238 research outputs found

    Simulating the "Sliding Doors" Effect Through Magnetic Flux Emergence

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    D.M. acknowledges financial assistance from STFC. The computational work for this Letter was carried out on the joint STFC and SFC (SRIF) funded cluster at the University of St. Andrews. D.M. and A.W.H. acknowledge financial support form the European Commission through the SOLAIRE Network (MTRN-CT-2006-035484).Recent Hinode photospheric vector magnetogram observations have shown that the opposite polarities of a long arcade structure move apart and then come together. In addition to this "sliding doors" effect, orientations of horizontal magnetic fields along the polarity inversion line on the photosphere evolve from a normal-polarity configuration to an inverse one. To explain this behavior, a simple model by Okamoto et al. suggested that it is the result of the emergence of a twisted flux rope. Here, we model this scenario using a three-dimensional megnatohydrodynamic simulation of a twisted flux rope emerging into a pre-existing overlying arcade. We construct magnetograms from the simulation and compare them with the observations. The model produces the two signatures mentioned above. However, the cause of the "sliding doors" effect differs from the previous model.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Review Article: MHD Wave propagation near coronal null points of magnetic fields

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    We present a comprehensive review of MHD wave behaviour in the neighbourhood of coronal null points: locations where the magnetic field, and hence the local Alfvén speed, is zero. The behaviour of all three MHD wave modes, i.e. the Alfvén wave and the fast and slow magnetoacoustic waves, has been investigated in the neighbourhood of 2D, 2.5D and (to a certain extent) 3D magnetic null points, for a variety of assumptions, configurations and geometries. In general, it is found that the fast magnetoacoustic wave behaviour is dictated by the Alfvén-speed profile. In a β=0 plasma, the fast wave is focused towards the null point by a refraction effect and all the wave energy, and thus current density, accumulates close to the null point. Thus, null points will be locations for preferential heating by fast waves. Independently, the Alfvén wave is found to propagate along magnetic fieldlines and is confined to the fieldlines it is generated on. As the wave approaches the null point, it spreads out due to the diverging fieldlines. Eventually, the Alfvén wave accumulates along the separatrices (in 2D) or along the spine or fan-plane (in 3D). Hence, Alfvén wave energy will be preferentially dissipated at these locations. It is clear that the magnetic field plays a fundamental role in the propagation and properties of MHD waves in the neighbourhood of coronal null points. This topic is a fundamental plasma process and results so far have also lead to critical insights into reconnection, mode-coupling, quasi-periodic pulsations and phase-mixing

    Sunspot rotation : I. A consequence of flux emergence

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    ZS acknowledges the financial support of the Carnegie Trust for Scotland and CMM the support of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. This work used the DIRAC 1, UKMHD Consortium machine at the University of St Andrews and the DiRAC Data Centric system at Durham University, operated by the Institute for Computational Cosmology on behalf of the STFC DiRAC HPC Facility (www.dirac.ac.uk). This equipment was funded by BIS National E-infrastructure capital grant ST/K00042X/1, STFC capital grant ST/H008519/1, and STFC DiRAC Operations grant ST/K003267/1 and Durham University. DiRAC is part of the National E-Infrastructure.Context. Solar eruptions and high flare activity often accompany the rapid rotation of sunspots. The study of sunspot rotation and the mechanisms driving this motion are therefore key to our understanding of how the solar atmosphere attains the conditions necessary for large energy release. Aims. We aim to demonstrate and investigate the rotation of sunspots in a 3D numerical experiment of the emergence of a magnetic flux tube as it rises through the solar interior and emerges into the atmosphere. Furthermore, we seek to show that the sub-photospheric twist stored in the interior is injected into the solar atmosphere by means of a definitive rotation of the sunspots. Methods. A numerical experiment is performed to solve the 3D resistive magnetohydrodynamic equations using a Lagrangian-Remap code. We track the emergence of a toroidal flux tube as it rises through the solar interior and emerges into the atmosphere investigating various quantities related to both the magnetic field and plasma. Results. Through detailed analysis of the numerical experiment, we find clear evidence that the photospheric footprints or sunspots of the flux tube undergo a rotation. Significant vertical vortical motions are found to develop within the two polarity sources after the field emerges. These rotational motions are found to leave the interior portion of the field untwisted and twist up the atmospheric portion of the field. This is shown by our analysis of the relative magnetic helicity as a significant portion of the interior helicity is transported to the atmosphere. In addition, there is a substantial transport of magnetic energy to the atmosphere. Rotation angles are also calculated by tracing selected fieldlines; the fieldlines threading through the sunspot are found to rotate through angles of up to 353º over the course of the experiment. We explain the rotation by an unbalanced torque produced by the magnetic tension force, rather than an apparent effect.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    MHD avalanches in magnetized solar plasma: proliferation and heating in coronal arcades

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    Funding: This work benefits from the support of the Science and Technology Facilities Council through Consolidated grant ST/S000402/1 to the University of St Andrews.MHD avalanches involve small, narrowly localized instabilities spreading across neighbouring areas in a magnetized plasma. Cumulatively, many small events release vast amounts of stored energy. Solar coronal loops, composed of many fine flux tubes, can readily host these, and are easily modelled as straight cylindrical flux tubes between two parallel planes: one unstable flux tube causes instability to proliferate, via magnetic reconnection, through its neighbours, resulting in an ongoing chain of like events. True coronal loops, however, are visibly curved between footpoints on the same solar surface. With 3D MHD simulations, we verify the viability of MHD avalanches in the realistic, curved geometry of an arcade. MHD avalanches thus amplify instability in strong, astrophysical magnetic fields and disturb wide regions of plasma. Contrasting with the behaviour of straight cylindrical models, a modified ideal MHD kink mode occurs more readily and preferentially upwards in the present curved geometry. Instability spreads over a region far wider than the original flux tubes, and wider their footpoints. Sustained heating is produced in a series of ‘nanoflares’, collectively contributing substantially to coronal heating. Overwhelmingly, viscous heating dominates, generated in shocks and jets produced by individual small events. Reconnection is not the greatest contributor to heating, but rather facilitates those processes that are. Localized and impulsive, heating shows no strong spatial preference, except a modest bias away from footpoints, towards the apex. Effects of physically realistic plasma parameters, and the implications for thermodynamic models, with energetic transport, are discussed.Publisher PD

    Energy release in driven twisted coronal loops

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    This work is funded by Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK). This equipment was funded by a BIS National E-Infrastructure capital grant ST/K00042X/1, DiRAC Operations grant ST/K003267/1 and Durham University.Magnetic reconnection in twisted magnetic flux tubes, representing coronal loops, is investigated. The main goal is to establish the influence of the field geometry and various thermodynamic effects on the stability of twisted flux tubes and on the size and distribution of heated regions. In particular, we aim to investigate to what extent the earlier idealised models, based on the initially cylindrically symmetric flux tubes, are different from more realistic models, including the large-scale curvature, atmospheric stratification, thermal conduction and other effects. In addition, we compare the roles of Ohmic heating and shock heating in energy conversion during magnetic reconnection in twisted loops. The models with straight flux tubes show similar distribution of heated plasma during the reconnection: it initially forms a helical shape, which subsequently becomes very fragmented. The heating in these models is rather uniformly distributed along flux tubes. At the same time, the hot plasma regions in curved loops are asymmetric, and concentrate close to the loop tops. Large-scale curvature has a destabilising in influence: lower twist is needed for instability. Footpoint convergence normally delays instability slightly, although, in some cases converging flux tubes can be less stable. Finally, introducing a stratified atmosphere gives rise to decaying wave propagation, which has destabilising effect.PostprintPeer reviewe

    A new approach for modelling chromospheric evaporation in response to enhanced coronal heating : I. The method

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    C.D.J. acknowledges the financial support of the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland. This project has received funding from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK) through the consolidated grant ST/N000609/1 and the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No 647214).We present a new computational approach that addresses the difficulty of obtaining the correct interaction between the solar corona and the transition region in response to rapid heating events. In the coupled corona, transition region and chromosphere system, an enhanced downward conductive flux results in an upflow (chromospheric evaporation).However, obtaining the correct upflow generally requires high spatial resolution in order to resolve the transition region. With an unresolved transition region, artificially low coronal densities are obtained because the downward heat flux ‘jumps’ across the unresolved region to the chromosphere, underestimating the upflows. Here, we treat the lower transition region as a discontinuity that responds to changing coronal conditions through the imposition of a jump condition that is derived from an integrated form of energy conservation. To illustrate and benchmark this approach against a fully resolved one-dimensional model, we present field-aligned simulations of coronal loops in response to a range of impulsive (spatially uniform) heating events. We show that our approach leads to a significant improvement in the coronal density evolution than just when using coarse spatial resolutions insufficient to resolve the lower transition region. Our approach compensates for the jumping of the heat flux by imposing a velocity correction that ensures that the energy from the heat flux goes into driving the transition region dynamics, rather than being lost through radiation. Hence, it is possible to obtain improved coronal densities. The advantages of using this approach in both one-dimensional hydrodynamic and three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations are discussed.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Проектирование продаж гостиничных услуг корпоративным клиентам

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    В работе рассмотрены теоретические аспекты проектирования продаж гостиничных услуг корпоративным клиентам: охарактеризованы каналы сбыта гостиничных услуг, исследовано понятие «корпоративные клиенты» и выявлены особенности обслуживания корпоративных клиентов в гостинице. В практической части представлена разработка технологии продаж гостиничных услуг для отеля «Анжело», произведен анализ производственной деятельности гостиницы «Анжело», приведено экономическое обоснование эффективности программы продаж гостиничных услуг корпоративным клиентам

    Coronal energy release by MHD avalanches : effects on a structured, active region, multi-threaded coronal loop

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    GC, PP, and FR acknowledge support from ASI/INAF agreement n. 2022-29-HH.0 and from Italian Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca (MUR). JR, AWH, and GC gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) through Consolidated Grants ST/S000402/1 and ST/W001195/1 to the University of St Andrews. This work made use of the HPC system MEUSA, part of the Sistema Computazionale per l'Astrofisica Numerica (SCAN) of INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo.Context. A possible key element for large-scale energy release in the solar corona is a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) kink instability in a single twisted magnetic flux tube. An initial helical current sheet progressively fragments in a turbulent way into smaller-scale sheets. Dissipation of these sheets is similar to a nanoflare storm. Since the loop expands in the radial direction during the relaxation process, an unstable loop can disrupt nearby stable loops and trigger an MHD avalanche. Aims. Exploratory investigations have been conducted in previous works with relatively simplified loop configurations. In this work, we address a more realistic environment that comprehensively accounts for most of the physical effects involved in a stratified atmosphere typical of an active region. The questions we investigate are whether the avalanche process will be triggered, with what timescales, and how will it develop as compared with the original, simpler approach. Methods. We used three-dimensional MHD simulations to describe the interaction of magnetic flux tubes, which have a stratified atmosphere with chromospheric layers, a thin transition region to the corona, and a related transition from high-β to dlow-β regions. The model also includes the effects of thermal conduction and of optically thin radiation. Results. Our simulations address the case where one flux tube amongst a few is twisted at the footpoints faster than its neighbours. We show that this flux tube becomes kink unstable first in conditions in agreement with those predicted by analytical models. It then rapidly affects nearby stable tubes, instigating significant magnetic reconnection and dissipation of energy as heat. In turn, the heating brings about chromospheric evaporation as the temperature rises up to about 107 K, close to microflare observations. Conclusions. This work confirms, in more realistic conditions, that avalanches are a viable mechanism for the storing and release of magnetic energy in plasma confined in closed coronal loops as a result of photospheric motions.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe