665 research outputs found

    Electron Energy Confinement For HHFW Heating and Current Drive Phasing on NSTX

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    Formulasi Dan Uji Sterilitas Hidrogel Herbal Ekstrak Etanol Daun Tagetes Erecta L.

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    FORMULASI DAN UJI STERILITAS HIDROGEL HERBAL EKSTRAK ETANOL DAUN Tagetes erecta L. Hosea Jaya Edy1), Marchaban2*), Subagus Wahyuono2), Agung Endro Nugroho2) 1)Program Doktoral Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281 2)Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281 *E-mail : [email protected] ABSTRACT Ethanolic extract of T. erecta as raw material locally named bunga tahi kotok. Chemical constituents contained in T. erecta are polyphenols and flavonoids useful in wound healing. Ethanolic extract of T. erecta formulation into the hydrogel highly beneficial in the treatment process. The sterility perfomed also be a critical point in ensuring the quality of medicines. The physical characteristics of the hydrogel highly dependent on the material used gel base. This study used a combination of three types of bases are Carbopol 940, Colagen and CMC. Physical properties testing conducted shortly after the formulations obtained good results. Stability testing conducted during the three months that remain sterile hydrogel obtained or not contaminated with microorganisms. Keywords : Tagetes erecta L, formulation, hydrogel, physical characteristics, sterility ABSTRAK Ekstrak etanol daun Tagetes erecta L. atau biasa dikenal dengan nama tanaman bunga tahi kotok memiliki kandungan flavonoid dan fenolik yang berfungsi membantu proses penyembuhan luka. Formulasi ekstrak daun T. erecta dalam bentuk hidrogel sangat bermanfaat dalam proses pengobatan. Karakteristik fisik hidrogel sangat bergantung terhadap bahan basis gel yang digunakan. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan kombinasi tiga jenis basis yaitu karbopol 940, gelatin dan CMC. Sterilitas sedian juga menjadi titik penting dalam menjamin kualitas obat. Dalam penelitian ini dibuat tiga formula hidrogel dengan bobot basis yang berbeda-beda. Pengujian sifat fisik yang dilakukan sesaat setelah proses formulasi didapatkan hasil yang baik. Pengujian sterilitas yang dilakukan selama tiga bulan didapatkan hasil sediaan yang tetap steril atau tidak terkontaminasi mikroorganisme


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaturan tindak pidana pajak terhadap penghindaran pajak tax avoidance dan bagaimana penerapan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku penghindaran pajak. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Penghindaran Pajak atau tax avoidance adalah tindakan yang dilakukan wajib pajak untuk meminimalkan pajak dengan cara yang bertentangan dengan maksud dan tujuan dari undang-undang dan atau tujuan pembuat undang undang (the intention of parlemment) dengan modus operandinya merekayasa pajak guna menghindari pemenuhan kewajiban perpajakan dan/ atau memenuhi kewajiban pajak dengan jumlah pajak dapat ditekan serendah mungkin. 2. Penerapan sanksi pidana terhadap kasus penghindaran pajak dituntut dengan hukuman denda, hukuman penjara dan pencabutan hak-hak tertentu berupa pencabutan ijin usaha atau pengumuman keputusan hakim menyangkut reputasi perusahaan.Kata kunci: Penerapan  Sanksi  Pidana,  Pelaku Penghindaran  Pajak

    Impact of alloy disorder on the band structure of compressively strained GaBiAs

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    The incorporation of bismuth (Bi) in GaAs results in a large reduction of the band gap energy (Eg_g) accompanied with a large increase in the spin-orbit splitting energy (SO\bigtriangleup_{SO}), leading to the condition that SO>Eg\bigtriangleup_{SO} > E_g which is anticipated to reduce so-called CHSH Auger recombination losses whereby the energy and momentum of a recombining electron-hole pair is given to a second hole which is excited into the spin-orbit band. We theoretically investigate the electronic structure of experimentally grown GaBix_xAs1x_{1-x} samples on (100) GaAs substrates by directly comparing our data with room temperature photo-modulated reflectance (PR) measurements. Our atomistic theoretical calculations, in agreement with the PR measurements, confirm that Eg_g is equal to SO\bigtriangleup_{SO} for x\textit{x} \approx 9%. We then theoretically probe the inhomogeneous broadening of the interband transition energies as a function of the alloy disorder. The broadening associated with spin-split-off transitions arises from conventional alloy effects, while the behaviour of the heavy-hole transitions can be well described using a valence band-anticrossing model. We show that for the samples containing 8.5% and 10.4% Bi the difficulty in identifying a clear light-hole-related transition energy from the measured PR data is due to the significant broadening of the host matrix light-hole states as a result of the presence of a large number of Bi resonant states in the same energy range and disorder in the alloy. We further provide quantitative estimates of the impact of supercell size and the assumed random distribution of Bi atoms on the interband transition energies in GaBix_{x}As1x_{1-x}. Our calculations support a type-I band alignment at the GaBix_xAs1x_{1-x}/GaAs interface, consistent with recent experimental findings


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    ABSTRACT Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) and Red Cana Flower (Canna coccinea Mill.) contain natural dyes (anthocyanins) which are used as an alternative natural dyes as well as natural antioxidants. This study aims to make and discover the physical evaluation of blusher preparations using natural dyes in a combination of Purple Sweet Potato extract and Red Cana Flower with a concentration of 15%: 15%, 15%: 20 %, 20%: 20%. This research used laboratory experimental methods. The results of the physical properties test showed that the resulting preparations gave a light purple to purplish pink color, had a distinctive odor of pafrum oleum rose, had a soft texture, all preparations had a homogeneous composition, the ph value of the preparations ranged from 6.00 – 6.45, the best polish at concentrations dye 20%: 20%, for 14 days of observation the color on all preparations did not change with light, and the most preferred preparations by researcher are those with dye concentrations of 20%: 20%. It shows that it can be concluded that a combination of ethanol extract of Purple Sweet Potato and Red Cana Flower. Can be used as a natural dye in blush preparations. Keywords:  Ipomoea batatas L., Canna coccinea Mill., Blusher. ABSTRAK  Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoea batatas L.) dan Bunga Kana Merah (Canna coccinea Mill.) mengadung pewarna alami (antosianin) yang digunakan sebagai zat pewarna alami alternatif mapun sebagai antioksidan alami. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat serta mengetahui evaluasi fisik sediaan perona pipi dengan memanfaatkan pewarna alami pada kombinasi ekstrak Ubi Jalar Ungu dan Bunga Kana Merah dengan konsentrasi 15%:15%, 15%:20% dan 20%:20%. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental laboratorium. Hasil pengujian sifat fisik menunjukan bahwa sediaan yang dihasilkan memberikan warna ungu muda hingga merah muda keunguan, bau khas parfum oleum rose, teksturnya lembut, semua sediaan memiliki susunan yang homogen, nilai pH sediaan berkisar 6,00 - 6,45, polesan terbaik pada konsentrasi zat warna 20%:20%, selama 14 hari pengamatan warna pada semua sediaan tidak mengalami perubahan terhadap cahaya, dan sediaan yang paling disukai oleh panelis adalah sediaan dengan konsentrasi zat warna 20%:20%. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kombinasi ekstrak etanol Ubi Jalar Ungu dan Bungu Kana Merah dapat digunkan sebagai pewarna alami dalam sediaan perona pipi. Kata kunci: Ipomoea batatas L., Canna coccinea Mill., Perona pip

    Free radical scavenging activity of some fungi indigenous to Tanzania

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate free radical scavenging capacity of crude extracts from forest basidiomycetous fungi, domestic zygomycetous fungi and marine ascomycetous fungi. Lethal concentration values that kill 50% of the brine shrimps (LC50) were determined from 19 fungal extracts using brine shrimp test (BST). The LC50 values of fungal extract ranged between 0.28–40µg/ml. The basidiomycetous (Lactarius volemoides) was the most toxic fungi with LC50 of 0.28µg/ml while ascomycete Pichia guilliermondii showed the least toxicity with LC50 of 40µg/ml. The concentrations of eleven fungal extracts were further evaluated on their ability to scavenge free radical using 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (α,α-diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl) (DPPH) as a dye reagent for spectrophotometric assay at 517nm. The extract concentrations that decreased the initial DPPH radical by 50% (EC50) were determined. The EC50 values ranged from 19–60.4µg/ml ascorbic acid equivalents. Extracts from an edible but undomesticated basidiomycetous fungus isolated from Miombo forest and identified as Termitomyces microcarpus showed the highest scavenging effect with EC50 at 19µg/ml while that from ascomycete Candida tropicalis showed the least EC50 at 60.4µg/ml. These results draw attention to wild undomesticated Miombo fungi as potential source of nutritional supplements worth further investigation


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    ABSTRACTLeilem Leaf Extract (Clerodendrum minahassae teisjm and binn.) which is rich in polyphenols has antioxidant activity that can counteract exposure to free radicals which is one of the factors that can damage cells causing premature aging, skin cancer, decreased immune response, and system disorders. central nervous system. The formulation of this Leilem Leaf ethanol extract gel was used by HPMC as a gelling agent because it is resistant to phenol. The purpose of this study was to determine the gel formula for the ethanol extract of leilem leaves using HPMC as a gelling agent, proving that the gel preparation of the ethanolic extract of leilem leaves had good antioxidant effectiveness and met the requirements of the gel preparation. This type of research is experimental, where the formulation of the ethanol extract of leilem leaf gel was carried out by varying the concentration of HPMC at concentrations of 3%, 5%, and 7% b/v. Leilem Leaf Extraction used maceration method and 96% ethanol solvent was used, then an evaluation was carried out which included organoleptic test, pH test, homogeneity test, dispersion test and adhesion test. Testing the effectiveness of antioxidants using the method (1,1 diphenyl 2 pikhrihydrazil) or DPPH. So it can be concluded that the leilem ethanol extract gel formulation containing 3%, 5%, and 7% HPMC met the requirements of the gel preparation in the evaluation test and which had antioxidant effectiveness, namely leilem leaf ethanol extract with 3% HPMC with an  of 43,40 mg/L..Keywords: Leilem (Clerodendrum Minahassae Teijsm and Binn.), Gel, Antioxidants.ABSTRAKEkstrak Daun Leilem (Clerodendrum minahassae teisjm dan binn.) yang kaya akan polifenol memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang dapat menangkal paparan radikal bebas yang merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat merusak sel sehingga memicu penuaan dini, kanker kulit, penurunan respon imun, dan gangguan sistem saraf pusat. Formulasi gel ekstrak etanol Daun Leilem ini digunakan HPMC sebagai gelling agent karena sifatnya tahan tehadap fenol. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan formula gel ekstrak etanol daun leilem menggunakan HPMC sebagai gelling agent, membuktikan sediaan gel dari ekstrak etanol daun leilem mempunyai efektivitas antioksidan yang baik dan memenuhi persyaratan sediaan gel. Jenis penelitian ini ialah Eksperimen, dilakukan formulasi gel ekstrak etanol daun leilem dengan memvariasikan konsentrasi HPMC pada konsentrasi 3%, 5%, dan 7% b/v. Ekstraksi Daun Leilem menggunakan metode maserasi dan digunakan pelarut etanol 96%, selanjutnya dilakukan evaluasi yang meliputi uji Organoleptis, uji pH, uji Homogenitas, uji Daya Sebar dan uji Daya Lekat. Pengujian efektivitas antioksidan dengan menggunakan metode (1,1-difenil-2 pikhrihidrazil) atau DPPH. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan formulasi gel ekstrak etanol leilem yang mengandung HPMC 3%, 5%, dan 7% memenuhi persyaratan sediaan gel dalam uji evaluasi dan yang mempunyai efektivitas antioksidan yaitu ekstrak etanol daun leilem dengan HPMC 3% dengan nilai 43,40 mg/L.Kata Kunci : Leilem (Clerodendrum Minahassae Teisjm dan Binn.), Gel, Antioksidan


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    ABSTRACTTeak leaves (Tectona grandisLinn. f.) and Ekor Kucing leaves (Acalypha hispida Brum. f.) are plants that contain secondary metabolite compounds that can inhibit  bacteria.  This  research  aimsisto  formulate  liquid  soap containethanol extract of Teak leaves (Tectona grandisLinn. f.) and Ekor Kucing leaves (Acalypha hispidaBrum. f.) than determined itseffectiveness against Stahpylococcus aureusbacteria. This research was conducted by  make a liquid soap with various extract concentration  1%:4%,  4%:1%,  2,5%:2,5%,  2%:3%,  and  3%:2%,  furthermore  the specification of soap was tested for organoleptic, pH, high foam, moisture content, free  alkaline  content  and  specific  gravity.  Antibacterial  effectiveness  against  the growth  of Staphylococcus  aureuswas  done  bydiffusion  method.  The  results  of study show thatliquid soap preparations meet the requirements in accordance with SNI. The results obtained from the antibacterial effectiveness test of the liquid soap combination of ethanol extract of Teak leaves and Ekor Kucing leaves can inhibit Staphylococcus  aureusbacteria  with  all  the  concentrations  were  in  the  strong category,  with  the concentration  of 2,5%: 2,5%  which  has  the  largest  diameter namely 17,67 mm.Keywords  :     Antibacterial, Liquid Soap, Teak, Ekor Kucing.ABSTRAK Daun Jati (Tectona grandis Linn.f.) dan Daun Ekor Kucing (Acalypha hispida Brum.f.) merupakan tanaman yang memiliki kandungan senyawa metabolit sekunder yang bersifat sebagai antibakteri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memformulasikan sabun cair kombinasi ekstrak etanol daun Jati dan daun Ekor Kucing dan pengujian efektivitas sediaan terhadap bakteri Staphylococcus aureus. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan membuat sabun cair dengan variasi konsentrasi ekstrak yaitu 1%:4%, 4%:1%, 2,5%:2,5%, 2%:3%, dan 3%:2%, selanjutnya sabun diuji spesifikasinya meliputi pengujian organoleptik, pH, tinggi busa, kadar air, kadar alkali bebas, dan bobot jenis. Pengujian efektivitas antibakteri terhadap pertumbuhan Staphylococcus aureus dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode difusi. Hasil pengujian mutu sediaan sabun cair memenuhi persyaratan sesuai dengan SNI. Hasil uji efektivitas antibakteri sabun cair kombinasi ekstrak etanol daun Jati dan daun Ekor Kucing yang diperoleh dapat menghambat bakteri Staphylococcus aureus dengan semua konsentrasinya termasuk dalam kategori kuat, dengan konsentrasi 2,5%:2,5% yang memiliki diameter paling besar yaitu 17,67 mm.Kata Kunci  : Antibakteri, Sabun Cair, Jati, Ekor Kucing

    Age-related Changes in p56lck Protein Levels and Phenotypic Distribution of T Lymphocytes in Young Rats

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    p56lck is involved in the maturation of T-cells from double negative (DN) into double positive (DP) T-cells. The objective of this experiment was to determine changes in the levels of thymic and splenic T-cell p56lck using Western immunoblotting, along with the proportion and number of T-cell subsets in thymus, spleen and blood using flow cytometry in growing Sprague-Dawley rats. Thymic p56lck levels were negatively correlated with age (r=-0.42, p=0.04) and positively correlated with age in the spleen (r=0.50, p=0.01). Nine-week-old rats had a higher percentage of thymic DN and CD8 cells with fewer DP cells compared to younger rats. There were minor differences in the proportions of T-cell subsets in the spleen and blood. T-cell numbers remained proportional to body weight in the lymphoid organs; however, the lower absolute number of T-cells in the younger rats might indicate that they are less able to respond to antigens