92 research outputs found

    Cell Death and Reproductive Regression in Female Schistosoma mansoni

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    The vitellarium is a highly proliferative organ, producing cells which are incorporated along with a fertilized ovum into the schistosome egg. Vitellarial growth fails to occur in virgin female schistosomes in single sex (female-only) infections, and involution of this tissue, which is accompanied by physical shrinkage of the entire worm, occurs when mature females sexually regress upon removal from their male partners. We have found that upon removal from their hosts into tissue culture, female parasites regress whether they are mated or not, but that cessation of egg production and a decline in expression of the vitelline gene p14 is delayed by mating. We used BrdU labeling to investigate whether there was a loss of proliferation in the vittelarium that might account for regression and found that the proliferation rate declined equally in paired and singled females once placed into culture. However, TUNEL staining and Caspase 3 activity measurements indicate that the loss of vitrellarial cellularity associated with regression is associated with profound apoptotic vitelline cell death, which is not apparent in the vitellaria of paired females immediately ex vivo, and which develops in vitro regardless of whether males are present or not. Furthermore, primordial vitellaria in virgin females have a high frequency of apoptotic cells but are characterized by a proliferation rate that is indistinguishable from that in fully developed vitellaria in mature paired females. Taken together, our data suggest that the vitelline proliferation rate is independent of pairing status. In contrast, the survival of vitelline cells, and therefore the development of the vitellarium, is highly male-dependent. Both processes are negatively affected by removal from the host regardless of whether male worms are present or not, and are unsustainable using standard tissue culture approaches

    ILC3s integrate glycolysis and mitochondrial production of reactive oxygen species to fulfill activation demands

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    Group 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILC3s) are the innate counterparts of Th17 that require the transcription factor RORγt for development and contribute to the defense against pathogens through IL-22 and IL-17 secretion. Proliferation and effector functions of Th17 require a specific mTOR-dependent metabolic program that utilizes high-rate glycolysis, while mitochondrial lipid oxidation and production of reactive oxygen species (mROS) support alternative T reg cell differentiation. Whether ILC3s employ a specific metabolic program is not known. Here, we find that ILC3s rely on mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) for proliferation and production of IL-22 and IL-17A after in vitro activation and Citrobacter rodentium infection. mTORC1 induces activation of HIF1α, which reprograms ILC3 metabolism toward glycolysis and sustained expression of RORγt. However, in contrast to Th17, ILC3 activation requires mROS production; rather than inducing an alternative regulatory fate as it does in CD4 T cells, mROS stabilizes HIF1α and RORγt in ILC3s and thereby promotes their activation. We conclude that ILC3 activation relies on a metabolic program that integrates glycolysis with mROS production

    Fatty acid oxidation is essential for egg production by the parasitic flatworm Schistosoma mansoni

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    Schistosomes, parasitic flatworms that cause the neglected tropical disease schistosomiasis, have been considered to have an entirely carbohydrate based metabolism, with glycolysis playing a dominant role in the adult parasites. However, we have discovered a close link between mitochondrial oxygen consumption by female schistosomes and their ability to produce eggs. We show that oxygen consumption rates (OCR) and egg production are significantly diminished by pharmacologic inhibition of carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1 (CPT1), which catalyzes a rate limiting step in fatty acid β-oxidation (FAO) and by genetic loss of function of acyl CoA synthetase, which complexes with CPT1 and activates long chain FA for use in FAO, and of acyl CoA dehydrogenase, which catalyzes the first step in FAO within mitochondria. Declines in OCR and egg production correlate with changes in a network of lipid droplets within cells in a specialized reproductive organ, the vitellarium. Our data point to the importance of regulated lipid stores and FAO for the compartmentalized process of egg production in schistosomes

    Discovery of anthelmintic drug targets and drugs using chokepoints in nematode metabolic pathways

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    Parasitic roundworm infections plague more than 2 billion people (1/3 of humanity) and cause drastic losses in crops and livestock. New anthelmintic drugs are urgently needed as new drug resistance and environmental concerns arise. A "chokepoint reaction" is defined as a reaction that either consumes a unique substrate or produces a unique product. A chokepoint analysis provides a systematic method of identifying novel potential drug targets. Chokepoint enzymes were identified in the genomes of 10 nematode species, and the intersection and union of all chokepoint enzymes were found. By studying and experimentally testing available compounds known to target proteins orthologous to nematode chokepoint proteins in public databases, this study uncovers features of chokepoints that make them successful drug targets. Chemogenomic screening was performed on drug-like compounds from public drug databases to find existing compounds that target homologs of nematode chokepoints. The compounds were prioritized based on chemical properties frequently found in successful drugs and were experimentally tested using Caenorhabditis elegans. Several drugs that are already known anthelmintic drugs and novel candidate targets were identified. Seven of the compounds were tested in Caenorhabditis elegans and three yielded a detrimental phenotype. One of these three drug-like compounds, Perhexiline, also yielded a deleterious effect in Haemonchus contortus and Onchocerca lienalis, two nematodes with divergent forms of parasitism. Perhexiline, known to affect the fatty acid oxidation pathway in mammals, caused a reduction in oxygen consumption rates in C. elegans and genome-wide gene expression profiles provided an additional confirmation of its mode of action. Computational modeling of Perhexiline and its target provided structural insights regarding its binding mode and specificity. Our lists of prioritized drug targets and drug-like compounds have potential to expedite the discovery of new anthelmintic drugs with broad-spectrum efficacy

    The aryl hydrocarbon receptor instructs the immunomodulatory profile of a subset of Clec4a4 eosinophils unique to the small intestine

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    C-type lectin domain family 4, member a4 (Clec4a4) is a C-type lectin inhibitory receptor specific for glycans thought to be exclusively expressed on murine CD8α− conventional dendritic cells. Using newly generated Clec4a4-mCherry knock-in mice, we identify a subset of Clec4a4-expressing eosinophils uniquely localized in the small intestine lamina propria. Clec4a4+ eosinophils evinced an immunomodulatory signature, whereas Clec4a4− eosinophils manifested a proinflammatory profile. Clec4a4+ eosinophils expressed high levels of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (Ahr), which drove the expression of Clec4a4 as well as other immunomodulatory features, such as PD-L1. The abundance of Clec4a4+ eosinophils was dependent on dietary AHR ligands, increased with aging, and declined in inflammatory conditions. Mice lacking AHR in eosinophils expanded innate lymphoid cells of type 2 and cleared Nippostrongylus brasiliensis infection more effectively than did wild-type mice. These results highlight the heterogeneity of eosinophils in response to tissue cues and identify a unique AHR-dependent subset of eosinophils in the small intestine with an immunomodulatory profile

    Cell-intrinsic lysosomal lipolysis is essential for macrophage alternative activation

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    Alternative (M2) macrophage activation driven through interleukin 4 receptor α (IL-4Rα) is important for immunity to parasites, wound healing, the prevention of atherosclerosis and metabolic homeostasis. M2 polarization is dependent on fatty acid oxidation (FAO), but the source of fatty acids to support this metabolic program has not been clear. We show that the uptake of triacylglycerol substrates via CD36 and their subsequent lipolysis by lysosomal acid lipase (LAL) was important for the engagement of elevated oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), enhanced spare respiratory capacity (SRC), prolonged survival and expression of genes that together define M2 activation. Inhibition of lipolysis suppressed M2 activation during infection with a parasitic helminth, and blocked protective responses against this pathogen. Our findings delineate a critical role for cell-intrinsic lysosomal lipolysis in M2 activation

    Rpl13a small nucleolar RNAs regulate systemic glucose metabolism

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    Small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) are non-coding RNAs that form ribonucleoproteins to guide covalent modifications of ribosomal and small nuclear RNAs in the nucleus. Recent studies have also uncovered additional non-canonical roles for snoRNAs. However, the physiological contributions of these small RNAs are largely unknown. Here, we selectively deleted four snoRNAs encoded within the introns of the ribosomal protein L13a (Rpl13a) locus in a mouse model. Loss of Rpl13a snoRNAs altered mitochondrial metabolism and lowered reactive oxygen species tone, leading to increased glucose-stimulated insulin secretion from pancreatic islets and enhanced systemic glucose tolerance. Islets from mice lacking Rpl13a snoRNAs demonstrated blunted oxidative stress responses. Furthermore, these mice were protected against diabetogenic stimuli that cause oxidative stress damage to islets. Our study illuminates a previously unrecognized role for snoRNAs in metabolic regulation

    Gata6 regulates aspartoacylase expression in resident peritoneal macrophages and controls their survival

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    The transcription factor Gata6 regulates proliferation and differentiation of epithelial and endocrine cells and cancers. Among hematopoietic cells, Gata6 is expressed selectively in resident peritoneal macrophages. We thus examined whether the loss of Gata6 in the macrophage compartment affected peritoneal macrophages, using Lyz2-Cre x Gata6flox/flox mice to tackle this issue. In Lyz2-Cre x Gata6flox/flox mice, the resident peritoneal macrophage compartment, but not macrophages in other organs, was contracted, with only a third the normal number of macrophages remaining. Heightened rates of death explained the marked decrease in peritoneal macrophage observed. The metabolism of the remaining macrophages was skewed to favor oxidative phosphorylation and alternative activation markers were spontaneously and selectively induced in Gata6-deficient macrophages. Gene expression profiling revealed perturbed metabolic regulators, including aspartoacylase (Aspa), which facilitates generation of acetyl CoA. Mutant mice lacking functional Aspa phenocopied the higher propensity to death and led to a contraction of resident peritoneal macrophages. Thus, Gata6 regulates differentiation, metabolism, and survival of resident peritoneal macrophages

    Migratory CD103+ dendritic cells suppress helminth-driven type 2 immunity through constitutive expression of IL-12

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    CD8alpha(+) and CD103(+) dendritic cells (DCs) play a central role in the development of type 1 immune responses. However, their role in type 2 immunity remains unclear. We examined this issue using Batf3(-/-) mice, in which both of these DC subsets are missing. We found that Th2 cell responses, and related events such as eosinophilia, alternative macrophage activation, and immunoglobulin class switching to IgG1, were enhanced in Batf3(-/-) mice responding to helminth parasites. This had beneficial or detrimental consequences depending on the context. For example, Batf3 deficiency converted a normally chronic intestinal infection with Heligmosomoides polygyrus into an infection that was rapidly controlled. However, liver fibrosis, an IL-13-mediated pathological consequence of wound healing in chronic schistosomiasis, was exacerbated in Batf3(-/-) mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni. Mechanistically, steady-state production of IL-12 by migratory CD103(+) DCs, independent of signals from commensals or TLR-initiated events, was necessary and sufficient to exert the suppressive effects on Th2 response development. These findings identify a previously unrecognized role for migratory CD103(+) DCs in antagonizing type 2 immune responses

    Itaconate Links Inhibition of Succinate Dehydrogenase with Macrophage Metabolic Remodeling and Regulation of Inflammation

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    Remodeling of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle is a metabolic adaptation accompanying inflammatory macrophage activation. During this process, endogenous metabolites can adopt regulatory roles that govern specific aspects of inflammatory response, as recently shown for succinate, which regulates the pro-inflammatory IL-1β-HIF-1α axis. Itaconate is one of the most highly induced metabolites in activated macrophages, yet its functional significance remains unknown. Here, we show that itaconate modulates macrophage metabolism and effector functions by inhibiting succinate dehydrogenase-mediated oxidation of succinate. Through this action, itaconate exerts anti-inflammatory effects when administered in vitro and in vivo during macrophage activation and ischemia-reperfusion injury. Using newly generated Irg1(−/−) mice, which lack the ability to produce itaconate, we show that endogenous itaconate regulates succinate levels and function, mitochondrial respiration, and inflammatory cytokine production during macrophage activation. These studies highlight itaconate as a major physiological regulator of the global metabolic rewiring and effector functions of inflammatory macrophages
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