40 research outputs found

    Composition and synchronization of real-time components upon one processor

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    Many industrial systems have various hardware and software functions for controlling mechanics. If these functions act independently, as they do in legacy situations, their overall performance is not optimal. There is a trend towards optimizing the overall system performance and creating a synergy between the different functions in a system, which is achieved by replacing more and more dedicated, single-function hardware by software components running on programmable platforms. This increases the re-usability of the functions, but their synergy requires also that (parts of) the multiple software functions share the same embedded platform. In this work, we look at the composition of inter-dependent software functions on a shared platform from a timing perspective. We consider platforms comprised of one preemptive processor resource and, optionally, multiple non-preemptive resources. Each function is implemented by a set of tasks; the group of tasks of a function that executes on the same processor, along with its scheduler, is called a component. The tasks of a component typically have hard timing constraints. Fulfilling these timing constraints of a component requires analysis. Looking at a single function, co-operative scheduling of the tasks within a component has already proven to be a powerful tool to make the implementation of a function more predictable. For example, co-operative scheduling can accelerate the execution of a task (making it easier to satisfy timing constraints), it can reduce the cost of arbitrary preemptions (leading to more realistic execution-time estimates) and it can guarantee access to other resources without the need for arbitration by other protocols. Since timeliness is an important functional requirement, (re-)use of a component for composition and integration on a platform must deal with timing. To enable us to analyze and specify the timing requirements of a particular component in isolation from other components, we reserve and enforce the availability of all its specified resources during run-time. The real-time systems community has proposed hierarchical scheduling frameworks (HSFs) to implement this isolation between components. After admitting a component on a shared platform, a component in an HSF keeps meeting its timing constraints as long as it behaves as specified. If it violates its specification, it may be penalized, but other components are temporally isolated from the malignant effects. A component in an HSF is said to execute on a virtual platform with a dedicated processor at a speed proportional to its reserved processor supply. Three effects disturb this point of view. Firstly, processor time is supplied discontinuously. Secondly, the actual processor is faster. Thirdly, the HSF no longer guarantees the isolation of an individual component when two arbitrary components violate their specification during access to non-preemptive resources, even when access is arbitrated via well-defined real-time protocols. The scientific contributions of this work focus on these three issues. Our solutions to these issues cover the system design from component requirements to run-time allocation. Firstly, we present a novel scheduling method that enables us to integrate the component into an HSF. It guarantees that each integrated component executes its tasks exactly in the same order regardless of a continuous or a discontinuous supply of processor time. Using our method, the component executes on a virtual platform and it only experiences that the processor speed is different from the actual processor speed. As a result, we can focus on the traditional scheduling problem of meeting deadline constraints of tasks on a uni-processor platform. For such platforms, we show how scheduling tasks co-operatively within a component helps to meet the deadlines of this component. We compare the strength of these cooperative scheduling techniques to theoretically optimal schedulers. Secondly, we standardize the way of computing the resource requirements of a component, even in the presence of non-preemptive resources. We can therefore apply the same timing analysis to the components in an HSF as to the tasks inside, regardless of their scheduling or their protocol being used for non-preemptive resources. This increases the re-usability of the timing analysis of components. We also make non-preemptive resources transparent during the development cycle of a component, i.e., the developer of a component can be unaware of the actual protocol being used in an HSF. Components can therefore be unaware that access to non-preemptive resources requires arbitration. Finally, we complement the existing real-time protocols for arbitrating access to non-preemptive resources with mechanisms to confine temporal faults to those components in the HSF that share the same non-preemptive resources. We compare the overheads of sharing non-preemptive resources between components with and without mechanisms for confinement of temporal faults. We do this by means of experiments within an HSF-enabled real-time operating system

    Extending a HSF-enabled open-source real-time operating system with resource sharing

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    Hierarchical scheduling frameworks (HSFs) provide means for composing complex real-time systems from well-defined, independently analyzed subsystems. To support resource sharing within two-level, fixed priority scheduled HSFs, two synchronization protocols based on the stack resource policy (SRP) have recently been presented, i.e. HSRP [1] and SIRAP [2]. This paper describes an implementation to provide such HSFs with SRP-based synchronization protocols. We base our implementations on the commercially available real-time operating system µC/OS-II, extended with proprietary support for periodic tasks, idling periodic servers and two-level fixed priority preemptive scheduling. Specifically, we show the implementation of SRP as a local synchronization protocol, and present the implementation of both HSRP and SIRAP. Moreover, we investigate the system overhead induced by the synchronization primitives of each protocol. Our aim is that these protocols can be used side-by-side within the same HSF, so that their primitives can be selected based on the protocol’s relative strengths

    Extending a HSF-enabled open-source real-time operating system with resource sharing

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    Hierarchical scheduling frameworks (HSFs) provide means for composing complex real-time systems from well-defined, independently analyzed subsystems. To support resource sharing within two-level, fixed priority scheduled HSFs, two synchronization protocols based on the stack resource policy (SRP) have recently been presented, i.e. HSRP [1] and SIRAP [2]. This paper describes an implementation to provide such HSFs with SRP-based synchronization protocols. We base our implementations on the commercially available real-time operating system µC/OS-II, extended with proprietary support for periodic tasks, idling periodic servers and two-level fixed priority preemptive scheduling. Specifically, we show the implementation of SRP as a local synchronization protocol, and present the implementation of both HSRP and SIRAP. Moreover, we investigate the system overhead induced by the synchronization primitives of each protocol. Our aim is that these protocols can be used side-by-side within the same HSF, so that their primitives can be selected based on the protocol’s relative strengths

    Grasp: Tracing, visualizing and measuring the behavior of real-time systems

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    Understanding and validating the timing behavior of real-time systems is not trivial. Many real-time operating systems and their development environments do not provide tracing support, and provide only limited visualization, measurements and analysis tools. This paper presents Grasp, a tool for tracing, visualizing and measuring the behavior of real-time systems. Grasp provides a simple plugin infrastructure for extending it with custom visualization and measurement methods. The functionality of Grasp is demonstrated based on experiences during the development of various real-time extensions for the commercially available µC/OS-II real-time operating system. All the tools presented in this paper are open source and freely available on the web

    Constant-bandwith supply for priority processing

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    Today's consumer electronic devices feature multiple applications which have to share scarcely available resources. We consider a priority-processing-based video application, which comprises multiple scalable video algorithms (SVAs) that are executed on a shared, virtual platform. This application is given a guaranteed processor share by means of a constant-bandwidth server (CBS), which in addition efficiently reclaims all spare processor time. A decision scheduler distributes the assigned processor share among the SVAs, with the aim to maximize their overall output quality. To correctly distribute this processor share we introduce the concept of a virtual timer. This timer only advances when its associated virtual platform is executing

    Opaque analysis for resource-sharing components in hierarchical real-time systems : extended version

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    A real-time component may be developed under the assumption that it has the entire platform at its disposal. Composing a real-time system from independently developed components may require resource sharing between components. We propose opaque analysis methods to integrate resource-sharing components into hierarchically scheduled systems. Resource sharing imposes blocking times within an individual component and between components. An opaque local analysis ignores global blocking between components and allows to analyse an individual component while assuming that shared resources are exclusively available for a component. To arbitrate mutually exclusive resource access between components, we consider four existing protocols: SIRAP, BROE and HSRP - comprising overrun with payback (OWP) and overrun without payback (ONP). We classify local analyses for each synchronization protocol based on the notion of opacity and we develop new analysis for those protocols that are non-opaque. Finally, we compare SIRAP, ONP, OWP and BROE by means of an extensive simulation study. From the results, we derive guidelines for selecting a global synchronization protocol

    Opaque analysis for resource sharing in compositional real-time systems

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    In this paper we propose opaque analysis methods to integrate dependent real-time components into hierarchical fixed-priority scheduled systems. To arbitrate mutually exclusive resource access between components, we consider two existing protocols: HSRP - comprising overrun with and without payback - and SIRAP. An opaque analysis allows to postpone the choice of a synchronization protocol until component integration time. First, we identify the sources of pessimism in the existing analysis techniques and we conclude that both protocols assume different models in their local analysis. In particular, the compositional analysis for overrun with payback (OWP) is not opaque and is pessimistic. The latter makes OWP expensive compared to its counter part without a payback mechanism (ONP). This paper presents an opaque and less pessimistic OWP analysis. Secondly, SIRAP requires more timing information to perform a task-level schedulability analysis. In many practical situations, however, detailed timing characteristics of tasks are hard to obtain. We introduce an opaque analysis for SIRAP using the analysis of ONP to reduce the required timing information during the local analysis. We show that the analysis for ONP cannot deem systems schedulable which are infeasible with SIRAP. The SIRAP analysis may therefore reduce the required system resources of a component by sacrificing the choice for an arbitrary synchronization protocol at system integration time

    Virtual timers in hierarchical real-time systems

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    Hierarchical scheduling frameworks (HSFs) provide means for composing complex real-time systems from welldefined subsystems. This paper describes an approach to provide hierarchically scheduled real-time applications with virtual event timers, motivated by the need for integrating priority processing applications in an HSF. Specifically, the paper proposes a technique to minimize the overhead of event handling in HSFs and outlines a simple implementation