dates in which they may be born, then A-efficiency reduces to dynastic maximization, which, in environments with finite horizon altruism, drives the economy to a collapse in finite time. To deal with situations, like those arising in economies with finite horizon altruism, in which A-efficiency may be in conflict with individual rights, we propose to evaluate the efficiency of a given allocation with a particular class of specifications of P-efficiency, for which the utility attributed to the unborn depends on the utility obtained by their living siblings. Under certain concavity assumptions on value functions, we also characterize every symmetric, P-efficient allocation as a Millian efficient allocation, that is, as a symmetric allocation that is not A-dominated --with the Birth-Order criterion-- by any other symmetric allocationFinancial support from the Spanish Minister of Economics and Competitivity project ECO2013-48884-C3-1-P is acknowledged by the first and the third authors, and from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology projects ECO2011-30323-C03-01 and ECO2014-59491-P by the second authorS

    Ecofeminist perspective of food sovereignty: The agroecological network in Moreno Maia Community in brazilian amazonia

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    La Agroecología, en coherencia con la propuesta política de la Soberanía Alimentaria, propone estrategias de desarrollo rural alternativas al modelo agroindustrial dominante en la globalización. En este trabajo se analiza, desde una perspectiva ecofeminista, el proceso de transición agroecológica hacia la Soberanía Alimentaria de un grupo de familias en la comunidad Moreno Maia que participan en la Red de Agroecología de la Amazonía en el Estado de Acre en Brasil. Argumentamos que, aun hoy, tanto los análisis como los proyectos de desarrollo agroecológicos se caracterizan por la falta de análisis sobre las relaciones de género. Aunque existen planteamientos que los acercan al enfoque ecofeminista, son escasos los casos en los que se articulan los cambios agrícolas y los modelos de relación entre hombres y mujeres. Los resultados de esta investigación muestran que los proyectos agroecológicos abren puertas a la participación, visibilización y valorización del trabajo de las mujeres a la vez que avanzan hacia una organización agroalimentaria más sostenible. Este trabajo aporta ideas para avanzar en el necesario maridaje, teórico y práctico, entre Ecofeminismo, Agroecología y Soberanía AlimentariaIn agreement with the political proposal on Food Sovereignty, Agroecology suggests rural development strategies as an alternative to the industrialized corporate farming dominant model in the context of globalization. This essay analyses, from an ecofeminist approach, the agroecological transition process towards Food Soveignty of a group of peasant families from Moreno Maia community who participate in the Amazonian Agroecological Network in the Brazilian State of Acre. In this essay we argue that, even nowadays, the agroecological analysis and the development projects are characterized by the lack of analysis of gender relations. Even though some proposals bring them closer to the ecofeminist approach, there are not many cases in which agrarian changes are linked to gender relations models. Results of this research evidence that agroecological projects provide an opportunity for women to work and also to make their work visible and valued by others so that, at the same time, they can move forward to a more sustainable food and agriculture organization. This essay gives ideas to advance toward a necessary theoretical and practical marriage between Ecofeminism, Agroecology and Food Sovereignt

    From linguistic patterns to ontology structures

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    The aim of this paper is to contribute to the research on linguistic patterns focusing on the subclassOf relation for the semi-automatic construction of ontologies. Taking as a starting point those ontological structures corresponding to consensual modelling solutions, which are known as Ontology Design Patterns (ODPs), we identified the linguistic patterns that convey the relation captured in ODPs as Lexico-Syntactic Patterns (LSPs) and included them in an LSP-ODP pattern repository. LSPs will permit novice users the conversion of the domain field they want to model into an ontological structure. In the present contribution, the language of classification in Spanish is studied in order to collect the most common ways of verbally expressing the subclassOf relation. Then, the topology of the most common classification patterns is analysed to discover the type of ontological knowledge provided, i.e. which concept relation, and the two essential features in ontology knowledge: exhaustiveness and disjointness

    La Música a la Catedral de Girona durant la primera meitat del segle XIX

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaEstudi de la capella de música de la catedral de Girona, les places de què constava (mestre de capella, organista, quatre escolans de cor, quatre violins, dues violes, un contrabaix, quatre instrumentistes de vent fusta, dues trompes, dos contralts, dos tenors i quatre xantres), les pautes de funcionament, les actuacions, els músics que hi treballaren (un total de cent cinquanta, amb personatges de renom com: Francesc Juncà, Antoni Guiu, Jaume Joan Lleys, Josep Barba...) i els instruments propietats del capítol (quatre orgues, un manacord, un contrabaix...). Durant el període estudiat es comprova el funcionament a ple rendiment de de la capella durant els primers anys del segle XIX, i els declivi de les activitats musicals que començarà a partir de l'any 1821 (Trienni Liberal), continuant amb les desamortitzacions de Mendizábal. Es realitza un inventari dels manuscrits musicals dels membres de la capella, i l'anàlisi i l'edició crítica de quatre obres instrumentals: «Quatro sonatas» per a forte piano de Miquel Albert; «Sinfonía obligada de órgano» d'Antoni Guiu; «Tema con variciones para el violoncelo» de Jaume Joan Lleys, «Variaciones para piano, flauta y fagote obligados» d'Antoni Guiu. A partir de l'anàlisi musical d'aquestes obres es comprova l'evolució musical des dels models del classicisme vienès cap els del primer romanticisme.A study of the music chapel in the cathedral of Girona, its places (choirmaster, four child chorister, organist, four violins, two violists, a contrabass, four wood winds musicians, two horns, two contraltos, two tenors, and four chanters), the regulation ordinance, public functions, the musicians who worked (a hundred fifty musicians with some prestige ones like Francesc Juncà, Antoni Guiu, Jaume Joan Lleys, Josep Barba...) and its instruments (four pipe organs, a clavichord, a contrabass,...). Throughout the studied time we verify the high efficience of the chapel at the beggining of the nineteenth century, and the reduction of musical activities began during 1821 (Trienni Liberal), with the Mendizábal disentail. The thesis contains a musical manuscript catalogue from the members of the chapel, and musical analysis and a critical edition of four instrumental works: «Quatro sonatas» for a forte piano by Miquel Albert; «Sinfonía obligada de órgano» by Antoni Guiu; «Tema con variciones para el violoncelo» by Jaume Joan Lleys, «Variaciones para piano, flauta y fagote obligados» by Antoni Guiu. In consequence of this analysis we verify a musical evolution from the classical style to the early romanticism

    Comparison of the remineralizing effect of a sodium fluoride mouthrinse versus a sodium monofluorophosphate and calcium mouthrinse: an in vitro study

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    Objectives The aim of this in vitro study was to compare the remineralizing effect of three rinses: (A) 0.17% sodium monofluorphosphate and 0.05% calcium glycerophosphate (220 ppm fluoride), (B) 0.05% sodium fluoride (220 ppm fluoride) and (C) control mouthrinse (without fluoride or calcium). Method and Materials Demineralized areas were created in 90 pieces of bovine enamel by submerging them in an acid solution (pH 4.4) for 48 hours. Part of the surface was painted with nail varnish to preserve the demineralized area and the specimens were assigned at random to three groups. The specimens were stored in artificial saliva at pH 7 and 37ºC for 30 days. Twice daily they were immersed for 60 seconds in the respective mouthrinse. Following the experimental period, the specimens were bisected and examined by scanning electron microscopy. Results The mean percentage of remineralization produced by the mouthrinses was as follows: (A) 54.08 (95% CI 46.37- 61.78), (B) 38.43 (95% CI 30.89-45.98) and (C) 30.18 (95% CI 25.56-34.80). The differences between the three groups were statistically significant. Conclusion The results show that the fluoride and calcium mouthrinse has a significantly greater remineralizing capacity than the fluoride mouthrinse with the same fluoride ion concentration under the in vitro conditions of this study