17 research outputs found


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    La obesidad es actualmente el problema relacionado con la alimentación más común entre los animales de compañía en los países desarrollados. Entre un 25 y un 40% de las mascotas padecen sobrepeso u obesidad, y esta proporción parece tender a aumentar

    Prediction of digestible energy content of extruded dog food by in vitro analyses

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    Following the NRC (1985), the estimation of energy in pet foods is based on the chemical proximate analysis, assuming constant crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE) and nitrogen free extract (NFE) digestibilities. Recently, factorial equations based on the close relationship existing between the energy digestibility of foods and their crude fiber content have been proposed as good approaches for predicting energy content of food (Kienzle et al., 1998; Castrillo et al., 2001). The aim of this study was to develop a simple and reproducible in vitro method for predicting apparent energy digestibility of dry extruded dog foods

    Poultry by-product meals commercialised in Spain may vary considerably in their protein value and fat quality

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    Among the meat by-products, those coming from poultry arc usually considered as excellent sources of protein. However, different grades of rendered poultry products arc available and its composition and nutritional value can be quite variable depending on carcass, head, feet, viscera and even feather proportions in raw material, and on rendering process. This work shows the variation on amino acids and fatty acids content of different products commercialised in Spain as poultry by-product or poultry meals

    Obesitat més risc de malalties, menys esperança de vida

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    La causa més comuna de l'excés de pes és la sobrealimentació, és a dir, un desequilibri entre el que l'animal menja i el seu consum energètic

    Obesitat més risc de malalties, menys esperança de vida

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    La causa més comuna de l'excés de pes és la sobrealimentació, és a dir, un desequilibri entre el que l'animal menja i el seu consum energètic


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    La obesidad es actualmente el problema relacionado con la alimentación más común entre los animales de compañía en los países desarrollados. Entre un 25 y un 40% de las mascotas padecen sobrepeso u obesidad, y esta proporción parece tender a aumentar