14 research outputs found

    The Effect of Outdoor Classroom Activity to the Writing Skill for Students English Department

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    This research is concerned with The Effect of Outdoor Classroom Activity to the Writing Skill for student’s English department Universitas of Dharmas Indonesia. The objective of this research is to find out whether there is a significant difference in teaching writing skills between the students who are taught by using outdoor classroom activity and those who are not taught by using outdoor classroom activity. The implement of outdoor classroom activity in teaching learning process especially in writing skills can be assumed students' knowledge through the solid situation such as caring students outdoor the classroom so that the students can analyze their minds through what they observe and examine precisely. Hence, this research used an experimental research that was taken at first semester students' English Department. The experimental research involved two classes of students. The sample of this research was taken randomly. Both classes were provide pre-test and post-test. Next, the students of the group were learned by proving outdoor classroom activity at the same time the control group is learned beyond outdoor classroom activity. The occur of this research, as chases: The analysis occur of the experimental class offers that the mean count of the pre-test is 45.47 and the means count of the post-test is 71.82. It offers that the experimental class can improve student writing skill in learning process

    Class Wide Peer Tutoring (Cwpt) Strategy: Its Impact to Students’ Readin Comprehension of Grade Eight Students of SMP 1 Sungai Rumbai Dharmasraya

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    Class Wide Peer Tutoring (CWPT) Strategy is chosen to be applied in order to develop the teacher’s strategy in teaching learning process especially Narrative Text. The objective of the research is to examine whether or not Class Wide Peer Tutoring (CWPT) Strategy can improve students’ Reading Comprehension of grade eight students of SMP 1 Sungai Rumbai Dharmasraya. Besides, the researcher is also designed to study what happens when Class Wide Peer Tutoring (CWPT) Strategy applied.To get the data in this research, the researcher used test as an instrument. The researcher gave them multiple choice, to know how well the students already mastered reading comprehension on narrative text. The data of the research were collected in three steps as stated, Pre-test. The researcher gave pret-test to the control and experimental groups in order to know students reading comprehension level and to cover students score in mastering reading comprehension. Than treatment, The researcher prepared materials by giving treatment using CWPT in teaching narrative text for experimental group focused on reading comprehension and Questioning strategy for control group in order to compare both of the strategy given. The last Post-test. The researcher gave post-test to experimental group and control group after giving the treatment. After gathering the data, the researcher analyzed the students’ result by using a statistical formula which is called t-test. The researcher calculated the significant differences for Class Wide Peer Tutoring. By using CWPT strategy the teacher can increase students ability in reading comprehensin. The finding reveal that Class Wide Peer Tutoring (CWPT) strategy can improve students’ reading comprehension, where students work in pair, help each other to accomplish individual and pair task. Furthermore, in CWPT strategy the teacher guides the students in pair activities, provides feedback on pair fuctioning and intervenes when necessary. Class Wide Peer Tutoring (CWPT)  Strategy as used in this research gave good Impact to students’ Reading Comprehension, especially in narrative text of SMP 1 Grade Eight students Sungai Rumbai Dharmasraya. The use of this strategy helped the students comprehend the text, made the students participate actively in the learning process, gave good response during pairing activity, and provided fun which facilitated more learning

    Students’ Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Learning English SMP N 1 Sitiung

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    Motivasi adalah salah satu factor paling penting yang mempengaruhi pembelajaran bahasa inggris. Motivasi belajar yang jelas mampu mengubah inisiatif dan kesadaran belajar siswa, dan meninggkatkan kepercayaan diri dalam belajar bahasa inggris. Motivasi dapat mengarahkan siswa untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaraan. Dengan memiliki motivasi, siswa akan antusias dalam proses belajar mengajar jadi mereka akan terdorong untuk belajar bahasa inggris dengan baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui bagaimana motivasi siswa dalam belajar bahasa inggris terhadap kemampuan bahasa inggris. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif untuk memotivasi siswa dalam belajar bahasa inggris. pengumpulan data yang mana mampu Penelitian ini menjelasakan tentang analisis beberapa cara yang digunakan untuk memotivasi siswa SMP N 1 SITIUNG. Dengan hasil dari analisis, penelitian ini memberikan saran untuk institusi agar memberi apresiasi kepada siswa yang memiliki prestasi yang bagus, untuk para guru agar dapat menstimulasi dan mambangun motivasi siswa


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    This research is written to develop English Computer Module based on Constructivism for Informatics Engineering Students. In Informatics Engineering department, graduates are expected to have an ability to speak English in order to compete in their job profession. Therefore, it is considered necessary to compile an English Computer module that is specific to the context and purpose with the students of the Informatics Engineering course. The main purpose of this research is to produce English Computer Module for Informatics Engineering students with valid, practice, and effective. The long term goal of this research is to make Engineering students are able to master English language that can be their provision in order to compete in their job profession. This teaching module developed by Constructivism. This research used Research and Development method of ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate). This research was conducted in the second semester of Informatics Engineering students. In the analysis stage, it was conducted needs analysis and situation analysis. Design stage was conducted by designing Computer English modules based on tasks, lesson plan, and assessment instrument of Computer English modules. Develop stage was conducted by developing teaching material. Implement stage was conducted by implementing teaching material in Engineering class. Finally, the Evaluate stage was an evaluation of the implementation each stages of ADDIE model. The data in this research were collected by using the validation sheet of teaching material, lesson plan, questionnaires respond of Informatics Engineering English lecturer and Engineering students, and students test result. The result of this English Computer Module based on Constructivism for Informatics Engineering Students is valid, practice, effective criteria and accordance to the Engineering students’ needs


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    The Pancasila student profile is the main goal of education developers. This research aims to describe various implementation patterns of strategies and methods applied by teachers in realizing the Pancasila student profile and to find out how the existing Pancasila student profile program is used in the independent curriculum and whether it has an impact on the formation of student character at school. This study found that the implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile is not ideal because of the many obstacles faced by educators. These obstacles include limited educator time, time for teaching and learning activities, little lesson substance, limited educator efforts towards science and technology, and lack of student attention to the subject. Apart from that, there is an impact on the formation of personality or individual resilience of each learner and student. The main objective of the Pancasila Student Profile is to maintain and strengthen the nation's noble values ​​and ethics, prepare students to become global citizens, realize social justice in society, and achieve 21st-century competencies. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The location of this research is at SDN 09 Sungai Rumbai, Dharmasraya Regency. The research results showed that to achieve the Pancasila student profile carried out by SDN 09 is through 2 main strategic approaches and 1 value or character model. The implementation of learning by strengthening the Pancasila student profile has strategies implemented, namely differentiated learning and social-emotional competence. The results of this strategic approach can be seen in the ability of students who are increasingly critical in the learning process, have high levels of sympathy, and empathy, and also have a cooperative attitude. However, in this case, what is more important to implement to achieve the Pancasila student profile is the involvement of teachers in the implementation process, so that teachers become examples for their students at school

    Analysis of Students' Difficulty Factors in Learning English at SMP Negeri 23 Kabupaten Tebo

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    This study aims to determine the English language skills of students who experience difficulties in English, the factors that cause difficulties and how to overcome difficulties in learning English. The method used in this study is a qualitative description in which data collection is carried out by direct observation and communication techniques. Data collection tool using interviews and also observation. This research involved several teachers and students in a school. The results of this study state that the factors causing this difficulty occur from internal factors and external factors. Internal factors, such as the lack of student interest in learning in class. While external factors include teacher learning methods in class. Efforts that can be made to overcome this are by understanding student characteristics, types of student learning in class, developing student motivation and also evaluating each lesso


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    This research explore the Effectiveness of “thieves” Strategy Towards Students’ Reading Comprehension at the Eleventh Grade of SMAN 19 Tebo. The problems of this research are students lack of vocabulary, students did not have good motivation in reading text and the students have difficulty in comprehending texts. The purpose of the research is to know the effectiveness of THIEVES strategy towards students’ reading comprehension at the eleventh grade of SMAN 19 Tebo. This research focus on the quantitative research. The population in this study all 11 grades at SMAN 19 Tebo. In this study, the total population is 29, consist of class 11 IPS and 11 MIPA. Then, the sample in this study 11 IPS and II MIPA. Based on practical teaching English at SMAN 19 Tebo, the researcher find some problems in the class. Therefore the researcher applies strategy in reading, with this strategy students learn the THIEVES strategy before students read the text. The research findings indicate that the use of THIEVES strategy was able to improve the students’ reading comprehension. The conclusions of this research is supported by the post-test results of students’ reading comprehension at the eleventh grade students of SMAN 19 Tebo. The mean post-test experimental class is 78.75 and in the control class is 71.69. The differerence score between experimental class and control class was 7.06. The researcher find a positive impact on the experimental class. It means that students’ reading comprehension in experimental class was significantly improve and there is significantly different effect between experimental class and control class which teach by using THIEVES and without THIEVES. It indicates that the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It presents that the THIEVES strategy give a significant effect on students’ reading comprehension of report text


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    This research is motivated by the lack of students' writing skills in explanatory texts. This is caused by students' difficulties in using vocabulary, structure, and knowledge of natural or social phenomena. Based on this, a study was conducted to analyze students' abilities and difficulties in writing explanatory texts. The method of this research was descriptive research. Writing essays and questionnaires were used as instruments of collecting data. The subject of this research was XI MIPA of SMA N 1 Sungai Rumbai. The data collection technique in this study was using an essay test, and a questionnaire consisting of 20 questions. Based on the results of research that has been done with descriptive methods, it can be seen that students' writing skills are good with an average score (of 88.73). The results of the questionnaire obtained by students (43,78) showed that students of MIPA  SMA N 1 Sungai Rumbai were easy in writing explanation texts

    Developing Teaching Material Based on Task Based Learning in 16 Tenses

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    Penelitian ini ditulis untuk membuat pengembangan bahan ajar bahasa Inggris berbasis tugas untuk mahasiswa bahasa Inggris. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan materi bahasa Inggris bagi siswa dengan valid, praktis, dan efektif. Tujuan jangka panjang penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat mahasiswa bahasa inggris mampu menguasai 16 tenses yang ada dalam grammar bahasa inggris. Bahan ajar ini dikembangkan dengan menggunakan pendekatan berbasis tugas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Penelitian dan Pengembangan ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, dan Evaluate)


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    Character education is currently an issue that is receiving serious attention from governments in various countries. The main focus of this discussion is human resource development through instilling character values. One of the education sectors that has implemented character education comprehensively, both in curriculum development and field activities, is basic education. Basic education institutions have a big responsibility in developing and implementing character education to advance national civilization. This character education is based on basic values ​​that are rooted in community life, with the hope of producing quality individuals in all dimensions of their personality, especially in the educational context. This research aims to describe the comparison of character education in the elementary school curriculum between two countries, namely Indonesia and Malaysia. This research is library research, which was carried out using data collection techniques through reviewing books, literature, notes, and various reports related to the problem to be solved. Based on the analysis of various curriculum documents, it was found that both countries, Indonesia and Malaysia, have implemented character education both in the curriculum and in educational activities. There are similarities and differences between character education in the two countries, which can be seen from three main aspects: character education in the curriculum, character values ​​in the curriculum, and strategies for implementing character education. Overall, character education in elementary schools has an important role in shaping individual character and advancing national civilization. Even though there are similarities between Indonesia and Malaysia in the implementation of character education, differences in character values ​​and implementation strategies need to be looked at to understand the local context of each country. This research contributes to a further understanding of character development efforts in the context of basic education