66 research outputs found

    Optimization of multiple PON deployment costs and comparison between GPON, XGPON, NGPON2 and UDWDM PON

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    In this paper we propose an optimization framework for multiple deployment of PON in a wide region with very large number of users, with different bit rate demands, serviced by many central offices, as it may practically happen in a large city that plans a massive introduction of Fiber to the Home technologies using PON. We propose an algorithm called Optimal Topology Search (OTS), which is based on a set of heuristic approaches, capable of performing an optimal dimensioning of multiple PON deployments for a set of central offices (CO), including an optimal distribution of users among the CO. The set of heuristics integrated in OTS permit the efficient clustering of users for each CO, depending on their location and the bit rate demanded by them. It also permits the definition of optimal routes for optical cables and the allocation of branching devices. Taking into account hardware capacity restrictions and physical layer restrictions, we obtained solutions for different types of standardized PON technologies, like GPON, XGPON and NGPON2 as well as for future UDWDM-PON. We evaluate the optimal network deployment in a series of different minimum guaranteed bit rate demand scenarios, employing realistic maps of a large city in order to compare costs and portrait some reference points for deciding in which scenario a specific technology constitutes the best choice

    Assessing impacts of farmer participatory research approaches: a case study of local agricultural research committee in Colombia (CIALs)

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    Detecting atypical functioning of emotional processing in Colombian ex-combatants

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    El proceso de reincorporación social de los excombatientes colombianos, se dificulta debido a que la exposición crónica a la violencia afecta su procesamiento emocional (PE). Este proceso de reincorporación se puede facilitar mediante la caracterización de su PE. El objetivo de este artículo es definir una metodología de conectividad con EEG que permita identificar diferencias entre el EP de excombatientes y personas no directamente expuestas al conflicto armado. La metodología propuesta consiste en definir las Regiones de Interés (ROI) y seleccionar una de cinco métricas de conectividad funcional cerebral comúnmente utilizadas: correlación, correlación cruzada, coherencia, parte imaginaria de la coherencia y el índice de desfase. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en los estímulos con valencia positiva en la banda de frecuencias Beta. Estos resultados apoyan la tendencia previamente reportada en la literatura hacia las dificultades de los excombatientes para procesar información emocional con valencia positiva.The reincorporation process of Colombian ex-combatants is hindered by their chronic exposure to violence, which affects their Emotional Processing (EP). Characterizing their EP will contribute to their reinsertion. The objective of this work is to define an EEG-based brain connectivity approach to identify differences in EP between Colombian ex-combatants and individuals who were not directly exposed to the armed conflict. The proposed approach involves defining the Regions of Interest (ROI) and selecting one of five commonly used brain connectivity metrics: Correlation, Cross-Correlation, Coherence, Imaginary part of Coherency, and Phase-Lag Index. Significant differences were found in the positive valence stimuli in the Beta frequency band. These results support the previously reported trend in the literature regarding the difficulties ex-combatants have to process emotional information with positive valence

    Detección de procesamiento atípico de emociones en excombatientes colombianos

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    The reincorporation process of Colombian ex-combatants is hindered by their chronic exposure to violence, which affects their Emotional Processing (EP). Characterizing their EP will contribute to their reinsertion. The objective of this work is to define an EEG-based brain connectivity approach to identify differences in EP between Colombian ex-combatants and individuals who were not directly exposed to the armed conflict. The proposed approach involves defining the Regions of Interest (ROI) and selecting one of five commonly used brain connectivity metrics: Correlation, Cross-Correlation, Coherence, Imaginary part of Coherency, and Phase-Lag Index. Significant differences were found in the positive valence stimuli in the Beta frequency band. These results support the previously reported trend in the literature regarding the difficulties ex-combatants have to process emotional information with positive valence.El proceso de reincorporación social de los excombatientes colombianos, se dificulta debido a que la exposición crónica a la violencia afecta su procesamiento emocional (PE). Este proceso de reincorporación se puede facilitar mediante la caracterización de su PE. El objetivo de este artículo es definir una metodología de conectividad con EEG que permita identificar diferencias entre el EP de excombatientes y personas no directamente expuestas al conflicto armado. La metodología propuesta consiste en definir las Regiones de Interés (ROI) y seleccionar una de cinco métricas de conectividad funcional cerebral comúnmente utilizadas: correlación, correlación cruzada, coherencia, parte imaginaria de la coherencia y el índice de desfase. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en los estímulos con valencia positiva en la banda de frecuencias Beta. Estos resultados apoyan la tendencia previamente reportada en la literatura hacia las dificultades de los excombatientes para procesar información emocional con valencia positiva

    Detección de procesamiento atípico de emociones en excombatientes colombianos

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    RESUMEN: El proceso de reincorporación social de los excombatientes colombianos, se dificulta debido a que la exposición crónica a la violencia afecta su procesamiento emocional (PE). Este proceso de reincorporación se puede facilitar mediante la caracterización de su PE. El objetivo de este artículo es definir una metodología de conectividad con EEG que permita identificar diferencias entre el EP de excombatientes y personas no directamente expuestas al conflicto armado. La metodología propuesta consiste en definir las Regiones de Interés (ROI) y seleccionar una de cinco métricas de conectividad funcional cerebral comúnmente utilizadas: correlación, correlación cruzada, coherencia, parte imaginaria de la coherencia y el índice de desfase. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en los estímulos con valencia positiva en la banda de frecuencias Beta. Estos resultados apoyan la tendencia previamente reportada en la literatura hacia las dificultades de los excombatientes para procesar información emocional con valencia positiva.ABSTRACT: The reincorporation process of Colombian ex-combatants is hindered by their chronic exposure to violence, which affects their Emotional Processing (EP). Characterizing their EP will contribute to their reinsertion. The objective of this work is to define an EEG-based brain connectivity approach to identify differences in EP between Colombian ex-combatants and individuals who were not directly exposed to the armed conflict. The proposed approach involves defining the Regions of Interest (ROI) and selecting one of five commonly used brain connectivity metrics: Correlation, Cross-Correlation, Coherence, Imaginary part of Coherency, and Phase-Lag Index. Significant differences were found in the positive valence stimuli in the Beta frequency band. These results support the previously reported trend in the literature regarding the difficulties ex-combatants have to process emotional information with positive valence

    Manejo y producción de hortalizas bajo los principios de la agricultura orgánica en el altiplano de Oriente Antioqueño

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    La presente investigación se llevó a cabo en parcelas de agricultores de las veredas Las Mercedes, Alto del Mercado, Salto Abajo y El Chagualo del municipio de Marinilla, Antioquia. Estas veredas se encuentran ubicadas a alturas promedio de 2.100 metros sobre el nivel del mar, con temperaturas entre 15-18°C, un promedio anual de lluvias de 1.800-2.000 mm/año, humedad relativa del 75-80% y en la zona de vida bh-MB, según la clasificación de Holdridge. El trabajo consistió en evaluar durante dos semestres consecutivos, diferentes fuentes de fertilización orgánica e inorgánica y pesticidas naturales en la producción y calidad de los arreglos Brócoli // Lechuga, Repollo blanco // Repollo morado, Papa criolla II Lechuga y Zanahoria II Remolacha. En todos los ensayos de fertilización los rendimientos más sobresalientes se obtuvieron cuando se mezcló gallinaza más fertilizante químico. Por costos se presenta como promisoria la gallinaza más roca fosfórica en la sustitución del fertilizante químico. En la evaluación de los pesticidas naturales, el Badilus thuringiensis y el extracto de Melia sp. (Biomel) fueron efectivos en el control de la polilla dorso de diamante (Plutella xylostella) y de la pulgilla de la papa (Epítrix sp.), respectivamente. Los extractos de ortiga, manzanilla, cola de caballo y desincol floral no fueron efectivos contra Mycosphaerella brassicola, Xanthomonas campestris, Alternaría dauci, Cercospora veticola y Phytophthora infestans, respectivamente.Brócoli-Brassica oleracea var. italicaLechuga-Lactuca sativaZanahoria-Daucus carotaRemolacha-Beta vulgari

    Viscosupplementation for knee osteoarthritis: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of viscosupplementation for pain and function in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Design: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials. Data sources Searches were conducted of Medline, Embase, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) databases from inception to 11 September 2021. Unpublished trials were identified from the grey literature and trial registries. Eligibility criteria for study selection: Randomised trials comparing viscosupplementation with placebo or no intervention for knee osteoarthritis treatment. Main outcome measures: The prespecified primary outcome was pain intensity. Secondary outcomes were function and serious adverse events. Pain and function were analysed as standardised mean differences (SMDs). The prespecified minimal clinically important between group difference was −0.37 SMD. Serious adverse events were analysed as relative risks. Methods: Two reviewers independently extracted relevant data and assessed the risk of bias of trials using the Cochrane risk of bias tool. The predefined main analysis was based only on large, placebo controlled trials with ≥100 participants per group. Summary results were obtained through a random effects meta-analysis model. Cumulative meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis under a random effects model were also performed. Results: 169 trials provided data on 21 163 randomised participants. Evidence of small study effects and publication biases was observed for pain and function (Egger’s tests with P<0.001 and asymmetric funnel plots). Twenty four large, placebo controlled trials (8997 randomised participants) included in the main analysis of pain indicated that viscosupplementation was associated with a small reduction in pain intensity compared with placebo (SMD −0.08, 95% confidence interval −0.15 to −0.02), with the lower bound of the 95% confidence interval excluding the minimal clinically important between group difference. This effect corresponds to a difference in pain scores of −2.0 mm (95% confidence interval −3.8 to −0.5 mm) on a 100 mm visual analogue scale. Trial sequential analysis for pain indicated that since 2009 there has been conclusive evidence of clinical equivalence between viscosupplementation and placebo. Similar conclusions were obtained for function. Based on 15 large, placebo controlled trials on 6462 randomised participants, viscosupplementation was associated with a statistically significant higher risk of serious adverse events than placebo (relative risk 1.49, 95% confidence interval 1.12 to 1.98). Conclusion: Strong conclusive evidence indicates that viscosupplementation leads to a small reduction in knee osteoarthritis pain compared with placebo, but the difference is less than the minimal clinically important between group difference. Strong conclusive evidence indicates that viscosupplementation is also associated with an increased risk of serious adverse events compared with placebo. The findings do not support broad use of viscosupplementation for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis

    Validación de la encuesta “Envejecimiento Saludable”. Estudio realizado en Colombia. 2014 – 2015

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    Introducción. Para orientar la acción de las políticas sobre vejez, así como los programas y atenciones en salud dirigidos a las personas mayores es necesario identificar condiciones y procesos de cambio que favorecen el envejecimiento saludable. A partir de las investigaciones y discusiones sobre el tema es evidente que hay vacíos en el conocimiento de los procesos de envejecimiento saludable, en particular en países de América Latina tema, y más aún en los países africanos (Almeida, O. P., et al. 2006; Britton, A., 2008; Bowling, A. 2005; Eisenberg, R. 2014; Kapteyn, A. 2010; Strawbridge, W. J. 1996; Von Faber, M. et al. 2001).Adulto mayorBogotáhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-5680-788

    Relación del aporte de oxígeno y la supervivencia del paciente con shock en UCI.

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es establecer la repercusión en la supervivencia del paciente críticamente enfermo con diagnóstico de shock y el diagnóstico del equilibrio ácido-base presentes en los gases sanguíneos de ingreso a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos

    Certainty of the Global Burden of Disease 2019 Modelled Prevalence Estimates for Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Meta-Epidemiological Study

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    Objectives: To describe and assess the risk of bias of the primary input studies that underpinned the Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD) 2019 modelled prevalence estimates of low back pain (LBP), neck pain (NP), and knee osteoarthritis (OA), from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Spain, and Switzerland. To evaluate the certainty of the GBD modelled prevalence evidence. Methods: Primary studies were identified using the GBD Data Input Sources Tool and their risk of bias was assessed using a validated tool. We rated the certainty of modelled prevalence estimates based on the GRADE Guidelines 30-the GRADE approach for modelled evidence. Results: Seventy-two primary studies (LBP: 67, NP: 2, knee OA: 3) underpinned the GBD estimates. Most studies had limited representativeness of their study populations, used suboptimal case definitions and applied assessment instruments with unknown psychometric properties. The certainty of modelled prevalence estimates was low, mainly due to risk of bias and indirectness. Conclusion: Beyond the risk of bias of primary input studies for LBP, NP, and knee OA in GBD 2019, the certainty of country-specific modelled prevalence estimates still have room for improvement