1,269 research outputs found

    Nordic noir -televisiosarjan Rikos ääniraidan Lähi-itään viittaavat topokset

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    Artikkelissani tarkastelen tanskalaisen rikosdraamasarjan Rikos (Forbrydelsen, 2007–2012) musiikki- ja äänidramaturgiaa ja erityisesti siinä esiintyviä erilaisia Lähi-itään viittaavia tyylipiirteitä. Samalla arvioin, minkälaisia strategioita sarjan musiikissa ja äänisuunnittelussa käytetään suhteessa maahanmuuttajuuteen ja erityisesti islamilaiseen kulttuuriin. Kyseessä on poikkeuksellisen hyvin menestynyt draamasarja, joka oli siivittämässä pohjoismaisen audiovisuaalisen rikosdraaman murtautumista maailmanlaajuiseksi kulttuurituotteeksi. Se on myös yksi keskeisistä niin sanotun nordic noirin edustajista, tyylilajin, jossa tyypillisesti on yhteiskuntakriittinen ote.Keskityn analyysissäni sarjan ensimmäiseen tuotantokauteen, jossa selvitetään teini-ikäisen tytön murhaa. Kyseisellä tuotantokaudella sarjassa ei eksplisiittisesti käsitellä islamia tai maahanmuuttajuutta, myöskään mitään selkeää rasismiin tai muukalaisvihaan liittyvää tematiikkaa sarjassa ei ole. Tästä huolimatta erityisesti erityisesti sarjan musiikeissa, mutta myös äänisuunnittelussa, hyödynnetään arabialaiseen ja persialaiseen kulttuuriin viittaavia tyylikeinoja, ja ne nivoutuvatkin keskeiseksi osaksi sarjan kerrontaa ja ilmaisua. Sarjan ensimmäinen tuotantokausi tehtiin ja julkaistiin aikana, jolloin Tanskassa maahanmuuttajuuteen liittyvät kysymykset ja maan suhtautuminen islamilaiseen kulttuuriin olivat juuri olleet runsaasti esillä, johtuen muun muassa niin sanotuista Muhammad-pilapiirroksista. Tarkastelen sarjan musiikki- ja äänidramaturgiaa myös tätä taustaa vasten.</p

    Nordic noir -sarjojen alkutekstijaksojen tyylipiirteistä

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    Correcting for interplanetary scattering in velocity dispersion analysis of solar energetic particles

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    To understand the origin of Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs), we must study their injection time relative to other solar eruption manifestations. Traditionally the injection time is determined using the Velocity Dispersion Analysis (VDA) where a linear fit of the observed event onset times at 1 AU to the inverse velocities of SEPs is used to derive the injection time and path length of the first-arriving particles. VDA does not, however, take into account that the particles that produce a statistically observable onset at 1 AU have scattered in the interplanetary space. We use Monte Carlo test particle simulations of energetic protons to study the effect of particle scattering on the observable SEP event onset above pre-event background, and consequently on VDA results. We find that the VDA results are sensitive to the properties of the pre-event and event particle spectra as well as SEP injection and scattering parameters. In particular, a VDA-obtained path length that is close to the nominal Parker spiral length does not imply that the VDA injection time is correct. We study the delay to the observed onset caused by scattering of the particles and derive a simple estimate for the delay time by using the rate of intensity increase at the SEP onset as a parameter. We apply the correction to a magnetically well-connected SEP event of 2000 June 10, and show it to improve both the path length and injection time estimates, while also increasing the error limits to better reflect the inherent uncertainties of VDA

    Guiding and reflecting light by boundary material

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    We study effects of finite height and surrounding material on photonic crystal slabs of one- and two-dimensional photonic crystals with a pseudo-spectral method and finite difference time domain simulation methods. The band gap is shown to be strongly modified by the boundary material. As an application we suggest reflection and guiding of light by patterning the material on top/below the slab.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Ліберали України та вибори до і думи

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    Cytokine concentrations in biological fluids are widely used markers for activation of immunological processes. Confirming the reproducibility of measurements is important, especially in longitudinal or multicenter studies where time between analyses or different analyzing laboratories increases the intra-assay variability. In this study, the reproducibility of the cytokine analysis conducted with different assay platforms was studied by comparing the results of two cytokines [interleukin (IL)-6 in serum and nasal lavage fluid (NAL) and IL-8 in NAL] analyzed with Meso Scale Discovery (MSD) ultra-sensitive single and multiplex assay kits (n = 76). In addition, the difference in cytokine levels between two biological sample matrices was studied by comparing the results of altogether 9 cytokines [IL-6, IL-2, IL-8, IL12p70, IL-1β, granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), interferon (IFN)γ, IL-10 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)α] measured from serum and NAL of the same study subjects (n = 460). The results show that the cytokine concentrations analyzed with single and multiplex assays are concordant but not equal. Comparison of the different matrices revealed that cytokine concentrations in serum do not correspond with concentrations detected in nasal lavage fluid. It can be concluded that comparability of the results from single and multiplex analysis of cytokines is high, but the concentrations should not be compared directly with each other. The differences between concentrations analyzed from serum and nasal lavage fluid indicate that the levels are specific for each matrix and represent distinct immunological conditions. (aut.ref.

    Erosion-oxidation of pressure vessel steel P265GH

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    The behaviour of pressure vessel steel P265GH was studied in a centrifugal high-temperature erosion apparatus under impacts by silica (SiO2) particles moving at velocities ranging from 20 to 60 m s-1 and contacting the surface at the angles of 30° and 90°. Besides particle impacts, the steel was simultaneously exposed to air and elevated temperatures of 350 and 450°C. For comparison, the tests were also performed in the absence of erodent particles. After the tests, the material behaviour was evaluated in terms of occurred weight changes and surface characteristics, the latter ones of which were investigated by using, for example, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). In the analysis of the test results, special attention was paid to the composition and microstructure of the used silica particles and how these influence the elemental distribution on the exposed surfaces. The results show that the particle impacts introduce weight losses that follow a ductile angle-dependency, i.e., relatively greater weight losses at the shallow than at the steep impact angle. Although evident oxide scales developed on the surfaces at the test temperatures, they did not provide the steel with protection against particle impacts. Particle debris was detected embedded in the surfaces particularly under impacts at 90°, with softer particle constituents being preferentially deposited. These results are discussed in terms of the erosion-oxidation behaviour of the steel and the consequences of the heterogeneous erodent particle quality

    The effect of a probiotic blend on gastrointestinal symptoms in constipated patients: A double blind, randomised, placebo controlled 2-week trial

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    Selected strains of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria are known to ameliorate constipation-related symptoms and have previously shown efficacy on digestive health. In this clinical trial, the safety and effectiveness of a probiotic blend containing lactobacilli and bifidobacteria were evaluated in adults with self-reported bloating and functional constipation. Constipation was diagnosed by the Rome III criteria. A total of 156 adults were randomised into this double-blind and placebo-controlled trial. Participants consumed the combination of Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM (1010 cfu), Lactobacillus paracasei Lpc-37 (2.5×109 cfu), Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis strains Bl-04 (2.5×109 cfu), Bi-07 (2.5×109 cfu) and HN019 (1010 cfu) (n=78), or placebo (microcrystalline cellulose) (n=78) for two weeks. After treatment the following were measured: primary outcome of bloating and secondary outcomes of colonic transit time, bowel movement frequency, stool consistency, other gastrointestinal symptoms (flatulence, abdominal pain, and burbling), constipation-related questionnaires (PAC-SYM and PAC-QoL) and product satisfaction. Faecal recovery of consumed strains was determined. The enrolled population was defined as constipated, however, the initial bloating severity was lower than in previous similar studies. No clinically significant observations related to the safety of the product were reported. Product efficacy was not shown in the primary analysis for bloating nor for the secondary efficacy analyses. The placebo functioned similarly as the probiotic product. In post-hoc analysis, a statistically significant decrease in flatulence in favour of the probiotic group was observed; day 7 (intention-to-treat (ITT): P=0.0313; per-protocol (PP): 0.0253) and on day 14 (ITT: P=0.0116; PP: P=0.0102) as measured by area under the curve (AUC) analysis. The mean AUC of all symptoms decreased in favour of the probiotic group, indicating less digestive discomfort. The study was registered at the ISRCTN registry (ISRCTN41607808)