397 research outputs found

    Black Women\u27s Journey to Executive Leadership

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    The purpose of this qualitative case study was to gain an understanding of the journey of Black women into executive leadership positions at predominately White institutions of higher education within the United States. One research question guided this study: What are the experiences of Black women at predominately White institutions (PWIs) of higher education serving in executive leadership positions? Participants were a purposeful sample of 10 Black women executives who currently serve in executive leadership at various institutions across the country. The data collection instruments were structured interviews, member checking interviews, and a personal reflective narrative. The typological analysis approach as described by Hatch (2002) was used to analyze the data collected. The key findings were that participants affirmed five major themes that impacted their journey to executive leadership: (a) glass ceilings and sticky floors which were inclusive of marginalization, barriers, stereotypes and mentoring relationships; (b) characteristic of Black women leaders; (c) resiliency of women leaders; (d) social networking; and (e) the role of faith and family, which help with the journey to executive leadership and sustaining the role once in the leadership position. The Black women executives’ ability to achieve and survive issues related to the above themes aided in the successful obtainment and current sustainability of the roles. Participants viewed strong support systems from family and friends, key mentoring relationships, and university support as critical in their journey to executive leadership

    TOWARDS A THEORY ON THE CAUSES OF THE GREEK DEPRESSION: An Investigation of National Balance Sheet Data (1997-2014). CES Open Forum Series 2018-2019

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    Drawing on a new dataset, I explore the dynamics of national wealth accumulation in Greece since 1997, and suggest a thought-provoking narrative on the causes of the Greek depression. I show that about two-thirds of the increase in external public debt during the pre-crisis period inside the euro area can be attributed to factors other than fiscal indiscipline. A positive wealth effect tied to the housing bubble resulted in a low level of national saving, thereby pushing the government to borrow from abroad to roll over its debt issued domestically and to finance investment in capital goods. Compared to Spain and Ireland, two explanations may account for the rise in external public - instead of corporate - debt during the pre-crisis period: (i) the smaller size of firms that were relatively more credit-constrained and thus had limited access to external financing, and (ii) the larger initial size of the government balance sheet - in terms of both assets and liabilities - that generated a greater incentive to roll over existing domestic debt and invest in physical assets through external borrowings

    Study on Driving Infractions

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    In depth interviews were conducted in 2023 with 20 students (10 males and 10 females), at a private university campus located in Boca Raton. Our primary goal was to identify what motivates students to continue committing driving infractions despite the risks of injury, suspension, arrests or criminal records. We discovered that these students frame driving infractions as habitual and moderate. Specifically, these students explain their habits through the use of six recurring arguments: 1) all things in moderation (stop sign confidence, texting & driving confidence, not wearing seatbelts in Ubers, 2) habits (speeding unawareness and speeding to get places, and lastly (3) citations. We discuss limitations to our study and conclude by suggesting five strategies (education, incentives for rule following, driving school, GPS help and dash cams) for prevention researchers that would directly target these arguments

    The impact of parental risk factors on child outcomes : examining parental incarceration within a multiple-risk model.

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    The impact of four primary parental risk factors (parental mental illness, parental substance use, parental mental illness, and poverty) on seven child outcomes (school failure, criminal behaviors, being arrested, behavioral difficulties, emotional difficulties, alcohol, and drug use) was examined. The accumulation of multiple risk factors in a child\u27s life was found to significantly increase the likelihood that several negative outcomes would occur. The research, however, suggests further that this is an over simplification of the phenomenon and that specific risk factors are more likely to contribute to specific child outcomes. Depending on the outcome being addressed by programming and policies it would be beneficial to address those risks found to be more significantly linked to that specific outcome

    Innovative Event Management: Is Your Organization Thriving or Just Surviving?

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    Innovative Event Management: Is Your Organization Thriving or Just Surviving? - All programming is not effective programming! This presentation will allow participants to critically analyze the structure and effectiveness of their organization. This presentation will address three pertinent domains of student organization function: Leadership, Event Management Strategies and Organizational Branding and offer participant’s innovative ideas to catapult their organization to the next level. The learning outcomes of this presentation will prepare the participant to utilize collaborative relationships to construct a holistic brand, develop innovative leadership strategies and effectively execute events. The success of your organization stems from your university and community partnerships. Innovatively leading your organization requires a team to ascend into higher realms of thinking and imagination. This creativity allows a team to create unique outlets to unify the campus and local community through collaborative leadership development and programming efforts. Thus embodying the theme of “One Campus…One Community…Unified for One Cause.

    Vie et philosophie de l’histoire chez Bergson

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    Fil: Hyppolite, Jean. Universitè Sorbonn

    Minimalisme, maximalisme et autres is(th)mes

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    L’œuvre de Patrick Deville publiée aux Éditions de Minuit a d’abord été caractérisée comme « minimaliste » en raison de sa capacité à rendre compte de la réalité dans un récit et une syntaxe dépouillés. Dans un second temps, les romans publiés aux Éditions du Seuil ont renouvelé sa pratique de l’écriture narrative au profit d’un réenchantement du roman à travers l’évocation de la vie des grands révolutionnaires du XIXe et du XXe siècle. Il s’agit de mettre en perspective ces deux écritures du roman tant d’un point de vue auctorial que lectorial

    Espaces urbains, architecture et écriture dans l’œuvre de Claude Simon

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    La représentation de la ville participe depuis Baudelaire au rêve d’une « prose poétique » avant de devenir un des lieux d’expérimentation de l’avant-garde picturale du début du vingtième siècle. Trois œuvres d’art manifestent, en particulier, l’intérêt que Claude Simon porte à la question de la représentation de l’espace urbain et contribuent à définir son rapport à l’espace : le dessin autographe « Main écrivant », Charlene de Robert Rauschenberg, et les photographies de la place Monge pris..
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