7,373 research outputs found

    The UV Scattering Halo of the Central Source Associated with Eta Carinae

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    We have made an extensive study of the UV spectrum of Eta Carinae, and find that we do not directly observe the star and its wind in the UV. Because of dust along our line of sight, the UV light that we observe arises from bound-bound scattering at large impact parameters. We obtain a reasonable fit to the UV spectrum by using only the flux that originates outside 0.033". This explains why we can still observe the primary star in the UV despite the large optical extinction -- it is due to the presence of an intrinsic coronagraph in the Eta Carinae system, and to the extension of the UV emitting region. It is not due to peculiar dust properties alone. We have computed the spectrum of the purported companion star, and show that it could only be directly detected in the UV spectrum preferentially in the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) spectral region (912-1175 Ang.). However, we find no direct evidence for a companion star, with the properties indicated by X-ray studies and studies of the Weigelt blobs, in UV spectra. This might be due to reprocessing of the companion's light by the dense stellar wind of the primary. Broad FeII and [FeII] emission lines, which form in the stellar wind, are detected in spectra taken in the SE lobe, 0.2" from the central star. The wind spectrum shows some similarities to the spectra of the B & D Weigelt blobs, but also shows some marked differences in that high excitation lines, and lines pumped by Ly-alpha, are not seen. The detection of the broad lines lends support to our interpretation of the UV spectrum, and to our model for Eta Carinae.Comment: To appear in ApJ. 57 pages with 18 figure

    Properties of WNh stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud: evidence for homogeneous evolution

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    We derive the physical properties of three WNh stars in the SMC to constrain stellar evolution beyond the main sequence at low metallicity and to investigate the metallicity dependence of the clumping properties of massive stars. We compute atmosphere models to derive the stellar and wind properties of the three WNh targets. A FUV/UV/optical/near-infrared analysis gives access to temperatures, luminosities, mass loss rates, terminal velocities and stellar abundances. All stars still have a large hydrogen mass fraction in their atmosphere, and show clear signs of CNO processing in their surface abundances. One of the targets can be accounted for by normal stellar evolution. It is a star with initial mass around 40-50 Msun in, or close to, the core He burning phase. The other two objects must follow a peculiar evolution, governed by fast rotation. In particular, one object is likely evolving homogeneously due to its position blue-ward of the main sequence and its high H mass fraction. The clumping factor of one star is found to be 0.15+/-0.05. This is comparable to values found for Galactic Wolf-Rayet stars, indicating that within the uncertainties, the clumping factor does not seem to depend on metallicity.Comment: 16 pages. A&A accepte

    The qWR star HD 45166. II. Fundamental stellar parameters and evidence of a latitude-dependent wind

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    The enigmatic object HD 45166 is a qWR star in a binary system with an orbital period of 1.596 day, and presents a rich emission-line spectrum in addition to absorption lines from the companion star (B7 V). As the system inclination is very small (i=0.77 +- 0.09 deg), HD 45166 is an ideal laboratory for wind-structure studies. The goal of the present paper is to determine the fundamental stellar and wind parameters of the qWR star. A radiative transfer model for the wind and photosphere of the qWR star was calculated using the non-LTE code CMFGEN. The wind asymmetry was also analyzed using a recently-developed version of CMFGEN to compute the emerging spectrum in two-dimensional geometry. The temporal-variance spectrum (TVS) was calculated for studying the line-profile variations. Abundances, stellar and wind parameters of the qWR star were obtained. The qWR star has an effective temperature of Teff=50000 +- 2000 K, a luminosity of log(L/Lsun)=3.75 +- 0.08, and a corresponding photospheric radius of Rphot=1.00 Rsun. The star is helium-rich (N(H)/N(He) = 2.0), while the CNO abundances are anomalous when compared either to solar values, to planetary nebulae, or to WR stars. The mass-loss rate is Mdot = 2.2 . 10^{-7} Msun/yr, and the wind terminal velocity is vinf=425 km/s. The comparison between the observed line profiles and models computed under different latitude-dependent wind densities strongly suggests the presence of an oblate wind density enhancement, with a density contrast of at least 8:1 from equator to pole. If a high velocity polar wind is present (~1200 km/s), the minimum density contrast is reduced to 4:1. The wind parameters determined are unusual when compared to O-type stars or to typical WR stars. (abridged)Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The Atomic Physics Underlying the Spectroscopic Analysis of Massive Stars and Supernovae

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    We have developed a radiative transfer code, CMFGEN, which allows us to model the spectra of massive stars and supernovae. Using CMFGEN we can derive fundamental parameters such as effective temperatures and surface gravities, derive abundances, and place constraints on stellar wind properties. The last of these is important since all massive stars are losing mass via a stellar wind that is driven from the star by radiation pressure, and this mass loss can substantially influence the spectral appearance and evolution of the star. Recently we have extended CMFGEN to allow us to undertake time-dependent radiative transfer calculations of supernovae. Such calculations will be used to place constraints on the supernova progenitor, to place constraints on the supernova explosion and nucleosynthesis, and to derive distances using a physical approach called the "Expanding Photosphere Method". We describe the assumptions underlying the code and the atomic processes involved. A crucial ingredient in the code is the atomic data. For the modeling we require accurate transition wavelengths, oscillator strengths, photoionization cross-sections, collision strengths, autoionization rates, and charge exchange rates for virtually all species up to, and including, cobalt. Presently, the available atomic data varies substantially in both quantity and quality.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Education-only versus a multifaceted intervention for improving assessment of rehabilitation needs after stroke: a cluster randomised trial

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    In 2011, more than half of the patients with stroke in Australian hospitals were not assessed for the need for rehabilitation. Further, there were no recommended criteria to guide rehabilitation assessment decisions. Subsequently, a decision-making tool called the Assessment for Rehabilitation Tool (ART) was developed. The ART was designed to assist Australian hospital clinicians to identify the rehabilitation needs of patients with stroke using evidence-based criteria. The ART was released and made freely available for use in 2012. This study evaluated the effectiveness of an education-only intervention (1 onsite education session and distribution of the ART) and a multifaceted intervention (2 or more onsite education sessions, distribution of the ART, audit and feedback, barrier identification, site-specific strategy development, promotion of interdisciplinary teamwork, opinion leaders and reminders) for improving assessments of rehabilitation needs after stroke. Ten hospitals in 2 states of Australia were randomly assigned to an education-only or a multifaceted intervention. Medical records were audited by assessors blinded to group allocation before and after the implementation period. Difference in the proportion of patients assessed for rehabilitation before and after the intervention was analysed using mixed-effects logistic regression analysis, with time period as the dependent variable, an interaction between intervention type and time included to test for differences between the interventions, and hospital included as the random effect to account for patient clustering. Data from 586 patients (284 pre-intervention; 302 post-intervention; age 76 years, 59 % male) showed that the multifaceted intervention was not more effective than education-only in improving the proportion of patients whose rehabilitation needs were assessed (reference category education-only; odds ratio 1.29, 95 % confidence interval 0.63-2.67, p = 0.483). Post-intervention, the odds of a patient's rehabilitation needs being assessed was 3.69 times greater than pre-intervention (95 % confidence interval 2.57-5.30, p < 0.001). Evidence-based criteria were not consistently used when patients were deemed to have no rehabilitation needs. A multifaceted intervention was not more effective than education-only in improving the assessment of rehabilitation needs of patients with stroke. Further interventions are required to ensure that all patients are assessed for the need for rehabilitation using evidence-based criteria. ANZCTR (Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry), ACTRN12616000340437.Elizabeth A. Lynch, Dominique A. Cadilhac, Julie A. Luker and Susan L. Hillie

    Evidence for the importance of resonance scattering in X-ray emission line profiles of the O star ζ\zeta Puppis

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    We fit the Doppler profiles of the He-like triplet complexes of \ion{O}{7} and \ion{N}{6} in the X-ray spectrum of the O star ζ\zeta Puppis, using XMM-Newton RGS data collected over 400\sim 400 ks of exposure. We find that they cannot be well fit if the resonance and intercombination lines are constrained to have the same profile shape. However, a significantly better fit is achieved with a model incorporating the effects of resonance scattering, which causes the resonance line to become more symmetric than the intercombination line for a given characteristic continuum optical depth τ\tau_*. We discuss the plausibility of this hypothesis, as well as its significance for our understanding of Doppler profiles of X-ray emission lines in O stars.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, revised version accepted by Ap

    A Mass-Loss Rate Determination For Zeta Puppis From The Quantitative Analysis Of X-Ray Emission-Line Profiles

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    We fit every emission line in the high-resolution Chandra grating spectrum of. Pup with an empirical line profile model that accounts for the effects of Doppler broadening and attenuation by the bulk wind. For each of 16 lines or line complexes that can be reliably measured, we determine a best-fitting fiducial optical depth, tau(*) equivalent to kappa(M) over dot/4 pi R(*)upsilon(infinity), and place confidence limits on this parameter. These 16 lines include seven that have not previously been reported on in the literature. The extended wavelength range of these lines allows us to infer, for the first time, a clear increase in tau(*) with line wavelength, as expected from the wavelength increase of bound-free absorption opacity. The small overall values of tau(*), reflected in the rather modest asymmetry in the line profiles, can moreover all be fitted simultaneously by simply assuming a moderate mass-loss rate of 3.5 +/- 0.3 x 10(-6) M(circle dot) yr(-1), without any need to invoke porosity effects in the wind. The quoted uncertainty is statistical, but the largest source of uncertainty in the derived mass-loss rate is due to the uncertainty in the elemental abundances of zeta Pup, which affects the continuum opacity of the wind, and which we estimate to be a factor of 2. Even so, the mass-loss rate we find is significantly below the most recent smooth-wind H alpha mass-loss rate determinations for zeta Pup, but is in line with newer determinations that account for small-scale wind clumping. If zeta Pup is representative of other massive stars, these results will have important implications for stellar and Galactic evolution