337 research outputs found

    Comparison between Complications of Infants of Diabetic Mothers in Treated & Non-Treated Mothers in Babylon Teaching Hospital for Maternity and Pediatrics.

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    المقدمة: ان رضيع الام السكري هو الذي يولد للام التي لديها ارتفاع دائمي في نسبة السكر في الدم خلال فترة الحمل. تسبب هذه الحالة ارتفاع نسبة السكر في دم الجنين وبالتالي العديد من المضاعفات للطفل حديث الولادة. تهدف هذه الدراسة لمعرفة المحصلة النهائية لرضيع الام السكري   طرق العمل: شملت الدراسة 100 رضيع الام السكري 1-4-2015 الى 17-8-2016. وقد اجريت عدة تقييمات وفحوصات سريرية و كيماوية وشعاعية لاكتشاف المضاعفات. ثم تم مقارنة النتائج بين رضيع الام السكري التي استلمت علاج مع التي لم تستلم علاج باستخدام برنامج SPSS. النتائج: وجدت الدراسة ان رضيع الام السكري التي لم تستلم علاج اظهروا نسبة اكبر من المضاعفات بالمقارنة مع رضع الام السكري اللواتي استلمن علاج مثل انخفاض السكري في الدم 83% انخفاض الكالسيوم في الدم 4% ولم يسجل انخفاض المغنسيوم في الدم بينما ان الرضيع للام السكري بدون علاج كانت نسبة انخفاض السكر في الدم 94% انخفاض الكالسيوم 29% وانخفاض المغنسيوم 17%. كذلك وجدت الدراسة نسبة اعلى للمضاعفات في الجهاز التنفسي, القلب, العصبي و الجهاز البولي والتناسلي بين الرضيع الام السكر التي لم تستلم علاج بالمقارنة مع التي استلمت علاج. الاستنتاجات: ان رضيع الام السكري التي لم تستلم علاج لديه نسبة اعلى من المضاعفات السريرية والكيماوية وان معظم المضاعفات المسخية تحدث في هؤلاء الرضع.Background: Infants of diabetic mother are those  born to mother who has persistently elevated blood sugar during pregnancy. It causes fetal hyperglycemia, which contributed to many complications happen on those infants. This study aims To show the outcome of  infants of diabetic mothers. Methods: the study included 100 infant born to diabetic mothers in the period between 1st. April 2015 to 17th. August  2016 . multiple clinical, biochemical and radiographic assessments was done to them to discover any complication. The results then are compared between infants of treated to non-treated mothers using SPSS software. Results: the study found that infants of non-treated diabetic mothers show higher percentage of complications in comparison to those treated mothers like    Hypoglycemia 83%, hypocalcemia 5% and no hypomagnesemia in treated mothers group while in untreated mothers show 94% hypoglycemia, 29% hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia 17%. Also the study found higher percentage of respiratory, cardiac, neurological and genito-renal complication in neonates of non-treated infants compared to treated one. Conclusion: Higher clinical &biochemical complications are seen in neonates of non- treated mothers or poorly control diabetes. Most teratogenic complications occur in infants born to mothers with diabetes that is poorly controlled

    Nation-Building Process of Pakistan: Traditional and Non-Traditional Challenges

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    “Nation-building or State-building” has been a 20th century highly complex and controversial concept which taking again center-stage in the post-Cold War era. The idea has generated much heated debate in the world as well as in the academic circles. The notion is a process of constructing or structuring a unification of the people within the state through the state power which can be politically and economically stable and viable in the long run. In the past „nation-building‟ or „state-building‟ approach emphasizes on cultural identity for the newly established „nation-states‟ which lead to self-determination. However, in the contemporary modern world, it is process whereby a diverse society with different languages, cultures and religions come together within the boundaries of a sovereign state with a unified constitutional and legal dispensation. In this regard, Pakistan is multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-religious state where people have less amount of commonality of interests, goals and preferences. It is extremely unlikely that different linguistic communities will agree on the definition of „nation‟. Its complexity and fragility is the product of deep rooted political and economic factors which are the main threats to its domestic security and stability. It is also fact that religion and external threats are no more viable reason for the state and regime survival. So, the guardians of the state remain failed to succeed in „nationbuilding‟ process which is still the biggest challenge to the country‟s solidarity. Modern scholars have views that nation-building cannot complete without economic development, modernization and democratization. Thus, the state is the political regime that operates within an existing nation or nations. It is the role of the state to bring together disparate national communities into a stable political regime. Nonetheless, the model of democratization, expansion of federal structure, economic growth and stable political institutions recognize as the formula of success and this is the only way of nation-building or national integratio

    China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC): A MultiDimensional Plan 2017-2030 and Its Characteristics

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    China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a grand economic programme of regional connectivity. The plan will advantage to China-Pakistan and have great benefits to regional countries including Afghanistan, Central Asian Republics, Iran, India, and many other countries of the world. The basic purpose of plan is to promote geographical connections with the gains of communication development of 3,000-kilometer network of road, railways and air transport system and consistent connections of economic progress and people to people contact (Dawn, 2019). The mega plan will also enhance cooperation and understanding with relation to academic, socio-cultural activities and regional knowledge which will enhance flow of trade and commerce and energy development. It is for the development of collaboration by win-win model and to integrate regions with common purpose, peace and development. Moreover, it is long-term plan (2017- 2030) of economic regionalization and globalization with the instrument of peace and economic development. Thus, CPEC project will base on unison and collaboratively efforts of federal, provincial, local governments and share-holders including private secto

    Effect of Gum Arabic in Management of Malnourished Children Aged 6 – 59 Months

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    Background: Malnutrition is globally the most important risk factor for morbidity and mortality, contributing to more than half of deaths in children worldwide. Gum Arabic is indigestible food ingredient with a potential effect as prebiotic and antidiarrheal. Aim of the study: To determine the effect of gum Arabic in management of malnourished children aged 6- 59 months and its effect on edema, diarrhea, and mood changes among them. Method:  This is an interventional, open-label randomized, controlled trial, hospital-based study conducted among 162 malnourished child admitted to Ahmed Gasim Teaching Hospital and Mohammed Elamin Hamid Pediatric Hospital during Jan. – July 2015. Participants were selected randomly, and equally distributed to control group (81 malnourished children) who were managed as guided by the WHO developed protocol for managing malnutrition and study group (81 malnourished children) received gum Arabic in addition to management protocol and the both groups received management for 2 weeks (30 mg/day for children > 1 year and 15 mg/day for children < 1 year). Results: Out of 162 malnourished children, 54.3% had age of 13- 24 months, males were 64.2%. On starting, 72.8% had weight for height <-3SD, 46.3% of them had diarrhea, 35.2% had edema, 65.4 were irritable and 24.1% were apathetic. On 14th day, in study and control groups, mean WFH increased by 9.26% and 7.6% respectively, diarrhea stopped in 97.06% and 78.05% respectively, edema subsided in 96.7% and 57.1% respectively, Also, 98.6% from study group and 73.2% from control group were active and smiling. The variation in the 4 assessed variables was revealed statistically significant (P value < 0.05). Conclusion and recommendation: Gum Arabic found to have positive effect when added to the WHO management protocol for severe acute malnutrition. Wide and well-established use of gum Arabic as Prebiotic will increase its economic values. Keywords: Gum Arabic, Malnourished, Childre

    Analyse de la qualité physico-chimique des eaux souterraines de la communauté des Mzamza, au voisinage des eaux usées

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    Analyze of the physicochemical quality of Mzamza’s communityof ground waters, around waste waters In the Mzamza’s community, characterized by an important agricultural potentiality especially in the perimeters irrigated by domestic and industrial water, ground waters are prone to several possibilities of contamination. However in this zone, the ground waters are considered as an important resource used to drink water and irrigation. The objective of this study is, on the one hand, to try to evaluate the impact of the wastes water’s re-use on the physicochemical quality of wells’water in the zone of study and, on the other hand, to determine its quality refering to the standards of potability or irrigation. The results obtained showed that the concentrations of the elements considered (principal pollutants and indicators of pollution) are high in waste waters and ground waters.The ratio of adsorption of sodium (SAR) enabled us to qualifie groundwaters intended to the irrigation, and the causes of salinisation of the soil when using it in this domain.Several determining factors were highlighted in the contamination of ground waters by these pollutants, namely: the contribution of nitrogenized fertilizers, the nature of soil, the lithology, the permeability of the aquifer and the outdistances well compared to the sources of pollution which are waste waters

    The Wellesley News (02-20-1930)

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    Study of effective calculation operation implementation remaining multi-bit numbers division on FPGA

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    The rapid enhanced in the fields of the computers that leads to rapid breaking for ciphering algorithms and for these reasons most of ciphering algorithm tried to used multidigit for ciphering texts or images. Using the multidigit will increase the safety of information and protected it from supercomputer from breaking the ciphering algorithms. The current information systems employ operations on finite fields of various structures (for example, cryptographic systems). In this instance, it's common to have to deal with enormous numbers (128 bits or more). The proposed operation of discovering the remainder of the division of multidigit numbers will considerably improve the speed of such systems if implemented

    Design and implementation 4x4 Network on Chip (NoC) using FPGA

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    The Network on chip is one of the most crucial in the development of the networks and routers in new days due to the improvement that make through way of sending huge packets of data and technology and protocol that used for sending the packets between IP cores. Also the NoC is removed the old ways of technique and protocols of sending packets through routers. The NoC is the most enhanced and efficient in working in parallel ways. Hence, Field Program Gate Array (FPGA) is used in the designing of router that its architecture depending on the NoC. The research proposed in this paper proposed 4x4 nodes router with mesh network that support two dimensional architecture. A real time test is used for experimental through FPGA and the test verified efficient packets transporting via two array buffers that integrated in the proposed router architecture